HotPott Christmas 2018

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£1 Christmas 2018

Pott Shrigley’s Church & Parish Magazine


SUNDAY 9 DECEMBER Christingle 10.45am SUNDAY 16 DECEMBER Carols by Candlelight 4pm THURSDAY 20 DECEMBER Carols by Candlelight 6.30pm SUNDAY 23 DECEMBER Carols by Candlelight 4pm & 6.30pm (No service at 10.45am)


Holy Communion 11.30pm


Family Communion 10am

Sunday Services 8:30am and 10:45am unless stated otherwise.

St Christophers Church Pott Shrigley

St Christopher’s Church Shrigley Road Pott Shrigley SK10 5RT

David’s Deliberations Dear friends, Christmas is coming; the goose is getting fat; Please put a penny in the old man’s hat… This traditional rhyme contains more than a grain of truth. The coming season has become a time to enjoy some of the ‘finer things of life’ – if you can… Wealth




David’s Deliberations


A fun evening with the Thomas Cranmer Choir


Remembering Anne


From the Chalk Face


The Onedin Line Bonfire


From red van to Concorde – our supersonic postie.


A ride through transport history Church Guild


Flix in the Stix


Missionary Matters


Ringing remembers

Family and Friends


It’s a well-established – and valuable – tradition that families come together at Christmas. Grandparents come to stay; sisters, cousins and uncles come for dinner. Friends, too, may gather at parties; colleagues at the ‘works do’.

The Suffering Church


Your vote, your council


Coffee Break


PCC Ponderings


Tearfund BIG Quiz


Recipe: Madeline's Cheese Biscuits

Yet this time of fellowship and friendship can be a lonely time for those whose family and friends have died, or moved away. The one whose chair is empty this year is all the more sadly missed as past Christmases are remembered. And, for those of us lucky enough to be surrounded by loved ones this year, which of us knows who may be missing next time?


From the Registers


Thanks and Copy Dates 2019


Chores & Chains






Regular Church Activities

energy to shop, cook, wrap, eat, sing, visit, laugh, drink. The pleasures of the season demand good health and a robust constitution (although some of them won’t do your health much good!) Yet how suddenly can any of us be struck down, deprived of the gift of health and strength, and left behind on the mad dash towards Christmas fulfilment. The person who is housebound, or racked with pain, or lying in a hospital bed, can soon find that the festivities are not designed with them in mind.

David Swales

Groaning supermarket shelves and trolleys; ever more extravagant present ideas; adverts for toys (children’s and adults’!); special menus in restaurants; extra shopping opportunities. Christmas is presented as a time to enjoy every pleasure that money can buy, without counting the cost (until January). There is nothing ‘unchristian’ about enjoying some of life’s good things. But many are excluded from those pleasures which only money can buy. Most of the world’s population eke out a meagre existence without any luxuries. And financial disaster can hit the most apparently secure even in our own society. And when it does: well, there’s no place for the hard up in our world’s idea of Christmas. Health Happy, smiling faces. Boundless HotPott - Christmas 2018

This Edition

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Some things never change One of my favourite prayers is the one used in the late evening service of Compline: Be present, O merciful God, and protect us through the silent hours of this night, so that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of this fleeting world, may rest upon thy eternal changelessness. The only thing of which we can be certain in this world is the unchanging love of God. A love so great that He came down to be born and live among us, to share in our joys

– and our sorrows – and to bring us into His everlasting life. May that be what stays with you when all the fuss of this coming month is over. Your friend and vicar, David. P.S. Come and worship… …Christ the King this Advent and Christmas, at both our regular services and our special seasonal events: Children’s Christingle, Carol Services, Midnight Communion, Christmas Morning Service. Everyone is welcome, so please come – and bring friends and neighbours too.

A fun evening with the Thomas Cranmer Choir A brilliant evening was had by all on the 27th October when we were entertained by the Thomas Cranmer Choir of Macclesfield under their conductor Keith Yearsley MBE.

Mary Currell The programme was varied and there was some great fun. The singing by the choir was magnificent with solos and guitar and flute items. We were quite intrigued by an item on the programme: ‘Six hands at the keyboard’. This was quite a fast piece of music performed by Keith and two of his choir members on one keyboard all at the same time; we were so fascinated by their performance they played it a second time – even faster.

We had a quiz where Keith tested our knowledge of songs from the shows. Unfortunately some of us didn’t do too well but Jo Gem’s mum was the clever one among us with most marks for which she received a prize. Keith had us in fits of laughter telling amusing stories of his experiences when playing the organ at the crematorium and also at church for weddings. Many thanks to Keith and the choir for a most enjoyable evening, to John and Sheila Rose for providing the wine, to Madeline Punch and Ivy Mosley for the refreshments and to the many people from church who helped to make the evening a success. Finally, thank you to everyone who came along to support us and to those who generously gave donations making a total of £568 for church funds. P.S. Most of you will already know that two days after the concert Keith suffered a heart attack and was admitted to Wythenshawe Hospital. He is now home and recovering very well. We send him our best wishes and pray for his speedy recovery.

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Remembering Anne We were all very shocked and deeply saddened by the sudden death of Anne Geoghegan. She was a long-standing member of the Pott Shrigley North Home Group and well known in the area for her beautiful garden, which was opened every year as part of the National Garden Scheme. Anne was a nature lover through and through: flowers, plants, birds, animals and insects; even wasps were to be cherished. She felt deeply that everything we need on earth has been given to us by God, so we should nurture it and work in harmony with it. She loved dogs and always owned a Great Dane, a huge dog to accompany her diminutive frame! Anne started her working life as a primary teacher at Clowne School near Chesterfield and then worked with underprivileged children in Manchester. Eventually she moved into teacher training, becoming a lecturer at Elizabeth Gaskell Training College and finally Senior Lecturer at Didsbury Training College, where she specialised in art. She was a gifted artist in her own right, as seen in the murals in her home and later, when her canvas became her garden. In 1978 Anne and Phil, Anne’s husband, moved to Pott Shrigley. Then their garden was small, but they were able to buy a bit more land, so the garden started to take shape. Excavation, double digging, terracing, hedging, planting; it took much hard work to establish and indeed Anne worked tirelessly for the remaining years, appearing in the garden almost every day and then welcoming visitors in groups or on open days in the summer to raise substantial sums for charity.

notably going on safaris to see the animals she so loved. Anne was a very kind and generous person. She was very happy in Pott Shrigley, where she made many valuable friendships and was always happy in her hillside garden with its views over the Lancashire and Cheshire plains. She will be much missed by her family, her friends and by the home group where she studied the Bible and explored her faith. Vicki Shelley

When she wasn’t gardening with Phil as her ‘under gardener’, they both loved travelling and visited many countries in the world, HotPott - Christmas 2018

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From the Chalk Face Dear Pott Shrigley parishioners,

on Tuesday 4th December, which I hope some of you will already know about/be involved with. We are working through a number of Christian values over the course of the year with the aim of choosing six which we feel we can focus on as part of our Christian distinctiveness as a church school.

