IDBruno Works

Page 139

Design and production of various elements for multimedia stage performance. “One Dimensional Man” is the culmination of a 5 year process that included shorter projects like “XYGod” and “Song for X”. Two dancers/operators for each character on stage use a digital projector and mask contraption to make this sophisticated theatre show come alive. My involvement in this project included design development and production of various elements for this multimedia stage performance. First and foremost the development of the mobile projection contraption, but also the specialized video filming headset, the masks and other off and on-stage accessories. Work on this project was very challenging, and similar in a sense to the more complex R&D projects done on medical devices such as the “Dentsim” and the “IGI”. The development of the contraptions and devices required sophisticated industrial design thinking: complex ergonomics, accurate physical interface, good repeatability and interchangeability, flexibility, fluid functionality under strenuous working conditions and clear aesthetics.

Design for dance and theatre / 138

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