HotPott May 2019

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£1 May 2019

Pott Shrigley’s Church & Parish Magazine

Rose Queen Pott Shrigley Church School & Village Hall Presents

Saturday 22nd June Starts at 1.45pm

The procession starts from Pott Shrigley school at 1:45pm and continues over at the Village Green for the official opening ceremony at 2:15pm. Come and join us for lots of fun and games for all the family including:

• Facepainting

• Beer tent

• Maypole dancing

• Tombola

• Barbecue

• Raffle

• Cream teas

• Wheelbarrow races

• Poynton High Brass Band



David’s Deliberations Dear friends, In lieu of my usual letter, I’ve prepared a couple of items which I hope will interest you: one looking back, and one forward. Reflections of a Mayor’s Chaplain. I was delighted when, soon after my arrival here, church member Jon Weston asked if I would be his chaplain for his forthcoming mayoral year in Bollington. That year comes to an end this month at the mayormaking ceremony on the 14th, and I have to say I have enjoyed it immensely. The duties are not very arduous, mainly consisting of attendance – including leading prayers – at a wide variety of events (including a number of dinners!). One or two of these events are fairly significant; on Remembrance Day and at Christmas Carols round the Tree I found myself speaking to, I believe, over a thousand people. Others are more low-key, such as the mayor’s visits to schools and nursing homes in Bollington; I’m not obliged to be part of these, but it is a wonderful opportunity to meet a wide variety of people, and also, by my presence, to show that prayer and faith can be part of our civic life.

This Edition Pg


Of course, whilst the role of chaplain is not too demanding, the work of a mayor certainly is, and I must record a word of appreciation for Jon, who fulfilled the office admirably: whether in the more public role, wearing his chain, speaking and meeting people at a huge variety of events; or working away in the background on council business – including the demanding task of chairing their meetings.


David’s Deliberations


The season starts: Pott Shrigley CC


Church Guild…a musical interlude


God's creation - by Megan Carter


Battle in the Skies


Dementia support at the East Cheshire Hospice


Pott Shrigley CC Centenary Year 1919-2019: Laying the Foundations (part two)


Margaret Allaby, a tribute


Love me to the Moon...?

One important duty of the chaplain is to say prayers at the start of every (monthly) meeting of Bollington Town Council. Although I was free to leave once prayers were said, I normally stayed for the whole meeting – reasoning that I could better pray for the council and support the mayor if I knew more about their work. I have to say that the experience gave me a whole new respect for our councillors – whether ‘town’ ones, as in Bollington, or ‘parish’, as in Pott Shrigley: the level of debate, the grasp of the issues, and the sheer hard work involved, makes being a councillor a very demanding role. We should all be grateful for those who are willing to serve our


Your Vote, Your Council


The Suffering Church


Mouse Makes


Coffee Break


Missionary Matters


Flix in the Stix


Recipe: Garlicky Carrot Soup


Chores & Chains


From the Registers






Regular Church Activities

David Swales

HotPott - May 2019

continued →

May 2019 Page 3

communities in this way, and should always support them with our prayers. Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) You may well be familiar by now with this annual prayer initiative: TKC has become a worldwide movement of prayer, every year, from Ascension Day to Pentecost (this year, 30th May to 9th June). The basic idea could not be simpler: it is to encourage all Christians to pray that God will work by His Holy Spirit to bring people to believe in Jesus. Simple enough – and vital, too, as it is the Christian’s experience that prayer is essential if we want to see God at work. But what makes TKC particularly exciting is the variety of ways in which it gives ideas, encouragement and support to help us in our prayers. As last year, we will make available in church a variety of materials to help individuals, and families, really focus their prayers during those 10 days: prayer books, journals, etc. But I also heartily recommend, for those who are just as at home with the internet as with paper, that you have a look at the TKC website, and/or download the TKC app onto your smartphone for daily prayers, reflections, readings and videos. There will be a regional event to get us all into the spirit of TKC just before it starts: this will be held at the Salvation Army Citadel in Macclesfield on the evening of Tuesday 28th. And then on Ascension Day (30th) I am planning an evening prayer walk in Pott Shrigley – beginning in church, but climbing up (ascending!) to a higher vantage point from which to pray for the world around us – before ending in the vicarage for refreshments (non-walkers welcome to join at start and/or end). Precise times of both these events are to be announced. Your friend and vicar, David Page 4

Since compiling the magazine, we have been horrified by the atrocities committed against Christians and others in Sri Lanka. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected; our Lord and Saviour is with us always, even in the darkest of times. HotPott - May 2019

The season starts: Pott Shrigley Cricket Club The first matches of the season for the senior teams were played on 27th April; juniors a day later on 28th.

Andy Hart The big event for May is the annual Pott Shrigley Junior Six a Side competition for under 11 and 13 age groups; all places have now been taken with clubs from around the Macclesfield and Stockport areas. It is always a great day, and a good fundraiser for PSCC – so please come and support it! Cakes and

burgers (not necessarily to be consumed in that order) are fantastic. Centenary celebrations continue – after the junior sixes the next events are the Golf Day at Shrigley Hall on June 7th, a Tape Ball tournament on June 16th and afternoon tea, again at Shrigley Hall on June 23rd. Please see the PSCC website for details, and to view the commemorative ties and sportswear, which the elegant amongst us will be wearing this summer. New players are always welcome.

Church Guild…a musical interlude In the absence of Georgina the March meeting was opened by Mary Currell, who then handed over to David Swales who led us in prayer.