Warm festive greetings to all of you from your friends here at Pott Shrigley Church School. We have, as always, been busy during the autumn months and by the time you read this will be well into the throes of Christmas shenanigans! Getting out and about is something we love to do and the children have continued to visit Bollington Leisure Centre for swimming lessons and Nest in the Woods for forest schools activities. Class two had a beautiful day out at the Heights of Abraham in Matlock Bath to learn about the use of land as a tourist attraction and the reception class visited the library to enjoy the books and other facilities there. We also helped to unpack some of your harvest gifts when we visited Hampers of Hope in Macclesfield, followed up by some maths lessons based on foodbank statistics. Our Christian value this term is TRUST and we are devoting an entire day to Christian values

The Christmas Fair is likely to be done and dusted by the time this edition of HotPott is published, but currently we are all working together to bring in donations and to plan who will man stalls, sell raffle tickets, barbecue the burgers and mull the wine. Thank you in anticipation to all those who will be helping, buying and enjoying themselves at the fair. We look forward to joining you at the Christingle Service and hope that you can come to watch our Nativity Play on Tuesday 11th December: dress rehearsal at 2pm, performance at 6.30pm. We are off to the panto (Dick Whittington) at Buxton the following day, all being well with the weather, and then the last week of term will hopefully be calm and reflective whilst we think about the Nativity and the true meaning of Christmas. On behalf of all the children, staff, parents and governors, may I wish you a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year. Kind regards, Joanne Bromley

*** What goes oh oh oh? Santa walking backwards. What did Adam say in the Garden of Eden on December 24? It’s Christmas, Eve. Why do turkeys never go hungry at Christmas? They’re always stuffed. Which Christmas carol is most popular with new parents? Silent Night! What is the best Christmas present in the world? A broken drum – you just can’t beat it! Page 6

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The Onedin Line Bonfire Apart from a strong gusty wind early on Saturday morning, which saw six people clinging on for dear life to the ropes of the pavilion tarpaulin, the set-up went to plan. It was very reminiscent of a scene straight out of The Onedin Line with Captain Bains calling for ‘More Sail Aloft’.

Graham Hackney The health & safety meeting at lunch also went smoothly; Robert Street and Mike Wray took us all steadily through the two or three manuals and hundreds of rules and regulations we now have to abide by to ensure safe delivery of the event for all concerned. During the early days of our Guy Fawkes’ nights we were led by Trevor Hill, a mainstay of village life who was instrumental in getting the village bonfire started. His work as a producer in BBC television and radio enabled him to lead us with military precision and flair, and with ONLY four sheets of A4 paper. Still, times have moved on with larger crowds and fireworks which are much more powerful. The evening saw a large turn out which seemed to bring the wind back, necessitating a rapid re-alignment of our rockets’ trajectory. Fortunately it died away again leaving John

Jackson’s lighting tower still upright to show us the way home. Many thanks go to all those who helped in any way: marshals, first aiders, providers of food and drink etc., and not forgetting the Sunday morning crew. Not only did the Pott Shrigley Bonfire provide excellent entertainment for the paying guests, the great camaraderie that exists between the diverse sections of our community was very much in evidence. The profit was pretty good too: £2,600 each for the cricket club and village hall. Next year I’m thinking of asking for some rousing music to play whilst we let off our display. Has anyone got any Handel?

*** Out of the mouths of babes… Some children were drawing Christmassy drawings in a class near the end of term. They drew Christmas trees, presents, Santa Claus, reindeer, holly etc… One child was very intent on her drawing… Teacher: What are you drawing, Rachel? Rachel: I am drawing GOD!! Teacher: But we don’t know what God looks like…. Rachel: Well, you will when I have finished…! HotPott - Christmas 2018

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From red van to Concorde – our supersonic postie. Many of us in the village will remember Keith, our wonderful postman, disappearing for a while and coming back looking tanned and relaxed. This usually signalled that he had swanned off into the sunset on a luxury aircraft and/or cruise. Keith’s latest contribution to HotPott explains his passion for one aircraft in particular… My love of aeroplanes started in the mid 1950s when I was about four or five years of age, seeing and hearing the big white Vulcans flying over on testing flights out of Woodford Aerodrome. This progressed to my parents taking me to Ringway (now Manchester Airport) nearly every weekend; in those days Ringway resembled a village hall with a runway that had traffic lights at the end of it where car traffic had to wait while aircraft took off or landed! We went most weekends as I grew older and witnessed the transformation of modest Ringway into a much larger airport with the construction of the viewing piers and passenger facilities, including the huge chandeliers in the hall. It was around this time that the first of the passenger jets started to arrive: Comets, Caravelles, Coronados and the famous Boeing 707s. As I grew older my weekends were taken up with sport, playing both football and cricket,

Concorde and Keith Page 8

and it was a chance remark to one of my teammates, Billy, about my interest in aircraft that led to us attending numerous airshows all over the country for years to come. It was at one of these airshows, R.A.F. Fairford in Gloucestershire, that we both saw Concorde display. The prototype Concorde had flown to Fairford from Filton in Bristol nearly 20 years previously to continue its flight testing, and now we witnessed it coming in after a pleasure flight to give a flying display worthy of a fighter jet. In those days it was possible to take a pleasure trip that included supersonic flight over the Bay of Biscay at 60,000 feet and then perform flypasts at various airshows. After seeing this majestic aircraft perform, and both of us having had a few beers, it was decided that I would organise such a trip for later in the summer of 1988, which culminated in a flypast at the Imperial War Museum Duxford Airshow. However, before this an Air France Airbus A319 crashed into woods whilst displaying at an airshow in France, killing seven people. As a result, Lord King, chairman of B.A., banned Concorde from displaying at airshows, though he still allowed the pleasure flights. The trip necessitated a long weekend in London for Bill and myself. On the day in question we made our way to Heathrow and the Concorde lounge, where we were both given a model of Concorde and goody bags; at the same time we enjoyed a champagne reception with canapés whilst being entertained by the aircrew. The aircraft was Concorde registration G – BOAA, which operated the inaugural Concorde service to Bahrain on 21st January 1976; it now resides at the Museum of Flight at East Fortune in Scotland. HotPott - Christmas 2018

