Avion 1987 09 17

Page 1




t. ·•






~I ~I

. This Week





Soccer team plays with competitive edge

page 9

AOPA president calls for resignation of Dole

page 18


Air dis.aster conference

~AU co-host of crash

managemen t program

Embf) · Riddlc.

he:i hh


pro- TDMJ!Otbtion

fcsDoiul\. Tbe confcrcrcc, which will be conducud ThursQy and Frkby, . Scpkmbcr 17 and 18 Al lhc lndiga


l..Akcs D~t Crnltt. 03yton3 Bach, is c1rccltd w rtaivc hc:i,h1cncdin1cre51 inli1h1o r lhcn:· ctm dcvtlopncnlS in lhc avblkln Niduitf)',X'C'onlinl Wl John Gannon, ditcctof of ~ Ccnlcr fot Prol'csLloo:il Prop"»t\S at Embty·Riddlc. The go:il, s:ay• O:innon, ls to prov id.: usefol p-xtiot\ infomuUon kl lndi· vidu:ib who :vc flBI 00 the Sttnc o( an •ircrafi dis:wcr. This will cNblc them Ill do d;cit jobs mon: cf. Oc knlly :ind pouibly lcum !he liC'Cp::of11dba.u.:1.Gannonadd..."d. Tbe 1'1t'O-lby prosr.!m will re:itun:

0 -

prucnt:itions by ClJICIU in lhc rlC '-:h: of mcdidnc llnd :ivbtim s:ifcty. In lhc field oC 11vbtkln s:irny. Or.

Fraska 342 simulator used to enhance Crusader training OrM.11ly Sm ilh ·I fll 'o{'ll 2-1:?. :ulil1t1e,lmulll tor r :1 n c1•ur «• hci..• t1nl~ l\vio11 s l;1!1 11•1io1 tc1

- - - · - · - -- --

~ orcra ictl "' i1ho u1 1he 1h ual poni011 o f1hc•)"•lrm . l"hcl 1 11 ~·3 r11n he- rwrp-Of rilmrd w 'imulatt'

11« •imul311" • lu r :uh 3111.'•-J o rc1a1 iun• •u.: h :1. m•11umrn11r:1111111 r . l h•· ll"\I i:1:.m '"•mid t'C' :1dn1im•1n1."ll w a


• ';Uh.I

:rkt1;i;;~u:.~':i~ ~n n~~~

----- -- -



~l.Q' lbty. :in IHSisunt profcssot :it

~;u~~,~~,·~~~~ 1 ~;~~!"'::.:11~i~; ~?A. ircra ft d C'<elllJ'C' thC'



r:Wlhcu. Ahh0111h thcrr we S-ISO malltioJ.ti. enOllJh IOI •II nim:nt (lf'Obkm flCtC bcallie tlw::tcart.il)IT>(ho&d-OWUUudC'n\< h om lau rur . Some proplt •hi> do not ytt ha•·t I pnmanmt ad

IC1*AU. !hr

drni h.~1rqun1td 1 obC' al lo9 ·


rd 10 uw 1hd r ERAU bo•n unti l an addta' i• f011nd . Att0tdini 10 Ch.ark:lo faun · 11!11. 1hi' m1ilbo1 t it1111ion 'hould bC' rlWrd up • ithin 1hir

~~A!Jf$l1Pf'lo;t.:~':' ~n}

month. Thii puibkm h•1 Jim' ro·m ytar uyi Fountain. but 1hi' car, • ·i1h the- ta11$ hnhmm 1... iro"er,lhtl'I D~ ' ' mm~ l'fOnoU~ A wl!'hmol t , •ho.,. n hn 10 1t· m11n .a.."IO n) mOU \. • IH«d h11 ml)laum 10 tht A•w 11 . Ttm Jl'C'OOn I.I~ lhlll hc I\ .nno~·ird b> hanns u• 111nd in luw for m11i1 and h) 1hc fan 1h11 ht can·1 .,.. ~ ur hi• mall bttllllof o! 1ht omn


ho11n111C'inall1oom L""". N · rordin.a10Fo11ntaln,1htUnl\'U· d1y undC'ncanch tht problnnt lhcw ICv<k~ !;...":, :!nd b doir\s h• be\l 10 conu ol.


will l-c oo

;1(111 t1.i.;al 1..-(1<i:nl(. '"' "~ ;w.l;:rrni Oa) 1.11i:11i.";k h I' p11o;i.1 ••HJ'Ol'I on 1hc '<'Coti..I 11.1) ,.r tht.· conf,•1rot".... 1'..IJ111111Ull),a 1,., ...11i:il f"' " J'l."l'tin · h) lllip1.h;• <:c11<."1;1 I W11l1:v11 SJllU· ao.:c, :1 hu•11.-.: o r Eml-..iy· Kid.Uc l\1:mr1;1ul1o.":il Urn •·crsll)'. 11. dl 1-c 1:i1<·n :it tk.: ,... of 1h\• M'1.o111d tb)' oC tlit: (llllJ>r.IUI, (knrr;il Sprn:inrc.. ~ · ('fllllmi; It) John G:1nn(111. tut ~· C'f!tl .• • II Lnn"'n r,v 1!1i• topic or tli..· \ ll'Um' l't"'"'l''t""ll\"e. and. :H :tn :11r cr.i'h 'o'"Hlf. \. 111 ll.:SC1il'(: in ..1.:1;111. " ILl\ 11 k\"I. h\c 10 •·: in· ••>l\ ,,l1.1:111;.,c1,k111. r 1111ll.'.'1 111hw1113!11"(1 wna:mlng tli._ A11,1;11\ M:in.1i:.,1ao.-nt lnjli1111e 111.1) I\: .,.,.:l.in.."1.I b) c-.iU nii> 1llc Uni· JoAnncFi~ ll ikkhr.111d ,arounc 1\(ll \\'hi 1 )"~ Ccm(· r fof l 'mk,:~ioo:il :i.00 roru:11lu111 Cor <Xcu1u 1ioiul l 'H'!t•-'111~ .11 1101 '"' f•lll~ .

'zero time' program unde(way


ponion or lht 'racm. Yht fr•-

Missing mail boxes A tarie n11int1Cr ol the: 1rcom1n' flCIMlcnll\Jl"")llnumbfr ofrc-·

l .111C'lt1."l1.)' \' 111· 1"11~111

dhl'l.i~ "' "" ( >oi.- 11.111g;u for • ~'.•mi h)' n111k1.:n.;.- )\lftlC'1(\'.lnu

·*trcraft 'z.ero time' program underway


111"ni111stucknlldonot ,-c:1h:in· a

S:d'cty llro rd (NTSB), and a fxuhy nicmb:r :it Embry·Kiddlc Aa-~111k:ll Uni H'I· sity f'rclc'ol.1 Campus. ¥>'ill e.'pbin tOOtok lhcNTSR pb)'S in tli;.•rra~1 sccn:ario. 'The mri.l iu l rrog.ram .,.ill k :u urc Dr. J ohn Sh.:dd.ditmcr o r the \'1> lusb Coon1y Emcrgr ncy M;,'\lio.":il Scn·kcs :ti l blir:u Mc-dial Ccnl t't . v.·ho will rtbte 1 ~ procrJu1c used r.o Kl up a lti:igc·, 1hc n~tlo.I \I~ IO d.'.tcnninc Ilic SC\"\"rity or Ill• ji..-ics.and lhc priofity ror lll.-:illllC'nL Or. Michxl l bninglO. . dit.:CUJI" oC the lblib.\ Mcdit"ia l Calle r rrai.1n.:1 Te:im. wi ll li1scus lio•· mu:1i11le injury vic1ims shou ld Iii! h:indkd lllld ue:iltd. A )fl(Cbl •ol'ic re 111ini; tu t!~ ,,,.,. . chological probk ms fxC\I by cui..·1· J:CflC)' cn:v.'S v.·i\I 1'c <k-l i•'l.•r.J b)·


•arirt)· or cdli111. "' ind. o r nl f h l \f\ tem •ll• aquhC'd h)• 1hr \l.ahilil y rond!lion\. IHtOtlJ Utka\ ' ciC'nct \t<1l31lmtnl. Thr h e\ •"•1110 11 n f ti.· \)'IC'fn Tl1t ~r·•nn . ... hk h romhb o r the u\C'"ll tum f!U1tt J:a1:1 on .i •l: nu lAtOf , \ ' 1• 11 :1\ Ji\pl:a)· ~)'Mem . la..n dl'4: m JIU1' 1lk :1.:ru1:11 .: and ATf ,·,lfl\puttt to 1t'l.'.o rJ o.cmn) v.ithin :?$ n:i11dc.i\ mile lolbtio o r 1ht m1h1. b Mn1 u• J1diu• o r DAU. Tho: ' >' trm r ro· nl h >· 1hr Fh1h1 T«hnolou •Ide- :t«Urat e •i•Ulll r"l\ imil) Oqi.11\nlC'nt i11 1hC'no nn1l c-ou11.\ tu-:-.:1•une nli rb1er1c.w n1er Jur ofu:ilnin1 :ic1hh)'· it1J an :ictmd OJ'C'l llh ll n . Hc"l.';111 ... Thr M"' •lmu l:m)f 1' run llK' l.IJl:I I- • h•l t"ll •In 13'<1 1.11 ...•• ti1u1C'Ct kkn tk l) 10 the CC"'•na mmc 111Co11n;11k•n ,·an t>c' •WI•'\! 1".JO} C 1u'tf':tdcl. 10hk h I< lh< th:i n •••uld k- o n r1 ~•11•u · c uncn1 muh l tn1ine:1 i1n :if1hn< ' ) •tern•. "'hk h •to1cJ 1r1f1•1m:i II O:iy1o nll ,11 mpu\ , TM Flifhl T«hnolocr l'kp:mm:m1ho pe-.1<1 1ion o n rti1.1 u1r 113111<' t>) f1am1• t>a1 h . cSq nm ir.: 111.· aprl k :1hili t) of 1he i hl••) • tC'l nll l ~ •l. no"" • lh<'•"•" \ )"I C'fll l'lilh reiard• 1c1 11:i.in in1 IC'\.'l runl'l :a) hr:id ml!• ''" .ill :111 htt< 11 E Rl\ U. pofl• \\1th i11 HY.JO n:aU ll\'ill rm lf" lhr •inllll.llOf h unh~c I n ) !!qa r.: f1 u m l>il ; htn ll Rqtinn~I . 01 hr 1 p1e•1uu ~h· ••\Cd hr1 e. in AC\'UUlinJ' It> ,\11 ut1 "''ll h '\... , lhl t II h i • fu ll \ l\ U31 Kn!~ )!\> the h\A i• 1.·.. n•u.k1it1J a 11•1n1 a cton11•:in• 1h c fl i1h1 h• pm1 r:i m 1011th l: KA U ' " dcwr· \l l UlllC'lll \. S'H 11l lJll lllUIC !COll i \lh. m inC'11ir a rrh•a""''> ufth" ' >I" fttl \D lhC' fl 1i:1t , >)•tcm fo1 in111:1I m ult i •·t11;nK' 1hc 1h u:a1 dh rl1) po11 ion 1•\ 113inm1 l hr .:111 re n t 111nc1ar ) I01 1he ')•tern 1• <('fQ! ll lC' fiom 1lK'

ByUo [)oulas Avion Stall A!POn e1

1111.· ll::ihh vi. I S~fr l) rir Em·ri;C ll(')


N~w simulator


C~rc/RCK'uc Sc11 tun :ii 1\1)- dc l:i).-1l 11:ura:i C'l1~-,.·h l''l'"''m('('d ~ lkxh Rcgkwul 1\ irport, v.111 h)' 11·,ruo.• :md 1111.•Ji..·;il simi· ta·icw lhc ron1muni1y air d1s:a ~..-1 b1 In !Ii.: ru~•t.-.u~ t •.,·<'111'} nu liUN pb.1 ofD;ly1on.1C.-xh. hu l Smilh, l"~mtl :ifi. r •'1'-'lll'llC'mg h:ir· 1111 in~iplDr fot It..' N., •ion:il 1n11i 1ni:, l•.1ul..- rni ...1111.111(

lblifa\ llospiul Medical Center wiU co-host 1 l'A'CMby Aircr.lfl. Cr.i.$h P.~t Institute for emergency and bw cnfort'tmmt pct10llflCI and


:m:nomy or :a l)Tiin l :air di~Nl'f. lk'l'm"'· l\·1 •>nn.:1111 Cvll..'i;c l'.:irt , Fire C:.. uin Jxk Abbott, uf 1h1: \I I'. 1111, ""111 , Uh'I 11..,· 'lo'Clll."ltmC'

l.la)1ona llcxh, A3 •• Embry· Riddle Acron:lutic:il Univcnl1y .00

thr M1u.11iofi undn

Tht niahl dcpat1menl hnt &.1 Oay1on• ca1npus has 11Ltn dtli'": r ) or I rKondhlontd Cosu 172'1. Tiit a.Iman art tompktdy ttthanu raaurrd by Ztto T im t In(., o r N t w Cumbnlud, Pr. Accordlnt 10 thkf pilot Paul McDuCf« , mou cvtt)'lhin1thatmovnorunsur.

rn f1 1i1~ b rrpiamS on tht • Ir· n.r1. Ht :tho noted that 1ht in· ilial rcsponic was fa,·onbk, and t;;.ptCIJ to make 1 lon1 ttnn com· mit mmt wl• h bro Tlmt'. Two alrTian art on urdn for Prnc-ott campus, and i:!dh·rry is

uptettd MKln. The1e fl< :a rl:'A' difrttmta rrom 1he ·15 172" Mosl notictably b 1ht rull 40 dqr« fli p UI C'M i<-rt. Thttt is I notict in cht Fli1b1 loforn1a1ioo F\k ron« rn ins h1tndlin1 d if. fcrt n t<\ . The f;H Ai mum dlo• ablt sun~ "'d;h'. h 100 lbs. lm 1h1n 1he 'U 11l1plll!IC'\. Tht Spnry 111\'/ tomm• no. · mally found In ou r 112·, """e not 1vailable 11thb1 imc. K. the 7nfl Timt •iltt1ftC"0111e•·hh1he ki 111 KXJ5j TSO radkn . Th i\ "' ill force 1he F. RA U fad lo rtpair ~ 11 · 1iun to 1n 1 dirrnrnt FAA rC'pah w11ion li«nM' ror rC'pair o r lht


T ht l. )'•'OIUll'J 0 J20/ 02J " lfJOh11. IOmo.c1t1a n 1hr orl1in11J u 11i11e for 1bb :1i•f1 ..in1e. Tht rna hK" h '"'calkd u nd<'r • STC by l'tny:111 Cl•rp. All 1he new alt· cr:1 r1 :11eVIH.,•11I) .