Eileen Stratford We then spent a lovely musical afternoon. David, playing his guitar, serenaded us with some old songs we could sing along with (and

even a touch of The Beatles!) and Sheena singing ‘Songs from the Shows’. Both Sheena and David proved how talented they are with their varied repertoire. Sheena also provided the delicious cakes. Many thanks to Sheena and David for a happy and enjoyable afternoon. An outing to the Stockport Hat Museum is planned for May 8th; details from Georgina Wray on 01625 615547.

God's creation - by Megan Carter God’s creation, what a sensation Myriads of stars all known by name, Each constellation telling their story, Bursting with glory, God’s power to proclaim.

The sun like a bridegroom rejoices on rising His course devising from east to west As he leaves his pavilion in golden splendour With warmth and light on our earth to bless.

Beautiful Pleiades, The Bear with its Cubs, Orion’s Belt, all set in the sky Our planet of blue transfixed in the heavens Touched with the finger of God from on high.

Light from darkness, order from chaos Land and oceans come into view, Magnificent Artist, Architect, Builder, Not only Creator – but a Saviour too.

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Battle in the Skies April 1st, 1940, walking on to the tarmac for the first time I was one of the first recruits for the Royal Air Force. At age 17 I’d volunteered, my youthful ignorance had told me it’s better to volunteer than be conscripted. Aerial warfare seemed exciting, better than wading through mud-filled trenches in a hellhole in France.

Will Gem This was my first day of training. I was given my RAF number 152341126, a pay book and a crisp five pound note with King George VI’s face sternly staring back into my eyes demanding that I do my duty. I swallowed in awe, and tucked it carefully into my pocket. I was pleased to be in possession, for the very first time in my young life, of immeasurable riches. Next I was given my itchy and rough blue uniform and a white kitbag. All the itching was bearable to know I was part of something this big, to serve my King and country. My barracks were sparse but nothing less than I was used to. But there was no time for resting as we had a war to win. We were whisked off in a jeep for our first training session. There were 55 of us, but only 30 were to survive the war. We had 65 hours, about 17 weeks of flying and learning the rules before we qualified. July: it started like any normal day until we heard ‘Scramble!’ Heavy footsteps on floorboards followed by more shouts of ‘Scramble, scramble,’ jolted us out of our seats and sent us full sprint towards our Spitfires. Clambering into the cockpit I pulled down my leather helmet and fastened the chinstrap tightly and slipped on my parachute. Page 6

I quickly pressed the starter button and the engine growled into life. I opened the throttle and rolled down the runway into formation. With every plane at full throttle, I glanced up and saw a formation of some 200 bombers, 500ft above us. A crackle from my radio, then a voice screamed: ‘Let’s get out of here!’ I took off and quickly climbed to get enough height to escape the blasts. A pair of Messerschmitts magically appeared out of the smoke in front my eyes. I remembered the rules: ‘Wait until you see the whites of their eyes’. I held my breath and got just close enough and let him have it. He ate my bullets like they were his last rations. Air warfare feels like an illusion. One moment the air is clear, the next it is full of enemy planes then, seconds later, they are gone. Suddenly my mind was focussed; the air was filled with criss cross tracer bullets. I turned quickly and saw two ME109s on my tail. Another flew across my sights and I fired. I quickly spun and pulled hard out of my dive. Next thing I knew I’d been hit… my propeller was aflame and I knew I had to bale. I slid back the hood; the wind was like a vacuum sucking me out of my cockpit. I pulled the cord on my parachute with a jerk and to my relief it opened. I’d live to fight another day… HotPott - May 2019

Dementia support at the East Cheshire Hospice In mid-January I began to attend the Dementia Carer Well-Being programme run at the East Cheshire Hospice. The aim of the course is to cover ways in which carers of loved ones with a life limiting illness can be encouraged, helped and advised in their role and how best to care for and help themselves.

Carole Taylor This particular programme is aimed at dementia and Alzheimer carers; a tandem course relating to Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases is also available. The hospice’s term for the patient as ‘your loved one’ actually sums up the whole ethos of the course and the amazing staff and helpers who run it. As the course began 15 people who had never met before were welcomed, labelled with their names and provided with a tea or coffee and biscuits; any loved ones with them were given into the care of trained ‘dementiabuddy’ volunteers. The course members then met together, identified themselves with the diagnoses they were dealing with and were encouraged to recount their worst and best scenarios. Laughter and tears were exchanged and at the end of the first session 15 friends left the room. HotPott - May 2019

Over the weeks we received the same warm welcome, exchanged our worst and best moments and were guided through money matters and funding, what is actually happening to the patient during the course of their disease and the impact of the illness on their relations. Also addressed were planning for the future in terms of wills, powers of attorney and wishes for healthcare. Amusing sessions covered diet and the presentation of food and amenities. Apparently colours are important: mashed potato on a white plate is a no! no! and a red loo seat a yes! yes! Learning how to handle physical disabilities with ourselves as patients saw us in heaps on the floor, while complementary therapies with gorgeous aromatics made us all envious. From May 2019, East Cheshire Hospice will have the services of an Admiral nurse (the equivalent of a Macmillan Nurse for cancer patients) who, among other things, provides guidance and help at the end of a phone for carers at the end of their tether. There is also the Friends & Family Support Group that meets at the hospice on the first Tuesday afternoon of each month. It aims to keep carers in touch and to help them know that out there are lots of us, and there are ears to hear.

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Pott Shrigley Cricket Club Centenary Year: 1919 – 2019 Laying the Foundations, Part Two Last month we left the 1957 cricket team scoring lots of runs, but in such desperate need of a new pavilion that they decided, in the face of some local opposition, to take matters into their own hands by pulling the old pavilion down with their bare hands (and a rope). The saga continues… Many debates were held over the years, both on the state of the access (through a busy farmyard) and replacing the now unsafe wooden pavilion. However, several prominent villagers, who were in the majority on the cricket committee at the time, always found a reason to keep the status quo.

