News 06-2015

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from the Library


The magazine of the month Journal Metrics 2014 Irrigation Science


News pag. 1 - 7

Irrigation Science. - Berlin ; New York : Springer International, 1978-. - v. : ill. ; 25 cm. Titolo della coperta. - Bimestrale. - ISSN 03427188

! The magazine of the month ! “Visti da vicino”: un focus sul mondo visto dai libri

Journal Ranking 26 Journal Rank in Category



23 days from acceptance to online first publication

173,319 No. of downloads

3.943 Impact Factor – 2014

145 Total Journals in Category

270.0 Usage Factor 2013/2014

Q1 Quartile in Category

484 Mentions and articles discussed via Social Media platforms

1.825 SNIP – 2014 Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 37 h5 Index h5 Index is a metric based on the articles published by a journal over the previous 5 calendar years with a minimum of 100 articles in this period 100% Journal Author Satisfaction, likelihood to publish with Springer again

! Goodreads: wishlist IAMB library ! IFLA news

Responsabile: Luigi Sisto A cura di: Giuseppe Inchingolo Wanda Occhialini Progetto grafico ed impaginazione: Fabio La Notte


[Source: 2014 JCR Science Edition]

Impact Factor: 2.056 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.429 Availabile in MAIB Library: 1978-

Full Journal Title: Irrigation Science ISO Abbrev. Title: Irrig. Sci. JCR Abbrev. Title: IRRIGATION SCI Editors-in-Chief: Elias Fereres ISSN: 0342-7188 (Print version) 1432-1319 (Online version) Issues/Year: 1 Volumes with 6 issues per year Language: ENGLISH Journal Country/Territory: UNITED STATES Publisher: SPRINGER Subject Categories: AGRONOMY, WATER RESOURCES Related subjects: Agriculture Environmental Sciences - Global Change Climate Change - Pollution and Remediation Sustainable Development - Water Industry and Technologies


Description: Irrigation Science presents original articles and short communications reporting the results of irrigation-related research. Coverage includes relevant contributions from the plant, soil and atmospheric sciences and analysis of field experimentation, as well as irrigation water management modeling. Special emphasis is devoted to multi-disciplinary studies dealing with the challenges of maintaining the longterm productivity of irrigated lands and increasing the efficiency of agricultural water use. Aspects of particular interest include physiology of plant growth and yield response


from the Library


to water status; physical and chemical aspects of water status and movement in the plant-soil-atmosphere system; salinity and alkalinity control by soil and water management; agricultural drainage, measurement and modification of crop and control of water in plant, soil and atmosphere; water requirements in irrigation practice; irrigation scheduling and ecological aspects of irrigated agriculture.


Latest articles from Volume 33, Issue 6, November 2015 ISSN: 0342-7188 (Print version) 1432-1319 (Online version) (also available in pdf format: ask to Modeling evapotranspiration in a spring wheat from thermal radiometry: crop coefficients and E/T partitioning J. M. Sánchez , R. López-Urrea, C. Doña, V. Caselles, J. González-Piqueras, R. Niclòs Wheat is one of the crops occupying the largest areas in the world (218 million ha in 2013). Understanding the land–atmosphere energy exchanges over these croplands becomes important not only for agronomy but also for climatic and meteorological aspects. This study continues previous work on the estimation of actual evapotranspiration (ET) and the assessment of crop coefficients of sorghum, sunflower, or canola. Two variations of a simple two-source energy balance (STSEB) approach were used in combination with land surface temperature measurements to calculate hourly and daily values of surface fluxes and actual ET … [read more] Using weather forecast data for irrigation scheduling under semi-arid conditions I. J. Lorite, J. M. Ramírez-Cuesta, M. Cruz-Blanco, C. Santos A new methodology based on the use of weather forecast data from freely and easily accessible online information for determining irrigation scheduling has been developed. Firstly, reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was determined with a user-friendly procedure that does not require previous local calibration, knowledge of data acquisition or processing, or a nearby weather station. The comparison of ETo based on short-term (same-day) and long-term (6-dayahead) weather forecast data with measured data for 50 locations in southern Spain … [read more] Effect of irrigation and tree density on vegetative growth, oil yield and water use efficiency in young olive orchard under arid conditions in Mendoza, Argentina Eduardo R. Trentacoste , Carlos M. Puertas, Víctor O. Sadras We measured the effects of planting density (238, 317