RovleVI I lit"~ NN4 f- K fot 1hi) report ~ n• I fn11nJ , he 1n'OnJh tonC'Ct :air· ,·1:1(1 1.. to< ' '~-eruomd In 1:1 •ei:ard•. R1tld k 44 r:im t 10 mt "'" ~o tmuu wi:d 11n1<. Wi•h 11111 h1C'\ 11nd m• IH lb. i.elf on

SM'" ZERO page 18

ERAU not lacking events By Linda Johnstone SGA Secretary If )Ull nu •~. 1h.;o l o m l>d 11;.·~ !£ho ... . lhur...J11). ~tp1cm bt.-r J1J. ) Oii mh \.C'd 11 rul gooJk . l·ror11 1bc• CJ ) t-cyinnin1 unul1ht•rr ) cnJ , 1·• t l)1mc "'·:i• in •lh t ht'I flo m the h1l:11 W.,.. ,o ~ n . 111c l.\, •lid<' •ho"' :ini.1 1n1 k• 11( To m lk l.u.::a. Ththi1hl ight of1he •ho •nmc "'htn app1 0 , im11ti)' 2j •1Uden1• 1olu111tt1tJ 10 be h ~ pnmi1C'd on •ll•lt· F1om thtfC' ii ju•• JUI run · nier and fun r.k r. T o m h:W the •tudtn1 • 1hinl.in11hr1r10nrm iec" a ll o•<r 1ht n oo r. 1h111 hei1 •hon, "'t1< l1 n1ht 11 ron1 fttt,th111hc)· hi ll lamkd • his ti•h. 1h:111 hrr •t'f< 11ca1 dHKtf ) , 1h:11 1ht :al.luima: "''' nlll.rd. 1h111 TllEY •C'1C' n:a LN . and m:1nr ot ht1 hil:ario u • •huation• . The incrrdi· hie p;lll I'll \ , l ht •llliJCUI ) who •tu: ·under' didn't think thty • •tlC'. )C1 'MHTIC'1 if!IC"\ lhC)' •OUld ""Y ..omtthi111 1h1t 1h<)' 001i ldn •t bC'lk•t h:ai.I juw romeo111 or1htl1 mou1h\. Thh • ·a\ Tom lkl1Ka' • fiC1h apJ)C'aralK't 11 Emb ry-Ridd lt and rn11inlynot h\\ ll\1 . ll t•l"'·a)'\ puu on 1n uttlltlll )" ow. In r1t1, he •U 1t\'Crlh ch<>Kn 1'11 · tloH I Campul Er m11incr o r the \ 'n 1. One bis ·auaboy· 11un m

~1ud~n1 A,·1i\il iC"' h>r •('ll>O"(llin1 1hh rre:it c\C'nl . Tl1r 01 k n1:a1io n l'uol Part ) held u n Augu•I ;?JC \03• a JIUI •lM.' t'C'\• • i1h arpu1'1m:i1tl ) ISOO \tudrnh 111rnJin1 . The •~C'\\ "'ll\duc.inrrtlll 11:111.1.11hth:t1d "' o rk :and ro o 11tr :a1 io n of e•el )"OllC' In tht!!"l'iA . 1':11111.· u\:ar · I)'. !GA k tpfC"<lllllthr Th1mtet1 , ...... m · ·ho rl:anntd :ind •'001· dina1N 1he ~ tnl. ff ll \!ember J>:a•id ll:i•lop "'ho 101 ma n,· :11u bu.inn~ 10 don11e door r rilt'I ~nd ff H Memhn Grct Janto d . "'ho 1ut l.SOO hot d os• d o n11nl. Othtr !GA mnnbci' •l.o ob1a incd door pri1n tu 1hr ll"'IY 10NC' Michael M iiier , Janet 1.uLe :1nd Otr,·k Nk holwn . l' rilt\ "e1e1ho!i\·tnto10innttlofthc Belly Flop r o n1n1 , 1ht ICC" k a«. 1hc Era Ton :ind W11e1 Balloon 1•t n . Door p1 i1ri Incl uded ~·tty1hi n1 fr o m fr« plua ~ IO •ind11ilin1 leiWJn}. l11nt " "" :al1oO plt n1 y of htt ht11 dos~. potnlo .:hip\ and Pt p•i Cor C"'·n,·one. ~G .\i En1tt11inmc•11 ~II · men • pn widcd 1l1e 1101 mu\k.' llnd lht MC or lht d•r V.'I\ SG A Rev :wn111h·r Milt O ' B1kn. Th i~ Fall lcttp your t~n and au opm fM !oOIM f1m 1n1ic C"7H' put on by tht En ttnaln· mtnt Dtpa rtmt'nl . You l'IOt1't want to min 1 n~ oC them .

An Army C H«> Bl1c1t~1wlt receive s a p a rking ticket whlle on display al EmbrV·Rlddle.



lheAvlon. Sepcembef 17, 1987

Inefficient pollcy cause for action BookatON no longer effective At tbe beahmiaa or ewry term. the bookstore is on the cop..., of tbe 11udenu' publk: cnanles list. Althouah lbere are a variety of reasons, most llfC!C that the Iona Ibis - tbe wont. IJur boobtono doc::n't really need to expand. Except for about six weets out or the yar. it ls an adequate store. Wbac it does need to do, howevtt. is rtod • cruti~ llDd Yiablc IOludon to the Una.

Unfortuaatdy, the book.store doesn't seem 10 be con-

cmuatina very hard on nndinl th1t solution: they protcq tbdr monopoly by not altow:in1 other stores a listina of required tcxu. This keeps the scudents' money at Riddlt. Tbcorictlcally, thal ls so che profiu aencr11cd can be Ultd to improYC the xhool. That is fine.



=t:i:~· :.~~':h:~~r::~~

lUddlclabooks, with the theother University sioekina seliina tbem. achanae. businesses wouJdorhave an iacreued volume of tnJnc resullina In better sales or





·~: ~'{. t ~·~~M~ ~1. '(Oii ~...\'Im\ Aloi. TllOK MAR·


=~:=se..=~~=.!.i!e:'.'1.1!':~r~~ 1Letters to the Edita( 1

fuAaeatbfOUahout the year. Another solution has arisen with the complcdon of Spruance HaU. Now that - . . empty olliee . _ is available, this <0wd be used a temporary satdUlt ttora. ln!tead of havina one hor-· rmcp.Jy Jona line, thc:e would be several shone:r lines tbal would· move more er .JckJy. With ERAU bein1 a ICbool that bases most or Its decisions on what other ICbools are dolaa and the sme:ral opbltion of the students, it It smpridna that our boot.score: doesn'1 publish a rt· quiml lat lilt u other ins1ilutions do. Perhaps the boOblore and otha divisions of this University ouaht to look at its bat raource for solvins some of its problems - tbe •udent body. ed

!:i~~n~~0:!~ 1~}! :XIQi:.~ic~:1' 1~s!~ ~::'·.~~~~. ~": ::cldA~1w=

NoComprende Tolhc Editcr.

There bu bocn a lot or 11ucntion Thlntini th:tt lhc studc':nu did not JiYCn io lhc q1Dlirlaticw or IOd'i· undcnund lhc lesson. lhc te.xhcr

en tdoee dlCy arc hired by lhc uni· v.'OUld keep upb!Rin1 the k.uon. vcrsi1y and I believe dlx lhm Is noc oncsil\gkl ICKhcrlfnOOl lhcERAU rxulty WI ~s not h:lvc a wc:illh ol knawlcdie IO olfu IO lhc SIU· dcnu. but docs Wt tnowlcd~ DCtu· ally Id IO lhcswdcnlS? Last ltimc.1&cr, I

bf'""' huUUC:·

ten who wnoe bolh o( 1 fott:lin m·

lbWlty Ind I ~ a twd lime undmundini both ol lhem. Dech tcxhcrs wcte ainccmed If &he stu· dcnll undctuood lhctn, but • hen .., uiOd in aplaiA lhlnp lhcy would U;AQlly qltO&c lhc wriucn iut !hat we were lr)'lna to have explained lrl·lho first pllce.. In IDJft)'

There is one ~ tni1 of some icxhcrs In lhil unlvusity UGc I rind diswrl-inl and Wt ls when the tcxtia wriles • IU. ot fonnu~ on lhc ctwk bmrd wbik Ibey are mwn~in1 lhc apbn»kins qukdy IO lhcir ctwt. I "" ~ling IO ICC somc:onc stand up in cl.us and G)', "We :ve lhe ones who pay hundltds of dolbrJ IO auend t.'tls cbs:s not the ch.tilt bo.Yd, so do you mind~-


I ara suro I baYc 1 klC olpooplc am nnc 1ype of mnow mlAdod ftid ncck for Nkina &hue complalau and \he)' Ml pnibably . ~. •hc;n•l&Udcnl~.. rl&M.tuwhcrll forfellinyUle qucsaion, ii would Ukc liYC mllUCS a\•inp and skip mcm IO aucnd IOCApblnlhcqucstionLOlhc!CXhct Emtwy-Rldcilc, I fed as if l ~\'Cl And • ·heft .tic cexhcr fin:all)' &A- rigtll IO 1 lillle more: o( at1 edl.ltaion IWCrCd the question, il would l:lkc t!Dn v.' lu& 1can read ia a book. No, I ~ kw minutes 10: 1gun: I do h:I~ :inylhinJ: . )I tt!Ui

lhinkin& I



lhcy uicd IO upbin lhings they would usually quoc.e the • ·riucn icat th:il •-e • ·ere uyin; 10 lu\·c a· pblncd in the fim pbcc. tn m211y CllSCS when • swckn1 v.'OUld ~ • Qldtlon, k would take five mlni.Ces to uplaln thc question IO lhc tcxhcr

dted and ninety dolbrJ hlvc ronc down lhc dniia, I lillod OUI enc


ot lh>sc

cexhcr en~mtion ronns. lhcy will do me In)' sood. I could •Titc I lt.tta IO lhe

not to ay lhJt

ediiot of the Avion. In a kw wcc:U we will soe ir such lllft ~h tw 1ny cffocL You tOl.lld 10 lhrouah lhc AddJDrop lines Ind hlJpc ror IOlnt· 1hin1bcltu.whkh bv.·~ldidlnd

I Sol lnlO -i RCtion run by mlT wltlc:h •'» lhc Oftly «her 1C1Ctioo open lhlnt1a1 WI lhc wane Iha coWd llllJPCft woWd be IO IC' the

~. 1 -- --...


't. e, at the Avlon, apl'OIOQl.re for the lata PIJ*. However, In l hl1 t9Chnlcol.,glcal 1ga, we loo .,. at Iha m«ey of our com putare; one c1n unC:et•tan d how lemperment:sl computaf'9 .,., AllO, wa ate ateo IUI• fifing from a dwlndllng ltaff.

ame.__.,wtakbil~bappmcd In my case. Deeluse we hnc

1hi1 block l!Jilionprog!Wft, l would ~'IC IO ~)' for lhc COW1C anytio.,•, so I dotkkd IO just Uke lhc cowsc owl rct 11\;,: inV.U('Ti""

IUut 1bCUl::r, did'ind l llmsun:I h:lvc11 k>cofpcoplc I p inio 1 section nin by mtr v.·hich v.-:as thc only «her section open 1hlnkin1 INI thc •'Or&C thx coukS luppcn ""'OUld be IO Id the uinc IC*hcr whidl is w~ h:llppcncd In my c.-. 8ecaUlc " haws Embty·Riddlc, I 1ccl :n Ir I h:llYC • •.hi• block witioa PfOllU', I woWJ


lhinkin& I am some IYJIC ol rwrow minded n::d neck for mkin& lhcse compbinu lllld t'ac:y wc prdWlly rl&ht, but when r f.orf'cil my lire avin" ~ skip meals IO IUtrxi

mlOthcr kw minutes kl fl1wc ou1 do not h:llvc .-iythina tpins1 ccruin w~ \he ~her w:n ~lkin1 lbouL ~ jusi bccauw i!•;y rorAflcr a wh1kl lhc cWs would CCI ciincrs; I h:llvc m#I/ friends who rro.snitd411djust1010sJoep. 111e rrom out or lhc !utcs.. 1 j-.ast Ckasion;illy thc tcxhe1 would 00n·1 rod I shoold h:lvc 10 put up apbin somahin1 Uul MS v.-cll WI· • •iLh Lhc aforcnlCftlioncd 1111.iu cbstood by the sw&:nu ~ thc common to lhcHc icxhcrs. I! I •'tfll lc;Xhcr m:iy not h:lve. undcrSIOOd, or IO school In Fr3nec or En1bnd or for some l"QlOn, w:n n:;illy Lryin1 IO Tin buck Tv.-o (sic) I wouJd opccl



ordlc 1 :.idcn1tCC1ne bcrc ~


::,;n: ~: ~::!: .:~ ~':t!1::,n::rn~~ =~~~':==:= act

., ., . ,_....,-. .

bditl1 ;ac:n)Nllt.ial IMUwtc and all

lhcy want IO woftc around ai~ In one w=iyor~. So wtly b ii Ind the Amtrian way of lire. lhJI there wc ce11ain llCaChm who There ceruia thinp lhat c.n doa'I \no'alari)lhinl abol.l nyin1l be done IO ut.e care ol lhc aforc:Name withdd upon Request mcnUoncd probkms such a Ill lhc er.Jo( lhclrimcslCr, aflc:r thtcc hun-

Bec:•ur.e ol


we .,..



aleo tor tomeone on ~lctl . . can atria the tM.ama "9Xt

and lhc lnsuuc:Uon nit I am llma. If you are ln1eret1ed, or Juat Ilka d1tn-cilng comIUppOSCd to set rrom the tcac.hcr !rom anothct stixknl who .,,.. tbk pu1r.1• . slop by the A'llon '°We the course rrom:. ICIChcr office In 1he U.C. who knew •fal w:n 1oin1 oa. But, Once tQaln, we regret tha Ill least I will h:lvc a piece ol r,opcr oa1ay. Wt a)'• ! rt:l\'C an Educ~ from Iha Awlon. E.7.t.y-Riddlc. One ~I note: This ls lhc world 's '---------~

I~"'~,~(;Je_M_o_fi_ris_ _ _ _ _ _ W_es Olesze.wski I F'"'9d b)i the Students of emtiry.flddle

---- -O rN7ftM.ronHntl/Wfllll' ~

Paul NoYacek

--- --

Dr. Roger Osterhlom

Brla.1 Moodoll



John Gonzilios


Chip Zodrow

Richard Goho

..... r _ _ ._ Olrla LegYoid

lhe -'v1on.


