Aboutus by hotspotorlando #27

Page 51

Keeping art at home does’t make sense, you must give the return to society. Teaching the world colors and emotions is the way that leads the Namaste House. Without color, the world has no love.

" Appreciate art promotes enlightenment of the soul ." Lari tells me a bit about your daily life and your work.

I lead a Zen life, an apartment in which electronics, by choice, are not very well received ( haven’t watch TV for 7 years, and do not have a microwave). I have a water fountain and incense, dream filters and three cats to harmonize the environment, I am also a vege-

tarian. The Atelier is in the center of the apartment (the heart of the house) and it is my temple where I spend many hours daily. At night I give my practice of yoga and meditation quantum.

as if the painting were a dance, requires a soundtrack . "

Lari realized that in some works, especially in faces you put some crosses, what does this mean ?

When I put "crosses " in my paintings(vertical and horizontal stripes)they represent the material I believe in the power of good ac- life united with the spiritual. tion and the influence of positive vibrations . I believe these energies The Cross, a symbol that existed are passed to the ink. " We need to long before any religion, emerged paint with the colors of the wind". as one of the first man-made symI always use oil paint, I like to ex- bols to represent this union. I like plore the different textures of this to place this significant symbol in material, which has an incredible the paintingsmto remind all to take versatility. I use a lot of clay also. care of their body and soul and to " I don’t paint without music . It is forever stay in balance .

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