HUCK Magazine The Deftones Issue (Digital Edition)

Page 71

the locals

the local Industry

The Aboriginal population of Tasmania was estimated at being between 5,000 and 10,000 in the early

The rugged coastline of the North

1800s. But the introduction of foreign diseases, war and persecution meant that by 1833 this had

West is awash with giant bull kelp.

dropped to only 300. Those who remained were then relocated to Flinders Island to be educated,

Freshly collected seaweed hangs out

thinking they’d be returned to their homeland once they had been ‘civilised’. Peter Lambert is one

to dry in the clean Tasman air, ready

of a few part-blooded Aborigine descendants living in the area and helping raise awareness of the

to be turned into fertiliser and sold

35,000-year-old heritage of the indigenous people.

on to local farms.


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