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Lesson Six OXford iTools O

2 Look and say.

(S PAGE 99

• Children look at the pictu res and name the 'animals'in each one.

D'Iglta . I cIassroom · Unit ' 14 . Wflt " lng

• Read the word s in th e word pool aloud wit h the cla ss.

Skills Time!

,Skills develop!11ent



Li stening: listen for specific detail Speaking: ta lk about people's costumes Writing: identify and write and and or in positive and negative sentences; write about yourself and your friends (Workbook)



Recycled: vocabulary and structures seen previously



• Ask children to wor k in pairs. They take turns to point to the pictures and ma ke sentences about what t he children w ere in the play. • Monitor the activity and model the word s where necessa ry.


[language ,

• Focus atte ntion on the three speech bubbles. Point to the first pictu re and ask a chi ld to begin the sentence using th e appropriate speech bubble, finish ing it w ith t he correct an imal.


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• Ask ind ividua l children to point to pict ures and say sentences for the clas s.

3 Read. Circle and. Underline or. • Ask ch ildren to close th ei r Class Books. Copy the t wo example senten ces onto the board.

Warmer • Pla y Smiley face (see page 21) using th e new words from t his un it.

Lead-in • Ask chi ldren what th ey can remember about th e text from t he previous lesson. Ask What was the play' Who was in it' What were the costumes? • Allow children to check the article on page 98 of t heir Class Books to see how much they re membered correctly. • Ask child re n to look at the p ictu res of th e child re n in their costu mes in Exercise 1 and tell you what t hey can see. Ask them to predict what th ey are going to hea r.

1 Listen and write T (true) or F (false), ~ 145 • Tell children that they are going to hear a record ing of a girl talking abou t her school play.

• Invite a chi ld to come to th e front of the cla ss to circle th e word and in t he first sentence. • Invite a second child to come and underline th e w ord or in the second sentence. • Ask chi ldren whic h sentence is positive (a 'yes' sentence) and which is negati ve (a 'no'sentence). Expl ain tha t the word and goes with positive sentences, and or goes wit h negative sentences. • Write some of your own sentences on the board, and repeat the process, e.g. I've got a sandwich and a cake. I can't draw or sing. I like music and art. I don't like moths or

science. • As k chi ldren to look at the exe rc ise in their Class Books. Allow ti me fo r them to circle th e word and and underline the word or in each sentence. • Monitor the activity and help wh ere necessary.

• Play th e record ing for chi ldren to listen and point to the p ictu res.

• Go throug h the answers w it h t he class.

• Play th e record ing a second ti me for children to decide whethe r the pictures con tai n the correct information. Ifthey do, childre n write T in the box. If they don't, t hey write F.

I don't like tenn is or footba ll. 2 I like cakes@ bananas. 3 I can't swim ill ri de a bike,

• Stop the record ing after the first sentence. Show chi ldren the first pict ure and ask Is this true? (Yes) . Point out t he letter T in t he box.

5 Today we've got En glish @ maths. 6 We haven't got science ill PE.

• Play the recording again for children to complete their answers. • Go through th e answers w ith the class.

Transcript 1 2 3 4

Our school play wa s on Monday. Our play was about food. I was a cat in the play. My costume was a cat's head. Max and Mi llie were horses. Max was a brown horse and Millie was a white horse. 5 Our fam ilies we re ve ry happy. Thank yo u, teacher. Our play was fun.

1 T

2 F

3 F

4 T

5 T

4 Ican skate@

ride a horse.

Optional activity • Write the fo llowing pa irs of sentences on t he boa rd for chi ldren to copy and link wi t h and or or: I like English. I like PE.I I don't like carrots. I don't like fish.! I can run. I can climb. / I can't fly. I can't sing.


Now go to Workboo k page 99 for child ren to p ractise writ ing about themse lves and their friends.

Further practice Workbook page 99 Values worksheet, PMB page 29 Unit 14 test, Testing and Evaluation Book page 36 ~ Student MultiROM • Unit 14· Listen at home· • Track 43 (Wordsand phrases), Track 44 (Song), Track 45 (Phonics)

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