Keith and Bill

We then boarded buses to take us all out to the aircraft, which was at a hardstanding area, and there we were able to walk around and underneath the plane for 30 – 45 minutes whilst taking photographs before boarding. On entering the aircraft I was taken by how small it was, but the light grey Connelly hide leather seats were sumptuous. It was, of course, built for comfort and speed – the difference between a Transit van and an E Type Jaguar – both would get you there, but one much quicker and in more comfort. When boarding was complete, the pilot came over the address system to welcome us all on board and express his hope that we would enjoy the experience. He said we were, unfortunately, no longer able to do a display at Duxford, but to compensate he would give us a lively if not sporting take-off! One of the stewards, who was standing next to us, said: ‘Hang on to your hats lads, he loves these take-offs’. Here I must point out that although Concorde carried 100 passengers, there was no luggage on board and only a half fuel load. Therefore, with its powerful Rolls Royce Olympus engines, this gave the plane a massive power to weight ratio. And so we waited at the end of the runway whilst the engines were wound up to full throttle with reheat. The aircraft started to vibrate, the brakes released and suddenly we were on our way. In no time and distance we were travelling at 250mph, the G forces pushing us back into our seats so hard we HotPott - Christmas 2018

were unable to move our arms or body. The runway flashed by and then, as soon as the wheels lifted off the tarmac, the pilot pulled back on the stick and the aircraft leapt skywards almost vertically! I looked across to Billy, who had wide open eyes and an excited and astonished look on his face; all he kept repeating was ‘flipping heck’ (or something like that). Bill told me that his last flight had been in a ‘vomit Comet’ to Majorca, and this take-off was nothing like that one! We levelled off at about 17,000 feet and eased back on the throttle: Concorde was not permitted to fly supersonic over land. However, as we approached the Bristol Channel, the pilot said he would re-engage the reheat (where neat fuel is sprayed into the jet exhausts, which increases the thrust of the engines by 20%) and that we would experience a couple of thumps (as he put it) as first the pair of inner engines responded followed by the outer pair. The aircraft then began to pick up speed and height. Yet again we experienced the G forces as Concorde transitioned from subsonic to supersonic, whilst all the time climbing quite steeply; all being illustrated by a digital read out on both bulkheads of the cabins showing the MACH number (which indicates how fast Concorde was moving in relation to the speed of sound), the speed in m.p.h., the altitude and the outside air temperature; ultimately they registered MACH 2, 1350 MPH, 60,000 feet, and -70 degrees respectively.

Concorde instruments Page 9

Concorde then levelled out and stabilized; at that height there is no wind or air turbulence so it was possible to balance a 50p coin on its end on the seat table. The sky is quite a dark blue (almost like night) at that height and yes, the curvature of the earth can clearly be seen. As we flew over the Bay of Biscay we were served champagne and a light lunch, followed by a visit to the flight deck to see the captain, the first officer and the flight engineer; the latter faced the starboard side with a large bank of three computers, plus a manual back up system, which controlled the engines and fuel management so as to retain a centre of balance for the aircraft. When Concorde achieved maximum speed and height, the temperature of the outer surfaces reached 100C, which resulted in the aircraft increasing in length by about 9 – 10 inches. The engineer then informed us that if anyone wanted a second flight on Concorde, all that they needed to do was to

slip their hand into the gap between two of the banks of computers which, due to the expansion of the aircraft, had moved apart. As Concorde slowed and lost height, the length of the aircraft returned to normal and the gap between the computers disappeared, trapping the person’s hand and the only way to retrieve it would be to repeat the flight! The whole experience was one huge adrenalin rush: not bad for my first ever flight. We raised a glass or two in celebration and remembrance that night in London. More tales of Keith’s Concordian travels will appear in the next (February) edition of HotPott

A ride through transport history - St Christopher’s Church Guild Georgina opened the November meeting with a reading from the Bible and then led us in prayer. She then introduced John Hooley and his wife Rachael. John took us on a nostalgic ride through

Eileen Stratford one hundred years of public transport from buses drawn by horses to rattling trams and trolleybuses to motor coaches. We went from early steam engines to the smart streamliners of later years like Coronation Scot and Mallard, still the holder of the world speed record for steam locomotives. We must not forget the ocean liners and the paddle steamers and the small steamers that Page 10

sailed between the Scottish islands. The photographs certainly brought back many memories for me. Next meeting: the Christmas lunch will be held on Wednesday 5th December at the Legh Arms (Toby) Adlington. Meet there for lunch at 12.15 p.m. The menu is available from Georgina (Tel. 01625 615547).

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Future Screenings 9th January 2019

5th December - Finding your Feet 12th December - Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again

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Missionary Matters

The McCleans, our missionary partners in Thailand, report on Facebook that their church’s three-day weekend camp was an extremely happy occasion; some nonbelieving relatives of church members joined them. The family then escaped for a break at the beach for half term. Son Matthew has just been discharged after 17 months of treatment for a knee injury; he is now able to start playing basketball again. The McClean household is missing Lek, their super-efficient washing machine, dishwasher and hoover (all rolled into one!), as she is away for a week to be with her Buddhist family following bereavement. Pray for Lek that her two daughters may come to faith and that she will be a real witness for Jesus in the slum area where she lives. Another more recent Facebook post asks us to pray for Asaf, Sarah and Khalil’s families, who are already experiencing low night-time temperatures in the high mountains of Afghanistan where they remained after fleeing the Taliban. Please pray for the special forces, police and local militia who are battling the well armed Taliban; for Johnny as he meets weekly with Asaf and Sarah for prayer and Bible study, that he will have words to comfort them and for Khalil as he meets with the UNHCR to talk about his mother and sisters.

as well as involvement in the Malawi Field Council meetings, while Megumi’s students are struggling to stay alert in the heat of this season. Some even stand up during the class and walk about in the effort to stay awake! Megumi asks us to pray for the Evangelical Bible College of Malawi to humbly seek God's will in the face of the particularly poor financial state the college finds itself in. Apparently, their accounts have not been audited for three years and preliminary figures show that, at the end of the last financial year, the college had a deficit of about 10 million kwacha (about £10,500). Worryingly, this year's budget has not been approved as a deficit of about 30 million kwacha is anticipated. SIM (Service in Mission) Malawi is funding (among other things) the cost of an additional accounts worker and license subscription fee for the accounting software in order to try to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. Discussions with the tax authorities continue; please pray!