and 476 trees ha−1), irrigation (fully irrigated control vs. deficit irrigation) and their interaction on the vegetative growth, yield and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) of young olive trees during three seasons. In the water deficit treatment, irrigation was applied when midday stem water potential (SWP) dropped below −2.5 MPa; SWP of controls was maintained between −1.2 and −1.5 MPa. Across irrigation treatments, oil yield at high density (968 kg ha−1) was 70 % higher than at low density. Reduction in oil yield due to deficit irrigation was not significant compared to control … [read more] Infiltration of meltwater from frozen saline water located on the soil can result in reclamation of a coastal saline soil Kai Guo, Xiaojing Liu The saline soil was irrigated by the shallow groundwater of high salinity (12 g L−1) during the air temperature below −5 °C in winter, and the saline water was frozen into saline ice on the soil expeditiously. With air temperatures increasing in spring, the saline ice melted and infiltrated into soil gradually, and the saline soil may be improved by the infiltration of the meltwater. Based on this, a field experiment was conducted to evaluate changes in saline ice during melting, seasonal dynamics of soil temperature, water, salt and sodium adsorption ratios (SAR). After the meltwater infiltrated into soil in spring, the plastic mulching … [read more] Use of localized loops for the rehabilitation of ondemand pressurized irrigation distribution systems Nicola Lamaddalena, Roula Khadra, Abdelouahid Fouial Irrigation distribution systems are generally branched. They can be designed using optimization models that minimize the cost of the pipes under a number of constraints. Urban water distribution systems are generally designed as a series of interconnected closed loops which provide these systems with sufficient capability to overcome local physical failures. However, they enormously increase both the computational effort and the network cost. This research proposes an innovative approach where localized loops are used as a cost-effective solution to improve the performance of branched on-demand pressurized irrigation systems … [read more] Water allocation under deficit irrigation using MIKE BASIN model for the mitigation of climate change Charalampos Doulgeris , Pantazis Georgiou, Dimitris Papadimos, Dimitris Papamichail Irrigated agriculture is likely to be affected by the changes in temperature and precipitation patterns due to climate change. Particularly in Greece, on account of higher temperatures and reduced precipitation, the

“Visti da vicino”: un focus sul mondo visto dai libri Si apre così una nuova rubrica della nostra newsletter: in questa prima uscita parleremo di cultura del vino tra sogni, civiltà e linguaggio.

bellezza del vino è anche la sua varietà, imprevedibilità e irregolarità; ciò nonostante, si possono indicare delle caratteristiche necessarie alla qualità del liquido odoroso: prime tra tutte la naturalità praticata sia in vigneto che in cantina e la dettagliata restituzione del territorio d'origine. L'enofilo indaga con i propri sensi la sostanza dei luoghi e la vocazione dei vitigni, e riconosce lo slancio artistico della natura. Il libro si compone di diverse sezioni. La prima – "Approccio al vino" – è dedicata all'assaggio, al riconoscimento e alla descrizione del vino buono ed è rivolta principalmente alle persone che hanno già scoperto una passione per il liquido odoroso. La seconda – "Le parole del vino" – nasce come risultato di un'intensa e appassionata indagine linguistica; vuole proporsi come una sorta di dizionario filosofico dei termini e degli aggettivi che si possono usare per qualificare il vino, evitando sterili tecnicismi e utilizzando appieno la ricchezza lessicale della lingua italiana. La terza parte del libro – "La dispensa" – è rivolta soprattutto ai neofiti che necessitano di informazioni basilari sugli aspetti tecnico-produttivi e degustativi, che sono stati aggiornati grazie al contributo tecnico e scientifico di autorevoli rappresentanti del mondo della ricerca e della produzione vinicola. La quarta sezione infine – "Visioni e letture" – è una raccolta di quadri del pittore Marcello Spada associata a una piccola e personale antologia di poesie o estratti di prosa. Il volume è presente in biblioteca “IAMBAGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA”. Per la consultazione rivolgersi al personale addetto.

