Blazing Squids #10

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VOORWOORD The Drawing AcAdemy at The AniMation WorKShop, in Viborg, mAkes cool anD impresSive thiNgs, that arE sometImes underRated. So we decIded to maKe a DrawIng Academy Special isSUe! How is it at the TDA? TDA students sit down for houRs drawing human modelS, using diffeRent materials, cheap rolls of papEr and charCoal. foCused alL day on draWing modEl poSEs that ranGe from 30 seconds to 8 hours (divided in dIffeRent sessioNs). They sCulpt the moDels bodies on paper with croSs hatching pencil sTrokes, building up bodies from beAn shaPes, dYnamic and fLowful. do yOu th1nK thaT’s co01? To kn0w m0re ab0ut it, see the article at the end of this iSsUE ;)

More info at:

and blazingsquids.

BlAzing Squids are RaSmus Aagaard, ChriStian Bøving-AnderSen, PaUl Morehead, RiKke Skovgaard, Roland SeEr, SarAh GiaCoMIna, KrIstina STengaaRd, Asger Grevil, Eboy, MaDs Peter, Gry LinDEbjerg. SupPorTeD bY tHe OpEn wOrkShop. EDiTed bY chRisTYan LuNDBlad aNd IgOR NoroNHA.

Blazing Squids #10 Published on May 2011

Ramus Aagaard, TDA.

Christian BøvingAndersen. CA08

Paul Morehead, TDA.

Roland Seer, CA 10.

Rikke Skovgaard, CG 07.

Sarah Giacomina, TDA.

Kristina Stengaard, TDA, CA10.

Rasmus Aagaard, TDA.



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Where did you guys meet? Did you go to art school together? Where did you grow up? Steffen and I met working at MetaDesign in Berlin. After leaving Meta I asked Steffen if he would be interested in starting an art group. A couple of months later eBoy was up and running. Svend, an old youth friend of Steffen joined to form eBoy as it exists now. We all studied Communication Design.

Steffen and Svend at the HdK (now UdK) in Berlin and I at Folkwang Schule in Essen. Were you into videogames? Which ones? Steffen and Svend grew up in East Berlin, so there was no video games. I grew up in Guatemala and Germany, my dad had an Apple II with a couple of nice games on it, but I forgot the names. For the past years we >>> have been playing a lot of FPS — Quake,

Where did you guys meet? Did you go to art school together? Where did you grow up? Steffen and I met working at MetaDesign in Berlin. After leaving Meta I asked Steffen if he would be interested in starting an art group. A couple of months later eBoy was up and running. Svend, an old youth friend of Steffen joined to form eBoy as it exists now. We all studied Commu-

nication Design. Steffen and Svend at the HdK (now UdK) in Berlin and I at Folkwang Schule in Essen. Were you into videogames? Which ones? Steffen and Svend grew up in East Berlin, so there was no video games. I grew up in Guatemala and Germany, my dad had an Apple II with a couple of nice games on it, but I forgot the names.

Where did you guys meet? Did you go to art school together? Where did you grow up? Steffen and I met working at MetaDesign in Berlin. After leaving Meta I asked Steffen if he would be interested in starting an art group. A couple of months later eBoy was up and running. Svend, an old youth friend of Steffen joined to form eBoy as it exists now. We all studied Commu-

nication Design. Steffen and Svend at the HdK (now UdK) in Berlin and I at Folkwang Schule in Essen. Were you into videogames? Which ones? Steffen and Svend grew up in East Berlin, so there was no video games. I grew up in Guatemala and Germany, my dad had an Apple II with a couple of nice games on it, but I forgot the names. For the past years we


ACADEMY The Drawing Academy, situated in Viborg, Denmark, is the right place to improve your drawing skills to match those that will be approved by some of the best animation bachelor courses in the world, like The Animation Workshop. But not only that - it will give you an unforgettable, lifetime experience. TDA’s foundation is based on classic Russian traditions. Tatiana and Artem are two Russian teachers the Academy had in the beginning, and some of their best students went to Russia to study with their master. Right now, two former TDA students studying over there.

Mikkel Brøns-Frandsen, CA10

The Drawing Academy, situated in Viborg, Denmark, is the right place to improve your drawing skills to match those that will be approved by some of the best animation bachelor courses in the world, like The Animation Workshop. But not only that - it will give you an unforgettable, lifetime experience. TDA’s foundation is based on classic Russian traditions. Tatiana and Artem are two Russian teachers the Academy had in the beginning, and some of their best students went to Russia to study with their master. Right now, two former TDA students studying over there. Today, it is safe to say that TDA is the most famous school for classical drawing in the region of Denmark. The students learn the great masters techniques, and will soon be attempting to learn the atemporal skills by studying Michelangelo, Raphael and all the best artists of the classical age.If you

think this is not going to help you get a seat in animation bachelor courses, you don’t know how wrong you are. In the process, the student will learn the principles of anatomy, among other subjects, like character design, sculpturing, croquis and still life. Mikkel Brøns-Frandsen, a former student now in the Character Animation line at TAW, says that he “learned methods to quickly get things done. Before, I used to take a week from getting an idea for a drawing until I actually sat down and did it”. Esben, now doing his bachelor project in Character Animation at TAW, chips in his testimonial: “I realised I could actually draw and make a future living off it. To train your hand, to do controlled line work which is very good for character design. To understand and draw dynamic figures, in general to understand form, dynamics, movement, flow and to see and understand how everything

is connected anatomically in the human body. This stuff is invisible for other people. The TDA has been a great introduction to what I do now, to make human characters both for 3D, pencil line, modeling, anything”.

Paul Morehead, TDA.

Natalia Marcos, also in first year of the Character Design bachelor at TAW, took The Drawing Academy course twice in a row. “When I started to really understand what they were teaching there the semes-

ter was already over. I took the course 2 times because I wanted to push things a little further. I couldn’t find the same kind of education in Spain, where I come from. There, you >> can learn the American comic book style, but here at TDA, you have the time to study and observe the model”. Guest teachers are always being hired to expand the perspective of the students. It is also good that the regular teachers take breaks to develop themselves and experiment, so they can come back with new freshness and inspiration. On issue 07, we made an article about Aljoscha Blau, a Russian guest teacher that lives in Hamburg, Germany and works with book illustration. One that attracts many people from the whole continent when he comes is Glenn Vilppu (also interviewed on issue 04 of the Squids). Since he lives in California and has been teaching the cream of the crop of the animation industry over there for decades,

find the best way to inspire my students, and it’s clear to see who gets inspired and who doesn’t. I try to have a discussion, find out what’s wrong. But I demand their best - it’s also easy to see who shows commitment or not. Mutual respect and communication, that is the essence of TDA”.

Asger A As s sge ger Grevil, ge Gr G rev evil il, CG CGA GA 08 8

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