John Ryley

Megumi and Helen Fazakerley in Malawi have written to say that their daughters Elizabeth and Mary and son Joshua (plus girlfriend Nadine) are meeting at home on the Wirral in November to celebrate an early Christmas together. Elizabeth will visit Malawi at the end of November to reconnect with people and places so familiar to her, as she grew up there, while she waits for a permit to go to Australia for a year to work. Helen is keeping busy with her member care roles Page 12

Pott Shrigley Cricket Club Centenary Celebrations 2019 sees the exciting prospect of celebrating the centenary of our village cricket club. Many events are planned, but perhaps the most anticipated is the match between PSCC and an MCC X1 on July 7th. Further information will be found on the website www. in due course.

HotPott - Christmas 2018

Ringing remembers Over 1,400 bell ringers gave their lives in the First World War and many more joined the war effort; the details of those who died are recorded in the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers’ Rolls of Honour that are housed in St Paul’s Cathedral in London. We do not know if any of the soldiers from Pott Shrigley were ringers but two towers, Edington in Wiltshire and Bamburgh in Northumberland, each lost six of their members, and Christchurch, Macclesfield lost four. The bell ringing community has paid tribute through special commemorative ringing to all those of their fellow ringers who died, and many towers did the same for all members of their local

communities known to have been lost, often on the centenary of their deaths – in some larger towns more than 100 men have been remembered in this way. Church bells have long been rung to mark special occasions, both happy and solemn and our six bells (three of which are medieval) are no exception. On Remembrance Sunday, our tenor (heaviest) bell was tolled 11 times to mark the start of the two minutes’ silence and at 12.30 four of our bells rang out, both to remember those who died and to celebrate peace. (Our numbers were somewhat depleted by unfortunate accidents and unfortunately timed holidays!)

Annual Festive Draw and Quiz Night at the

Poachers’ Inn, Bollington on

16th December at 7.30. So brush up on your general knowledge and come along to buy raffle tickets (first prize £30 meal for two at The Poachers’ plus many other festive prizes). Oh, and to have some fun too! HotPott - Christmas 2018

Laura Matheson, David Garton, Anna Howard & Yvonne Foster

Nearly 2,800 new bell ringers have been recruited as part of a campaign to ‘replace’ those we lost in the Great War. Our newest recruit, Yvonne Foster, started to learn during the campaign and therefore counts as one of these recruits; her commemorative badge is seen alongside the photograph of those who rang at Pott Shrigley on 11th November 2018. Page 13

The Suffering Church The plight of Aasia Bibi, the Christian lady from Pakistan who spent eight years in prison on death row, has been repeatedly highlighted in the news recently. The problem started when the Moslem women working alongside Aasia said that because she was a Christian drinking water from the well they used, she had polluted it. She was subsequently accused of blasphemy and sentenced to death. The Pakistani Appeal Court finally decided that she is not guilty and released her but Aasia, her family and legal team and the appeal judges who freed her are now at extremely high risk of violence. Please pray for their safety. The authorities will not allow Aasia to leave Pakistan, so she and her family need to find anonymous refuge abroad; the UK Home Office is reported not to be considering granting Aasia asylum as ‘they fear granting her asylum would result in violent reprisals on embassies in Pakistan’. Several MPs have shown concern about this decision and Boris Johnson has expressed his disbelief that Britain could allow fear of violence to prevail over Mrs. Bibi’s ‘overwhelming claim for compassion from the British Government’. Unfortunately, this seems to be a pattern: before the recent hostilities, 10% of Syria’s population were Christian; in 2017, only 11 of the 7060 Syrian refugees allowed entry to the UK were

Aasia Bibi Page 14

Kenyan evangelists Charles, Grace & family

Christians and there were no Christians among the 1112 Syrian refugees admitted in the first quarter of 2018. We need to pray for this apparent governmental discrimination to end, but we also need to act: how about writing to our MP David Rutley? Canada is reported to be offering asylum to Aasia’s family if they are allowed to leave Pakistan. Barnabas Fund is assisting with the costs of evacuating two Kenyan Christian missionary families from northeast Kenya after they received direct threats of an imminent attack on their lives. The missionaries, who work in Muslim communities, have endured weeks of repeated stoning attacks on their houses and their isolation increased when a telephone mast was blown up. Security forces struggle to protect the families as, after attacking, Al Shabaab forces disappear into nearby forests and some local Muslim sympathisers will not report what they witness. A local pastor called for prayer: ‘Please pray with us! We have reached a decision to evacuate. In September Christian workers in the area were singled out and killed – for this reason we have to take these threats seriously’. In September, Al Shabaab terrorists separated out and murdered two Kenyan Christians travelling on a bus after they refused to recite HotPott - Christmas 2018

the shahada Islamic creed; recitation of the shahada is considered conversion to Islam. Kenya’s population is around 80% Christian and 10% Muslim, with most of the latter (many of whom are ethnic Somalis) living in the northeast. The Somali-based terror group Al Shabaab has repeatedly targeted Kenyan Christians. The McCleans often tell us about the plight of refugees in Thailand, and the authorities there continue to detain Montagnard Christian refugees from Vietnam. Siu H’kli’s family fled Vietnam after police arrested and beat her husband for travelling with a wellknown Christian Montagnard pastor. Siu H’kli is being held in a Thai detention centre, her children are elsewhere in Thailand and the pastor was sentenced in Vietnam to five years’ imprisonment for alleged immigration related offences. The Thai authorities often ignore the UNHCR-recognised refugee status of the Montagnard Christians, who are detained in poor conditions but they mostly fear deportation back to Vietnam where their risk of torture is high. H’kli speaks for many when she says: ‘It doesn’t matter where we go, we just cannot go back to Vietnam’.

Montagnards at Cambodian border

to be registered to conduct services and can only do so in approved locations, in practice authorities have previously allowed churches to meet without having specific permission. In 2018 at least four Algerian churches have been shut down, either for alleged breaches of health and safety or because authorities claim they are not properly registered, though two have been permitted to reopen. Please pray for all persecuted people, particularly Christians, that their suffering will be relieved and for their faith to remain steadfast.