I], 1987


ASSL facilities fla.u nt technology -===--=~--- SimubtionTninin1 System ERAU Prtu Retease S. Mctaxolo£iaJCCll~ - - - - -- - - 6. Micro-Vut.binfr:unc Computcr Tbc Airway Science Slmuta&ion The compuccr tmcd ltuuuction:al l.abol.ary simulaccs lhc Qriom ti· S)'SICm utili1cs lhc IBM·PC wilh 1 cnw:nu ol the Nl&ional ~e coklr. IOuch scru:n and ta l:lS« vi· System: wealha, lirporu, lirways. sion video disc pl:lycr land Lhc: Air TnlT'.c Corlcrol, flow control, QUEST aulhorin& syst:m. The ini· piiol and aitcrall p.:rfonNnee. ti:ll impkmrflgtion provides for in· 1'hc Labaralory has thc pcMtnlbl di\idlW student 1utori1111: In Ptwe ol bccomln1 a 1111jor simubtion II, lhc wcxbbtions .,..ill be net· tt:Unin1 and rcxarch labor.uory for .,.'Ofttd to pcrmil student int~~inlng. inswcliorW ' lion. mattrial dcve:lopmcnt and human The Mooney AirtDft Simul:llor f:llCtcnhviatbl afcty rc:scan:h Ind lrup:ucd wilh the Pangoo Visu:i.I development. S)'llan man:ar.xturcd b)' llii:h·Tcch The cuncnt Initial conri1utntion olOrbndo. Flof~Cte31cs realistic o( the l.abcn&ory Is c:omprUcd oC im:tJ:CS for optimum tr.iinins v:iluc. W. elcmcfts: The 1C.$Ult is 11 highly d.:uilcd rt'n· 1. Computa Bued lAstrutiional &.."ring of obj.xu and :aec:w:iic tell· Systtnt Ccnla' turini: of the trn:ain ond other gro2. FliJbtSimubllOI' physk:i.1 fc:iturcs. Nun"'';"IY m:ul.:ini;s 3. Ait Tnff'IC Control Simublion: :and bndt::iip... IC.aturiltl; built inlO Non·nibr Tralncn lhc d:i.::i hllc cr:llCS a.cclknt d.:pth 4. Ait Tnmc: Control lnlcllii:ct11 pctt"qition :ind closu1e cll!C.'. Yoke

communic:.tion wiLhlhcAir Tr:amc ControVnon-Dtbr u:linm provides lhc bnis ror intcrx"live: simublion: fututc l'onfigur:ations w:ill Uc the nigh1 simubion IO ATC/r:ld3r sys·


The Air Traffic Con!rOI (ATC) cquipmcn1 is dcsii:ncd IO simublC the Air Tr:i.tric Conuol noM:ubt cnvirorvna1t. Student\ uught losic principles af ATC in lhc corupulCf b:lK'd ln~uction sys&rml .,..ill re· cch-c h:lnds-0n syst:.-na training wbc:nthccontrollcr n:wions:ucin· tc:rfxt'd with the mtlCOrolosbl ccnicr ~ thc mahtsimubtorS. nicdc:momtr:ation progr.imor1he Air Tr:alfic Conttol intelligent sim· ubtion trainin& ~m \nCS t111·0 Apollo )(OJ com(lUtcn. Ont Apollo lOOO lu.'I a hlgn·rcsolutinn rolor monitor and conU211ly dlspl:iys lhe ra.br JCOpC in rol lime ~nd lhc Ab . borne aitrr;,ft. The dispby Includes the currcnt airport altimctcr scnlni:.

simublion time. J.imub lOf Sl:llU.I. wind \'doci1y :and direction, Md :alr· m fl wips. The tr.lincc U :able to cMngc the ~<pby on lhc Dtl:i.r scope IO include tddi1icwul infor1Tl3· lion S!Kh m ig.rig:idon akh, tair· "'';"l)'S.airpon m:tp,llnd r.1n1e rings. · The s.ccond dispby provider in· strucm.ut/lulOf chacs and inform:»lion to the lt:linc:c. The d.:lnOIUlr.I· lion Kcrwio is lhc: 1"CSUlt of a Jaint Uni\·c:J'llty of C'c:nlt:ll F1oric1.l I Gcnrr:iJ Ekctric I Embry-RKSdlc Acnxuu1ic:d Univcrsi1y ~h :and &vclopncnt program. The: prujccl is rlX'U!c:d oo using :vtifidal in1dligcncc ICChnology llJlilt simub · lion tc:clmulogy to d.:vdop ~ inier· x1i.-c ·C-l(l('R l)iitc:m tu1or· lding lhc N:i•ionll Ainpxc S)'Slc:m as the <knlOllSU3lion vehicle. The 111-c:11hcr S)'llnn in this Air· "'';"IY Science l:lboouory Is the toU1 Knour.H Wc:tthcr 5)'Slc:n1 b)' 111hich 111·c:oi1hc:r lbu is diucmin:ilt'd by both

saltllitcalldbndline. The rulc111 ol lhc weahcr l)'S· ccm b lhc Triln(I compu1er which inqr:ucs lllph:anumrrics. rrrimllc IT13p tbt:I. QICUiie ebb, r:Mbr ~1:1 and lhc hi1hly 5Dplliuic31.rd MC !DAS 50ftw:ue package IO prodlJC(. rol·timt. ~!m:ued ar.:phic video "''talhcr freedom 10 cdil, ccrullutl, and :irthi\'C rob gr.iphic: 1fopb)'I. It also enables lhc oprcr:nor to .:.lCf· cisc compkic rr«dom ta edit. C"OI\· Sin.ct. an:I :uthivc color gr.iiilLc dispbys. lnckpcnd.!ntbuto.lsoc:apa· bk ol bcin& inicv-ucd into ltic l)'J· ccm Is thc Dtl:i.r comJDICl\I • ·Mr h enables thc opc:r::ilOf IO dW a:iy of the 127 units ol tb.: N:aiiorul WQlhc:r Service (h'WS) nc:t..,vL bj 1ekphonc line, The sy11em l'3I\ print 001 ~y .,.ulJ . ..,·Wc - ~·:uhcr !bu land plot the c:ompktc NWS m:ip JIOCb&c. The s.n:lliic ponion of th ii ))'llem cn:iblcs the u~r IO dispby \'llliout

poniDMorlhc: ..uld includinsfuU diJc visu:als :an.I inrramJ pftturcs :wl obo •:kcled poniom cl Nonh Amt'rica nch.dins 1hc Oulf rJ Me.dro llJK. lhc Caribbean. 'Ille: i.::ildlile disscmimied d3l3 WC3m "'' i:l bC' m tacd into the Mi· crG-\':u m:Unft:lm('; computer "''hich will drh·c lhc IOt.:11 Air TDffic' Con· uol 1im111:lliofl aubling thc Ain.';"ly Science Simublion Uborltory 10 xhicvc ii.I. u:tinutc ~: 1hc dri· Ctcnl 1.:1ining and <"d•ation of ERAU11UdenL~ in::inJiN.-:1y scicncc

nrcc:r ricld. Digiul Equipmi'nl Corporation's Mic~V:i• M:ainrrame Coro(llllcr p o\·id.:s a rich SCI of u1iliti.-s, l:in· i:'J:IJ;l':', d:\'Clop.':lent tools ~ :irp!iotions. The Ed1Cmo:t u intrul l.:r Jl!O"'idcl on inll'r.K'Ci\-c n..1111v t of 111-orkA:ltion., , such as -~!her ~· cc ms aircr:i!1 ~rfOfl'.':UnC'e. Air Tr:a~· fll' Control, hwn!lll !x torJ. ~ll'Ott nun.:1gc:n1ct1t :and ~r:llions.

Weather also simulated at ASSL building - - - - - - - - m:tlc:d i;Ql>hic va."O "'-c::ithcr dis· _ERA __ u_Pres _ s_R_•Je_ase _ _ _ r~~~ ':bi~~c~=~ £mbry·Rlddk Acromutic::ll Uni· wnit)' (Da)'IDftl Bach, A.) is of· (cring media tq11'~VCS ~Us· aance in c:ompilina 4:.!11 ln onb to track twniClncs and l'llhc# wc:itf'...'f phcnomeftL Embry-Riddle's Altway Stk:nce Sim1.112lion Labomot)', locaud on Oydc Manis Boulevard, simubtcs thc NJltanal Alnpxc Sysicm, In· cbtina •lrporu. airways, lit wmc c.mool, now «Mlllol. pilot and alr· Cftf'l pcdonnsncc w• and we:lhcr. The nuc::bn: ol our wtalhcr sc:rvice U lhc Trimci compu&tt, which inlc&r*I alphalwmcrics. f.cslmilc map dll&a. 111ellik d:iu. r.td:il' d:lll llrld • tiiJhly IOphbdatcd soRW31'C poc:b,&e IO produce real-time .u.

of'lhc n:itiorul airsp.xc sysacm helps studcnlS und..."TA:lnd lhc Wc:rrtb · ticnships o.nd how they llffcct dcci· sion m:din1. Wllilc lhit inform:lllon is used ro, inS1tuC1ion:il purposes. we red th.it 1oc~ ncwsp>pc:r, radio and tclC'o'i· 1bl rcpor1en lflly find the systems beneficial by contxting Emt.yRiddJc"s mctccxologic:ll fxulty for sig.1iflC3nl development\ p:inku· btly dwin1 l1urric:an.: llkru. You are inviieJ toc:ill Gcori;e 0 . Thune. public rtbtiol1' dim:tor, to n\lle amngc:mcnu for a JWivatc tool oC the rxilitics :ind to male llf• ~semtnu: io use our bbonlloty on a public scn·keba.\is. Call 901-239· 6 178.


252-3713 TAKE YOUR PICK:


1~F\ · ~'

INQUIRE WITHIN FOR DETAILS l'ltOPliR I.I>. .!< Dlil'OSIT RliQUllUill l\'/t >•IEMHl!ltSIUI'

"'· '.


It' Avian. September 17, 1987

·&_ -




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I'I '

6 Orbital _ Inclinations

theAYlon, Septembel 17. 1987


Checks and balances ~could only cause more delays for NASA The nw !lunch of the space shuttle Discovrry will be ont or, If not the most. important shuttle launches cvrr.


rut UTivins June 2 llunch date WU picked U

a tarpt dale of when NASA offic:ialJ bdicvc they will have CVUJthina completely modified and tested. To reassure: the safety or lbc: next launch, the KSC Director, General McCartney stiles that more checks and balances have bem inlli1u1ed. and all procedura are more eittc:nsive.

11 appears lhal NASA wants 10 make this launch date ' without any prcssurc: to launch and only if all tests an: poshIve.

Doan'I this sound framiliu7 Before: the Challtnitr acliddent NASA told us 1~1 1here were no pre. sures to !lunch, and lrupec:tioru and repairs were no1 bdna rwhed 10 meet llbfteh dales.


· ~~:~enter opens new facility newest buildin& 11 the Kennedy Spxc Ccn&cr (KSC) W.t Wcdncs·


:.~:;.~,!:':: 1"'·4""~. ~pcntute,


::~k.~~= ;~x~ compkic inspcctiofts, r::p.iir


orf.llr .c modiric:ations. aoDge. The ll:ird olthc b:sys •and ·ill usisc In dimlnUhin& the d.:bys in lhc pn>ccs.sing f1o'lll oforbilttS lhrough !he Orbil:ll Processing F~ililics (OPF). The Colturlbla now sits in lhc OitMF w;Utin; 10 h:wc the thcrrNI proccccion '>·sii:m i11q!CIC\Cd. The ICSlS will t:lllfC rron. w:ucrproofin1 io rcmov:iJ UNI rq;.JCCmt'V oC tiles. Ocncr21 m.ilnw:~ IO olhct sys· lCtlUI will :llso be CGm?i&d lhctc. These lftcllldc night SU1f:lccs, win· don. h:ltthes Md door, cantrol sywcms, v-cnts. ;ind ~y




Many NASA employees turned oul 1oo~seNo the r•.e1tcu1e1us tow or the space s hullle Columbia Into 1he new Orb{ter Maintenance and Rolurblshmon1 Facllily 81 KSC. nii:ht rocorJ.ors. sc1'· icin£ Ilic frt'Oft O\·crt-ad er.inc is iru:ulkd in lhc coolini; ~).>!.-m, :mi.I other l;!Sl~ lh:ll O~llfF, The cr:in.! will be u5t'd 10 J\"\juire :1~si~1.1ncc rrorn 1hc 1.'.lunch :i.nbt in opening 1.bc p:i.ylo.>d doors Contrul C4'Tll.Cr. on Qtth. ~ d.;...xs on the orbi!Ct :ac ck.signed to be opened in SQX'C r-.,, Lhc 01ri~1m'i br.::ik :.1 thc • ·IK'rc !here Is limiti.!d £r:ivity, not KSC. 1hc Cilfumhia v. ill ~ nlO\~ litc 011c:anh. t1icrt'fotelhccr.:.nc b.xk inlil !he \'1\ll v.-hik: :ii 1cru -o · mu.st ~u.s«11o op.:n 1hcdoors. ,

Progress continues on engines for aerospace plane


Also, many w.ellhes are at the end of thdr lifetime and need to be replaced soon. Fortunately, NASA is not depcodUta sole)' upan the shuttle for space launchc:l, like: "ri&fnaly planned. The rrinsdtutlon of the: Delta la:.inch vcbkla, the Titan 34-D, and 1he concepcional Advanced Launc:b Systam should uslst in keepina the pressure off


The lhirJ hly, }g\•ing lhc $3tnC dimensions u lhc fl~ 111.v OPFs. is 197 Ceca Ions. ISO k~t • ·i<!e. :u1d 9S Ci:ict hi;h. There wiU be no l'O""-tr up c:aplbili1lc.. un1il rutun: upgrado:s 11n: :xkkd into lhc facility. 'The upi;r.llkol li(tlng wiU include stCVlcc o r thc fuel c~ll unts. dumpin; oC .he 01bi1ef .s

NASA re.usura us that it Is doina its best to avoid being · - - - - -- - By c~ Zodtr:lw rushed. But, whh all tbe new quality assurances in· stitutcd, and more proceedures added, one Oaw in 1hc: The N:llticNI Acron:wtics and modlncat.ioru, such u 1he hydrazine leak in 1he rednlan- Spoce Adminislr:lllion and the De· ed 17 lnch disconn«ts for lhe orbiter, could delay the p;rtmentoCDcfcruc(DOD}h:uan· launr.fl by wefts, If not mon1hs. This, in effect, would nounccd th:ll thc engine tcehnolcsy dcvdopmcnt or the NatioN.I puc ~ h 1]h Je\·d of pressure: upon the work schedule'.

The shuttle doPately needs to act airborne to deploy crucial payloads. The Space Station, the Space Tdacope, and other scientific satdli1c:s need 10 be tpored to keep 1he US compechive in the space market.



vironmcnt 10 keep

Acrospacc Pbnc (NASP) Progrm wiUprncccd lnlO the nut phase. ~pcrimcnts at NASA rucarth ccnten arc pointini to thc feasibility of • h)'pCfSOllic ~liydro;cn·rucled 1lrbrc uhln1 vdliclc e~lc cl at k:lsc. Mach B. The ini1iil cnnltl!Cts were lwovdt.d iA April 1986. Rod:wdl ln1tm:llliorW Corp., Roc:kctdync Di· vision, thc UnilCd To:hnologict Corp., and Pr:ltt .t Whitney • i ll proceed Cl'llm the ori&in:al design ph:ne IO the subsysk:m c:cruuuction aftd ICSI plwcs. 11lc tcsU; •ill dcmonstn11c the use


or Airbrc3lhing rnginc:c '° power 2

r:w11jc1 .or~·nmjd.l.:b', O\-Cr. Oncc

horizonl:ll Ui:c-orr iuid l:lndin, Vt• \'dnci1y C-\C~'\'.d~ lt1:1 C~£00\'Cf hiclc cap:i.bk oC Su.wined h)'J)CI· Mx :1nurnL1':r,1llc \'Chicle must x· sonK ni&hl or nigh! into orbi1. The .·ck1.11c 1tnd r hmb 1hruugh :ii roui·

HELP! Space Tech

opproxim:11c -nluc or ex:-. i;onux1 doc ..., i1.h lhc hit,lie.Q 1•:w Oriw oC :ilr

needs writers!