Graham Hackney There was even an attempt by someone to get on the committee without being proposed or elected, but quite rightly this was shot down in flames – the would-be interloper ever after being known by club members as the ‘Sheriff of Pott Shrigley’, and the phone box, where he seemed to do a lot of his business, as ‘the sheriff’s office’! It was stated in the ‘Pott Shrigley & its Parish Council’ brochure

1958 Pavilion opening Stood - Barry Rathbone, Derrick Brooke, Don Hackney, ??, Ted Blair, Isaac Cooper, Mr. Hulme, Mr. R. Wainwright, W. Bennett, Geof Harding, Eric Burgess, Geof Hayman, Shipley Broster. Seated - Joe Higginbotham, Fred Wrigley, Graham Higginbotham, Gordon Lomas, Philip Hammond. Page 8

that: ‘The club was essentially a Bollington organisation’ when in fact members came from a much larger area and, as time went by, did much of the work to keep the ground in order. Although it is understandable that local people wanted control over a piece of land at the centre of village life, it is remarkable that they thought it acceptable for the toilet facilities to comprise two sheets of corrugated iron placed by a two feet high wall, with the unfortunate users being on view from the road and from the row of cottages alongside it. Unsuspecting passers-by may have been a bit perturbed too, and don’t even ask what happened to the ladies. Clochemerle has nothing on Pott Shrigley! This resistance to change, and the fact that only short-term leases were granted, restricted the club’s ability to qualify for the grants that would enable us to improve the ground and its facilities. Fortunately permission was finally given to rebuild the pavilion. A huge amount of activity preceded the 1958 season with all hands pressed into getting the new pavilion ready. Despite the ‘sheriff’ writing a letter to the local paper criticising his work, local builder Percy Barker worked alongside Phil Hammond and Arthur Pickford, a joiner, and soon the structure began to take shape. On the 12th May 1957 a grand opening was held, HotPott - May 2019

they picked him up and slowly put him over the wall and into the police back yard. After a couple of minutes of Phil quietly pleading we pulled him back over. 1961 saw Mr. Geoff Taylor made chairman and Rev Siviter, who I believe started the annual Sportsman’s Service, join the committee. Another offer from the club to buy the ground was turned down. The following season saw the president, Mr. Ruddin, step down due to ill health; the long 1962 Tour Brian Hopley, Don Hackney, Alan Heathcote, Gordon Lomas, Bob serving secretary, Geoff Harding, Fairhall, Ken Barlow, Jeff Newton. Seated - Graham Hackney. also resigned. A touching tribute was paid to both. With Mr. Hulme with Mr. R. Wainwright of Macclesfield Rural sadly only serving one year as president and District Council doing the honours. with Mrs. Hulme soon leaving the area, the Our first overseas player, Asghar Hussain, busy Geoff Taylor took over the office. arrived in 1960. He had played with the Another club member, this time a player, who Pakistan Eaglets and was a prodigious spin bowler. His party trick was the ability to serve came and went quickly was Alan Edworthy. He also left a lasting mark on the club by full cups of tea to the whole team at one go, designing our unusual ‘hillman’ badge. The with them all arranged along his lengthy idea came after a letter was printed in the arms. As cricket matches were not allowed Daily Express in 1966: it remarked on the poor on Pott’s ground on a Sunday, all games standard of cricket and predicted its demise were played away and in this era many trips within 10 years. The following week saw a to away matches now featured a ride on the long, humorous report appear in the same ‘Wincle Wonder’, an ancient coach driven by paper on our 2nd XI game with Lindow. It cricketer Brian Hopley. Returning from one described our fast bowler as a hillman with such foray we stopped at a village pub. The shoulders ‘as wide as a cart and a heaving first player inside was Phil Hammond who chest which threatened to burst’, implying saw a large sword on the wall and thought that cricket at the grass roots level was in he would have some fun with umpire Ernie good hands. Hackney, who had given Phil out earlier. Phil A younger generation was now adding to picked up the sword and shouted: ‘Where’s the strength of the teams including John that b***** umpire?’ The shocked licensee Pickford, David Rushton, John Walsh, Paul took fright and threw us all out before most Wrigley and Graham Hackney (who according players had entered the bar and they wanted to Derrick Brooke was PSCC’s Derek Randall. to know why we had been ejected. On Editor); in 1966 Graham was the first to score another occasion Phil got his comeuppance: 1,000 runs in a season. It was said that he put returning home after a match, the team had to pay a call of nature in Knutsford. The toilets it down to the medication he had received the previous year in Marple Dale Sanatorium. were behind the police station and after Phil continued → started to make fun of a couple of players, HotPott - May 2019

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With a new pavilion and the square improving, the decision was made in 1968 to join the Cheshire Conference thus ensuring that the fixture list would also improve.

Cricket at Pott was about to show results. We look forward to reading about the triumphs of PSCC in a future issue of HotPott.

