Hrtji Svet Slovenije

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sobivanje | symbiosis

Društvo Hrtji svet Slovenije Slovenian Sighthound World

Nova priložnost za ljubezen A new chance for love



Srce še deluje srčno

The Heart is Still Generous

Slovenci smo izjemni v dobrodelnosti. Morda res ne vsi, so pa zato posamezniki tako aktivni, da širijo svoj vpliv, se povezujejo. In pomagajo – bitjem, ki potrebujejo pomoč. Med njimi so tudi štirinožci, tisti, ki smo jih uspeli zapisati med svoje prijatelje že pred tisočletji. Pa se še vedno dogajajo krute zgodbe, ki jih ne zmoremo razumeti. Med pasjimi zgodbami je ena najbolj presunljivih zgodba o hrtih. Današnja govori o hrtih, ki so svojo drugo priložnost v svojem kratkem pasjem življenju našli prav tu, v Sloveniji, pri srčnih ljudeh. Začelo se je že pred leti, ko se je peščica ljubiteljev hrtov začela zavzemati za reševanje odsluženih psov, pretežno z Irske in Španije. Na pobudo Erica Maja Potočnika, ki ga slovenska javnost bolj pozna kot del modne ustvarjalne dvojice Mem Couture, sicer pa velikega ljubitelja in poznavalca hrtov, se je leta 2005 oblikovala skupina privržencev teh lepih in ljubeznivih živali. Nekaj let pozneje so se uradno registrirali kot društvo Hrtji svet, z jasnim ciljem pomagati psom, pretežno pasme hrt. Hrtji svet vsekakor ni edino tovrstno društvo, v Evropi jih je mogoče najti veliko. So pa člani Hrtjega sveta izredno strogi in predani poslanstvu, ki ne zbira zgolj števila posvojenih hrtov, ampak se predvsem zavzema za to, da hrti res pridejo v pravo okolje, med ljudi, ki vedo, kakšno odgovornost predstavlja štirinožni družinski član.

Slovenians are exceptional in charity. Maybe not all, but certain individuals are that much more active in spreading their influence, connecting. And they help beings who need help. Among us are the quadrupeds who we successfully accepted as friends millennia ago. Yet cruel stories, which we cannot understand, are still happening to these animals. Of all the dog stories the one about greyhounds is the most heartbreaking. Today's story talks about greyhounds that found a second chance in their short dog life right here in Slovenia, in the homes of loving people. It began years ago when a handful of greyhound lovers started to strive for the rescue of such dogs, who had exceeded their working lives, mostly from Ireland and Spain. On the initiative of Eric Maj Potočnik, who is known by the Slovene public as part of the fashion designer duo Mem Couture, and who is a big greyhound admirer and expert, a group of devotees of these beautiful and friendly animals was established in 2005. A few years later they officially registered as the association Hrtji svet, with a clear goal to help dogs, especially the greyhound breed. Hrtji svet most certainly is not the only association of this kind. One can find many across Europe. Yet the members of Hrtji svet are extremely strict and devoted to their mission which is not only expanding the number of adopted greyhounds, but is dedicated to finding the most suitable home for the dogs, to people who know what kind of responsibility a quadruped family member brings.

vet ni samo naš. Delimo si ga z mnogimi bitji, ki smo se jih skozi tisočletja navadili spregledati ali pozabiti nanje. V zadnjih nekaj desetletjih se veliko govori o ekologiji, o občutenju narave in o medsebojni povezanosti. O dvigu zavesti. Kar je dobro. Četudi posamično in z drobcenimi koraki.

Marjeta Privšek Arhiv/Archive: Dobran Laznik, Simon Prosenc, Hrtji svet

Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine

he world is not just ours. We have shared it with many creatures and over the millennia and have gotten used to overlooking or forgetting them. In the past few decades there has been a lot of talk about ecology, feeling the nature and interconnectivity. About raising consciousness. Which is good. Even though it happens individually and through tiny steps.

Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine



sobivanje | symbiosis

Mednarodna pomoč

International Aid

S pomočjo sorodnih mednarodnih organizacij se slovensko društvo Hrtji svet neposredno ali posredno vključuje v aktivno pomoč tem čutečim, lepim in pametnim pasjim bitjem. S časom so razvili pravi postopek posvojitve odsluženih hrtov. Največ sodelujejo z italijanskim društvom European Greyhound Network Italy ( ter društvi, ki jih v svoji mreži združuje špansko zavetišče Scooby Medina ( Prav tako pa vzdržujejo redne kontakte s posamezniki na Irskem, v Veliki Britaniji in Španiji, ki s svojim požrtvovalnim delom rešujejo hrte pred smrtjo. Na spletnih straneh lahko izvemo več o konkretnih psih, ki potrebujejo pomoč. Največkrat so sprejeti v pasja zavetišča na območjih, kjer je tovrstnega ravnanja največ, od koder jih po urejeni formalni posvojitvi prepeljejo na njihov novi dom.

