IDBruno Works

Page 55

An exercise and recreation garden for mentally and physically disabled people The “garden of senses” project is the fruit of a long period of research, observation and development. The garden’s main functional concept is the need for isolation of sensory activity and exercise, a conclusion of the professional occupational and physiotherapeutic team, and the main guideline of the garden’s design brief. The garden is therefore divided into four distinct sensory zones: visual, tactile, auditory and olfactory. The design and production were preceded by much iteration. Working models were tested to establish effectiveness and reception by the garden visitors. Though initially designed for residents of the sabbah centre and the adjacent village , the garden is now regularly visited by groups from other institutions and has created a demand for better and more suitable learn and play elements for mentally disabled people. In collaboration with Landscape Architect Ilana Ofir.

Active-interactive environments / 054

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