Margaret Allaby, a tribute Margaret was born in 1925, one of eight children born to Jonathan James Jackson Heathcote and Sarah Jane Hilda Heathcote. She attended school in Bollington, and her working life started at a little shop and Post Office in Kerridge, but her main work was as a director and company secretary for her father’s well-known butcher’s business – JJJ Heathcote – a job she did for over 60 years. Her regular Saturday night routine included balancing the books, though she also enjoyed a trip out of the office with deliveries with brother Edward and was regularly seen in the early hours walking down Pott Lane heading towards the sausage machine. Margaret’s interest in the business remained keen and she often phoned nephew Jeremy to check he’d remembered to do this or that – such as put the Union Flag up at the shop for the appropriate occasions. She also enjoyed a joke with him: one April Fools’ Day, some time after the Heathcote slaughterhouse (which was near her house) had closed, she phoned Jeremy to tell him that a truck load of cattle had arrived to be slaughtered. He rushed up there in a panic – before it dawned on him what date it was! Margaret married Fred at Pott Shrigley on Easter Eve, 1948; they were married for 52 years and had three children, Jane, Peter and Elizabeth, seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren, a third being born after Margaret died. Margaret always had a great fondness for children, and with Fred she was a foster parent for many years. Page 10

The Allaby house was always full of children. Margaret was a good cook and baker. She passed these skills on: granddaughter Hannah continues to bake daily in her tearooms many of Mamma’s lovely cakes. To this day, Jane’s children say she hasn’t perfected her meat and potato pie and rice pudding like Mamma. Margaret was also a great knitter – there were maternity jackets when new babies arrived, and subsequently jumpers and cardigans – and always jumpers and socks for Fred; she learnt the notoriously difficult art of knitting socks in a group called the King’s Messengers who knitted them for soldiers during the war years. Margaret was a talented lady who did much for her family, the family business and the community; she will be missed, may she rest in peace. HotPott - May 2019




Sunday 12 May 2019 at 11.15am All Denomination Worship

Join us in the Festival Marquee on Sunday 12 May as people of all denominations come together for a service of worship and thanksgiving led by members of all our local churches. With guest speakers, puppets and a live worship band it’s a service that’s suitable for all ages. A service not to be missed – see you there!

Festival Marquee, Bollington Recreation Ground, Adlington Road, SK10 5JT

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord Psalm 150:6 HotPott - May 2019

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HOPE in NE Cheshire Ecumenical Worship Service

Love me to the Moon...?

Do you know the story of little nutbrown hare? His father cared for him so much that the only thing big enough to describe his love was the enormous distance between the earth and the moon – and back again. It’s a wonderful story, but it pales into insignificance compared to the love that the Creator of the entire universe has for each one of us.

amount of DNA in our bodies. This long thin chemical carries all the instructions needed for building and maintaining each cell – every tiny building block – in your body. A human cell contains two metres of DNA, coiled up very tightly. If it were possible to take this long thin molecule out of every cell, unroll it, and line up every piece end to end, how far would it reach?

Parish Pump When Paul wrote to the Ephesians, he said that he prayed they would be able ‘to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge’. So what sort of scale could you use to capture the size of a love like that? I have heard professional astronomers say it is impossible to keep the enormous scales of our universe in mind all the time and keep functioning normally. But every now and again it is worth trying to wrap our heads around these distances, and feel a sense of awe at our smallness compared to the vast distances of space. One way to connect more personally with astronomical scales is to consider the total Page 12

The average adult has about three trillion (3,000,000,000,000) DNA-containing cells in his or her body. Multiplied by two metres, that makes around six billion kilometres of DNA, which is immense compared to the distance to the moon. The sun is around 150 million kilometres from earth, so our DNA could take us there and back many times. Pluto is, on average, around six billion kilometres away from earth, so with our string of DNA we could take a one-way trip to the very edge of the solar system. God is the Creator of the vast spaces of the universe, but when Jesus described how God cares for us He said: ‘even the very hairs on your head are numbered’. You could also say that He knows every molecule of DNA in your body. Jesus’ death on the cross showed that His love for each one of us is more unbreakable than the love of a parent for a child. So what might He say in today’s language – I love you to Pluto and back? HotPott - May 2019


This year the theme is

Nursery Rhymes The well dressing festival opening ceremony will take place at the Greg Fountain, Flash Lane (opposite the Cock and Pheasant) at 11.30 am on Saturday 6th July. The well dressings will remain on display until Sunday 14th July and a trail leaflet will be available to guide visitors to all the sites. The well dressers, together with volunteers, will be decorating the display panels on Tuesday 2nd, Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th July between 10.30 am and 7.00 pm at the cricket pavilion on Adlington Road, Bollington. Visitors are very welcome to come along and watch or take part in the petalling of the panels. There will also be an opportunity to view the completed panels on Friday morning before they are positioned at the sites. Further details are available from Chris 01625 574208

*** Dentist’s Hymn…………Crown Him with Many Crowns Weatherman’s Hymn……… There Shall Be Showers of Blessings Contractor’s Hymn………..The Church’s One Foundation Tailor’s Hymn…………..Holy, Holy, Holy Golfer’s Hymn…………There’s a Green Hill Far Away HotPott - May 2019

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Your Vote, Your Council Election: Thursday 2nd May Pott Shrigley Parish Council consists of seven councillors, all of whom are volunteers. For the first time in 24 years, on Thursday May 2nd there will be an election to choose the members of the council because eight candidates have been nominated. The nominees who are currently members of the parish council are: Meredith BarlowWalsh, David Basford, Peter Boulton, Alison Greenwood, John Goodman and Mike Wray.

stations and toilets will be provided along the route and at the end there is a complimentary massage, meal and a medal. Sign up at or call 0370 145 0101 Planning Decisions 18/6119M Location: 3a Moorside Cottages, Moorside Lane, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5RZ.

In addition Katharine Chong and Andrew Wood have submitted nomination papers.

Proposal: Variation of condition 2 on application 14/2798M.

Each elector will be able to vote for up to seven candidates. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to select the two councillors who will represent you on Cheshire East Borough Council from the five nominees. The council would like your support so please take the time to go and vote.