JU'>I 1~ :tirrraft ll\31 lhc airrr:imc


N:wy. :ind~ASA b~ will o.lkr'N iJo riic surh probkms u JNU£r:in1 OtRtcr :Ind ~1uciur:il :inJ :a.- .11htr· wilh both pcnonncl and facili1ics. 1r nlor.i)·n:i.n1..- k..JJ.._ Tili~ nii;.ht profile


r:11:oriei arc supporting the

the NASP prosr:un i_ , IUCC'C!os f u l in iJ ntcCi.UI)' bo..'X':lll)C the scr.im}.'1 ecstin; thc nccdcd &cd:nologid in r 111,:111e ha.' no compressor :md de· thc X·lO Oighl tthick , 11 v.·holc new ""'''" cntircl)' 1hc (tll'4"1rd m~


=m oC opcDtiorol Krosp.11Cc \-thi· 1ion ,1f 11£ :1ircr:ir1 10 pu>h :air

For an inside look al /he Space Program, join the AV/ON Space Technolgy staff!

cks will be possible. 1hroui;l1ii. The pottntUI opplir3tions includ! 11n airblulhing sp.xc: bunch \'t'ILiclc Many lrl'Od)'!UlllK:! Jnt.l IY"'flUI· op.."t:l:Ling from corwcnlion:i' run· $ion ufl('("ll:linitic- m1151b: rcsoh·td ways, 1 klna l':lllgc Air dda tsc i'l· in flight, bee;,~ .-., istin¥ grncnd tm'C'plOr And :1 civil hnicrsonic IC'i rxil11k'icnn1101 rnilb ic 1ruc tnnspon. 11:mpcr-:iturcs :iind IJJCi,_(l;fN;, Thus, Meellngs WED. 1700 The vehicle, rollo11.·ing l:lkcuff, 1hc firs.i 1·c:blck" • ill ro1 1mmtdi· wiU climb and xcdcr:nc Dpidly 1o 11cly gu 5!r:llight inlo oibh. They 11.·lll at the AVION office I speed whctc the princi~ propul· :-~~~°'!:~.~tc:n\-tlopo . __ _ _ _ _ _ ___, lion l)'MCm, a aipcnonk:·burnln1



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the ''""'on. Sept em ber 11. t987


Long summer for NASA ends with a bang· Space agency was busy during hot summer with tests, morale boosti ng events

cnou~;! : '!'1c~· ,:'1up~~ !he~ur.t is :l \'try Uiin.~kd suinku

By Jin Barite

=~:::: :::~::; ~~.;: ~' =~~~~ ~ i::nu~ic~ -------7r.'.'f!ifl'i'!1r

SpedaJ k>lhoAvlon

KENNEDY SPACECEJlrn:R, fls. .• A Ion& Ind somdimcs dlffteult summct tw concliadcd ror lhc N:ulon31 Acron:n•k:sand Spxe AdminlstD!ion. Sint"c bu June lhc SJICllC'e agency tw h3d ~ 10 cclclw:atc Md IO 1um away In cmblmnmcnL ThiJ P'lSl summer lhc agmcy suuggled to get bxk inio spQCt, and m* ltt'•~ dcrmhc ,round. The agency pmciucd a nujor rcpon IO the J'rcsit1."flt 'll'hich i.knti· fted its aocompUshmcnlS 1 )'tar :aflc:r the Roecr's CommiJSi.ln nude illi nine rt'C · onuncndalions to NASA. Boch prog,...m man:pcnl and twd· w:MC changes luvc Uken p!Jcc 'll'hic h NASA hopes will 1llow 1<"1em IJ b.unth DIJa1Wry June 2 of llCAt )'t:lt. One o( lhc iic:ms a.lkd on by the Roi;cr's Commi.Won for IK"lion "':I.' tli:it NASA c.uminc ill otbit.cr bQl.:ing m~h ods. Undinp lu\-c :al1Y2ys b..."l'I! tuugh (jj1 tJ>e. orbiters, and thc bt:ike s~cm lus nc:vcr worked IO the full s:itisfanion of :Ill conccmed.

A mcth¢ ao iiOIJ 11n orbittt rrom rtn· nin1 otr the end ol lhc runway 11i':'ll ICSlcd lhis P31l l unc u1lni lhc: n::tin::d orbi~r En· ltrprlu ~ Oulki in Wzhington, o .C.

rontoursor lho: spXtpbnt. Amslinsncu tuvcbct'n 1'roposcdfor:lll ricld!; where a shuttle n i&fu drop in quietly ronowin,& V¥ious kinds ot aboru 2flcr liR o«. Shook! All otbiler romc down im ~i· :itcly aft.et lin off ii will be utmndy heavy, ;and lh:tt is t'Ol'IC'Cm lh;;t In such a liuwion lhc WJCA.in1 nN nuy pm'tnt nujor cbma&c '° the vth iclclUldc~w. Oihcr dlulllc cvcnu thi1 summer In· du.Jed the po-Mering upo(DiJcowryln ;.n Otbittt Ptocwlns Fx:1lity here at the KcMCdy Spairc Cc'llef. The \'Ch icle 11o-:t1 1umcd on wi1 h much fanf:vc and n:aiion:il hadlincs. Th.: po111v "''" quiclly turned oil' Jhonly Dftcr 'll·h.:n lhc fe w pl:vinN C\'Cnll " '"fC compklCd. Yc1 ll...i po"'Cr up was :a mi~ in the rttum· &o- nig.'1 timclinc, :md rot nuny it w:u: an honest mor.ilc lirlcr, Spi1ilJ at 1hc Capt ncct'cd 11Ring rotk>'ll·ing an r.ddcnt in July"'·hichc:ancckdthcl:HtAt:d-Ccn· tlllf mission, then scheduled fot an Au· gustk;itly F:aU lirl orr. WhHc "uktrs lli'C.JC n::uxtinG 11n 11Ctt1.' pblform from lhc upper-stage Ct"'UUI area.. 1 woR. pblform •rontxu:d" lhc N;jn or ltle liquid hydroge n 1:111k and rupiurcd

nuinUln the ina::a;:ri1yolthe 13nk while not lo:Mkdwilhprop:lbnu. Wbcn lhc~farm btolc open the dti n, the hydroscn unt splitorcn IUldw:u:danugcdbc:)'OCld rcpcir. ThiJ mWop smibbN the b\O'ICh, Ind the fate of the N;avy FLTSATCOM s:itd · foe schedukd ror l:n1nch U!ing the boostct is Wlknown. There arc oo more CcnUUt sugc.s av:Ubblc ror use. All piccd: ot thr boosic:r have hccn n:movcd, wilh lhc Atl.u sugc bc:in,n ·dc-cm:ic:d· RCCntly. ,\ II boosi:rrwu ;arc in .NOf'Jgc and will c,rcn· lu:illy be: ~iPflCd IO lhcir rcspccti \'C nunu· fx tums. NASA h:id hoped IO nuke up for the l2U Atl.u.CcnLlw bunch ,.hich ,.-:H ,..,, ~ horl by lightnin' :ind W3S lkslro)'Cd 12\1 Spmg. 'The M1mmcr dill end "'·ilh ~ h:ang •• ~ two-minute bbst. A Cull scale sotid rocket boostcr, incot· porating :Ill of the majot design dungcs fot lhc ftni·fligh1 \'Chick (STS·26), '11-:ts 1CMrLtCd:;Mthc cndofAugu§l::itthcMot· IClll Thiokol pl:ul1 In Ut:ah. The 10t "''~ dcb)'Cd from lllLl orii;inll i&-iitkln lime because or fauhy ground "'!uipm..-m ::md uncoopcr:lli\"e con:putcr prog:ams. A 1'11"0-day dday Ill Ii• lhings and run lt$ll '11'.U c~l.."d for; and Oii a


Orbiter Enttuprlse lesls anesllng nels at Dulles th is s umme r. - bright ck:u- Sunday Ilic boos&cr "''ll fiml . thrillini; thouS3ndi of ~p..'CtHors and more 1tun :a kw NASA ofrici:lli. Thcfoll rc:ni!u of 1hcboostcr 1CS1,,.l1ich k;itutcll design rti:ng~ to r m i:nt die cs· c:ipcor burni ng g:L'li.'$ 1hroilghjoinlSin t~

ro>kct. ,..ill be: av:ubblc in ;a roupk cl ,.uks.. Thctt ,.'Ctt sonic cr:x:b d1St'O\l'rcd in the bocbltr. but t~ ..nc bbnicd on the failure or ground equipment rcspon~. bJc for keeping lhc: dc\·.:lopmcn1 mOlot rool .


STS-26 will launch communications satellite .i n '88

Coming this October in Spac& Technology:

Fotrc B:uc. Qllifomia. All bndini:;s br..--rs or the crew lu\"C prcviou.5'y e r the :.huulc, in lhc fOl'"C5CQble fu . 00\ll·n on d::.mlc miulonJ Jll.'lfotm· lure, will tllcc )lb:'c 11 Ed11o~s ing some o( the most 1PCCL"t'.ul:u 'llhik lhcorbi1er' sbodingsys~mls d«dl in 1rocctod:i1c.

tiab. The upbn:i.tion of 11.c mw p:uch describes 11 new beginning (100 sunrise), 1 d e mlWon (s1yli1ot1 bunch lllld phimc). 1hc

The n:11ion '1 SfU'C 11gcncy IJ cwg;:,'!1,,~i~~; a Trad:ing STS·26 crew emblem schcdukJ IO n::tum 10 nunncd spx'C an<I ~ Rcby S;i1elli1c (TDRS) nightnl'.1. IJLllC'll"ith thebUll('hcl Into oibit. TDRS is an cucntW (\'.ln 1JiJco1•t ry onthe 111i"enty·sb lh nigh1 or the Sp.1C"C Tr.inqJort:llion Spicm. of the s.huulc proi;r:im A fi\'C·nwl Onc TDRS is 1n orbil now •• crew will bunch a C?1T1rnun ic:11ions bunrhctl on Challrni rr'J nuid:n s;iic:llilc:nlhcprim~go:iloflhc night in 198}·-:vldll ~ 'll'lllO To prepare for this special feature , the Editor's invite lu\-C been Cl1lricJ by Challrnitr on minion. all st udencs, s11rr, and facul1y 10 submit lttttrs 10 the Tli.:11."0tld's:11!.!Ni<llwill ooro. her l:m miliion • ·hich cM.·d IO Editor on this importan t topic dealing with ERAU 's clnt'd on th it ni;ht, thc first such tr.tg ic.:ally. mission following the dcsuuction o( Fred H;iuck, ~- USN. n. Com· fu ture. Whal do you lhink about aerospace n udics a1 Cl'.aJlrnttrin J:i.nu:uy, 1986. nunda ot the flight IUld Riclurd ERAU? Drop your responses o ft at the Avion office, U rt ofrwitl1an al l\'Ctcr:an~ttwis Covey, a USA F Col., is 1hc r ilot.. or 1hrou1h campus mail bcrore 1he end of Sep1embcr. ..,,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . CUtrenlly SCI rot II h111c 2, 1988, Tbc Mission Spcc-Wisis fot STS·26 :we John Lounsc. Ge.use "Pirt.y• Nd· The STS ·16 miulon cmblc1n ns son.~ 03vkt llilmcrs. All mcm· rccc::lly un\·ciled by NASA ofn ·

,..hkh S)1nbolizc.s llmllUUtk.s Oii the origilul NASA insignia), IUld a mc1nori:i.J 10 the k \'tn dc:i.d 11uroIUlllS of minion Sl·L (Lhc SC\'Cll• SUITCd Dig Oippcr). Thctoi<>Bof the p::itch include:! dark bl-t\xkgmund, grey uh:tUJI. 1md ml \"CCI.Or. ll 'll'aS lk.signcd by :an1u Sttpron l hw. \'tdt or A~ lis. M:uyl::ind. The cmblnn dlst(n. cuishc.5 ii.sclf by ticing only lh: lhlnl "Jutch of ,,.-rnl)'·si1. lh::it docs noc fc:aturc :1 d.:pictionor :an 01bi:i:r. The otlK"r ,,..o ,.'trc from nighlS JI .( lllld Sl· I, .

ByJimOaN(e Spedal to the AviOn

An In-depth look of our space program at Embry-Riddle Aeron autical University

f =~y:llis~ ~i ~ l


Mi~MSpcdaliJu: f;;,$TS.26.re t.ounsc. Ocorsc •Pinky• Ncl·


t;~;:1 :iNAS~ic (ii:cl"Jd~=

• fc:a1Ute a lkpkti0nct 1111otbhcr. 111c The STS·26 mb;siian ecnblcm w;is Olhcr t'll'tl 'f:etc ffOID mpu: • l ·C hi ti ·~f1•

k'lll, and DIY&d ffilmcn. All mcm· rcecntly unvc:Ucd by NASA nffi. Mtl 'l·I. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·

How to ACE your FA A written YOIJ PAS!\ OR WE PAY I W...U k!n'tilbeg1utk>wa!kln101».e-,outFM Wfin.n eutn and tu:illl( )'OU 'Mii !MSI the IHI? Dy using L.,. E•pr•st Systems, Inc..

lrainlrio COUFHI )'OUClndojuil lh~L l hls dy· n&mc MWcomc>u1•rti•lningaohwa11can gH• you 1he conf'od1nc1 and ""°""9dgeyounHd10 pan We

gu11an!H il Erther you PHI )'OUI

..EntyOn• who

thl• COUfH Wiii A CE l ht r.. r, ,.. no do ub t;;,.~:;: It ... UIH



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aller gradultlng. Now,

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IO.OOO twlur11oQg.c:I

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ln !he ail, C.pialn Nernoih has CON!uct.cl l!9ht 111lning on • YOty ~ H1dewloped1he l ,,.11ve1 FM ;ippioved

video !ape 1111nlng COUIH IOI FligPll ln:orna· IOONI, Inc.. and l\ls corlducted huiw:!rtds d wffl..erodg rcundKNlols. C11J111.nN1methhn

'NHY ES I COMPUT ER TRAINI NG WOR KS . Wh•• , .• ,. a1• lil11llly hundrtdl ol COUIHI Ard 11~1100ls to helpyoupH1 lhew11net1, WI ~~1ve 1h1l ln llr1Cl lyr c e mpu!tr lllin·

nown al alfctah ry~s hom •ino'-• 1o Doting 7271, ... w11co·""'11t1on 13 WOl'ld s\llMOOt't tpMd records In l u r,.11, and has •upe""'td In al1 ioclllont 1h1oughcM tti. U.S. 1nd Eu1ope.

ovet 50 ~s

lngh1hebftltool avd abltto )'Ol.I. Y~Kt1.1d~ P1nicop1l• In lh• learnrog p!OOHI. TM ESI compid1tt111ning IOh..,•11 r9qUl!nth&1you .111..iD.4.Jla as you leNn , O.Vttoped ln ooop•11\ioll with BOEIHG, lhe couru Ukn you lh1ough NCh '°Pie. !hen HI.I )'O\l IM Wffl


..,, 0 111•


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ol confldt nct ."


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11Ql'1yapt1Qnee1l • ·..,..r



i'".g by k-r ..... .:: .:::..."""!1'11on. This melifts lhll .weniltMQUHlion1 •1•i.ktnOU1olconlt•I.

