Graduate Yearbook Chinese 2013

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Graduate year book CHINESE PROGRAM January-December, 2013 Showcasing our Chinese Language Coaches

international coach academy


CEO welcome: WELCOME: ceo Welcome to Coach Academy Welcome tothis thisedition editionofofthe theInternational International Coach Graduate Yearbook. Once again we bring you stunning work Academy Graduate Yearbook, and once again we from an amazingly diverse group of professional coaches from

bring you amazingly diverse group of professional all over thean world. coaches.

2013 saw us launch our new look website which the Library where our graduates works Icontains recently attended the International Coachare showcased and shared with the broader coaching community. We now Federation Conference in London, as a peak body for have over 300 Coaching Models, Power tools and Research coaching, thenot ICFonly conference attracted hundreds of rest Papers which serve as useful resources for the of the coaching community, also promote the uniqueness coaches from around the they world. I was reminded again of each one of our gradates. This body of works highlight the that coaching is one of the most flexible, versatile and depth of talent there is within coaching and the prior skills and truly globalcoaches professions there is. This wasnew evencareers. more apparent at the ICAseeing conference knowledge bring with them to their Increasingly we are people from all walksover of life all professions embrace coaching as a way enhancing what they party where 40and of our students and graduates gathered toofconnect and share. already do. Managersliving and HR professionals, trainersmore and psychologists, even yoga practitioners Moving countries, abroad and speaking than one language were common and real estate agents. A quick snapshot of some of the titles you can find in this publication themes the room. Equally as notable was the range and diversity of professional remind usinonce again what a versatile and flexible career coaching is.

backgrounds in the room, and the creative way our coaches are blending coaching Sample Topics:

to offer new products and services. This Yearbook is a perfect illustration of this •

How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Benefit Coaching Growth

Centered Coaching in Corporate Settings

Coaching as a Portable Career

richness, with every single Coaching Power Tool, Coaching Model and Research Paper being unique and individual.

It great prideAnd thatReligious we showcase our wonderful graduates and I wish them • is with Within Spiritual Structures well inAtheir newtowards coaching careers. Thanks again to everyone to helped putting this • journey a Superior Persona publication together, I amaalready • Coaching and humor: perfect looking match! forward to our next edition • Radiating Spheres of Influence Regards! •

How to Forgive through Coaching

Using Toltec Wisdom in Coaching

The Importance of Sadnessto Growth

More Women In Boardrooms Increases Organisation’s Success

Implications from Neuroscience to Coaching

Robyn Logan

It is with great pride that we showcase our wonderful graduates and I wish them well in their new coaching careers. Thanks again to everyone to helped putting this publication together, I am already looking forward to our next edition.

international COACH coach ACADEMY academy | YEAR year BOOK book December January - December 2013 INTERNATIONAL 2012




PROGRAM DIRECTOR WELCOME: ceo welcome: Coach Academy (ICA) 国际教练学院 Welcome to this edition of the欢迎您浏览阅读International International Coach

Academy Graduate Yearbook,中文课程毕业生学习专业教练课程的内化结晶--「毕业代表作选辑」。 and once again we



bring you an amazingly diverse group of professional coaches.

程与实践、探索与深化,融合出最能代表他们自己独特性的关于教练 不同层面与层次的作品。学程与作品充分体现教练精神的本质之一,

人皆具其答案与智慧。 I recently attended the International Coach


Federation Conference in London, as a peak body for 2013年是教练专业关键的一年!ICF主席Dr. Damian Goldvarg访华


coaching, the ICF conference以及中国国家人力资源及社会保障部开始规范企业教练师职业标准, attracted hundreds of


表明了教练专业在中国和华语市场受到高度重视。从十多年前教练技 coaches from around the world. I was reminded again


术这个名词在中国形成的个人提升进修显学现象,到近年来自世界各 that coaching is one of the most flexible, versatile and 国的教练公司进入亚洲和中国企业为中高阶领导提供一对一或团队教

truly at global professions there is. This was even more apparent at the ICA conference e apparent the ICA conference


party over 40share. of our students and graduates gathered to connect and share. gathered towhere connect and 业及市场未来蓬勃发展趋势。趋势意谓著供给与需求将从量变产生质变,也因此考验著从事与参与教练事

Moving countries, living abroad and speaking more than one language were common than one language were common 业的各方最初的出发点。

the room. Equally as notable was the range and diversity of professional ge andthemes diversityinof professional

自2008 ICA筹划中文课程至今五年,始终禀持初衷--提倡自主学习,无单一模式,同学自己才是他生命的

backgrounds in coaching the room, and the creative way our coaches are blending coaching coaches are blending 教练与大师,为了转变而学习而非为了学习而学习,有效的学习来自生活和生命中的实践/反思/发现并循

to offer new products s a perfect illustration of this and services. This Yearbook is a perfect illustration of this 环之,时间是成长的最佳学伴等等。「毕业代表作选辑」便是整个学程的最终精神表现。该创作始于报名