Detail: The internal layout and elevational treatment of the proposed replacement dwelling have been altered to suit an upsidedown layout. The proposals also incorporate the proposed single storey outbuilding which has been deemed lawful under 18/4876M.

Joyce Burton, Clerk to the Parish Council *** Village spring clean – Saturday 6th April A huge thanks to the volunteers who helped with the annual village spring clean. We all take a pride in our beautiful village and many hands made light work; the job was completed in the lovely spring sunshine! Pink Ribbon Walk A reminder for those who would like to support the Pink Ribbon Walk, Chatsworth and the Peak District 15th June 2019. Take a 10 or 20 mile walk in support of people affected by breast cancer. The walks start and finish in the stunning grounds of Chatsworth and will showcase the best of the Peak District’s splendid rural scenery. Snack Page 14

19/0383M Proposal: Proposed extension and alterations including demolition of existing single storey extension and conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation. APPROVED with conditions including detailed submission of how the retained floor space of the dwelling is to be replaced (which is not to be demolished), and will be incorporated into the dwelling known as Moorside Farm. 19/0048M and 19/0049M (listed building consent) Location: Shrigley Hall Hotel, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5SB Proposal: Refurbishment of the existing spa including new external pool new mezzanine floor to old gym and refurbishment works to hotel reception. APPROVED with conditions HotPott - May 2019

Pending 19/0383M and 19/0385M (listed building consent) Location: The Croft, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5SA Proposal: Proposed extension and alterations including demolition of existing single storey extension and conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation. The council supported these applications. NP/CEC/0219/0187 (listed building consent) Location: 1 Church Cottage, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5RT. Proposal: Replace front windows. The council supported this application. Date and time of next meeting The next parish council meeting will be held on Monday 13th May 2019 at 8pm, preceded by the annual parish meeting at 7.30pm in the village hall.

Duty Done (For this month) Sitting there, on Sunday morning, Congregations in their pews Read their magazines, informing Them of all the latest news. All save one who sits there smiling – She knows that journal very well Having spent a month compiling – She knows what those pages tell! She it was who, deadlines facing Got those varied items in Phoning, asking, pleading, chasing


Each a battle she must win! Though she earns no princely wages Though she gladly gives her time Efficiently she fills those pages Choosing pictures, prose, and rhyme. So she sits, her rest deserving For this month her duty’s done Maybe she’s just strength conserving – Soon she starts another one! By Nigel Beeton

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The Suffering Church The recent murder of 50 Muslims in New Zealand as they attended prayers has, quite properly, been absolutely condemned by all right-minded people. Unsurprisingly, the event received a tremendous amount of publicity, which is in contrast to the attention given by the world’s media to other, more protracted, religious and racial persecution: for example, the abuse of Chin, Karen and Naga Christians by the army in Myanmar, though the plight of the Rohinga Muslims in that country was widely publicized. The issue is a complex one and it is often difficult to ascertain the facts; MP Kate Hoey has criticised the mainstream media for ‘ignoring the slaughter’ of hundreds of Nigerian Christians by militant Fulani Muslim herdsmen over the past three weeks, but a close examination of the available reports indicates that the conflict between the Christian farmers and Muslim herdsmen centres on land-use and the decreasing availability of natural resources. What began as spontaneous attacks has escalated into pre-meditated ‘scorched earth’ campaigns that claimed the lives of more than 1,300 Nigerians in the first half of 2018 and which continue to increase. Nigeria’s recently re-elected President Buhari has

Nigerian Herder & Farmer Page 16

Indonesian church bombed

promised to ‘bring permanent peace and solution’ to this conflict and to other regions of ‘insurgency’; ineffective government has contributed to the escalation of violence, as has the impunity of criminal gangs. Please pray for the grave situation in Nigeria, and similar warfare elsewhere, that these internecine conflicts would cease and that equitable solutions to the underlying problems would be found. The UK has granted asylum to proportionately fewer Christian refugees from the Middle East than those from the Muslim refugee community. An Iranian Christian convert whose asylum claim was refused received a letter from the Home Office citing six Bible passages which they said were inconsistent with the refugee’s claim that Christianity is a peaceful religion. The Bishop of Durham welcomed the Home Office’s subsequent recognition that this decision was inconsistent with its policies and that its staff need better training, but commented that the problem seems to go deeper than a lack of religious literacy among individual civil servants and indicates that the management structures and ethos of the Home Office, when dealing with cases with a religious dimension, need serious overhaul. Please pray for correct official decisions to be HotPott - May 2019

made for Christians seeking asylum. In Indonesia, a married couple who helped plan and prepare for suicide bomber attacks that killed 13 people, injured more than 40 others and destroyed three churches have been jailed for eight years and three years respectively after being found guilty Chengdu worship outside after church closure of ‘aiding criminal acts of terrorism’. The bombers, a a Christian home prayer meeting, attacked mother, father and two of their sons, targeted those present and made a bonfire out of all churches of different denominations on the Bibles and Christian literature they found Java; two young daughters of the family also in the house; the gang forced the Christians died. Islamic State claimed responsibility for to set fire to their own Bibles. ‘It is worrying the attacks; the perpetrators had recently to see that such groups freely intrude homes, returned to Indonesia from Syria. question one’s belief and seize articles of worship, including Bibles, and desecrate In Odisha state, India, a man was abducted them,’ said Nehemiah Christie of the Synod in front of his young son and beheaded of Pentecostal Churches in Tamil Nadu. He after his conversion to Christianity and added: ‘Any Christian gatherings are now at recent baptism angered his fellow villagers, risk of being interrupted’. Remember in prayer according to local Christian leader Shibu all Christians who live in fear of persecution Thomas. He was allegedly murdered by a as minority people in villages throughout communist guerrilla group at the behest of India. local extremists. ‘I ask the prime minister and the governors to speak clearly against persecution of Christians,’ said Thomas. ‘The Christians of the villages live in fear.’ In Tamil Nadu, violent extremists reportedly burst into