Il vino buono è magnetico, coinvolge la nostra emotività e si fa ricordare. L'ambizione di ogni degustatore è riconoscere questa bontà e trovare le espressioni giuste per comunicarla. Sulla scorta di un'esperienza trentennale nel settore, Sangiorgi offre con questo volume alcune indicazioni sul modo corretto di porsi nei confronti di questa bevanda odorosa, sfatando talvolta alcune credenze particolarmente popolari. Un vino di qualità merita una posizione di ascolto e accoglienza così da poter esprimere la ricchezza della sua dote olfattiva e gustativa nei tempi e modi che gli sono propri. La degustazione è, infatti, continua scoperta, un atto che coinvolge per intero e richiede una mente duttile. La



irrigation water management is essential to the viability of agriculture in areas already facing water scarcity. In this paper, two deficit distribution methods, the equal shortage (ES) and the yield stress (YS), are evaluated for the mitigation of climate change in the irrigation networks of Nestos River, Greece. The two methods were applied in the irrigation module of the MIKE BASIN model to analyze the effect of water deficit on crop yield … [read more]

N° 6 - 2015 - novembre/dicembre


from the Library


GOODREADS: wishlist IAMB library In questa rubrica sono riportate le segnalazioni che singoli editori fanno delle proprie pubblicazioni alla nostra biblioteca: una lista tematica di libri e novità editoriali di interesse esclusivamente scientifico. Attraverso questa rubrica l'utente (ricercatore, studente etc.) ha la possibilità di proporre alla Biblioteca IAMB l'acquisto del materiale evidenziato, a scopo di aggiornamento e di ricerca. L'acquisto dei titoli proposti è tuttavia condizionato alla disponibilità finanziaria. L'utente ha inoltre la possibilità di proporre l'acquisto di libri a prescindere dalla lista proposta in questa rubrica. Le richieste inoltrate dagli utenti non saranno evase quando il contenuto, il livello di trattazione, il formato e il costo del documento risultino estranei o in contrasto con la natura delle raccolte e le finalità della biblioteca. Un numero elevato di proposte dovrà, inoltre, essere autorizzato da un responsabile di dipartimento a cui afferisce il proponente.


Modalità: Prima di procedere all'inoltro della richiesta online l'utente è invitato a consultare i suddetti elenchi e soprattutto a verificare nel Catalogo collettivo della Biblioteca IAMB la presenza del libro richiesto. Il modulo online va utilizzato unicamente per le proposte di acquisto di monografie e periodici.

Soilless Culture: Theory and Practice Edited by: Michael Raviv, Newe Ya'ar Research Center, ARO, Department of Environmental Horticulture, Israel J. Heinrich Lieth, Department of Plant Sciences, University of California - Davis, U.S.A. Plant production in hydroponics and soilless culture is rapidly expanding throughout the world, raising a great interest in the scientific community. For the first time in an authoritative reference book, authors cover both theoretical and practical aspects of hydroponics (growing plants without the use of soil). This reference book covers the stateof-the-art in this area, while offering a clear view of supplying plants with nutrients other than soil. Soilless Culture provides the reader with an understanding of the properties of the various soiless media and how these properties affect plant performance in relation to basic horticultural operations, such as irrigation and fertilization. This book is ideal for agronomists, horticulturalists, greenhouse and nursery managers, extension specialists, and people involved with the production of plants. Book information: Published: December 2007 Imprint: ELSEVIER ISBN: 978-0-444-52975-6

Agroecological Economics: Sustainability and Biodiversity Edited by Paul Wojtkowski Agroecology is the science of applying ecological concepts and principles to the design, development, and management of sustainable agricultural systems. Agroecological economics, a subsection of agricultural economics, evaluates the ecological consequences of agricultural methods on the economic scale. Agroecological economics considers green engineering as a means of measurement.As the environmental movement unfolds, the importance of biodiversity and long-term sustainability are indisputable. Progress depends on determining the economic viability of terrestrial agroecosystems. What is lacking is the analysis needed to bring biodiverse and sustainable systems to fruition. Agroecological Economics analyzes the current topics that must be addressed in order to provide sustainable agricultural systems. It explains the economics of land-use ecology with emphasis on changing over from a conventional model of agriculture to environmentally- and ecologically-friendly models and the financial incentives that are important to these practices. Book information: Published: December 2007 Imprint: ACADEMIC PRESS ISBN: 978-0-12-374117-2


