OMEGA 7 from hive this mind

Page 195

you poison people’s minds with your distortions you learned from Goebbels that a big lie is more believable than a small one that a lie repeated often enough becomes truth the sewers are less toxic than what you spew you repeat the lies of the corporations that own you

land of the free

you exterminated the Indians (almost) in the name of God. they gave you food when you were hungry and you repaid them with slaughter. they were more noble than you their Gods more humane than your God.

and if they say it’s so you proclaim to the world that it’s so

America, you were born in genocide

you’re worse than lung cancer

and now your troops are in Iraq—

using the television sets for mass mind control it’s so damn simple it works

nothing has changed. but there’s at least one mind you’ve lost i used to be an idiot but not anymore i’m turning you shitheads off forever i can think for myself.




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