Algeria is close to John Ryley’s heart as in 1953 he spent a month there seeing missionaries at work; Algeria was part of France then and missionary work was allowed. Things are more difficult now. In a village around 110 miles from Algiers, authorities recently sealed a church building claiming it failed to meet health and safety regulations: the 300-strong congregation had complied with an earlier request to install fire exits and fire extinguishers but it is less clear if other official concerns about violations of regulations regarding foreign visitors and the permitted use of the building being poultry production (not religious activity) had been resolved. The church has a powerful ministry to local Muslims. Although legally non-Muslim religious groups in Algeria need HotPott - Christmas 2018

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Your vote, your council Gas lamp The gas lamp in the centre of the village, which provides light to the road junction, churchyard and post box, is failing to operate. The clerk contacted the conservation officer but Cheshire East Heritage Department has no funds to do works of this nature, and Historic England cannot help out with this either. It has been very difficult to find anyone who can repair gas lamps and impossible to find anyone in the locality. The parish council decided unanimously that Sight Designs in Worcester would complete the work; we do not yet have a confirmed date for when the light will shine again in the village. Rose Queen Festival A member of Pott Shrigley Church School PTA attended the October meeting. Ideas were outlined for extending the Rose Queen festival from an afternoon event to a weekend to help raise money to purchase a new school minibus, which would be available for the community as well as the school. An extended event may also generate publicity for the school and potentially increase the school numbers. It was suggested that there might be live music (louder by day but quieter in the evening), camping on the field, a possible link to a fell run and perhaps an outdoor service by the Rev Swales on the Sunday morning. A different price structure will exist for residents and visitors. Cllr. Wray pointed out the necessity of providing shelter (such as a marquee) and how expensive this can be but it was thought that one could be sourced quite cheaply. Page 16

The parish council supported this idea so it will be explored in more detail. Footpath closure Footpath PS4 (part of the Gritstone Trail) has been closed for several months because a foundation stone has slipped from under the ‘donkey’ bridge. The closure notice has been renewed and extended several times; the current extension is until April 2019. There is concern that, for economic reasons, a modern one might replace this very old bridge. The clerk will contact the Public Rights Of Way Team to voice these concerns and ask for a realistic date for the repair and reopening of the bridge. She will also ask for maintenance to be done on the very dangerous steps leading to Jacksons Brow.

Community Grant Scheme – 50% funding available. These grants are available to constituted community groups, registered charities, social enterprises, parish councils and schools who are working on projects that enhance, protect or celebrate the heritage and countryside of the South West Peak Landscape Partnership (SWPLP) area. Eligible projects are those that are working to address one or more of these SWPLP objectives: 1. Conserving, protecting and/or enhancing natural, built or cultural heritage. 2. Helping people learn about their natural, built or cultural heritage. 3. Helping communities celebrate the natural, built or cultural heritage. 4. Increasing people’s awareness and enjoyment of the SWP for residents and/or those working in or visiting the area. HotPott - Christmas 2018

What can be funded? • Capital costs e.g. equipment, building costs. • Revenue costs e.g. training, room hire, event costs. All projects must benefit the SWPLP area and meet at least one of the SWPLP objectives How much can they give? Groups need to be able to provide match funding for their projects, as SWPLP will only fund up to 50% of the total project costs to a maximum of £10,000 (whichever is the lesser amount). Possible projects are the lychgate or the drainage and fencing of the village green. A representative from SWPLP has offered to attend a council meeting and explain the scheme. Planning Application: 18/4950M Normans Hall Farm, Shrigley Road, Pott Shrigley SK10 5SE. Proposed conversion and extension of workshop building into five residential dwellings. The council supports this application. Decisions: NP/CEC/0818/0777 Nab Cottage, Shrigley Road, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5RT Erection of lean-to, open porch. Permission granted. 18/4876M 3a Moorside Cottages, Moorside Lane, Pott Shrigley SK10 5RZ. Application for a Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed use or development. Construction of a detached single storey outbuilding within the residential curtilage. Positive certificate granted. 18/4392M HotPott - Christmas 2018

Heatherdale Farm, Moorside Lane, Pott Shrigley SK10 5RZ. Prior approval for the change of use of an agricultural building. As with the previous application, Pott Shrigley Parish Council objects to this application because it sets a precedent for the conversion of such agricultural buildings to residential dwellings. Permission REFUSED. The development fails to meet the criteria of permitted development. For more detail consult the Officer’s Report online. Pending NP/CEC/0218/0145 Land adjoining Shrigley Road, Pott Shrigley (at the side of Nab Cottage). New agricultural vehicular access. The council had no objection to this application. 18/3754M Normans Hall, Pott Shrigley SK10 5SE. Variation of conditions 2, 7 and 8 on application 16/4970M. It was decided by the councillors that any variation to these specific conditions was best investigated by the planning officer. Withdrawn 18/4848M Halith Cottage, Shrigley Road, Pott Shrigley, SK12 1TF. Outline application for replacement dwelling. Date and time of next meetings The next parish council meetings will be held on Monday 3rd December 2018 and Monday 7th January 8pm in the village hall.

Seasons Greetings Your Councillors and Clerk would like to wish you all a very peaceful Christmas and a wonderful new year Page 17

Page 18

HotPott - Christmas 2018

Coffee Break Across 1 ‘How long will you — your face from me?’ (Psalm 13:1) (4) 3 ‘Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the — he bore’(Hebrews 13:13) (8) 9 Posh sin (anag.) (Romans 8:15) (7) 10 Solemn pledges (Matthew 5:33) (5) 11 Italian term for full orchestra (5) 12 ‘For he who avenges blood remembers; he does not — the cry of the afflicted’ (Psalm 9:12) (6) 14 Prescience (1 Peter 1:2) (13) 17 Where a Hindu holy man lives (6) 19 ‘If he found any... who belonged to the Way, whether — — women, he might take them as prisoners’ (Acts 9:3) (3,2) 22 Fragrance (2 Corinthians 2:15) (5) 23 Vine hen (anag.) (Jonah 1:2) (7) 24 Precious stone decorating the twelfth foundation of the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21:20) (8) 25 ‘Will you keep to the old path that evil men have — ?’ (Job 22:15) (4) Down 1 ‘Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with — — ’ (Numbers 20:11) (3,5) 2 ‘You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, “ — — murder”’ (Matthew 5:21) (2,3) 4 One of Paul’s many hardships endured as a HotPott - Christmas 2018

servant of God (2 Corinthians 6:5) (13) 5 ‘We ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, — inwardly’ (Romans 8:23) (5) 6 Changed (Daniel 6:8) (7) 7 ‘My yoke is — and my burden is light’ (Matthew 11:30) (4) 8 Recoil (Revelation 12:11) (6) 13 ‘O Lord, you have — me and you know me’ (Psalm 139:1) (8) 15 ‘ — to me the joy of your salvation’ (Psalm 51:12) (7) 16 Express sorrow (Isaiah 16:7) (6) 18 ‘Then he said to Thomas, “ — out your hand and put it into my side”’ (John 20:27) (5) 20 ‘God has said, “ — will I leave you; — will I forsake you”’ (Hebrews 13:5) (5) 21 Son of Onam and brother of Shammai (1 Chronicles 2:28) (4) Page 19

PCC Ponderings

There were 14 members present when the PCC met on 13th November. General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR):

further £10,000. This has been a particularly heavy year for repair works, many of which come from the five yearly survey of the church fabric carried out in late 2017. It is necessary to keep on top of the maintenance of the building but inevitably this has an effect on the church finances. In his report, the treasurer (Peter Kennedy) gave updated figures for the year to date, showing a shortfall of nearly £33,000 between receipts and payments.