Indian man praying in wrecked church HotPott - May 2019

In Chengdu, China a further 44 members, including 11 children, of a church we have previously mentioned in HotPott were arrested on 24 February. A Chinese Christian journalist was arrested after reporting how the elderly mother of the church’s pastor, who is also detained, was savagely beaten by a police officer; he was missing for several days before it was discovered he was being held in police custody for ‘provoking trouble’. The church recently reported that two of their members have been sacked and eight Christian families evicted from their homes after police pressured landlords and employers. 12 Christians remain in detention and one is missing.

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HotPott - May 2019

Coffee Break

Across 1 Infant (Luke 2:12) (4) 3 Luis must (anag.) (8) 8 What Jesus called the devil (John 8:44) (4) 9 ‘My God, my God, why have you — me?’ (Matthew 27:46) (8) 11 Anglican form of church government (10) 14 ‘Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like — ’ (Isaiah 40:31) (6) 15 Ministers of religion (6) 17 Make stronger (1 Thessalonians 3:13) (10) 20 Devoutness (1 Timothy 2:2) (8) 21 The father of Jesse (Ruth 4:22) (4) 22 Pool where Jesus healed a man who had been an invalid for 38 years (John 5:2) (8) 23 ‘[Jesus] said to them, “ — here and keep watch”’ (Mark 14:34) (4)

Down 1 Follower of Christ (Acts 16:1) (8) 2 One of the punishments endured by Paul (2 Corinthians 6:5) (8) 4 Soldiers (Exodus 14:9) (6) 5 Scholarly study of melody, harmony and rhythm (10)

6 ‘I am God, and there is none — me’ (Isaiah 46:9) (4) 7 ‘And how can they preach unless they are — ?’ (Romans 10:15) (4) 10 Favourable reception (1 Timothy 1:15) (10) 12 Hip orbit (anag.) (8) 13 End of life (Isaiah 22:14) (5,3) 16 ‘About midnight the sailors — they were approaching land’ (Acts 27:27) (6) 18 He married Jezebel (1 Kings 16:30–31) (4) 19 ‘According to your great compassion — out my transgressions’ (Psalm 51:1) (4)

*** What is the difference between perseverance and obstinacy? One is a strong will, and the other is a strong won’t. HotPott - May 2019

Page 19


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1 Henshall Road, Bollington. Tel: 01625 572110

Missionary Matters

Johnny McClean, who normally lives and works in Thailand, recently spent 2½ weeks in England, Wales and Northern Ireland visiting family and supporters and speaking at three conferences. The McCleans are now having a week’s holiday by the sea. Some of you will remember that Pramote, the pastor of the McClean’s church, was widowed shortly after the birth of his daughter, Peace, leaving Pramote a single parent. However, Pramote recently announced that he will be getting married again to a lady called Ling on May 4th; a short video on the McClean Facebook site shows the three of them having a happy time together when they made the announcement in church. Thank the Lord for this and pray for them. Jonny’s wife Ann has just discovered that the school has appointed a Christian as their new school counsellor; this is excellent news, as Ann was previously a lone Christian voice on the staff. A catering company used by the school has asked if they can use Ann’s Thai safeguarding training materials to train all their staff; this is a huge step forward as child protection problems are not always well recognised in Thailand. As the company works in multiple schools in the city, this is an excellent opportunity to raise the profile of safeguarding issues in a large number of schools. Ann hopes to meet with the owners to work out a programme of training their trainers and tweaking her material to make it really relevant to their context.

the end he recovered, diagnosis seemingly uncertain. Daughter Elizabeth in Australia is working for six months in a clinic for Australia’s indigenous people and is enjoying the freedom from shift work she had to do with the agency. Daughter Mary now works for an event catering company and recently served in the boxes at the Grand National; she’s also nearly met Princess Anne. On a more serious note, the Evangelical Bible College of Malawi has a break over the Easter weekend. Megumi recently had an illuminating conversation with students studying 1 Corinthians and found that more needs to be done in explaining the work of the Holy Spirit to some of them; please pray that the students would grow in their knowledge of our Father God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. Megume now also has a role as language coach, and made a weekend trip to the capital Lilongwe to spend time with a new missionary couple halfway through their 12 month language learning; please pray for the Fazakerley’s safety as they travel long distances on Malawi’s dangerous roads. Helen has just done a trauma healing course, which aimed to train the attendees to counsel victims who have experienced trauma. It has come at a very valuable time, so soon after the floods and storms in Malawi, where so many have experienced loss of loved ones, houses, belongings, crops, and are at present living in camps together. Topics covered were grief, domestic abuse, rape, addictions, etc. Now Helen has to run two healing groups within the next six months to qualify for the advanced course in October. Please pray for Helen, that she will remain well and emotionally strong as she supports those who have experienced (and continue to experience) such dreadful times. On a lighter note, Helen is practising hard for a concert her music society is giving in May.

John Ryley

Megumi and Helen Fazakerley have just written from Malawi. The last of the family visits is over. Once back in the UK, son Joshua developed a high temperature so he wondered if he had caught malaria or some other tropical disease while in Malawi; he was admitted to hospital briefly, but three blood tests didn’t reveal malaria and in HotPott - May 2019

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10t 14t h May hJ une



Pott Shrigley Community Cinema

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E-mail : Tickets : in advance £4.00 : ‘chance it’ on the door £5.00 HotPott - May 2019

Page 23

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Nick and Carol Pollard from share thought-provoking reflections on the latest films.

