Hunger as a Problem of Justice - Andrew Sasser

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Andrew Sasser Hunger is a significant problem throughout the world, even in developed countries such as the United States. Is it just that people starve in America, the wealthiest country in the world? Can hunger be resolved, and if so, how? Hunger is a multi-faceted problem, and it is unlikely that a single solution will work in every circumstance or every place; however, many of the principles espoused by philosophers such as Robert Nozick have implications that can be used to better tackle the problem of hunger in America. While hunger is not a matter of justice per se, the current methods used to address it are symptomatic of a larger problem, and by utilizing some of Nozick’s ideas, hunger can be much more effectively reduced. According to Nozick, a distribution (of resources) in society is just if everyone is entitled to the holdings they possess under the distribution (Nozick 150-151). By this standard, called the entitlement theory, the fact that some people do not have enough food in America is not, strictly speaking, unjust, assuming that people have acquired their possessions honestly, as well as considering the scarcity of resources (Nozick 150). Of course, in any society, there are individuals who acquire and maintain their holdings through unjust or illegal means, but that is a problem for the law enforcement and legal systems to handle, and as such, is beyond the scope of this paper. After establishing this base claim, Nozick groups various attempts at addressing serious inequality into two categories: “end-result principles” and “historical principles” (Nozick 153). End-result principles are methods that focus on the outcome that is trying to be achieved, without consideration of the process to get there (Nozick 153-155). Nozick uses welfare theory as an example of an end-result principle. Historical principles are methods that focus on the “how” of managing inequality, taking into account past circumstances when considering how to

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