Ros Johnson

Over the last couple of meetings, we have been bringing together the paperwork needed to comply with the new legislation on data protection. In common with other organisations, we at St Christopher’s are assessing what data we hold, how we currently use it and ensuring we obtain the necessary consent to use that data. The Data Privacy Notice describes who we are, how we safeguard any personal data we hold and how we use it to conduct church business – for instance to record information for the electoral roll, or to distribute the magazine. The Form of Consent is the document an individual completes to give permission for how their personal data is used. These two draft documents had been circulated to the PCC so they could be discussed and commented upon. Kath, who is leading on this topic, emailed the drafts whilst on holiday in India. There’s dedication for you! Building work:

The extensive stonework repairs on the church building are complete and the final payment of £23,018 made. We should be able to claim the VAT back on the amounts paid for this work. We have also paid out £1,400 for repairs to the churchyard wall, where damaged by cars, although part of this sum will be reimbursed by the insurance company. In his update on the buildings, David Garton said there was still some work to do to repair the plaster above the sidespersons’ pew, where damaged by water, and this may cost a Page 20

Churchwardens’ meetings: There are now regular monthly meetings between the vicar, the churchwardens and Duncan (as chairman of the PCC) and the report of their discussions is brought back to the PCC. One item highlighted is the need to designate a further section of the churchyard for the burial of cremated remains since the current plots are nearly taken up. In order to do this, it is necessary to get a faculty (permission) from the diocese and support the case with plans of the churchyard, photographs and proposals for separating the designated plot from the rest of the churchyard. A suggestion from the churchwardens’ meeting is the provision of small booklets in the pews entitled ‘Knowing God Personally’. These are used in other churches for the benefit of all congregation members and visitors and give helpful information on exploring faith. The use of IT, including social media, has also been discussed as we need to embrace new developments in technology to improve our communication with church members and the wider world. WhatsApp or Facebook groups and an enhanced website were suggested, though we would obviously HotPott - Christmas 2018

still need the traditional methods of keeping in touch for the benefit of those who are not comfortable online. (Phew!) The vicar asked if we knew of anyone who has particular expertise in this area, or of another church who does this well; Andy Phillips kindly agreed that he and Tess would be happy to help. In the first instance they will try and find out what some of the possibilities are. Church recording: For some time now a group from Macclesfield

Decorative and Fine Arts Society has been researching and recording the church contents and this exercise is now nearing completion. They have suggested holding an open day to show what they have been doing; this would be for the benefit of the congregation and other interested parties, as well as for other members of their arts society. The PCC gave their wholehearted support for this idea and look forward to what promises to be a fascinating occasion.

Tearfund BIG Quiz Thanks to everyone who took part in the Tearfund BIG Quiz on Saturday 17 November. We had just over 50 attendees at Pott Shrigley Village Hall and raised £300 for Tearfund. We were one of 489 locations for the BIG Quiz, which totalled over 24,000 participants.

special mention must go to the Youth Church team, including Mike & Sue Akerman, which also did really well! Can't wait for next year. Tearfund are already planning the event – so see you there!!

Anne Murphy The evening was great fun. Questions were pretty hard though! Congratulations to the winning team of Jean & Reg Ferguson, Pam Cooke and Lynne & Paul Bowden, and a

n’t Do get r fo

“Your magazine needs you.”

Please send your contributions to no later than midnight on.....

Sunday, 13th January HotPott - Christmas 2018

Page 21


Est since 1890

1 Henshall Road, Bollington. Tel: 01625 572110

7th 11t Decem hJ anu ber ary


TO BOOK CONTACT US ON 01625 575757 or email pott Shrigley, nr Macclesfield, Cheshire, sk10 5sb

Attention all those who wish to be on the Electoral Roll! In 2019 a completely new electoral roll has to be made. It’s not that I think it will help pass the time in the dark winter months, it’s a legal requirement. In early January 2019, I will put a notice on the church and parish notice boards reminding everyone that they need to complete an application form; there’ll be weekly memory joggers on the church news sheet too, so there will be no escape! Eligibility criteria remain the same: briefly, anyone who is over 16 years of age and a member of the Church of England and who either resides in the parish and/or has habitually attended public worship at St Christopher’s during the preceding six months can be on the roll. Those who are prevented from attending through illness, but who have previously attended St Christopher’s regularly, will still be considered eligible for our roll. Application forms will be available from the table at the back of church, or from me – I’m happy to post forms out to those who have difficulty in getting to St Christopher’s. The new roll will be prepared in February, and published in the first few days of March 2019. It would be really helpful to have your enrolment forms by early February; although eligible people can be added to the electoral roll at any time anyone applying after 28th February will be added after the annual church meeting on 17th March 2019. Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me. Kath Matheson, Electoral Roll Officer 07944 624 832/01625 574893 Church View Cottage, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5SA There was no room for Him.

Make room. Invite Him in.

There is no room.

Make room.

In a world full of

Find life in all the fullness

grasping, acquiring and keeping,

Christmas offers –

of rights and demanding and self-centred living,

Love and hope and joy and peace.

there is no room for Him,


the Child who is God.

God with us and in us, always.

The world is full. Make room! And yet…without Him, without Jesus,

by Daphne Kitching

this full world is empty. Page 28

HotPott - Christmas 2018

Recipe of the Month

Madeline (and Nigella’s) Cheese Biscuits There are many varieties of cheese biscuits on the market but these home made ones are so much better! The audience at the church concert in October obviously agreed with Madeline’s assessment: these cheesy biscuits are reported to have disappeared at a rate of knots.