Wllhhispar:tler, Ctrplh! MarsNHRoge,,, tt. thousands of sludent pilo1s •nd !!av• comb!Md 1'9hl Tim• In • •CHS ot

~,~,:.'!!:u::~~i::•;:; ;:=:~;:

ll,SOOhou11. . ,

lea1n at your 1Ultl..li'1.on )'OUf OW1'1 Khed·

AVAI LABLE PROGRAMS : Cu11en1Jv ava•· eble In Ille l:iool\slOfe is the P rlv1i. P iiot

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tiow101urnrtonendho'#10putlnlhedisk. Tl'lt P«>gllm ol11lwil tllllJ01.1 Wh~ lodolromtti.re

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Dlt<'0111Ullrunotf S20. 0 193700r!Wlo'1 Puu.,1nc.

prtc1otrour pl;!a.1t

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2550 S. Nova Rd., S. Daytona Two atop light s south of Beville and Nova Rd. at Reed Canal Only 5 minutes from ERAU

9 ------ ----------------1


cne A'l1on. Sepeembe1 17. 1987

Repair Near Completion By

Brllft Moldell


You Id Mtal JOU P9Y fOf. Tbc cxcnior or the c:ompka



CM reec:b OYa' 120 dep'Ks, while air coodkioaiq trep1 the c:owt

........,._... ....deana. ...._ lactrior bdow 70



betwcm I.be cowt la· 1criof and acaior cama tltc wall 10 bow. 1bc 1emprruure difference: also ca1Ua condc:n,•doo, like on 1 &lus or kc Wiiia in the IUD. The eorwfamlloa pchen • the: walls. rottlq I.be woodm tlooJ.The combiliaUOD Of CODdrasalic>G aod lttUCtlll'Ol capan.Uoa hU lkYatatcd tbe cowu J"*l)J'. 1)ils)'Car1hcpl.IJial•urfacela all couru was damapd badly moup 10 make atcmive rcplU acceuary. lbe IOlutioft cunmtly beina: uoclcrtatn1 COftlbts or I•· •ulacln& the bulldlna'• aterior


0 0


1empen1me. The tcmpenuare


On the mend... The racquelbllll court1 h..,. been c loMd for

1lx mon1h1. Repair 11 neat completlon and lhe

wflh scyror0&m. The 1hcnnal resisclvt: coatiq l11pproxlnwdy IWO lncha lhkll aad abouSd pttvt:nl recurrance or 1bc problrm.

·-co (lJ

courts will be operat 'o nal wllhln lh" neict few weeks. Recreation wlll hold 1ourn1ments.

The cowu hive bttn ou1 or u1e lillcc 1he 1prina lttm . Pro1ttlion or 1he bulklina ottrior is near coc.1plcdon . AJI th:r.t hoWs

back play now Is rq>IKCmml or various foor wciloru. Loot for the courti 10 be o~ati--nal In two co four ..,ccu.




al Buffalo

I I "' I I Mlarrl at lnd/a napoll s ,...1I I at Cleveland Pittsburgh "I I ,... 1 San Francisco at Ci ncinnati I ,...1 at Chicago Ta"1pa Bay

0 0


W ClCMlftS dctcrfor•cd from the mruae Florida hml, brplq with uuiul tndldoa. Wbm tbe c:ouru wat dedpcd, tbt)' were built 10 minimum bWldiaa: «Mk.


Green Bay

Den var

.... ....


at Atlanta


at NY Giants

Det roit

at LA Raiders

Kansas City

at seattle


at LA Rams

St. Louis

al San Diego

New Orleans

at Phlladelphla


TIEBREA KER: Predic t the score of any o ne game above. List teams with score.

By Brian Moldell

oppountanlty. 1be pUr coaruted

The Embry Riddk EqkJ pla)'cd tbdr nnc macdl o hhc ra11 tm:rt Tnsday, Sqiitnnbtt J qlfoa tbc Florida lnsc.kui e of

the F.l.T. 11crco-: rrmn, a:utcr forwud Andy Alnnota to Jptit the dcfauc. AsaDoll look 1he balJ11thecdaeorthcpcn&11y lrU aad ripped • &hoc put lhe F. l.T. aoaJtccpcr hlttlna the

Toduooloo11Mdboun>t. Tlle



rub.ion '°'

·c19ytiepa m11ypicll tllc EAlla, buc didn' I md tlw

The Eqla were beilvy uadcrdop NCAA.._ 2 f .J.T. E-llAU stunned F.l.T. lzl the cerfy miauaa whcll uwrun p la y fro m

E11le forw1rd1

Mollaauncd Abhanu:tl and Amer

t Busharl cr1*0il lhc r"" teorini



E· RAU cot11lnutd lo

prcs.Wtt bur collld nol capitalize. F.l.T., e&1lonally ranted lul ICUOCI, opaxd lhc scorial 11 mlnuia lnlo ~ milch wbc:n their kft wiqft redcml • Clkic crou rrom 1he richt skit, bml: his dcfmdcr. aad p&ICCd lhe b&U over Ea1le 1oalhe pcr Leu

Olynos. Embry JUddk did not alvt: up.

The El&lcs lmmcdiatdy turned themomnuum chdr way, 1111ell· Ina 1he F.l.T. aoal once apin. Ar1cr a fine lndlridu.aJ dfon , Bushata found 1bc nc1 10 cqu.11.zc fof Embry· Riddk. Minuln t.tcr, EqJc: mldfidckr Manlu1\I Oak tlCtd down riati1 wina. bcltlna 1he ddm..11.". From 1hc riaht C'Of· ner, Qskcros.scd10 Jama ldowu who blasctd 1bc ba.11 lzlto 1hc 1crt comcr or the ao.i 10 a.in' E-RAU 1 2- 1 edvantqc. F.1.T. Krl~ to rdkw the PfCSIW'c but could oot pttYClll Fred Kalloo from fllhtlna for the Eqks' U1lrd


Down by IWO aoab. wdl ti>n-

diOoncd ,


coached F.l.T . 1cam 1tan«I 1 con1<.'b«ll . The Eqks, tlrin1 In thdr Rut match. couki noc kttp up whh F.l.T .. The prcuure Increased on E- RAU 's dden1e, rcquirin1 Glynos 10 make 11\mc n r. c saves :o kttP the f..,Jn on top. Whbo1111mplc rcwrvcs, coMtan1 1ubltiludoru ~ to or1anJza. 1ional tolllPIC and F.l.T. KOr«I 1wice quk tly to lie II the hilt The KCOnd hair WU moscly .. mtdfidd battle, u both ddcrua hdd 1oup. There were rcw KOr· IRJ opponunittcs and the final result wn •).]draw, and 11rnt 1tan rOJ 1lle Eqlcs Socttr Oub.

I I I. I I




R.iddle Eagles Stun FIT Soccer


~ -


Eagles Fall to Flagler Sy Brian Mosdell

The Embry IUddk SoC'ttr Oub wttit Ir.to It'• 1hlrd ma1ch or the wmon wllh a 1.G-1 rttmd. The ldlm that would put• bkmbh on 1h11 r«01d wu fla&lcr Collqc or the N. A.l.A. . The Eqks Ul' vdcd to St. Au1u\llnc Frida.)' Sept. 4 10 take on o touah f1lakr rick. 'The: rain poured down all day matlna play diffteu11. The fkld was covrrcd wit h water, M>me puddks the 1izc o f Lake Supnk>f. Thb made pualna and J1tdaiDI: the bill trick y, anJ drlbbllns impoulbtl. h l'vtnL I Ill W

mined Ea&.Jc learn come out and Rahl hlldcr thin In lhc 1en111hc f'int. The Eqlcs wcfC 1lvcn a trcmmdoul Jjfl by dub 'Upponnl who tnvdcd to S1 . Au1uNinc for the m11ch and 111 throu&h lhc rain . E-RAU p.it on tt.c prcuurc " the tide bq.an 10 turn. A few dose: K01ln1 ch)IK'C:I ch111cd the Eq}n C't'm rrt')l' C. The Eqln ICOfcd to mate the KOJc 2-1 afltt briq awarded • penalty durl n1 attack on the Flal)n Goa.I. Amtt Bw.h.ua put 1hc bal.I into 1hc k>wcr ldt torncr or the 1oal. The Ea.ala had two more &ood OJ>pounu•ltla buc could no1 capltallr.c. Tbc: llnt came on a o James ldo-rc In 1 ~I


Should the grass area bcl.,.,.ccn the Univcnhy Center

~e~ ~~f~~ll Field be designated 11 muhi·purposc


16) I I

Should the S11kknt Govnnmcnt promoce sponing events as 11 s1uden1 nt.lly polnl by, providing rtfttshmcnis or other in«n1ives.


17> 8)

Should lhe Entcttainmcnl Cornmiue..: be involved in promotion?


Would you be willing 10 ~)'an additiorull $5 fee per SCnlCStcr 10 fund lhe spons progn.m7

PIC"ase list any addi tk>n:il commcn1s and


- -----------1


---''------~------~---_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~---_-/ ~-----------:

I,_,..,.,,..._ --

-~ -


•- - - - - __ - __ _ - ______ J

Beech 's Best... 8"chct1lt '1 three prololype a1111hlp1 are capture d In lorrnallon during c ertUlcallon fllghta .


lhe Avlon. Sepiember 17. 1987

~ I

Two mernbers ol lhe Flotid• Army



For:e~ unll

exll • UH·IH hellcopler In a re·

cenl 11pelllng <lemonslretlon on cam1-us.


i\lpha Eta Aho


is l.Y£c and I.I disliibu1ro 1hrou;hoot t.omc lhc rov.'CJicsa JWUcs lhis p.111iciroir. in in112mw:i.1 spc:u and lhc 1vi.ltion indusuy both in lhc 1tittlt of '87 RUSH, FNby ittlend Ainhows 'Nith nc.3fby AHP Uniled Suit-.; and 1bm.d. The rr.1. Scpw:-mbcf 18 and S:wurcby chJP'Cts. Wdcomt IO Embfy-Rkidk Ano- kmity it nu as a conixt b:t•un September 19 botb suning I 8:00 MutkaJ Univcrsily rrom lhc J:psilon the swd..."flU of a'oi:itklin and lh<Kc p.m. Alph:a Eb Rho holds 11 Ml'OCll But, 111·ti:w rt:illy 11'31.cs i\lphl Eu Rhoc:hlprerofA~Eu.Rho,Pro- cng:igcd in lhc prorcs.sion, giving rq>11utiodocthcirhitpMlcs. Rho5Ulldck:r1bo\'C\hcrcst.is1hc rCLUorW Avbtlon rna&emity. Since members en IMS~~c 11.·hcn enE3ch 11imcau AllP rt:m.'!im K· rr:itmul bond th3' c~ ius bct11o-cm our lna:ption In 1929 at the Unim· Laina lhc job ~ci. Alph:I Eu Uvt in numerous ampus and mn· our Brolhen. "*)'OU lc.Jm :1bo&i1uur sily or Southern c.lircnia. Alpha Rho advu IO iMtill in lhc munity alT:lin. This kk:i b u· hiSIOJ)' :llNI tnlditlons you·u m.."'<1 ~Rho, lhc pcct kum lh:llt llaad public's mind. a confkkncc in avb· pressed lhrouah service proj«.u n.."W rr~s 1h:w will bu :1 liktimc. ror AIR. Im pown IO bciccsoe an tion and pcomolCI • closer affili::a· such as local alrpon tcllOD&ion and Alfl\:a Ell Rho is 11bo lhe only fra· lntcm::aliorW orpnizatlon. Emy lion bctv.-ccn Ill:: 111xk11ts of avi:ltion V.'Ol't with cbiublc OfP11i1.ations. 1emi1y th:u allows knuks 10 ~ tty Klrf.;,.erty storer

- - - - - -- -

Ck.lb Writer

Th., C}'dlng

Club held its



16 cyclists ihowcd up for :1 30 mik: round t.ip ride 1o l'OOt'e JolcL The ride -ns considcn:d a success losln& only four ridcn due io bet ot cxpcricnct1 or mcch:lnk:\I diffta1lilcl and pin ins one rider



:u-cr:agt;pxcw:t\jusuooml*Ch. Stick wilh it thouch. Md )'OU 11i•i\I soon be riding ccnturCJ " 'ith lhc big gU)'S. Bui you don't h:l\'C IO. The C)'tling Club is for an)'Ol'IC who wishes to rclloWlJaip wilh othtt rid· en or dirrcrtn• c~ :1nd lhcir ov.-n. All stuck:nts, bcW1y. lltld sun :m • ·ckomcd and ricks for lhe dif· rmnt cbn: riders wiil soon be set up.

A:;'GtegoryS. Elam


:i=:,.~,~rom~~ :!:h~orcducX1onant1 ~~"P.:!:'S~;.u'~ ~~AV::.~=ldo~ r~~~~;~iflu. ircn::~in7~~h::a':c':; £1t...,.Sbldlopto1CldoltollM· Alans with bdna lhc oldest DDY'OM Spocdw:1y c:mcctslan mac Alph.1 Eti Rho• IDtl ct you pC'rienccd ridcn. 30 mlb b a aon1 quesaioniarc mcounptovhUow =:=1 ;:--'~ ~ 1 :"':*-r::ni::'; ,!: ~r~~ =Y~~;J ~(ot':°.!~~·'As;:-:=R:: ridetoutieat 1n&w.nc1ow11.2mp11 ~inlbau.c. oncitoo.,.. ft:ll!' cl this ex~ ltOUfl of wilh lhc opcnin1 or °" new hou~ and communily sctvicc 11ttMllcs wc by our bblc DI C&O D:iy, our 1

avi~tlon-mindcd .indivkhWs. ~Wt Ck'tobcr. The .tlcMe holds 24

ROA _R_e_s_e_rv_e_O_rt_lc-e-rs_A_s_s_o_cl_a_tl_o_n__


involved in, AHP Ii renowned housc"S17S. RldrcwoodAvc., or •lumnlmcmbcnh1pofthefn11&C11111y brOl.hcnltld•qittialroomforour rorourJWtlcs:antlsocblcvcnis. Wc all257-'>t92.

th.1pt~ !o t u 'Rho chooses ils members only from those .,.ho :uccnsaccdinthepml"cnloaohvi· atlon. As • student Ill ERAU, you bilrc lbe ~ty ., bccomCI a put of 1h1j u~ poup of aviJdan·mk: led iDdivickdls. 11ic 3lumnlmcmbcnhlpoftherr:11Cmlty


for it..: JIU~ ur cduc:uion and re:sorch. Along with bcing lhc oidcM di:.p&a on c;unpus. ~ llfC lhc 8C'lll'CSl ~ to fr.t1eml1y row WitJI the openla,s of ow new boUlc bSl Onota. The houtc holds l4 brod'lcrsandaspt'(blroomforaur

, • :



By J .P. Walsh Pubic Relallons OlllcOf


Rowe. These dcdic:llcd lndivldll:lls will CCIUlnty ti:n·c their "'Ol'k cut ou1(orthcn1ulhcyprt'p;irc:trtb· Not W'-"linJ :uiy time Wu!ng on 1hdy rro1t tc:1.m to defend wr re· h:lr Uutcls. the Rc&ion:ll ~1pl· gional cro..-n in November. onshl{l ERAU Precision Right Ikrnoniwtion Tc:am Is lllrc:tdy AOO :ii lhc t..":UTl's ~. l mcc1in1, 1Qin1 up ror this semesters rc- ~ntMikc lbpu:sno 1ntm.luccd giorul compctl1lon a& Auburn Uni· hinuclf and the new uccuth-e bcord \usity. At the te:im's r'"' mcctin1 IO the 1cncr.:al mi:mb:~ip. In of lhc scrncstct, lk:ld Co.xb Mite 11&!.illon 10 Mike, the R ight Tc:wn Witiins announced the ~m's de· c1ocu1ivc boord for r'll.11 lllld Srwing nw.ding pr.:aciice and ll)'OUI schr:d· 1987 is: Git'& D~ri;l:igc-Vicc ulc, and lnuoduc'cd ~ new IUU or Praidcnt, SIC\"m ILxkbd·S.."Crc· 1c:u11 cmehcs. Anlstin; Mite this LJry/frc:isum, J.P. W:alsh·f'ubltc yor will be lnsuucton John Str.:ate· Rcl:i1lons Orriccr, and Rip Smllh· chuk, M:t'IOll Al:lrich, and Sl:UI ~rny Ofrlccr. Tdm Fxull)' Advi·

ROA Reserve OfficersAssociation By.Jef\Silver P-Jb&cAlfalf10ftk:er

mt Dill M~ will usiSl lhc Tc3111 this )'c:it whh his Cl~rtisc. The u CC1.1tivc bo.vd h::as bi& pbns for out members this scmcitcr. The Te31n pbnsto p.lf1icipGIC 11etivdy in C&O lliy, sponsor tc\'Cral aucu ~m. promoic the best :svbtion univcn:ity in Ill:: •1lfld, and rcauil ~")'Ct undaamincd number of new mcm· bcn..