With the help of related international organisations, the Slovenian association Hrtji svet is directly or indirectly participating in the active help for these sensible, beautiful and smart dogs. Over time they have developed the right procedure for adopting retired greyhounds. For the most part, they are collaborating with the Italian association European Greyhound Network Italy ( and associations that are united in the network of the Spanish shelter Scooby Medina (www. They also maintain regular contact with individuals in Ireland, Britain and Spain who are saving greyhounds from dying with their self-sacrificing work. We can learn more about specific dogs in need of help on these websites. Mostly they are housed in dog shelters in areas where the presence of this treatment is the greatest and from where they are brought to their new home through a formal adoption procedure.

Delavci v prezgodnjem pokoju

Workers in Premature Retirement

Hrtji svet

Hrtji svet

Mnogi morda ne vedo, zakaj in od kod prihaja tolikšno število zavrženih hrtov. Glede na to, da hrti veljajo za eno najstarejših pasemskih skupin psov in da so zaradi fizične zgradbe, gibčnosti ter izrednih lovskih sposobnosti nekoč veljali za nepogrešljive družabnike plemiškega sveta, je današnja situacija prav absurdna. Zaradi izjemnih fizičnih sposobnosti po svetu vzrejajo hrte pasme greyhound za potrebe tekaške industrije (t. i. pasjih dirk). Na tisoče letno. Mnogi ne ustrezajo strogim selekcijam, približno dve tretjini vseh vzrejenih psov, ki so namenjeni tekaškim treningom, zaključi svojo kariero v starosti med 18 meseci in tremi leti. Podobno se v Španiji godi lovskim hrtom – galgom, ki jih uporabljajo za podeželske oblike lova – priljubljene tradicionalne veščine lovcev, imenovanih »galgueros«. Mnogo psov zaradi tradicionalno vraščenega odnosa njihovih lastnikov ne preživi več kot ene sezone lova ali pa končajo popolnoma zanemarjeni. Del tradicije celo narekuje grozljivo ravnanje z živalmi. Kljub dolgoletnemu trudu in izboljšavah na tem področju to poglavje izkoriščanja nemočnih bitij ostaja kot velik grd madež na vesti človeštva. Sicer povsem prijazni in kultuvirani ljudje pod vplivom okolja in tradicije sprejemajo takšen odnos do hrtov kot nekaj samo po sebi umevnega. Medtem ko doma na zofi crkljajo svojega domačega pasjega ljubljenčka, so sposobni do delovnega hrta v kletki razviti podoben odnos kot do kokoši v kurniku, ki jih hranijo za proizvodnjo jajc.

Many don’t know why and from where so many rejected greyhounds come. The fact, that greyhounds are one of the oldest dog breeds and were once counted as indispensable companions of the aristocracy due to their physical construction, flexibility and exceptional hunting abilities, today's situation is simply absurd. Due to their exceptional physical abilities greyhounds are bred all over the world for the dog racing industry. Thousands a year. Many of them do not match the strict selection, about two-thirds of all dogs bred for running training end their career at the age of 18 months to three years. A similar situation is happening to the hunting greyhounds in Spain – Galgos, which are used for rural forms of hunting, a popular traditional skill of hunters called ‘Galgueros’. Because of the traditionally rooted relation between man and dog, many dogs do not survive more than one season or end up completely neglected. Part of the tradition even dictates horrible mistreatment of the animals. Despite long lasting efforts and improvements in this field, this chapter of exploitation of weaker beings stays on the conscience of mankind as a big ugly stain. Commonly very friendly and cultivated people accept such a relation toward greyhounds as something self-evident under the influence of the environment and tradition. While at home they are petting their dogs, they can develop a relation towards the working greyhound in a cage in the same way battery hens are kept in cages for egg production.

Samo petnajst nadvse aktivnih članov, kolikor jih šteje društvo ta trenutek, dela čudeže. Do danes je z njihovo pomočjo uspešno in srečno v Sloveniji posvojenih 94 hrtov. Društvo navzven kot tudi člani med seboj so dobro organizirani in povezani. Na poslanstvo jih namreč vsakodnevno spominja predan pogled vitkega štirinožca. Vsi člani so namreč tudi lastniki (najmanj enega) posvojenega hrta.

