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Lesson Three Pf:~;~



Digital classroom· Unit 15 . Words/Song

Song Lesson objectives To identify ordinal numbers To use ordinal numbers in the context of a song

Language Core: first. second, third, fourth Extra: race, heavy, lose, runner

Materials CD ~ 149-1 50; Ordinal numbers fiashcards 153-156

• Ask children to look at the pictures. Teach the word race, using the pictures on the page. • Ask them to predict what the song is about (children are running in a race) . • Play the recordin g the whole way through for children to listen. Then play it again as they follow the words in their books. • Read each line of th e song aloud for children to repeat after you. • Play the recording for children to sing along.

3 Sing and do. • Ask children to look at the pictures and tell you which action they shou ld do for each verse of the song (see below).


• Play the recording for children to listen and do their action s.

• Revise numbers by playing Forwards and backwards with the class (see page 21).

Song actions

• Draw a circle on the board and write the comparative adjective faster inside it. Around the circle, write the words bus, car, train, bike, and horse. • Point to the words bus and bike and say A bus is faster than a bike. Then point to other combinations of words to elicit more comparative sentences from the class. • Rub out the word in the circle and change it to other comparative adjectives they know, e.g. louder, bigger.

Lead-in • Use flashcards 153-156 to introduce the new vocabulary. Hold up the cards one at a tim e and say the word s for children to repeat. • Hold up the cards in a different order for children to repeat again .

1 Listen, point and repeat. ~ 149 • Ask children to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Play th e first part of the recording for children to point to the pictures and say the words. • Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the words. • Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and then repeat. • Hold up flashcards 15 3-156 one at a time for individual children to say the words.

Transcript Listen and point. first. second, third, fourth third, first. fou rth, second Listen and repeat. first, second, third, fourth

Optional activity • Give flashcards 153-156 to four children . Ask them to come and stand in the correct orde r, holding their fiashcards up so that the class can see them. • Ask Who's the first/second / third / fourth child' Ask the questions again, with the numbers in a different order.


2 Listen and sing. ~ 150

Unit 15

Child ren jog on the spot in the manner of the child described in each verse: Joe jogs very slowly, as if carrying a heavy bag; Emily hops along without one of her shoes; Oscar jogs quite fast; Kim jogs very fast.

Optional activity • Point to the ch ildren in th e picture one after the other for children to tell you about them, e.g. point to the first child to elicit Thats Kim. She was first. She was faster than Oscar.

Culture note: Sports days and school awards Most schools in Britain hold a sports day every year, usually just before the summer break. Children take part in a number of team events. The team s contain a mixture of abilities and sometimes ages. The emphasis is on working as a team. rather than individual competition. Many schools give awards to chil dren for good progress. There is a very strong tendency in schools for chil dren to win awards for effort rather than academic achievement. Thi s usua lly happens du ring school assembly, and can take place throu ghout the year, or in a special event at the end olthe year.

Further practice


Workbook pagel 02 Extra writing worksheet, PMB page 30 ~Student MultiROM· Unit 15· Words, Song

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