Spe:iking of JUNitlng new mcm· bets: An)'onc (pilot er non·pikll) "flo "1lllld enjoy wort.iflg iow:tnb 11 u n cffon. beln1 a member o( one o1 the most d)·n:uni: orp1i1.3lions on C:!mlJ'!'l. usinJ your l:llcnts IO up-

hokl at-..: g:rc;il rtpubtion of ERAU, :..od possibly briniin1 !iomc 11 few uopl:ics with aiipbnca: on lop of !km, kcqt a ckti.c v.'lltch on this

As a Cldcl v:linin& 10 become an Ofrita', ii becomes V<.'t)' lmJl'i)Nflt dUtinl )'CIUI collcgi.:ltc ~Ql'S IO gc-t lnvolvtd with tlubl and ctpniU1· lJ.ons on C:tmpllS. Dy doin1 50, you show lnltbli\'e and lcotdcrship, :aJ. lowingthcsea<iwclluothctntt<kd 1utrlbu1Cs10grow. The R.0 .A. (Rcscn..: Off1Cer'1 Assocbtion) Ii~ you this pcrl"cct opport11nity for invoimnmL This fall the ROA v.·ill be u1!(l(:r new om. cm " 'i:h new idc.:n :wl high limbi· 1ioris to m:al;c sure thin£$ SCI r.·

column :ind at-c AYION for icJor· m:i1ion and mass bricl'ing f;;w Tc:un 1ai:n1bcr cindid:al:s. Al this nicttlr.g )'OUwill bcfullybricfcdoo1heproccs:s ncccss:wy IO t«omc • R ighi T~m member, 1111 )'our questions will b: QllSV.'Cn:d, And 11pplintions will bo disuibutcd to those wishing to tr)'OUt for lhc TC3m. We fk:spcrlllCly nc(.'d 1:1lcntcd and d.."'dic:ltcd indi, ldia::als 10 tt'pbce lhl.: \"Ctcr.lfl mmbc:s v.-c will lose "9ts Dxcmbcr Md Artil. We •'llnl )l>U! Christian Fellowa'hl p Club



By BtlanJohnslort Ch31rman -------F« ~ of you who took acme ot all or the summa off, wdcome bsl:. For those :I you. lite myself, who st.oycd for the whole AUMICI',, . • Where'd the summer goT Labor [Dy has puscd and Fall is hc:n:. rr:ldyotnot.Thcftarc•kwupcomln&evcn1110discuuatthcri~

Sep. 11 111 1:30 In room W-306. PtndiflJ f11euky appoval, we will hosl: • snull Open House in the Wind ~I Ub on Frid:ly, Sep. l'!!t"•i_,, 1hls F1kby,

OyJohnC . Flnk The~" h:ld initla1ion lhis 18, Included In lhc cvcn1 will tic th: md;e luMCI, Ck.lb Writer ~I V.ttl:cnd, good lucl: to out new ~ display or wh3t b cncounicn:d - - - - - - - - initi.:iteS. We :1n1 also gcUitlJ n.:3t.ly

Welcome tock ti all the brol.hm for Gtttt Wttk. We h:.vc v.'Ofl or Iklt:a Chi. II SOCITU th:ll •II \II(; G11!clt Woet lhe p:tSt 2 )'QB and Ire brothers en~ their swnrncr and pbr::un1 to flfl:llly n:wc the uophy o.rc loolana (orw:ird 10 11 ¥U)' pro- ~I the Delta Cbl Fratcm1t)' Hoose

ductivctcrm. The ft:11crnil)' IWICd off lhc ICmt wilh 11 rctrc::a& 111 camp Wlnoma .:· Don "Niil~. Vice Ch::ainnlln. CCJmfl'l"lcd by at-.: ABT. We disroot it 14>0f1 hlmitlr to build lhc cimcd ow by·b'to'I and sot Nsh new bulletin bcatd over the bn::sk. It pL'IM undctway. We all did a liulc ha'& not bcco hi.Ill& 14> ytl, bul '.-.c midnight canoctn1 on lhc bkci, Over dtould h:IV'C th:ll taken a.-c cl by 31l thcrttrc:taw:ua1~ C&O D::ay. T1unb Don!


By Heidi I. Slewlll1


W1121could you poui'bly think or 111)1 you'd nthct do llun m:arch for four snlalu ~ S:th1nby and Suniby In pucllns 90 deJrcc hc:lt7 Ovu one hlllldrcd people didn'1 •grcc with you. This scmcsicr's It)'· CMS for $pedal Opcmlons went

Rush sui:u nci1 v.ttt and o{ course l>r.:113 Chi lw SUl'l"IC Src:ll i&:>" Once 11ain v.'C ...m try 'o live up to 0'.11 sund.vds h:lving lhc best Rwh panlo. An)'ooc whc. Is lnU:tcsit.d or noca.s a ride IO lhcsr (1#1.ics c:ut c:all the fralmlil)' ~ 1112SS-4167.


ksus Chria! ERAU Chrbtbn Fd· Chtisl Jesus.

Sowshlr is 11 nori.cknomin.:ition:IJ fellowship :Ind Ollll"CXh srour w~ soul JIUl"1l05C i' IO slurc lhe lo\'t" ol J!sus wl:h tile students And fxult)' ofERAU. Ow m.."Ctlnp :arc hckl eVCJ)' S3'· urd3y 3t 6:30 p.m. in the U.C. Cornman Pwpotc Room. Our meetings con.sis! of sinJing, iachinp " 'ilh open discussionund ~.x opportunities IO ITl«t new f1iends . · We like to cmptwae lh:l1 "-e ate


ay Mamie Sablan Thola Phi Alpha Sectetaty


cblOlympksandP:luandRcvlcw. Out lint pc~ will be a p.:I · lt will be a very biay tcmesaa fm n1c1c Jn Ho!ly Hill on Sep. 19. Evevcryon.e ln¥Olvcd. &tfl pcnon is uyonc Is inviled &o aucnd. upcci«I WOf1r. bil and do their rd like to C'OnCratubte eVCJ\'OflC absd1M bat. So1111: oe the CYCDIS .,.ho w:at sclcatd and lh:lnk •II plJnned arc; tho 8clhunc.cootman you whl' showed up. 11·1 Solns "°be P;amk , a V~'I Day ptrfor· atrcatscmcstcr.

w;!~dri~ :=.lhtwayh~becndciocln

Thb 1emcs1e:r'1 iciam Is the biaat the drill IC:lm hu ~ ..-r h:l!I. 1twillconsls&ol1wosub!Clms:ap:1· ndc wm which will h:lvo 24 people and u peifomuncclC:ll"flwflichw!U


All are v."Clrom(! Comcas)l>U:ateand)'Olldon't h::a\"C IO be ~rrcct 41.ld holy with :l lhrcc picccsui1tow:al kin thefrorudoor. Ju.u rcmcmlr.r, Ood :o,u )'1>11 jusl lhc w:I)' )'OU arc. And he dciitt'.S 10 be In your lifo. n ... Dible s:ays. lhis is how God \hawed His lo\"C 11mong:ui: lfcscntllisoncllnd only IOn inlO lhc "1lfkl tlw we .night lh-c lhrOl.lgh Him. IO) This is klvc: not lh:i1 ""C k>\·cd God, but tlut Uc IO\'ed u:s and scn1 Ills Son u :in 3IOlllnJ sxrificc for c.wr sins. O John 9:9-10),

e~ A Theta Phi Alpha

include all 28. Thls b • l11tlc differ·

C:· !

nocactwrc:1. Due a gruupofChris· h3rflCn to be Riddle ·

• 1i:lns tlut just

__________ -----

vuy well Out cl thole 107 people IC::lllL

comf!i:iihcd. Wh:l1 euctly IJ lhc R.0 .A.1 Well, h's a g:roopoCcadcu from all br.lnchcs ol lhc 1o1rnicc, freshmen IO seniors. hs gOCll Is IO lmJWOlo'C intcr·scrvkc rcbtlons, IC3111more11bou1 •hcmiliwy,and to h:a\"Cll Sood lime doiOJ it, If )'OU UC lntcrcsicd in Gelling in· \"'O IV'ed, mo:1in11 Rew (l«lflk lll'ld being a super-duper, number I c:Mb, the R.0.A. coold be " ·h:l1 your k>oting for. For more inform:ll· tion, contxt lc!f SilV'Ct bo1 K~I . 2SS-9S-17 Of j:..u klOk on Ollf tM.11· let.in bo:ud in the U.C.(nc:u- Epicwc) ror upcoming C\\~nl.'I . Show your kalkMip, gci in\"'Oh"Cd!

- - - - - - - - ShKknl.'I :ind IO\~ to J3thcr. :w1 Gn."'Ctings in lhc tume or 1hc Lord ilU1c the joy tMt "'(: h:l\'C found in

dcmons~tions of

dLlfinl on Encirlctrini: ccfigtioo, :llld upper cl3Wlll.'n for qucszioM and IW..·m. The purpose or lhis event ls IO Allow new Wllknts • Sood ~ins or wh:lt IO a · prc1dLlrina lhcir cducaiion.



FELLOWSHIP - By James Hyde



111g one rider up.




'Also~AH rJbcs funds by "'Orting from !hi: 03)1on:i Cyclina Club. Tmsc who arc in1crcs1Cd In join· at lhe 11nnll3! SKYFEST Pd Si5'r:rs oC AHP. fl()Jll: )"OO d..-cide IO Apok>gics go Ol.lt to lhosc tncA. Ing the C)'ding Club or h:ivc 111y 03ytcm Sp..'Cllway concession IYW:c Alph:I Et:i RhQ :t ~ of )'Oii pcricnccd riders. JO mib ls :i long: qucWons :in: cncour:tgcd to visi1our smds. lifohcrc:ll Embry·Rldlllc. Foe more rid.!forabeJinnrrandour 17.2 mph bool.hintheU.C.onC&OD.:iy. Aside rmm inc ruiy prolcs:sJorW lnform:nJon :lbout Alph:a Eu Rho, • • And commllnity 1tnlcc rt.lvilics wc 111C inYOlvt'd AllP ls renowned forourJIQl\ksandlOti:devcnts.We oU ,,,..,.,_


a pctforln:ll'ICe fi. lhc Spc·


l'a~e~~I ~~ ~:!: t.-itc31rd theupcomlnascmcacrb klokln1 Ctclll. The . ~ brough1 o;.t simc very l.mauuiuve kbs for lU fcr1hcomln1 (X'rtlcs tnd .c1M· 11.:1 an:I we're •II aiuious 10 ect lhirol' aoins. I tnow lhc evc:N. lh:it 1lltheairl! 9rcbnp;llictufotl1our

first Mh p;uty. Th:X one v.·i!I (lfm·e to be 'CJ)' 'rcvt':aling' In more v.'3ys th.tn one. Thcu Phi Alph:I .,"'OUJd lii:c 10 congnuub:c ow- sblcr Chri.n i lb· dfncr on beina ckcttd Ttaswcr •Rd .sl.stcr Trxy Thome on being clccltd Fuodnislna Chairm:m. Abo. lbm Diflhl.b)'s for lhls manlh 10 oui 1istcrs Fr.ll'ltcs:i Lcv.·is :ind M21)'Dcllm,


11 ~X ....... 1om---·,,._---------SEMPER F l - lhe Avfon. SeJ)(embe1 17. 1987

Semper Fidelia Society By Erle P. Hodunan Chlpttt Ecltor


Thc bnxbcn ol Ea 1o&a olSl1rna 011woukltike1Dcalmd aa open invitation IO t¥CryOnC • ERAU,t0canclndjointbcmulho O!ipcfUcboR'Fallllmti '17. Anet an anquallf.ed 1UCCC11 wilh ·Monlby Ni~ football•, die bnlthcn n l'Clldy (Ot the ncxt bi& FQny. w~. the 16th ti ahcir · uump Ni.,.. when you can cdc-

tn&c lhe end ol lhc ra twt of lhc: Will be ~ 11 lhc door. For week. folk>wed on FNby by "Tbc more laformatioll., pbte. contlCI the e.tii•. For Ibale ol you who~ °'llllcrhoulell2S2·2277. incmbctlheBasb Crom Int fall, this Monday,Sep.21, will b.:'dlcl&lf'I

Plflyprombes&obo.icbcllbcacva, 8Cllh pV1ks wiJI tqin at nine. On S.tunb')',johltbctwochcnforaBar· 8-Quclnd bttr lullch. bcamcyou an'1 bca tbcir cootiq. The ~ &er would like to rcmu.I eYCl)'OnC ht all n welcome. but un&tqc drifttins won't be pcrmitltd. Ir )'0111 would lite to drink, a posiliV'C r.n.

oldty n&Sll, ww.- !>bw:iay Nishi Foc:eiaD. OD WcdneM.'ay. aa ouldoorBar-8.c)lewillbcbddll the aci.aot at four o'doct. Formal Rldla will be hdd on Saal.w'my the 2&b, Ind witl alto rnait lhc condulionolFaURmh'17. · SlpM Chi Im :t hiSIOfy Wina: pride In its ia,\'Olvcmcnt in lhc


cominwuty. and 111etm. So lhll they rmy COGUnuc thb "*1.itioa. lhc brothmbavcpbNx:daklaslistof pn>jccu for this acmeacr, illl:lud.ln1 their bl~ Red Ooss blood dri¥C, hdd in the U.C. ThcbtolhcrsolSlpnaCHiwish tomnl-.d CYCt)'DneUw your &cols woa'1 come to you, you h:lvc ID stiivc ror them, arid Siima Chi can hdpyoudo jLISltNt. Thcy whh you 1U II ~re and cn~lc Rush, Ind hope to see )'OU• lhc house.


!<J>~ Sigma Phi Della

Amold Air Society AUourwcwtbbcingjustlrtcdby OlC busy fall acmtSICr we lntcnd 10

By George Muligln Historian

'°"' - - .....

Th is fal l's~ includes.so far, •nainccn. Si&;ma Phi Ddll tad proCculcml pracnWions by M~:'I ~ NASA, Md Pnitt " Whit· ~": ~~ol aiune, .,,,~ luYC out 11 irc forthcfJll. RetlcMlions Included DCW doon Das set SO ro.r n OUI Uexh ' i.oouroorlhhoulc.rdaclqollbc i:anyonFri.,Sep. l8118pm., our rrcn. wal!.I Ot1 bolh houlel. fe'9int· ~ in Scpccmbcr p.irty Otl lnaollhcnon2'houtc.Mdancwty Fri.,Scp.2l.r8p.m .. andowBDQ lnsulltd IBM PC S)'*""2 model party on Sat.. Sep. 26 al 12 noon. 30 N Is now opcraUonal for bn:lth· All ate itwiltd, and a ride is juu 11 en·~. CAllaway. For:1ridc,c:lll2S2·9l74. Welcome bxk brotbm and fd ·

• busi sum met.




AAS.or if you arc not d isiblc. it V.'OUld be a go..xl kb ror )'OU IO Ill·

Pubic ,Ul'airt Oftlcer A Rcmin<b ao all Ail Force C:idcll!