Celebrating difference? ‘The message in this film is one of inclusion, not just accepting difference but celebrating difference’ said the actor Colin Farrell at the world premiere of Disney’s new film Dumbo. In the opening scenes his character, Holt Farrier, returns from the war without one arm, which shocks his children. ‘It’s still me’ he says, and that is perfectly true. But his follow-on ‘everything is going to be just like it was before’ is more wishful thinking than reality. He can no longer perform on his beloved circus horses, so is assigned to dressing as a clown and cleaning up the elephants’ dung. And it is in their cage that he discovers the newborn baby elephant with big ears. The ringmaster who had hoped for a ‘precious bundle of joy’ calls Dumbo ‘a monster… damaged goods’ and tries to cover up the ears with a special bonnet, in the same way that he tries to cover up Holt’s missing arm with a fake one. Dumbo is the quintessential outsider who is rejected and ridiculed just because of his looks, whilst Holt also faces his own rejection because of his disability. Tim Burton, who directed the film, not only brings to it his well-known talent for the fantastical but also his skill in provoking the audience to think about the value of the outsider – those who don’t fit the popular mould. And as the film progresses, Dumbo’s large ears enable him to rescue others in a dramatic scene in which Holt also plays a key role, regardless of his disability. So, we are caused to think about the value of ‘difference’. If others make us feel unhappy with how we look, or if we face sudden changes to our bodies, do we feel pressured to cover up and try to continue just like we were before? Or can we celebrate the differences and embrace the changes, bringing them out into the open and using them for the good of others? provides free resources to help people explore spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues through the latest feature films. HotPott - May 2019

In cinemas from 29th March

Page 27

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Page 28

HotPott - May 2019

Recipe of the Month Garlicky Carrot Soup

This recipe came to Audrey many years ago from Sheila Morris, a friend from Adlington Women’s Institute.

Audrey Meecham Apparently Audrey was performing in the WI pantomime, which rejoiced in the name of Cinderwelly on account of the actors wearing Wellington boots (I didn’t ask!) and Sheila was in charge of props. The dress rehearsal finished too late for Audrey to have sufficient time to get home for tea before the evening performance so Sheila invited her to share in garlicky carrot soup at her Adlington home. It’s been served in the Meecham household since then.

There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.

1½lb carrots, peeled/scraped and sliced (or grated in a food processor) 1 onion, finely chopped 1oz butter 5 – 6 cloves of garlic 1½ pints chicken stock. ¼ pint single cream Soften onion in melted butter, add garlic and carrots. Add chicken stock and bring to boil. Simmer for ½ hour. Allow to cool slightly, then liquidize. Add cream or top of full cream milk just before serving. Season as desired. If freezing, don’t add cream before freezing. It serves four to six people.

Housekeeping. Several church members are quietly generous and helpful in keeping our household supplies such as bin bags, washing up liquid etc topped up, but sometimes the system slips up and we run out of coffee cups whilst simultaneously drowning in a sea of washing up liquid. It would be most helpful to have a list of who, kindly, buys what, even if only on an occasional basis. Please sign the list at the back of church or e-mail:

John A Holmer HotPott - May 2019

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HotPott - May 2019

Chores and Chains

Cleaning Rota 3rd May 10th May 17th May 24th May 31st May 7th June

Mrs Plant Rita Bunting & Mrs Stratford Mrs Foster & Mrs Winstanley Mr & Mrs Akerman Mr & Mrs Whitehead Mr & Mrs Ferguson

Tea & Coffee

Contact Carole on 01625 820533 5th May 12th May 19th May 26th May 2nd June

Helen & Kim Ros & Sheila Peter and Eileen Carole & Rita Malyan family


Contact Gill: 01625 829819 5th May 12th May 19th May 26th May 2nd June

Chris & Charlotte Lanzara, for their first wedding anniversary. Vacant Vacant Frecknalls, in memory of family no longer with us Vacant

Forthcoming weddings

Contact - Pam: 12.30 25th May Daniel Heeley & Sarah Newton 13.30 26th May William Bowden & Kate Donaldson We wish them joy in their preparations.

From the Registers Baptism

We welcome into our church family: 14th April Eleanor Rose Sear HotPott - May 2019

Page 31

Services May 5th. 8.30am 10.45am

Holy Communion Holy Communion‡

John 21:1-19

David Swales

12th. 8.30am 11.00 for 11.15am

Holy Communion Acts 9:36-43 Bollington Festival Service at Bollington Festival Marquee

David Swales

19th. 8.30am 10.45am

Holy Communion Family Service

Acts 11:1-18

David Swales

Holy Communion Morning Worship

Acts 1:1-11

David Swales

Holy Communion Holy Communion‡

Acts 16:16-34

David Swales & Amy McFadden

26th. 8.30am 10.45am

June 2nd. 8.30am 10.45am

All readings will be the same at 8.30 and 10.45 unless otherwise indicated. ‡ Junior Church * Youth and Junior Church

Cover story…

There will be no 10.45am service at St Christopher’s on Sunday 12th May 2019! Why? We are all invited to a different service Where? Festival marquee, Bollington When? 11.15am (but do come and join in with worship songs from 11am) Please come along and praise God at this ecumenical worship service, which promises to be an uplifting, thought provoking and enjoyable occasion. David Maidment, founder of ‘Railway Children’ the charity fighting for children alone and at risk on the streets of India, the UK and East Africa, is speaking, giving a Christian perspective to the festival’s railway theme. A specially invited worship band will lead the music and we can expect guest appearances by some of our puppet friends, some of whom also star on our front cover having been caught on camera whilst loitering in Pott Shrigley. Page 32

