Google Hotel Finder and hotel online visibilty

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Choose a destination and enter your dates of stay…

Refine your search by price, discounts and class.

Sort your hotel and simply pick them up in your shortlist

Find quickly important information on your hotel

Identify good deals

Add the hotel to a shortlist to quickly compare them

Find photos, reviews and access to the website of the hotel

Book through OTAs OR the through the own website of the hotel


Use the crop function to narrow your research!

Hotels that practice discounts or lower prices on certain periods are now clearly identified. It is really a great opportunity for hotels that are looking for last minute or advanced bookings. People that are looking for the best deals will be able to choose quickly discounted rates over normal rates.

Clients can see with a single click all the rates

2 offered by a hotel on all of its online partners.

Plus, the booking button offers to potential bookers the chance to access the own website of the hotel. If rate parity is ensured, potential bookers won’t be attracted by OTAs but will rather prefer to go directly to the hotel website to make the reservation. Hotel website and OTAs are therefore at the same level which is a premiere.

Potential bookers have access to Google places reviews without opening a new page. Hotels will therefore have more control on their online reviews that before with Tripadvisor.



By simply creating a Google maps

4 account, the hotel can be located on

the crop map. This interactive map is another way for people to select a hotel according to their preferred location. This way of choosing a hotel geographically is even more advanced than the one proposed by OTAs.

As we can see, Google Hotel Finder is a great way for hotels to increase their online visibility at a cheaper price. Actually, Google Hotel Finder is offering almost the same service than the biggest OTAs (reviews, photos, geographical search, online booking etc…) except that they do not receive money from commissions. The way Google Hotel Finder is making money is really simple: Pay per Click method. Very simple, every time a use clicks on a listing in the pricing menu of the property’s Google Place Page, Maps of Hotel Finder, the advertiser (i.e. the hotel) pays a cost-­‐per-­‐click fee of 0.2%. For Example: For a 2 night stay and ADR (including taxes) of $100, the advertiser pays $.40 per click (2 nights x $100=$200 x .2% = $.40 per click). That’s just as simple as that, after all, Google is “only” advertisement, there is no direct bookings made on the site…­‐importance-­‐of-­‐ google-­‐hotel-­‐finder/­‐hotel-­‐ finder.html

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