N째 6 - 2015 - novembre/dicembre

Wetlands for Water Pollution Control Edited by: Miklas Scholz, Civil Engineering Research Group, The University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK Wetlands for Water Pollution Control, Second Edition, covers the fundamental science and engineering principles relevant to the drainage and treatment of both storm and wastewater. Standard and novel design recommendations for predominantly constructed wetlands and related sustainable drainage systems are also provided to account for the interests of professional engineers and environmental scientists. This revised edition deals with the design, operation, maintenance, and water quality monitoring of traditional and novel wetland systems, but also provides information on the analysis of asset performance and modeling of treatment processes, along with performances of existing infrastructures in predominantly developed, but also developing countries, and the sustainability and economic issues involved. This new edition contains 10 new chapters, along with multidisciplinary, experimental, and modeling-orientated case study topics that include natural wetlands, constructed treatment wetlands for pollution control, sustainable drainage systems, and specific applications, such as wetlands treating hydrocarbon and ammonia, as well as ecological sanitation systems recycling treated. Book information Published: November 2015 Imprint: ELSEVIER ISBN: 978-0-444-63607-2 Introduction to Environmental Soil Physics Edited by: Daniel Hillel, Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Massachusetts, U.S.A. An abridged, student-oriented edition of Hillel's earlier published Environmental Soil Physics, this is a more succinct elucidation of the physical principles and processes governing the behavior of soil and the vital role it plays in both natural and managed ecosystems. The textbook is self-contained and self-explanatory, with numerous illustrations and sample problems. Based on sound fundamental theory, the textbook leads to a practical consideration of soil as a living system in nature and illustrates the influences of human activity upon soil structure and function. Students, as well as other readers, will better understand the importance of soils and the pivotal possition they occupy with respect to careful and knowledgeable conservation. Book information: Published: October 2003 Imprint: ACADEMIC PRESS ISBN: 978-0-12-348655-4



Global Safety of Fresh Produce. A Handbook of Best Practice, Innovative Commercial Solutions and Case Studies Edited by Jeffrey Hoorfar, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Continuing food poisoning outbreaks around the globe have put fresh produce safety at the forefront of food research. Global Safety of Fresh Produce provides a detailed and comprehensive overview of best practice for produce safety throughout the food chain, and unique coverage of commercial technologies for fresh produce safety. Part one covers the production and regulation of fresh produce on the agricultural level, including issues of niche farm fresh products, FDA regulation, and zoonotic transfer of pathogens from animals to farm products. Part two moves on to look at safety and environmental issues surrounding fresh produce processing, such as postharvest washing, alternative sanitizers, and using produce waste as animal feed. Part three focuses on current and emerging commercial solutions for fresh produce safety, like ionizing radiation and edible coatings, and part four covers methods of laboratory testing and related legislation. The final section of the book covers a series of case studies of fresh produce safety breaches, including European E. coli outbreaks in sprouts and leafy greens, and the illegal use of fluorescent whitening agents (FWAs) in China. This book is an essential text for R&D managers in the fresh produce industry, quality control professionals working with fresh produce throughout the food chain, postgraduate students, and academic researchers with an interest in fresh produce safety. Book information: Published: December 2013 Imprint: Woodhead Publishing ISBN: 978-1-78242-018-7


from the Library


Microirrigation for Crop Production. Design, Operation, and Management Edited by: Freddie R. Lamm, Kansas State University, Northwest Research-Extension Center, Colby, Kansas, U.S.A. James E. Ayars, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Sciences Center, Parlier, California, U.S.A. Francis S. Nakayama, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Arid-Land Agricultural Research Center, Maricopa, Arizona, U.S.A. Microirrigation has become the fastest growing segment of the irrigation industry worldwide and has the potential to increase the quality of food supply through improved water fertilizer efficiency. This book is meant to update the text "Trickle Irrigation, Design, Operation and Management". This text offers the most current understanding of the management criteria needed to obtain maximum water and fertilization efficiency.