Madeline Punch Ingredients to make around 30 biscuits:

Dust the work surface with flour and roll out the cheese pastry to thickness of 0.5cm. Cut into whatever shape you like though small square shaped biscuits seem to cook better. Brush tops with beaten egg to glaze. Cook for 10 to 15 minutes. The biscuits will be crisp at the edges and puffy in the centre. Remove from baking sheets and place on a wire rack to cool. This is a Nigella Lawson recipe, carefully amended by Madeline.

175g blue Stilton cheese 100g softened unsalted butter 1 large egg yolk 175g plain flour A pinch of salt 1 beaten egg (for glaze) Method: Line 2 baking sheets Pre heat oven to 200 degrees C/gas mark 6. Mix cheese, butter and egg yolk together, then work in the flour, just enough to form a soft dough. Form the dough into a fat disc, wrap in cling film and place into the fridge to rest for 30mins.

From the Registers Wedding Congratulations to:

27th October Curtis Hickey & Michaela Mayoh Affirmation of wedding vows 17th November Mash & Christina Burial of Ashes, Adlington Memorial Park our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of: 28th October John Milner HotPott - Christmas 2018

Page 29

Thanks and Copy Dates 2019 2018 is almost at an end, and another 10 editions of HotPott have been produced thanks to the incredible support I continue to receive from the amazing team of volunteers (and conscripts) who work unstintingly each month to produce a magazine which we hope raises a smile, provides food for thought and is of interest to our readers. Thank you to all those who contribute articles, whether on a monthly or ad hoc basis, photographs, jokes, fillers and everything else! Without your help, there would be no HotPott. There is always room for new contributors too – no experience necessary, everyone has a story to tell. An enormous thank you to our advertisers too; we hope you have gained some business from HotPott readers, but appreciate that many of you advertise just to support us. And so to the hard core – your patience with

the editor, and your willingness to spend so much of your time working on each edition – thanks so much. Editor & subscriptions: Kath Matheson 01625 574983/07944 624 832 Chaser & fount of all knowledge: Mary Currell Layout: Andy & Tess Phillips Printing & technical support: Mike Akerman Advertising: Pam Johnstone Photographers in chief: Ric Gem, Graham Hackney, Duncan Matheson & Steve Murphy Proof readers: Mary Currell, Jacky Malyan, Audrey Meecham, Sandy Milsom & Vicki Shelley Distribution: Eileen Buffey, Ivan & Mary Currell & Peter Kennedy


Deadline for articles

Proof reader

Publication date (Friday)


13th Jan

Audrey Meecham

25th Jan


10th Feb

Vicki Shelley

22nd Feb


17th Mar

Sandy Milsom

29th Mar


14th Apr

Jacky Malyan

26th Apr


19th May

Mary Currell

31st May

July / August

16th June

Audrey Meecham

28th June


18th Aug

Vicki Shelley

6th Sept


15th Sept

Sandy Milsom

27th Sept


13th Oct

Jacky Malyan

25th Oct

Christmas 2019

17th Nov

Mary Currell

29th Nov

Page 30

HotPott - Christmas 2018

Chores and Chains Cleaning Rota Please contact Yvette 0161 485 6135 Dec 7th Dec 14th Dec 21st Dec 28th

Jan 4th Miss Bunting, Mr & Mrs Stratford Jan 11th Mrs Meecham, Mrs Winstanley Jan 18th Mr & Mrs Akerman Jan 25th Mr & Mrs Ferguson Feb 1st

Mr & Mrs Currell Dr Angie Davies Mrs Harper & Mrs Plant Miss Bunting, Mr & Mrs Stratford Mrs Meecham, Mrs Winstanley

Tea & Coffee Contact Carole on 01625 820533 Dec 2nd Dec 9th Dec 16th Dec 23rd Dec 30th

Malyan Carole & Rita Bunting Peter & Eileen Yvonne & Rita Barrow Madeline & Pam

Jan 6th Jan 13th Jan 20th Jan 27th Feb 3rd

Elizabeth & Christina Helen & Kim Ros & Sheila Peter & Eileen Carole & Rita Bunting

Jan 6th Jan 13th

Vacant Kath, remembering her Grandpa Brown Vacant Vacant Rita Barrow, remembering John

Flowers Contact Gill: 01625 829819 Dec 2nd Dec 9th Dec 16th Dec 23rd Dec 30th

Vacant Vacant Ian & Rosemary, remembering their wedding Gill, plus donations. For Christmas Christmas

Jan 20th Jan 27th Feb 3rd

Forthcoming weddings Contact - Pam: The next wedding is on 26th May 2019. *** Maria went to the Post Office to buy stamps for her Christmas cards. ‘What denomination?’ asked the clerk. ‘Oh! Good heavens! Have we come to this?’ said Maria, ‘Well give me 50 Methodist and 50 Church of England ones please.’ HotPott - Christmas 2018

Page 31

December 2nd. Advent 1 8.30am 10.45am


Holy Communion Holy Communion‡

1 Thess. 3:9-13; Luke 21:25-36

David Swales

John 3:16-21

David Swales David S/Murphy

9th. Christingle, Advent 2 8.30am 10.45am

Holy Communion Family Service

16th. Advent 3 8.30am 10.45am 4.00pm

Holy Communion Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:7-18 Morning Worship* Carols by Candlelight

David Swales David S/Murphy

20th. 6.30pm

Carols by Candlelight

23rd. 8.30am 4.00pm 6.30pm

Holy Communion Luke 1:39-55 Carols by Candlelight Carols by Candlelight

David Swales

24th. Christmas Eve 11.30pm

Holy Communion

John 1:1-14

David Swales

Family Communion

Luke 2:1-20

David Swales

Holy Communion Morning Worship

Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:15-21

David Swales

Holy Communion Holy Communion

Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12

David Swales

Holy Communion Morning Worship

Colossians 3:12-17; Luke 2:22-40

David Swales

Holy Communion Family Service

Luke 3:15-17,21-22

David Swales David S/Murphy

Holy Communion Morning Worship*

Neh. 8:1-3,5-6,8-10; Luke 4:14-21

David Swales

Holy Communion Holy Communion‡

Acts 7:44-50; John 4:19-29a

25th. Christmas Day 10.00am 30th. 8.30am 10.45am

January 6th. Epiphany 8.30am 10.45am 13th. 8.30am 10.45am 20th. 8.30am 10.45am 27th. 8.30am 10.45am February 3rd. 8.30am 10.45am Page 32

David Swales

‡ Junior Church

* Youth and Junior Church

HotPott - Christmas 2018

Sidespeople and Prayers ER - Extra Reader

December 2nd. 8.30am 10.45am


Mr. K. Ardern ER (10.45am): Mr. G. Parker Mrs. E. Harper + Mr. I. Malyan + Mrs. E. Buffey.