The fifteen exceedingly active members who form the association at this moment are miracle workers. Until today, with their help, there are 94 successfully and happily adopted greyhounds in Slovenia. The association is well organized with international connections as well as connectivity amongst its members. They are reminded daily about their mission by the committed look of the slim quadruped. All the members are also owners of (at least one) adopted greyhound.

Skupaj s številnimi podpornimi člani, s posvojitelji in ob pomoči strokovnjakov uspevajo sleherni dan narediti nekaj malega, da bi razkrili tančice problematike odsluženih hrtov. To jim dobro uspeva, saj se ljudje že samoiniciativno obračajo na društvo. Pomoč ni le posvojitev, štejejo tudi glas, prispevki, dobra volja, naklonjenost. V društvu se ne nadejajo bistvenega porasta posvojitev, si pa želijo več osveščenih ljudi in posledično manj trpljenja za živa bitja. Trpljenja se namreč ne dogajajo le daleč stran od nas, ampak tudi v neposredni bližini. Vzroki pa so enaki – nevednost, zavedenost v tradicionalne vzorce in sprejemanje živali kot nekaj manj vrednega.

Together with numerous supporting members, adopters and with the help of experts they succeed every single day to do something small to uncover the veil of the problems of retired or abused greyhounds. They are quite successful, as people are appealing to the association on their own. Help does not come only from adoptions, but also by voice, contributions, good will and dedication. The association does not hope for a significant increase in adoptions, but they do wish for increased awareness and consequently less suffering for the animals. Suffering does not happen only far away, but also in the immediate neighbourhood. Yet the reasons are the same – ignorance, deception into traditional patterns and accepting the animals as something of less worth.

Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine



sobivanje | symbiosis Kot vsa druga živa bitja, ki od vse razpoložljive hrane in toplote na svetu najbolj potrebujemo – ljubezen.

Like all other beings, besides all the available food and warmth they mostly need one thing – love.

Društvo pripravlja različne nastope v javnosti, kjer se lahko ljudje pobliže spoznajo s hrti in s potekom posvojitve – v obliki pogovornih večerov ali organiziranih sprehodov po mestih.

The association carries out different public appearances where people can get to know greyhounds and the adoption process more closely – in the form of discussion nights or organized walks through the cities.

Letos pozno poleti se nam obeta tradicionalni hrtji piknik, ki je namenjen vsem ljubiteljem hrtov, pa tudi ljudem, ki se želijo s temi prečudovitimi psi podrobneje seznaniti in morda razmišljajo o posvojitvi. Na pikniku bodo dobili odgovore na njihova vprašanja, največkrat jim bodo odgovor pokazali kar posvojenčki sami. Ljudje so pogosto presenečeni, kako prijetni so hrti, kljub svoji velikosti in hitrosti. Predvsem pa jih osvojijo njihovi pogledi. :)

This year in late summer a traditional greyhound picnic is planned, intended for all greyhound lovers and also for those who would like to get to know these wonderful dogs and are maybe thinking about adoption. At the picnic their questions will be answered at best and most of the time the answers will be given by the adoptees. People are often surprised how pleasant greyhounds are, despite their height and speed. But they are mostly captured by their look :)

Odrasla ljubezen

Adult Love

Posvojitev mora biti odgovorno dejanje, s katerim se strinja celotna družina in celo okolica, ne pa impulzivno dejanje. Zato se morajo zainteresirani posvojitelji najprej vprašati, zakaj si želijo tovrstnega psa: zgolj zaradi elegance in lepega videza? Če srce odgovori, da je estetika drugotnega pomena, da je vsaka brazgotina, estetska napaka ali ostanek poškodbe del izbojevane bitke za preživetje, če kdo resnično čuti potrebo po potrpežljivem delu, ljubezni in vzgoji, potem je posvojitev prava odločitev. Posvojen hrt je popisan list, ki zahteva predvsem potrpljenje in usmerjeno vzgojo. Napredek je navadno bliskovit in vsakodnevno spremljanje prinaša ogromno zadovoljstva. Vseeno pa obstajajo tudi sledovi vžganih strahov, vedenjskih motenj in morebitnih zdravstvenih problemov, ki so vsi posledica preteklega življenjskega okolja. Po posvojitvi društvo ostane v tesnem stiku s posvojitelji in po izmenjavah izkušenj pomaga pri odpravi morebitnih motenj, svojo pomoč hrtom pa nudijo tudi strokovnjaki za vedenjske motnje, alternativni zdravilci, veterinarska stroka ... največkrat pa je potreben zgolj čas, ki zaceli rane preteklosti.

