Holiday 2012 Free Preview

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efore starting work on House of Fifty’s holiday issue, I took some time to stop and think about what I look forward to most during this time of year. What is the season truly all about? What came to mind, overshadowing thoughts of annual parties, family holiday traditions, sending out cards and finding all those “just right” gifts, were simply the days when my family is afforded the opportunity to step away from our daily routines and schedules to enjoy time with each other. These days are often filled with activities, but at other moments they can proceed at a slower pace, giving us the chance to simply

be together. And so, stripped of all the holiday “trimmings,” time to just be present with one another is what is I value most about the holidays. There is nothing better than a lazy start to the day, cooking a hearty breakfast as a family and, as the day unfolds, sharing celebrations with the people I care about most: my husband, my children, extended family and friends. Perhaps it’s a symptom of getting older, having kids who have figured out the true identity of Santa, or experiencing how the cliché that time flies quickly is a cliché for a reason. This season, the wish for my family is that we have the chance to slow down enough to enjoy these special moments in our lives, shake off a bit of the commercial craze and show those we love how much they mean to us. Mindy Lockard says it best in her article later in this issue, ‘A Gracious Guide to the Holidays.’ There she shares, “Join me in being present this season and give the gift that matters most, the gift of reaching out to those you love in a meaningful manner.” From myself and House of Fifty, here’s to having a most memorable and joyful holiday season! Sincerely,

Janell Beals, Founding Editor 3

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