Book information: Published: September 2006 Imprint: ELSEVIER ISBN: 978-0-444-50607-8

EBLIDA and IFLA comment on the European Commission's Communication on modernising EU copyright rules Modernisation of EU Copyright rules: yes, but… EBLIDA, the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations, and IFLA, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, welcome the Communication of the European Commission Towards a modern, more European copyright framework released 9 December 2015. European cultural diversity, education and research is of primary importance to Europe's creative economy and needs to be supported by an up to date copyright framework that will keep pace with technological developments and support increased cross-border access to library and archive content. Further to EBLIDA's comment on the Digital Single Market Strategy we support the EU Commission's objectives of making EU copyright rules fit for the digital age and of building a modern and more European copyright framework. Vice-President ANSIP's aim to widen people's access to cultural content online and Commissioner Oettinger'splan forfurther reform to make a copyright environment that is stimulating, fair, rewards investment in creativity and makes it easier for Europeans to access and use content legally will take Europe in the right direction for the digital environment. EBLIDA President Jukka Relander said: “Because libraries and archives in Europe do not have uniform exceptions and limitations available to them in their member states, they cannot effectively share information across Europe's borders. Citizens in the 28 EU member states have different and unequal access to information. 21st century libraries and


archives need legal certainty to ensure that they can achieve their public service missions of providing free access to information to help build an innovative and inclusive society. EBLIDA agrees with the EU Commission that widening access to content across the EU is necessary and welcomes the opportunity to participate in consultations that consider exceptions to copyright rules for an innovative and inclusive society.” IFLA President Donna Scheeder added: “We welcome the Commission's commitment to copyright exceptions and limitations related to knowledge, research and education being a key priority of the coming Digital Single Market. That the Commission is considering new exceptions and limitations to permit text and data mining, remote consultation of library holdings and digital preservation demonstrates its understanding of the challenges libraries and archives face in the digital age.” Both EBLIDA and IFLA note that there are critical issues for libraries that are not expressly included in the current communication. We will make sure that during this process to modernise EU copyright rules, the Commission also considers other issues that would benefit library and archive users, such as ensuring cross-border access by all citizens to information via libraries and archives, protecting statutory exceptions and limitations to copyright from being overridden and undermined by contractual clauses and introducing legislation to address the challenges of e-lending, to name but a few. We welcome the intention to ratify the Marrakesh Treaty 2013, but note that after two years there is still no proposed target date for achieving this.

N° 6 - 2015 - novembre/dicembre

eLending for Libraries: IFLA, ebooks and Access to Digital Content Libraries have been providing access to digital content to their users for over two decades. Until recently this content largely comprised access to aggregated databases of journals, newspapers, popular magazines and technical and specialized monographs. However, the recent explosion in availability and popularity of eReaders and tablets, along with a corresponding increase in the availability of commercial eBooks, has seen a growing demand for downloadable eBooks in public libraries. This scenario offers libraries many opportunities. The availability of digital content, downloadable onsite at the library or remotely through online catalogues has the potential to develop a digital culture of reading that will benefit users, authors and publishers. However, the current situation facing libraries is anything but positive. There are presently many difficulties, as downloadable eBooks raise a variety of technical, legal and strategic issues which are leading to concern, confusion and frustration for libraries and their users, publishers and authors.


IFLA has produced a background paper setting out these difficulties in full, as well as commissioning an independent thinkpiece to encourage debate among the library community. Following both papers IFLA issued Principles for Library eLending to help librarians worldwide approach the issue with prepared guidance.

Responsabile: A cura di:

Progetto grafico:

Luigi Sisto e-mail: Tel. 080/4606265 Giuseppe Inchingolo e-mail: Tel. 080/4606269 Wanda Occhialini e-mail: Tel. 080/4606266 Fabio La Notte e-mail: Tel.080/4606221

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