Pam Cooke

Miss G. Mosley Mr. S. Heathcote + Mr. I. Currell + Mr. I. Malyan


9th. Christingle 8.30am 10.45am 16th. 8.30am 10.45am 4.00pm 20th. 6.30pm

Mr. & Mrs. R. Stratford Mr. I. Clarke + Mrs. C. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. M. Akerman

ER: Mr. D. Davie


Mr. R. Gem

23rd. 8.30am 4.00pm 6.30pm

Miss G. Mosley Mr. & Mrs. M. Akerman + Mr. R. Gem Mr. & Mrs. R. Ferguson

24th. Christmas Eve 11.30pm

Mr. & Mrs.J. Arrowsmith

25th. Christmas Day 10.00am

Mr. G. Parker

30th. 8.30am 10.45am

Miss G. Mosley Mr. & Mrs. R. Ferguson

Pam Cooke

Mr. K. Ardern Mrs. E. Harper + Mr. I. Malyan + Mrs. E. Buffey


Miss G. Mosley Mrs. C. Taylor + Mr. I. Clarke


January 6th. 8.30am 10.45am 13th. 8.30am 10.45am

ER: Mr. G. Parker

20th. 8.30am 10.45am

Mr. & Mrs. R. Stratford Mr. S. Heathcote + Mr. I. Currell + Mr. I. Malyan


Miss G. Mosley Mr. & Mrs. S. Potts

Audrey Bomford

27th. 8.30am 10.45am

ER: Dr. J. Hutton + Mr. R. Gem

February 3rd. 8.30am 10.45am

Mr. K. Ardern Mrs. E. Harper + Mr. & Mrs. R. Ferguson

HotPott - Christmas 2018

Pam Cooke Page 33


Regular Church Activities

JUNIOR CHURCH - Children of three years and older - held during the 10:45am service. Meets in church for the first part of the service and then goes over to the village hall for Bible stories, songs, craft activities, prayers and fun. YOUTH CHURCH - (Year 6 and above) - generally 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. CRECHE - Held during the 10:45am service in the tower vestry. HOME GROUPS - Five groups offering fellowship, worship and Bible study: Daytime - Monday 10.30am, The Vicarage; David Swales, 575846 Rainow - Monday 8:00 - 9:30pm, New Hey Farm, Rainow; Sheila Garton, 573492 Adlington - Monday 8:00 - 10:00pm, 2 Wych Lane, Adlington; John Ryley, 829595 Pott Shrigley (North) - Tuesday 8:00 - 9:30pm, 3 Green Close; Sally Winstanley, 574545 Bollington - Wednesday 8:00 - 9:30pm, 14 Silver St, Bollington; Anne Murphy, 575768 PRAY TOGETHER - Tuesday 7:00 - 7.45pm in the tower vestry; Yvonne Foster, 576419 PRAISE AND PLAY - Children up to school age. Thursday 09:30 - 11:30am in church for stories and activities; Celia Fraser, 665054 BELL RINGING - Thursday 7:30 - 9:00pm, meet in the bell tower; Duncan Matheson, 574983 Monthly: CHURCH GUILD - Fellowship, speakers, outings and tea. Meets the second Wednesday in the month 2:30 - 4:00pm in church; Georgina Wray, 615547 The list above was last revised on 24th March, 2018. All telephone numbers are prefixed with 01625. Please give corrections and additions to

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If there had been three wise women…

Page 34

they would have asked for directions

they would have been on time

they would have assisted with the birth

they would have cleaned the stable

they would have brought more practical gifts (i.e. nappies!)

HotPott - Christmas 2018

Directory Priest-in-charge:

Rev. David Swales, The Vicarage, Spuley Lane, SK10 5RS

575846 Readers:

Dr John Ryley (Reader Emeritus), 2 Wych Lane, Adlington, SK10 4NB


Parish Assistant:

Gillian Mosley, 129 St Austell Avenue, Macclesfield, SK10 3NY



David Garton, New Hey Farm, Macclesfield Road, Rainow, SK10 5UU

573492 David Gem, Ridge Hall Farm, Ridge Hill, Sutton, Macclesfield, SK11 0LU

01260 252287 Verger:

Stan Heathcote, Lilac Cottage, Spuley Lane, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5RR

PCC Secretary:

Ros Johnson, 54 Shrigley Road South, Poynton, SK12 1TF

875902 PCC Treasurer:

Peter Kennedy,

Gift Aid & Planned Giving:

Sally Winstanley, 3 Green Close Cottages, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5SG

07850 740335


Mary Currell, 61 Crossfield Road, Bollington, SK10 5EA

574545 573735 David Garton, as above


Andy Phillips, 26 Hurst Lane, Bollington, SK10 5LP

07881 358976 Weekly Bulletin:

David Gem, as above

01260 252287

Electoral Roll and Safeguarding officer:

Kath Matheson, Church View Cottage, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5SA

Tower Captain:

Duncan Matheson, Church View Cottage, Pott Shrigley, SK10 5SA

574983 574983 Pastoral Care Team:

Kim Swales, The Vicarage, Spuley Lane, SK10 5RS


Church Guild:

Georgina Wray, 14 Paladin Place, Bank Close, Macclesfield, SK11 7HE

615547 Children’s Ministry:

Anne Murphy, 14 Silver Street, Bollington, SK10 5QL


Praise and Play:

Celia Fraser, Rose Cottage, Bull Hill Lane, Rainow, SK10 5TQ 665054 Parish Council Clerk:

Joyce Burton,

Wedding Coordinator:

Pam Cooke,

Head Teacher:

Joanne Bromley, Pott Shrigley Church School SK10 5RT


head@pottshrigley.cheshire Website:

Tess Phillips, 26 Hurst Lane, Bollington, SK10 5LP

PCC Members:

574768 (please prefix numbers with 01625)

Dr John Ryley, Duncan Matheson, Sally Winstanley, Peter Kennedy, Ros Johnson, Andy Phillips, Pam Cooke, Eileen Buffey, Ian Clarke, Mary Currell, Mike Akerman, Sheila Garton, Ian Malyan, David Garton, Sandy Milsom, Gill Mosley, Anne Murphy, Kath Matheson, Chris Day.

This directory was updated on 12th August 2018. Please give corrections and additions to

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