~a5:<'i!'ml~ 1!8:! ~ ~~


You v.·ill h:IYC the perfect op-

By Sen'1>er Fldells Society CU:> Wrler ----The Semper Addi ~)' rfld oaSept.910di1eua'bcotplliz> tions consti1utlon and rutwt pbns (Ofthc1«kt:y. o..in1 lhc p;ast srrins lrimc5'Cr the f'LC club ~ully formed a ch:lptct ot the Semper FMklls Socl· etyhctt: :itEmbty·RtddSc. lbcsocl· Cl)' ls I lt\licwl orpniutlon w;11 e:st:1blishcd in 1152, a1the Uni· Yatily ol Nonh Qroli~ (."h)pcl llill, with lhc iTWn objoi:uws bcin& 10 help pr:p:w futiR >.brine Corps OfrM;cn bcucr undcnt3nd !heir m:111y fu1~ responsibililks u ~cnotM:•• mi.1. The ac:tiYC members or the En1·



kclied ror ni11ins or h:lvc Already bcrft Woush tr:Unint dwins the 1Ummcr moolhs. Allhough lhc oclive members ot lhc soclay arc oericcrcandidaics:MlltinglOW2tds a commiJSion in lhc: t.1¥inc Corps. :myswdcr11m:iym:itclf!Pl ic:ltion&0 o~SempcrFldclisSodc1y.

For lhc 1987-88 aadcmic yar, the 1odc:ty'1 newlycltt.cd olflCCtl

~ ~icknt Andy Mdotl, Vice

Prcsidcn1 Chris Wck h. S«-rc1:wy Sian Smc:mKkk.. Publi;;ity t'bal: -

krr Blankcm.h:p, Socbl Ch:Limwi Cr.Us Pis:111i, Ttt.n\ll'Cf" AndyShonef. DUiing the rncciins fu1urc pbns fot 1 Semper F'Mk:lis OOu.se .,.-ere cf1$1CUUCd. PbM for •"cup romins


~~dd~':!: :rc.::n~ :::~o.~'dl!~1r.1m1r.1I


sioru.tnity IO ~It IO the mcmbcn and ~~11 ~:~ =P~~~ 1!:;

-.,-Lactos_se_T_ e_ am _ _ __ Monil on Beville) lhc QiU Rob m~·1 tuYCo.bou1thclq:111iu1ion. l eain W~er Wilson Sqmdron o( DctxbmctJc U7willhl¥cksnnhporlyforallol Alladcts(ASIO 0,200,300 0 1octinp.Thcbaossc clubhcld lhosc cadcll inlerCSUd In plod1iilg J. 400) lllC inYitcd. Also, CJ.p:tl 10 ii! prc limifwy otpnll~ional AASchrinathe CAU llimcsler. h:aYC:sgood ;Jmc. mcclina fOf the F:lll prc.scuon on Fricby Sep. -i. If you arc one who ti not~ or LOOKINO FORWARD TO SEE· y,•hclht;r or no1 you Wllftl .a plcdse ING YOUTHF.RE!! The mt"Ctins w:ss a IUC'CC.15 le nigt., dcs.iite l.c:svy, absences, h


nwi:iged IO :n-omplish wl.at i1 set out 10 do, thll being the csUblish· mer.I ol lC:im pr.Kticc times. J'rx. 1r.c • ·ill meet 1v.·kc wod:ly on MOft(by t.nd Thundly Ill 4 p.m. bchindthclibnt)'. All:ircv."tlcome. The ICMI st~ I rompclC in its f111t schcdukd pine Ill ERAU on Oc& bcr 17 :splrut Florid.2. S1:11c UniverJi1y.

It couldn't be stopped!

Bill Myers'

Association for Computing Machinery


The Solulion (Continued

lrom page t5)

"':he St11dent's Gulde

to Cempus Life at EAAU"

;~ . "· \


SEN. l6-23

Put a 'eather In your cap

·,, \ :\








~~., ' "'-\

/-1{ ,..

1 Yuur luture employe1s 1., •• 1ook.ing ! or pecoic S1111o ls 1hl·1 i mt'lnm~·

· OUALITV Mattress/


Box sprtng


FREE Frame YI/ Student 1.0.


Love Seat





Any Sile

'199 oua11ty Sofas

Chests/ Dressers



complete waterbeds







s Piece

\"//Student 1.0.


complete Gallervot Discount Waterbeds

\ uurchulet·. H1:nu~·

;-wn .\rtfanl-dCt•lll'J.."I' rifl)t:._ft"mtund."1mt· 1Ddi1ii m:al tocunlt11ll'o· rJn· ~ 1\·k.,.- t,01t!>:lk·

.·;,1n wn tlng skill s

J oin cne AVION SHiii a11l1 ea1n yatuable e-.pcu c nce \It"*'!

M•'" ~·;-


(! ",.

~1 ~

. .. t ..

:1~1 .. ••




tO<>llQ .. .


wlth 1ht•61ll·Artt:arwtl ITJfl.(m:t.n.41iptll:t.f, 1tJtl4-dh\:1t°u\IU,:1inw.·




'1'~mnu:. Allll\1 1t1·11 U11fllm b., 11t1I~

o..c.n. CMT~


o..•0.. ....... O..A• . (U).l~

o..n0.. .......


0.. ......

Gl\'U -·

Don't pollute. ~Scooter.USDA. •

, ...... o.c1-•110•~· ... , -


1he Avion, Sepcombef 17. 1987


·PC/XT turbo

640K 2 drive MONO OR ROB monitor



only FULL Hard and Software Compatablllty

Purchase any llem at 1ne regular pnce and receive ci second item ol equal or IE$S value FREE! Nol valid w11h any other oller. Oller good tnrough 9130/87. Oller oood wilh lhtS COUponl'll part1C1pa11ng FrC$het'IS •

~F resh"" ens

!ho .,....m1um yogull


AND GRADUATES An organizational and interest meeting of the ERAU student and Alumni Association will be held in the FSL at 8:30 P.M. on:Thursday, September 17. If you are a Junior, Senior or an ERA U graduate living in . the Daytona Beach area and have ao interest iri -u · ·u a/1.1 r. RE. •

As a crew member you can earn up to $4.05/H-R.$ AND MORE

Fridays end S.lurdaya

tp.m.... a.m.

Ca11 •Full ti"l,e/~art time . Day, Evening, Late Night • D.C?. you need flexible hours?. •Are you reliable and punc1ual? •Are you self motivated?



the Avlon, Sepc.mbef 17. 1987





-HALF OFFReg. $200


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Ladies Walk-ins $4.oo/day

-bargest Free .. wei·g·ht Gym-=»1! 1., ,. .. . .



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with ~ULL




Steve and Marla are on duty for personalized supervision

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1 FREE Workout Monday • Saturday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday 4 • 7 p.m.


Centrally located downtown at:


~ i

242 S. Beach Street LiDaytona. Beach 253-8188 -



242 S. Beach Street •DaytonaBeach, FL1• (904)253'!8188

14 •

the Avion. Sepcembef 17, 1987


' .,

• COllllUNITY RELATIONS Twd ate n«dcd Dl Holly Hill Elemcnlary sCtmol in all sulljortsG.-.b klndcrp\cn lhnxlsh siA. Jr )'OU can WJli-.. )'CU" llmc from 1:45 • J:O on Tucsmys nl Thlncbys plcaJo con1Xt the ERAU Couuauaily Rcblions orrr:c 1t ui.emion 6360.

• ·•f.AA EXAMINATIONS Embry·Riddle ~tital UniV'Cflity will ~miniacr FAA Piloc andkw lnswcior Wriucn Euml~lons rar thc: CoDowina: •









9. (ATA)AIRUNETitANSPORTPILOT·ATPAllpbnc(FAR 135) JO. (IRA) INSTRUMENT RATING·lnurumcnt Pilot Airpl;..i.: 11.(FU) JNSTTIUMENTRATING·Aighl. lnsuut10t· Airpbnc Jl. (IOI) INSTRUt.IENT RATING-Ground IMl.Nt'lO'·frutnln'ICftt 13. (FED) Ft.ICICTENGINEER·Buic 14. (FEJ) FUGllT ENGINEER·Turbojet 15. (FEX) Fl.IGHT ENOINEER·Turbojttllbsic

""' m"""' Sciyrabcr?C>


5""""'· 111 Tiatby,0830

BocamdlhcncwfcdcnllmmipldonAN.....ilzalioaScrtkarcc· u!Mioe, aD swdcat tmplo)us musa provide proof ol i.dcfttity and aaplof· a'ICSltclJ&il:tilit)' lnon1crl0 wort.Scmblcmpk>)'CCS who wort on campus rnusa s&op by die Siuic:nl Employment Office Ira on1et 10 camplclc tD 1-9 form. Pkuc bdi\i )'Ollf driYU's llccmc er~ l.O. Ind youl" urfaimJ mda1 -..:urity Cini OI birth catificue. Fenian llUdcau must brin1 lllcit pmpanlrisa.Dupliai-.: socialsc:cwity c:mdsmay bcotJWncdU!roaP dlcl • INTERNATIONAL DAY Social Sm&rily Office Jrac2tt.d M 115 N. RidJCWOOd A\'C.. foftns 'tCril)'itl1 rc-r Jliailk>n (or lhcdupliace NY be UIOd unlit the new c#d b roccl¥Cd. U.'i~pa.ssporu auiy also be used. 00ampus cmplraycn wlU bccompktin1 11lis year'• "IJlkfU:icNJ Day" will be hdd on SMurday, Oct. lA • 1 Ml forms CCM' lhcitbuslncsscs. Pbsccontxt the Stladmt Ernploymcr.i or. p..m. in the U.C. To make this yes'• CY'Clll U IUCCCUl'ul • 1aa year's.. md rr:c with fltiy qucsdcm. tVCft ld&tt, 'll'C need )'Ollf help. We ll'C lookin1 for intcmaionl! lludaMI wbo would be wUli111 to bccomcl*I olourcnlefUinmcnt far the day. If you. oranyol)'OIS' fricncb

ll·ll3. CRWCompk• 11·111.GRWCompb

So leflu imcndins IO W.c an FAA Pilol Writlm: Usni~ required to lign up in Omrc D-200


°""' "....,"' =--OI'



""'""'m,..y• .,.. ...._ .,,.,.._ ,,., a_...,

perform In ;any way, we would be vay "VT kJ hear frml

We lllUCJl lh:lt you fill out JOW l~Uon •PP'lcation • iaca ts PkalccaDDorisinlhc.DcanolSIDdeolsOfJ'lce., o.l. 6l:.6or~la&bc Dll U.tcnSlon 6800 pnDf IO poulbk in onkt 10 CCI :. 'PRELIMINARY GRADUATION QllDDtllcw'sOIT1Ct,U.L6620andjoini1'11h~£•111do.ckcmcnL ll'C

~~mccb~thcu.:1miro1ion, cxhsun"nt mus1puen111 rcccipl for EYALUATl~'l'.Thiiwillhclpm:ikeyourcomplclim11smoodlone. pilot e.um fee , ~licbtcd by the C:uhi(r's Olr~ •Written allthoriulion


~~==~~,!.:'¥Cd":;;~~ Show olT )'OCll'

Orthoker•tologr Seminar


Or. l.a>lunl E. will spe3k in the U.C. cnOcL81tl:j(IO!' prclCntas pcnon:ll ickntifiatioft 1111 Airm» Cen1ralC,dri\w's licm'll!,ot "Vision lmprovcft'ICfll llirou: hOnhnktDtOlocy; Olhcr otficbl document. Ei;pbmtion of arswJlfi3te forms and promlutt:S wiU be ,h·en 21 0830. lmrncdUltly 1ticrc;if1cr, t.estlng will commence and unku prior :U· .:inrcmcnu1uvcbocnrn)d.:,bte cuminccs ..·mnotbcpcnnincd 1ocalCr • Lhc mnlniftl~ ..·hiL.: ICSlingisinptopcu.



• cao DAY







T~ ~1t"a·ti0t1





SEPTEMBER PARTY SCHEQVL MONDAY · FOOTBALL on 9 glanl screens $1 margarlt111 $1 Coronaa $1 Cuervo shots



STUOENrs IGHT DBCC, Embry Riddle •how lchool ID llld drink $1 drink• lllld $1 import



all night

· ~· " '"~" _,,., ~* .;-:.,, NEW WAVE NIGHT Penrod's Beach Club . Daylona'a Original ;~e~~~~~;'°"' and 2 ler 1 *!Ma alltn~t • WEDNESDAY


~"~' '"~ -~·1 &•• "• - '"' -·~ ""' · w~ "'"",,. _ ~ ~ - • " STUOEN S NIGHT DBCC, Embry Riddle show 1choo1 ID llld drink S1 drink 21 a over pey r.o cov• or you can pay $10 covw llld drink lrM au"nT;~t



e drinks from 9- 11


· 2 for 1 drinks 11-clooo


Imported boor •Peel II



ladles pay no cover and drink 1111 9-12 $1 import• 111a ts and ov• wtth prep• ID to party Information call: 255-4471

• 1427


s all




...___'.:__ _J.-ill

.. . ....,.


CoM 1cs ·_·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : :·,,,.::::._=-;;:-==....


;-;;;,.-= .

-·-___ ·,,,,,_

,,.., ,,_ ..... ,,

_ .,_-,,_ "-·-·-·-.... ·.·-,,_-· ..·_ ., ....... ....... _ .,_ ..__ ....,...,.,......, .. _.. ................

:M~ .......




... .. --·· ·-·-a ..........



,,............. ,,_



lhl Avlon. s.ptembet 17. 1987

TCAS system soon to be mandatory cqlCdCd to COii bctwclCa SIQ.)J)C!) IO $20),m) per Umft, PllbUc IUCtmoD ha bceD fOC11:1Cd ca mid-air col1dlom md Dm" mislcs la n:ccnt mcJftlbs. Mc:Anor

in whkb TCAS 2 was AnSUIDcd n1 opcn&cd on a ~ 727. lie prtlpOICd an ICCCknlcd schedi&le

lqlOCtlna ha camrd DOC rbc la Ibo Dumber ol thc:lc loddcnls. a ICrioas def1Ciaq la lbc syaaem


.......... ~-­

rcaltsfromthcbtkofnewairpol't faciliLic:s and Ait Traffic Concro1


racuillcl tccp P"C wi&h the lacn:uc in op::raiions. which n:aulied from detq:ubsioo. He also .-d lhal many of the JiNbkms ln the orlalnal collision IOfOkbncc equlpl:a:t have be..oft dYCd in lhc TCA5 I and21)'11aftS. 1bc TCAS I syncm provides pUoa: will! Weal alert lnformtion.. TCAS 2 ptoVides s awnpuia duticm in 1hc form ot r*ch command 10 a pilot. in Mlditlon lo WonmUon provided in aTCAS I ·

New tire made for· MD·11 ship Highest. load of commercial Jets


TCAS 3. One ol Chr problems he addrcacd was. tM b.U11SC TCAS


It will alrcrall'1 fllOdc c nnsponder to dcitmllnc lhe lhrat. Thad0tt. new kalsblJon will ~

nccdl'dlOlnc:rt::mtbcn:qulranenc. for mode c transpOndcn la scncnt avblion.