之际,「创」代表著开启对教练即自身的好奇之心探索之行,一种抛开过去建构的知识和信念等体系的态 oachingrichness, Model and Research Paper with every single Coaching Power Tool, Coaching Model and Research Paper 度。「作」则是过程中心态、方法、形式等的拣择与面对。到毕业阶段,发展出属于自己的教练模式,对 being unique and individual. 一议题深入进行研究形之论文,或个案研究、或引领性文章,创造观点重塑的有力工具。他们的独特模式

ul graduates and I wish them It is with great pride that we showcase our wonderful graduates and I wish them 与研究心得正逐渐形成其利基教练事业,也正在影响著这个产业与市场。

everyone toinhelped putting this careers. Thanks again to everyone to helped putting this 一方 well their new coaching 这份刊物的呈现,一方面让对教练有兴趣的您有机会多深入认识和教练相关的论点、模式、研究等,

o our next edition together, I am already looking forward to our next edition publication 面让投入相当多时间与精力学习成为专业教练的ICA毕业生们传达他们的理念与热情。创作从未有终时, 每位毕业生的人生与教练之路代表作,待续~~~



Robyn Logan

它如此悦目:最后也是最重要的,感谢ICA这个平台,让有志之士,在此得以精进与连结,并开创属于自 己的未来。

1 BOOK international coach academy | year book January - December 20131 INTERNATIONAL COACH ACADEMY | YEAR December 2012

屈 平 Ruth Qu

刘 寒 Emily Liu

陈 琪 Qi Chen

黄 凱思 Hoi See Wong

曾 恩明 En Ming Tseng

季 正芳 Diana JI

黃 秋敏 Tsumin Huang

劉 素貌 Tammy Liu

韓 若梅 May Han

鄭 杰榆 Wisdom Cheng

高 文慧 Xiaohui Gao

林 素琴 Su-Ching, Shary Lin

郭 能香 Sammy Guo

倪 志辉 Zhi Hui Ni

陳 生民 Sheng Min Chen

黃 聖峰 Jim Hwang

王 爽 Shuang Wang

ICA Year book | Graduate profiles

欢 迎 (Ruth Qu) 领导力教练, 中国 China My Memorable moment: 同学的分享和老师的耐心

COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 需求 vs. 要求 Coaching Model: Bicycle Model Research Paper: 参与高管 延展成功 View Portfolio: Coach/Ruth-Qu Contact:

刘 寒 (Emily Liu) 生命教练, 中国 China My Memorable moment: ....最值得回忆的时刻是在我和因为同学结束peer coaching时,她告诉我我 的会谈给她的改变的那一刻... COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 孤立 vs. 系统 Coaching Model: “双核驱动”教练模型 Research Paper: 教练会谈中阻抗的识别和应对策 略 View Portfolio: Coach/Emily-Liu Contact:


季 正芳 (Diana JI) 职业培训师, 中国 China My Memorable moment: 第一次开始coach 外面的客户。

COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: Assertiveness VS Passive Coaching Model: 人生本是优雅的! --GRACE 教练模式 Research Paper: NLP 为什么可以支持到教练 View Portfolio: Coach/Diana-JI Contact:

黃 秋敏 (Tsumin Huang) 中小企業教練及領導力教練, 台湾 Taiwan My Memorable moment: 在 ICA 的學習,幫助我在教練專業及個人成長的高度、廣度與深度更加精 進,老師的智慧與臥虎藏龍的同學最值得我回憶。 COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 危機與轉機 Coaching Model: S Model Research Paper: 教練在中小企業創造的價值 View Portfolio: Coach/Tsumin-Huang Contact:

international coach academy | year book January - December 2013


ICA Year book | Graduate profiles

陈 琪 (Qi Chen) 生命教练, 中国 China My Memorable moment: 监督下的教练过程:紧张心虚地进去,从容自信地出来;向着新的目标, 昂首前行。那可是我Coaching旅途中的里程碑噢。 COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 过去与未来 Coaching Model: 关爱模式 Research Paper: 自我状态模式在Coaching 中的应用 View Portfolio: Coach/Qi-Chen Contact:

黄 凱思 (Hoi See Wong) 健康管理教练, 香港 Hong Kong My Memorable moment: 监督下的教练课堂,那是一个蜕变的过程,是一个深刻反思的过程,是一 个值得我重而珍之的里程碑。 COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 主动与被动 Coaching Model: 绽放模式 Research Paper: 探讨教练技术在健康和体重管理 领域的市场机会 View Portfolio: Coach/Hoi See-Wong Contact:


劉 素貌 (Tammy Liu) 职涯教练, 绩效教练, 台湾 Taiwan My Memorable moment: 監督下的教練--它是個讓人快速成長的學習平台,自己的實戰經驗、導師 的反饋、同學之間的相互學習和支持,都非常值得回憶。 COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 主動積極 vs 被動消極 Coaching Model: 成長進行式 Research Paper: 創造Coaching的安全空間 View Portfolio: Coach/Tammy-Liu Contact:

韓 若梅 (May Han) 生命教练, 台湾 Taiwan My Memorable moment: 我開始學習聽別人說話時, 也會自我察覺內在的雜音 (如假設,偏見) 時刻 我的傾聽 能力強大了 我開始懂得聲音後面的情感 當我們同學互相打氣鼓勵學習得時刻 當導師教練直指我教練中的問 題時 下課後還一起議論著一些議題. 認識了好多天南地北的好朋友 幫助他人換了新的思維時刻

COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 緊握 vs 放手 Coaching Model: 生命旅程模式 Research Paper: 從耶穌身上學習生命教練的典範 View Portfolio: Coach/May-Han Contact:

international coach academy | year book January - December 2013


ICA Year book | Graduate profiles

鄭 杰榆 (Wisdom Cheng) 生命教练, 台湾 Taiwan My Memorable moment: 原來,「我」這麼多,原來,教練就是放開「我」。

COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 喜歡 vs. 沉迷 Coaching Model: 春耕、夏耘、秋收、冬藏 Research Paper: 就在這一秒萌芽-----信任都在細 節裏 View Portfolio: Coach/Wisdom-Cheng Contact:

高 文慧 (Xiaohui Gao) 领导力、职涯教练, 中国 China My Memorable moment: 1、一百多个晚上,在独享的小书房里,在ICA的电话课堂里,跨越时空与导师和同学 们的心灵连接,在每次进步一点点的感受中快乐成长;2、毕业评鉴及几个作品的构思、写作、修改、定稿过程中, 短时间内让自己清晰看见自己的风格与特点、长项与不足,对严师深深地感谢!

COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 必然与偶然 Coaching Model: 能量八部 Research Paper: 教练在行动学习中的运用 View Portfolio: Coach/Xiaohui-Gao Contact:


林 素琴 (Su-Ching, Shary Lin) 績效教練, 台湾 Taiwan My Memorable moment: 監督下的教練--那冰火五重天的淬煉,幫助我成為更有能力的教練。

COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 放下與放棄 Coaching Model: RAISE-SBA Research Paper: 「尊重」、「面質」技術在教練上 的應用 View Portfolio: Coach/Shary-Lin Contact:

郭 能香 (Sammy Guo) 生命力教练, 中国 China My Memorable moment: 最值得回忆的是:在ICA的课堂里老师的耐心引导与同学们敞开的分享,以及在监督

下教练的学习过程中老师与同学们同心同在的状态,还有ICA自由开放的学习环境、全面丰厚的教案资讯、以及主张 自我负责的学习精神,都大大地促成了我个人的成长与专业教练能力的提升。对此,我充满了欣赏与感谢!

COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 批判与欣赏 Coaching Model: 生命之河模式----从“应该”到“愿意” 的力量 Research Paper: “一对一”与“一对多”的结合之美 View Portfolio: Coach/Sammy-Guo Contact:

international coach academy | year book January - December 2013


ICA Year book | Graduate profiles

曾 恩明 (En Ming Tseng) 領導力教練, 台湾 Taiwan My Memorable moment: 在教練會談中,每當客戶因我的提問,而陷入沉思時。。。

COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 需要與想要 Coaching Model: 太極教練模式 Research Paper: 教練會談案例分析 View Portfolio: Coach/En Ming-Tseng Contact:

倪 志辉 (Zhi Hui Ni) 生命教练, 中国 China My Memorable moment: 在教练的帮助下看见自己

COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 感性与理性 Coaching Model: 教练五步走 Research Paper: 与教练一起提升正能量 View Portfolio: Coach/Zhi Hui-Ni Contact: profile?topnav=1&wvr=5


黃 聖峰 (Jim Hwang) 领导力教练, 台湾 Taiwan My Memorable moment: 監督下的教練與同儕教練可以幫助教練看見鏡中的自己

COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 本我與自我 Coaching Model: VOA 價值教練模式 Research Paper: 行為風格在教練工作的應用與迷失 View Portfolio: Coach/Jim-Hwang Contact:

陳 生民 (Sheng Min Chen) 领导力教练, 中国 China My Memorable moment: 在ICA的學習過程中,對我來說,最值得回憶的時刻是第一次對外部客戶進 行教練會談。 COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 正見與偏見 Coaching Model: 明心立志篤行 Research Paper: 教練與引導在企業高管人員領導力 發展上的應用比較 View Portfolio: Coach/Sheng Min-Chen Contact:

international coach academy | year book January - December 2013


ICA Year book | Graduate profiles

王 爽 (Shuang Wang) 领导力教练, 中国 China My Memorable moment: 在ICA的学习过程中,都很值得回忆,对我来说最值得回忆的是监督下的教 练的过程 COACHING PORTFOLIO Power Tool: 有为与无为 Coaching Model: 王爽的自然放空模式 Research Paper: 浅谈积极心理学理论在coaching 中的应用 View Portfolio: Coach/Shuang-Wang Contact:


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