
Page 36

Lesson Four W:~l~


• Play the recording agai n, pau sing after each line for child ren to repeat. Play it again for them to follow in their books.


Digital classroom · Unit 2 · Phonics

Optional activity


• Divide the class into the groups. Assign each group one of the sounds Ilfl, lSI, and l eI.

Lesson objectives To revise sounds made by the combinations ch, sh, and

• Play the chant again. When children hear a word conta ining their sound, they clap their ha nds.

th To differentiate between the sounds Ilfl, lSI. and lei



Core: chair, teacher, shoes, fish, thumb, bath

Materials CD ~ 11, 21-23; Phonics cards 1-3 (ch air, shoes, thumb)

Warmer i§! 11 • Play the CD and say the chant from Class Book page 11 to energize the class and revise the letters of the alphabet.

Lead-i n • Teach the sounds and letters for th is lesson using the phonics ca rds. • Hold up t he first card and say, Letters c and h make the sound I1fI. Say the sou nd for children to repeat several times. Draw the letters ch on t he board. The ch ildren draw them in the air. • Repeat the procedure with the other two phonies cards. • Hold up each ca rd in turn and model the words for children to repeat.

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 21 • Ask ch ildren to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Tell them they are going to hear a recording of the different sounds and words. • Play the first part of the recording for children to listen and poin t to the pictures. • Play the second part of the record ing for children to repeat the sound s. • Play the recording all the way t hrough for children to point and then repeat.

Transcript Listen and point. Ilflchair I1flteacher If lshoes If lfish l el thumb l SI bath Listen and repeat. Ilflchair Ilfl teacher If lshoes If lfish ISl t humb l SI bath

Optional activity • Hold up each of th e phonics cards in turn, showing only the picture. Ask the class to callout the sound and the word. Repeat several ti mes.

3 Read the chant again. Circle the sounds ch, sh and tho • Write the first line of the chant on the board. Ask children to find an example of the letters ch, sh, or tho One child comes to the front to circle the ch in teacher. • Children then look at the chant in their books. Allow time for them to read the rest of the chant and circle the other examples. • Monitor the activity and help where necessary. • Go through the answers with the class.


If ch ildren notice the I lfl sound in picture, congratulate them and explain that this is another way of spelling the same sound.

Look at my te@er, Sitting on a@ air. Her@ oes are blue, @ e's got long, black hair. A picture of a ba'ffi, And a picture of a fi§), Look at my te@er. Her name's Miss W@.

4 Listen to the sounds and join the letters i§! 23 • Elicit the four images in the activity (teacher, shoes, chair, thumb). Ask What has the teachergot?Tell children that they can find out by listening. Explai n that they are going to hear different sounds and words from the lesson. They have to follow the sounds and words in the maze and draw a li ne to connect the letters to find out what the teac her has got - shoes, a chair, or a t humb. • Pl ay the beginning of the record ing and fo llow th e blue line that li nks the teacher to the letters th to demonstrate. • Play the record ing for children to listen and link the letters. • Play it again for children to check their answers. Repeat. • Ask What has the teacher got? (a chair). To check thei r answers, ask child re n to look at their mazes and call out the letters they heard in turn as you write them on the board.

Transcript 181 thumb I lfl chair If I shoes Ilfl chair l SI thumb If I shoes Ilfl chair

2 Li sten and chant. i§! 22 • Ask ch ildren to look at the pictu re and tel l you what th ey ca n see. • Play the recording fo r ch ildren to listen to the chant. Say the chant line by line and ask children to repeat after you.

Th e teac her has got a chair.


Further practice

Workbook page 17 ~ Student MultiROM· Unit 2· Phonics



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