RcprtxnwJve Dz Olicknun (Dem. Iowa) aigcs&ed the


hu&c avQ&ion tMt fond IO Albsidi.r.e P'ivale ownen In insW.lln1 mode C cqulpmenc. thmby n:dudn1 noncompliance. NJI~ Tnmporuilon Wtl)' OOCltd ~nron J:m.-:s Bumct1

In.JC a ttpOft and : ~ionstotbcrommltl«.

syaaem. The bill pcndil11 would lie cited scw:r:ll r:ICIOB ..·hich require lhJ1 •J TCAS 2 ' )'SSCm JtSUl'Cd .n n:ttnt incrcucs h lhe

lastalkd be awnpllibk wi!.h TCAS incldcrw::c of nc~ collision... lie 3, which would provide ldditkNI IUlcd 1h:11 lhe sitmtlon could be ui111Ulh commands. and 1s still 21ic-.i11t!d 1r sclhtics ~ ktp. La uod« dcvclopmeftl. help idcnUfy and prcYC1lt McAnor pointed OJI INt much oY'tfmtWdina lhtou&h had been leamcd from o.pcrimcnu: ordinaDI w:ilh ATC flldlitia.

Befure}O!l choose a~ distance

service, take a close IooK:


Ple11e Save Florld1'1 M1natffl

You may be 1hlnklna about chooslna cne oC Iller..carrim <Mr A'l'llT In order 10 ...... money. Thinlcapin. Sinc1';..iuary 1987,ATan

"'"" w droOO<d more 1han 15% IOrdlrea:dlalod out·olst31Calls.Soll1"V'"' lm.<r1han )00 probably ...r1... Foe lnilr· ma1ioo on specific,...., )00 CUI call us a1 1 800 222-030(). And ATaT oll'm clear kx'I! dlsancc COf1l'ICClloru, operalOr :wlsunce, 24-hour CUSIOOl<r servtc-, and lmmedlale a.<111 b"""'"8 numbm.Plus,)00

can ""'ATllT IO call from

~IO anywlieno,all <NCl lho Unlll!d St:lits ond 10 <Mr 250councrics. You mlgh1 be sutpr'.3ed at row llOO<h value ATllT ...Jly

Is. Sob<rore )00 choose a Iona diSWKe complll)', pick

up ihe phone.


The right choice.

...._,.,... wnr-n ......_.... ~ -

OWWl' uUd ~ ........ OV.-dht!Jti6


... -

W:Mn~ -IW!kln;alhonoo"".... ........ 0-.kllfw!tll~~...m;...·

Among.,. 7'0ploo.o1 ~Cho: Mic


.... !l<Ml9l!l(l~l\lllotul""'Jtwlk(t..rn.


ho.ao'dhc.w.J.o lro~l9fltlJ1r.-"

bftomt ..... of-lt.lm~;or•I~ _...,.,.lnlht\lboW ~r-.­

Uwbm"""'· _,-lnl'lJl>l'l.o• OnllclHr <....•lbutlon~lhontt,_,J

,,,_ .._ ·-----___ ..."'" .............. _


l!il815 U!lMR-.-~


~-~- """°°- ~_..


~-CU• ..........· "",.....,•lllO--..­ .. _.,__, ~FE3!f=.:::

~~~:=:::= c~ ~ \1'wor ~At:•

- ·- - -""- - - --- -- -



the Avlon.

S8'Mem~t. 1;. i~7 17

•autos for sale

llON'DA Sl'tlEIM11 111" ~0:0

'll Rmct::ltl.J'ClltA:t:S-t.i.-, , ,..• . . . . . nf. "'-'"•.....,..t ...tWllf0 l.....i odlotolillrOOl....,._. . klr~. . ......... •..u.... 11........... IW.llot..a,.fot 1 110.,.1J7·2"'1.

call161-«1'1'9 w_.u,.iilt....Sm•

:,...... uu11<...

"1'> lll/10: SKY'ltAWIC- V-6 "'ti.. M.t AC. --oe-.•,..hnlto. wloww•o. 1~\l lim, r-n _.,. ...& ....... ~ 111-ot. U JO ot.o. Ca!1

._,....J.M. -1 lSlt;ffl .

·• 1 MA1J>A c1.c- 1:uwiw. _......._ -


'*"-· c.v. ;.io..1, _,. -



s mo.,,.g111om11m.f>1JL

b'• -"'- • ~y1.lu!11&nctloe""-

o.n.•1- - . ..... ,_ so ri&lll.


,,_ •• Ya.'. . . . MW. loi)'Ol>l'~M .... _ _ JOl(",,t..l1 llMfirrw1

.,,. \'\JUS'WA~ DUiSUL. lAaurrEm11tM ..-t.o.ica1 ct""I U!·'4n-""'S r a612·ll7J Sl.lll>•t.a.

~"CFJlELY B.i. t?

llEYOUYSt W~t.dl. )'Ollll'l)'1 )t,.kn-for ___ ..,._l'•-oW-sh-

AL ·- - - . TUTotUS04Wl. ~ ~. QIV.DUATIOS SALE- - - 10 .,..i .......... -.io... f-0. .-&11 f ..W • llJ. \OM.W•1nn ..... -.i. : - ~ 1,_, 2511. ........... ,.......... .a • illl

"'-' .....w.. ......


_._,_.,_T-•*'591. RJ1 SAU:. IEDS-EaallM


LOST··A .... ....,._ ""' k loftiW.1




.. bee.-.. .-W..ty f"id.N..,ll lNDUChxil-.Pk.Mte•

Al'l'E'i'IOS'A'All)OU. Nfr- • lto•-'°pllyll«Uy ...

1.M9 IO J_PK_"112.

- - · --•lu.at' r-

. . . . . .illl f - SICIO,..,... .:A.._-.


.a,.. 2514."M •

t - . . . . 1100 . _ . _ ..._6'1L


. _. . . -

. ....... -~ .....

,....~.,.,....._ WAmm-a.irtka~__,-

.W•MiiM..,.. 41ft.

..... ........, ........ M.aN:Wo•


r---------------------------1 :~ ..%SfNJA~ I

\~ know that a cheapcakul:ltor .:an cost )'OU hk>od, swe;it and time. Investing in a Hewlett-Packard cal· culator, on the other hand, can save you time and again. HP calculators not only have better func· titm. They function better. Without stick·

1~ e.2&1•:~:,7::~ II I


Wh9tl )'OU bu)' IWO 181119 ~·~MldtWOlool lollQ IWI Oood , ,,., r, P "fl. 1111 1 ftiOl'll• • WMll IPlrv Oc1. 1&, 1111



ori1he rn. 11s..tw..,. clrcJe

RADIO CONTROLLED • PIHk: Modtll • Tqlnl • Dune .""... • Bott•




In Volu•I• County

olf tho HP-12'1!That

10% l>lloclmt I0 5'lJdlnta

buys you more built·

t . '

,. >'

Acrou from

2r2~0S.P,t,~;:;:::,;r~sv,,. S. DlytOfll 16r·9180

in functtons than any· one elst's financial calculator. And .,.,-c·re giving

~i:.~s1~::C ~~~t1iftc

calculator you buy.


· :fly~~


compare HP catculaton with tho rest. By

mKltenn. )'Otl'll see what a ~al U1i.s is.

r- - -- --- - -,

' IA~~~~u l

I .... b ....,...._.., .....11. IV · I I I ~.._!~~~:~"!:.!'· I I .. ...,....,.,,,tro.i.11......,_ I

, ,....,_..,.....to-""-


m ==~K':~ri


Fr" Footlong Sub

ACE HOBBIES . ~ . · . . On• ot th• L.1tgHt Hl•ctlon• of

ingiceysand bad connections. Through Octobtr 31. you can g<i tho cream o( the c:a?cula·

I ::!;.~':':.~,...!:~· I



0-..-...- ~o.. p


Next-meeting for membership will be held September 22, 1987 at 1700 in the Common Purpose Room. For information contact: Greg Janeczek ERAU Box 1136 Ext. 6043 Please Support Your Car Club

18 Avlo~. 1he

Sepiembe1 11. 1987

Baker critical of policies AOPA PrHS Reitase congressioml kgi.sbtion 1o rcmow: - - - - - - - - thcFAA rromhtrc:onual FREDERICK, Md - The prcsi. D:iktr ~so chided lhc Scmury dcn1otlbelUlion'rbriestcivil avl· for her ·xquicletnce in lhc mis· ation otpni13don )'CSIU11:ly ailed nun:q:~1 or the Avbikln Trust ror lhc:. n:sipxion or n:monl or Fund; • ·hich cWTtnlly ~· 1n Tr.u~tion Sc:cn:l:ll')' Eliu.bcth un:lpptq'lfblcd surplus of nc:.v S6 H.Word Dole. Spc»;in& at a Los billion: Angc:&r.. pa:t tonfc:rcncc, John L lbl:tr :also cited Sc:acury D.>k'• B:Ll:tr, presidc:nt ol the 260,IXX). mism:MUgctnrnl ol the N:atioful mcmtitr Aln:rsl'I 0.-nm and Pilots Airspx'c Sys&cm Pbn (NASP). ~i:Uion . Did th:lt since Seen:· ·p.bjot pordons o r lhe pbn h::l\'C t.v)' [)ole'uppointmcnt in 1982, the sl ipPCd by iu mixh QS SC\'tn )"dlr, rut~l avb.tion J)'Slcm tm been toul ~ c~ts h.lvc gro ....·n by "&totsly mism:Ngat; · :and th:ll ~pc:rtcn1::indOlhc:rpor1 ionsof'llic Dole shOuld either n:linqubh or be pbn ~1·c been inJdinicdy dr.:rcnc:d rcmD\·cd from her post. und.!t S«rcW}' Dole's nul'l.lgc· D~cr cilcd a fivc· )'Clf lr.lil ol mc:ni. • O:Ll'.cr J:lid. lie ;also rdcmd misnutugm1Cnl th» h:H faikd to the Adv:ulCC'd Autom3tion Sys· impro11: the Dfcty or cmcicncy ol ttm (AAS) :u the c:tnlttpkcc ol the n:ition 's :Ur ~ ions S)'lo· NASr ;ind noccd lli:it the fin:il im· lem: h:U drivc:n OUI 1111'0 cornp..--tc:nt pkmcnt.1tion o( AAS h:a1 i!ippctl FM 9dminisu:uors And n:pbccd from I ~ to IO!'J. Don:.ld Entcn with on individ\131 D:ikcr lllso cfitic:Uc:d Stcrci.:r 1.x:IJl'lg ci11i :avbtion u.pmcntt; Dole's prniS&nil rcJisL'lllCC to r -otm clGletl:1pub1iccrislsC!Cc:onri· viJin' the rcsoutttS ~ 10 do:ncc in IW tr.ave:!: And, h:H inviicd modm li.tc :and s t.:1ff on llir tr.affic

conllOI 1ysicm lh:it n:rrnins u11det· nunncd and continueJ 1o u1ililt' a«hnolog d.wdopc:d in thc 196(h. O:Ll:c:r c:Jpb.inc:d lh3I ain:pxe popos::ils orisi=ina In the Sc:crol:lfy'• ofricc did not lnacasc air s;afcty bu1 in rr. •ity deg~ uCdy and incn:..scd t'-c •ukkxld ol ;iirc:idy O\Ttbutlk•ted ;iit U2!fic ton· uol~ts. He ch:arti:oc! lh3t such pn>pos:i!s .....m d i,i:n limited mr !nffic rcsou.l't't'i: flt)fll \Crmin:il ;in:lS • ·here they:ui:: ~:S•.-cSrno·~&. ll:i.k« 11o-:a.i rfitial ol S«rcwy Dok'r foilurc IOUUblish Ntkwul priorities ID alldrcu the OllSCS or :iccWL..-nts tlut ~1·c killed hundtcds in rcttnl )'t'.VS. "More lh3n 600 p..-opk. h::l\'c la;a their lives in :Ur c:irricr :...-cid..-nts c:iusc:d by severe ..,,·~thcr :ind :in iro&q~c llir u:Ufic conuol syszcm since 1982," tic s.:aid, ":ind, ;ipprmim:ttdy 40 p:nxnt o r :all 1:crict:1I :a1•i:itio:i :iccidcnu con· tiniatlOCK'CUr bcc:iutcofin:wkqu.itc d1;scmin:idon of K1i:1c•'Cllhcrin· (orm:ition."

ZERO (ContlntMdlrom~e1) boud, uou came- up 10 1171 lbs, a rut1 4271bs. bdowmu1akto rf ~1of2Xl>lbs .CUmbpnftw ·

mance a1 Vy was 1pc'Cla.."UlaJ . nta1IJ 1000 FPM. The 0.120 rln unoot hlJ and rcqulftd a hc:althy amount o r ri1h1 ruddc:r to cou.n trnct 1M P·factor.


A nc:r 1pouln& s.ome ac· tirity on 1hc 290 d(J'anurC", I 1hou1h1 I'd chcd; 1h<nc barn· door flapt. up at Ormond. I ddibcntdJ kqx the approach hl&h. Q\·c:r the fence at 500 fM, throttk 10 Idle and point the no\C "'CfC' you want 10 10. stral&ht down, Whal mi&ht h8''C' cawed a 10 a round in Olhc:r A/C • u tui· ly manqcd ""ilh the: 40 dttr« nap1. Th" pi1ch form arc WlmC"<ll'hat "l((c:r, as 1hc flow over lht' dn·ator b M>mC"·hat obsln~td . bu! the 112 b n't a fin1c:rtip airplane an,.....·ay.


In 1pi~c:of1M IS to20dqrm of now-ovn, tt'o< alnpec:d nnc:r budftd over 6$. "'hm 1hc lime came 10 find a spot 10 play in and mttt tlM Unlvmhy'1 JSOIJ fooc mlnlmwi 1111.11 practlC'c: aldt udt , I was hud ,"ttcucd 10 find a hole in the' nimu:us. I finaUy found a hole: Jui: nonh of Ormond, and climbed. Twa dcui111 turns la ter I dcddcd 10 rtnd the pitch trr~u or lhos rlapl in a power-off stall. The airspeed was un the stop and lull bac k prn surC" was re:· quirtd 10 an the b~ak. 11 was a non-cvm1. I an1klpa1c:d a re· q u ircmc n1 for consldcr:iblc pressure" as I brou&ht in full po••cr, but was 1urprbc:d 10 find li11lc dirrc:rmov in lhcrcmanufac· 1urtd aitnaf1, a fu L"f')' rrom Utllc:r C -150 11alnlf11. To play 1hc: devil's ad\'ocatc:, I left full Oap1 In durin& !lw recovery and was su rprised to find • hc>llhy

400 FPM climb near 1hc: bottom o r 1M atttn a.re. 1llC' book proc:'Cdurc is clear how~·c:r. and naps ~ Id be rctrantd h> 10 dcarft:S un1il a pcnili''C'Jatc I~ oubUshc:d. Nu1 came" 1imc to dc:sttnd ..,,·hbou1 bu~in& cloud clnratK't' minimums. T..,,·cnt y·t•·o dqrca nose do..,,·n pi1ch ..,,.n rcq ult :d wi1h power al iJ IC' to 1.-omc an,.....-hne nur 1hc601tnu. mu· imum nap spc-cd . One: of the" plann i) nc;i cn11fic:d for 10 dcvm o ( Oa ~ al'io1·" llO knot\. It i.ttms 1u be mG•c :ir a c:ntifica. 1ton i_Huc: 1han ;i sltuc: ural diC· frrm<":, bu1 C'i1hcr "11) it's not Itta!.


Durir, ;i mabi llud :approach 10 O;ay1ona I ..,,-a) able" to put It ri1h1 on chC" numbcn . WC" hope 1hb .... m help E RA U"\ m 1 h1 team 1hls) C'U .


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