Adoption should be a responsible and not impulsive act, which should find approval by the whole family and even the environment. That is why potential adopters have to ask themselves, why they want such a dog: just because of its elegance and beautiful appearance? If the heart tells you, aesthetics are inconsiderable, that every scar, aesthetic flaw or reminder of an injury is part of the fight for survival, and if someone really feels the need for patient work, love and upbringing then adoption is the right choice. An adopted greyhound comes with bad life experiences and needs, above all, patience and a firm upbringing. Progress is usually as fast as lightning and following such daily progress brings a lot of satisfaction. Nevertheless, there are traces of burned-in fears, abnormal behaviour and eventual health issues, that are a result of the past life environment. After adoption the association remains in close contact with the adopters and helps eliminate eventual disturbances by sharing experiences, through help of experts for abnormal behaviour, alternative practitioners, veterinary expertise etc., but in most cases what they need is time, which heals the wounds from the past.

Ljubitelji psov se s povsem upravičenim razlogom lahko vprašajo: zakaj posvojiti odraslega psa, ko je vendar bolj varno prevzeti ali kupiti mladička, ki je prišel iz znanega okolja in s seboj ne prinaša spomina na zlorabe ali žalosti v očeh. Pa vendar je po pričevanju vseh posvojiteljev hrtov izkušnja čudovita. Odrasli psi se hitro in brez večjih težav privadijo na nov način življenja in največkrat potrebujejo manj vzgoje kot mladički. Predvsem hrti nosijo s seboj »zakodirano« sposobnost pozabe preteklosti. Večinoma se kljub krutemu začetku življenja popolnoma vživijo v novo okolje in življenje. Njihovi lastniki so vsi po vrsti presenečeni nad visoko mero odpuščanja in predanosti, ki jo ta mila bitja premorejo. Z veliko mero prijaznosti in mirno, čeprav odločno besedo, bo posvojeni hrt vzcvetel popolnoma na novo.

Dog lovers can with every right ask themselves: why adopt an adult dog, when taking or buying a puppy, which came from a known environment and does not bring along any memories of abuse or sadness in his eyes is safer. Yet according to all the adopters of greyhounds the experience is wonderful. Adult dogs adapt quickly and without problems get used to their new life and for the most part require less upbringing than puppies. And greyhounds in particular carry with them the ‘coded’ ability to forget the past. Most of them can completely acclimatize themselves to their new environment and life, despite a cruel beginning. Their owners are often surprised by the high degree of forgiveness and commitment of these gentle beings. With extensive kindness and a calm, yet determined word, the adopted greyhound will bloom in a completely new way.



Iščeta dom

Looking for a home

To pomlad sta pred bridkim koncem v Slovenijo priromala dva hrta – začasno skrbništvo sta dobila pri članih društva Hrtji svet, ki pa jima želijo trajen in topel dom. Več informacij na

This spring, two greyhounds that had been waiting for a bitter end wandered into Slovenia - temporary custody was offered by members of the Hrtji svet (Greyhound world) association, who want a permanent and warm home for them. More info on

Wally je navihan in energičen greyhound, ki bo kmalu dopolnil pet let. Svoj dom išče pri aktivni družini ali posamezniku, kjer se bodo z njim veliko ukvarjali, ga vodili na dolge sprehode in izlete ter neskončno razvajali.

Wally is a roguish and energetic greyhound, soon to be five years old. He is looking for a home with an active family or an individual who will spend a lot of time with him, take him for long walks and trips and spoil him endlessly.

Caelum je sproščen, radoveden in neproblematičen galgo, ki se dobro razume s psi vseh velikosti in je primeren za družine z otroki. Star je predvidoma 3 leta in tehta približno 27 kg. Rad se vozi v avtomobilu, v stanovanju je neopazen, saj večino dneva mirno prespi, obožuje pa sprehode in lepo hodi pripet na povodec. Nadvse rad ima družbo – pasjo in človeško.

Caelum is a relaxed, curious, and unproblematic galgo (Spanish greyhound), who gets along with dogs of all heights and is appropriate for families with children. He is about 3 years old and weighs approximately 27 kg. He likes to ride around in a car and is hardly noticeable in an apartment because he spends most of the day sleeping peacefully. He also loves going for walks and walks on a leash without any problems. He especially loves company – of either dogs or humans.

Revija Salon Slovenija Magazine

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