IN North Allegheny

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Is Your Pet Ready for Outdoor Weather? When the weather’s nice, many people like to head outdoors – and their pets do, too. Before you let your pets go outside, make sure you’ve taken steps to prevent pests, care for their skin, and know how to spot signs of allergies. Fleas and Ticks: Pets are susceptible to a variety of bugs and pests – especially fleas and ticks. Both should be avoided as fleas can trigger allergies and dermatitis in pets as well as infectious diseases in people and pets. Ticks may also carry diseases that can be harmful to pets. However, in a survey by the American Pet Products Association, only 64 percent of dog owners and 41 percent of cat owners purchased a flea and tick product for their pet last year. Be sure to purchase preventive topical treatments to protect your pet. And after pets go outdoors, inspect them carefully for ticks and other insects to ensure their safety. Grooming: A winter indoors often leaves pets with dry skin, tangled fur and a thick undercoat, which begins to shed when the weather warms. A professional grooming salon will help keep pets cool with services like a haircut and brushing to remove loose hair, and a bath to clean and moisturize their skin and coat. Medicated flea and tick baths or spot treatments can also be added. Allergies: Since pets can experience allergic reactions to inhaled particles like dust or pollen, pet parents should be on the lookout for signs that their pet may be suffering from allergies. Monitor your pet’s behavior and consult your veterinarian if your pet exhibits reactions such as: • Swelling or irritation of the skin, especially around the eyes, face, head and feet. Hives, rashes, blisters, clear discharge from eyes or nostrils, sneezing, itching and mild discomfort may also be present. • Pets may also chew on or lick their feet constantly. • Allergy treatment for pets varies based on severity, but usually includes antihistamines and other medications. To learn more about pet essentials and services for spring, visit a pet store near you. North Allegheny | Summer 2013 | 79

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