HotPott - May 2019

Sidespeople and Prayers May 5th. 8.30am 10.45am

Mr. & Mrs. R. Stratford Mrs. E. Harper + Mr. I. Malyan + Mr. I. Clarke + T. Fraser

Anne Murphy

12th. 8.30am 10.45am

Miss G. Mosley No service - service in Bollington

19th. 8.30am 10.45am

Mr K. Ardern Mr. S. Heathcote + Mr. I. Currell + Mr. I. Malyan + T. Fraser


26th. 8.30am 10.45am

Miss G. Mosley Mr. I. Clarke + Mrs. C. Taylor + T. Fraser Extra Reader: Mrs. N Hughan


June 2nd. 8.30am 10.45am

Mr. K. Ardern Mrs. E. Harper + Mr. & Mrs. R. Ferguson + Toby Fraser

n’t Do get r fo


“Your magazine needs you.”

Please send your contributions to no later than midnight on.....

Sunday, 19th May

Photo credit: Inside back cover - Will Gem HotPott - May 2019

Page 33


Regular Church Activities

JUNIOR CHURCH - Children of three years and older - held during the 10:45am service. Meets in church for the first part of the service and then goes over to the village hall for Bible stories, songs, craft activities, prayers and fun. YOUTH CHURCH - (Year 6 and above) - generally 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. CRECHE - Held during the 10:45am service in the tower vestry. HOME GROUPS - Four groups offering fellowship, worship and Bible study: Daytime - Monday 10.30am, The Vicarage; David Swales, 575846 Rainow - Monday 8:00 - 9:30pm, New Hey Farm, Rainow; Sheila Garton, 573492 Pott Shrigley (North) - Tuesday 8:00 - 9:30pm, 3 Green Close; Sally Winstanley, 574545 Bollington - Wednesday 8:00 - 9:30pm, 14 Silver St, Bollington; Anne Murphy, 575768 PRAY TOGETHER - Tuesday 7:00 - 7.45pm in the tower vestry; Yvonne Foster, 576419 PRAISE AND PLAY - Children up to school age. Thursday 09:30 - 11:30am in church for stories and activities; Celia Fraser, 665054 BELL RINGING - Thursday 7:30 - 9:00pm, meet in the bell tower; Duncan Matheson, 574983 Monthly: CHURCH GUILD - Fellowship, speakers, outings and tea. Meets the second Wednesday in the month 2:30 - 4:00pm in church; Georgina Wray, 615547 The list above was last revised on 16th February, 2019. All telephone numbers are prefixed with 01625. Please give corrections and additions to

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"...and then, as the organist hits off with a cool hip-hop riff, you kick off the wedding vows in a smokin' rap style..."

Page 34

HotPott - May 2019

Directory Priest-in-charge:

Rev. David Swales, The Vicarage, Spuley Lane, SK10 5RS

575846 Readers:

Dr John Ryley (Reader Emeritus), 2 Wych Lane, Adlington, SK10 4NB


Parish Assistant:

Gillian Mosley, 129 St Austell Avenue, Macclesfield, SK10 3NY



David Garton, New Hey Farm, Macclesfield Road, Rainow, SK10 5UU

573492 David Gem, Ridge Hall Farm, Ridge Hill, Sutton, Macclesfield, SK11 0LU

01260 252287 Verger:

Stan Heathcote, Lilac Cottage, Spuley Lane, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5RR

PCC Secretary:

Ros Johnson, 54 Shrigley Road South, Poynton, SK12 1TF

875902 PCC Treasurer:

Peter Kennedy,

Gift Aid & Planned Giving:

Sally Winstanley, 3 Green Close Cottages, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5SG

07850 740335


Mary Currell, 61 Crossfield Road, Bollington, SK10 5EA

574545 573735 David Garton, as above


Andy Phillips, 26 Hurst Lane, Bollington, SK10 5LP

07881 358976 Weekly Bulletin:

David Gem, as above

01260 252287

Electoral Roll and Safeguarding officer:

Kath Matheson, Church View Cottage, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5SA

Tower Captain:

Duncan Matheson, Church View Cottage, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5SA

574983 574983 Pastoral Care Team:

Kim Swales, The Vicarage, Spuley Lane, SK10 5RS


Church Guild:

Georgina Wray, 14 Paladin Place, Bank Close, Macclesfield, SK11 7HE

615547 Children’s Ministry:

Anne Murphy, 14 Silver Street, Bollington, SK10 5QL


Praise and Play:

Celia Fraser, Rose Cottage, Bull Hill Lane, Rainow, SK10 5TQ 665054 Parish Council Clerk:

Joyce Burton,

Wedding Coordinator:

Pam Cooke,

Head Teacher:

Joanne Bromley, Pott Shrigley Church School, SK10 5RT

573260 Website:

Tess Phillips, 26 Hurst Lane, Bollington, SK10 5LP

PCC Members:

574768 (please prefix numbers with 01625)

Dr John Ryley, Duncan Matheson, Sally Winstanley, Peter Kennedy, Ros Johnson, Andy Phillips, Pam Cooke, Eileen Buffey, Ian Clarke, Mary Currell, Mike Akerman, Sheila Garton, Ian Malyan, David Garton, Kim Swales, Anne Murphy, Kath Matheson, Chris Day.

This directory was updated on 23rd March 2019. Please give corrections and additions to

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