Fluid Power Journal September/October 2013

Page 17

2013 Fluid Power Systems Conference November 19-21, 2013 • Doubletree Hotel, Rosemont, IL Hosted by the International Fluid Power Society (IFPS), the FPDA Motion and Control Network (FPDA), and the National Fluid Power Association (NFPA)

Reliable and Efficient Hydraulics and Pneumatics for Today and Tomorrow Fluid power (hydraulics and pneumatics) is used in dozens of industries and hundreds of applications to precisely control the movement of machinery and material. Yet many engineers and technicians working in those industries do not fully understand the design concepts critical to developing efficient fluid power systems and the diagnostic and maintenance techniques essential to keeping those systems operating at peak efficiency. These concepts and techniques can result in significant energy and cost savings for companies that use hydraulics or pneumatics, as well as for the customers they serve, making fluid power a more competitive technology choice. To help companies take advantage of these opportunities, three leading fluid power organizations— the International Fluid Power Society, the FPDA Motion and Control Network, and the National Fluid Power Association—will be hosting an educational conference at the Doubletree Hotel in Rosemont, IL on November 19-21, 2013. Professionals responsible for designing and/or maintaining hydraulic and pneumatic systems in industrial settings or mobile applications should plan to attend.

The conference will offer: ● Design workshops to communicate why energy efficiency and reliability are increasingly a concern of machine builders and the role of fluid power in meeting those needs and balancing cost issues; ●

Hands-on instruction into practical maintenance techniques from fluid power component manufacturers, distributors, and system integrators;

Facilitated roundtable discussions, where peers can share specific challenges associated with their industry and applications, learn about fluid power standards, best practices in building efficient and reliable fluid power systems, and the future of fluid power;

Networking events, including the Innovation Showcase, to help participating engineers and technicians engage with technology providers from fluid power manufacturing and distribution companies to learn the newest, cutting edge developments in energy efficient and reliable developments in hydraulics and pneumatics.

For all the details and how to register, go to www.nfpa.com/Events/FPSC.htm. Circle 168

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