Horse Trading November 2015

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H O R S E Issue no. 256


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EQUINE SPORTS CELEBRATED Euthanasia, is it the right time? A F R I C A’ S M O S T L O V E D E Q U E S T R I A N P U B L I C A T I O N S I N C E 1 9 9 2

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Midfeeds and Tack ’n Togs now open in Nelspruit – (013)752 7432. Find us at 36 Waterfall St, Riverside Industrial Park, Nelspruit

Nutritional Advice Line (011)468 1834 An integrated approach to fly management is absolutely essential to ensure success! It is very important to eliminate breeding sites and to avoid adults flies from breeding and larvae from hatching. If however you find yourself with an adult fly problem remember to protect your horse best you can. For effective and long lasting protection against flies, mosquitoes and midges choose Leovet Power Phazer spray. It will keep on repelling flies for up to 7 hours even if your horse is sweating. For more information on Fly sheets, repellents and how to implement an effective fly control program contact one of our in house nutritional advisors. Marquerite Oberholzer Bsc (Agric) Animal Science

Janine de Swardt Bsc (Agric) Animal Science

SPECIAL FOR NOVEMBER Leovet Power Phazer 500ml

R340.00 incl Cash and Collect only

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Back by Popular Demand! Roberto Rasia will be back in South Africa from 18th – 22nd February 2016 – save the dates, be sure not to miss out! Tel:(011)468-1824 or 0861 midfeeds Emergency: 082 499 8684, Fax:(011)252 5072 E-mail: Address: 63 Karee Rd, corner Main Rd, Blue Hills, Kyalami. PURVEYORS OF THE EQUESTRIAN LIFESTYLE



Welcome to the 257th edition of The Horse Trading magazine where we strive to unite our readers with a passion for horses.

E / OR

I seem to be able to relate to two of the articles that are in this month’s edition. Recently I had to make the horrid decision to put down my dog down. It’s like losing a family member, a best friend. Although I knew it was always going to happen as she was old and had been suffering for a while, I was in complete shock and denial when the time had finally arrived to make that gut wrenching decision. Like any pet the bond between horse and owner can be very strong and deep. As the horse’s caretaker and decision maker, you must be prepared in case of emergency, when your horse is depending on you. Planning today makes that easier when the time comes. If you are in that difficult place in your life where you have to make this decision the article on page 22 may assist in easing your decision. It amazes me how similar horse and humans really are. Gastric ulcers are a really painful condition. One I can relate too. At least though I can verbalise the symptoms to my doctor and treat accordingly. Many horses suffer in silence and don’t show obvious symptoms. The article on page 14 & 15 gives some great advice on keeping your horses gut healthy. We hope you enjoy this edition. Deborah Gray

Last dates for ad publication are PRINT DEADLINES WE ACCEPT ADS ALL DAY EVERY DAY!!! Ads will go onto the website & appear in the first available edition.

CONTRIBUTORS HORSE TRADING Advertising / Chantel Heydenrych - graphic designers / Mike O’Brien - Laykanne Powell - PLACING AN AD / Please ensure you have checked current prices & that your ad is acceptable in the format that you wish to send it before making payment, email it to us first. Deadline for advertising is on the 15th of every month. BANKING DETAILS / Horse Trading / FNB / Account No 62473634220 / Branch Code: 250741 NO Cash deposits! Kindly do an internet transfer, or email for assistance. Cash deposits into bank account will be held until the bank charges are paid - R18.50 per R100 – deposited. PLEASE NOTE / When making a payment via internet banking, kindly request your bank to email proof of payment to: Proofs are supplied & Advertisements are placed once PAYMENT has been received in FULL. PROOF of PAYMENT is required by email. Beneficiary Reference / Please use the telephone number that you are placing in the ad, & your name, NOT “advert” or “classified”. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to ensure that we have your proof of payment – Thank you! Copyright / Horse Trading is published monthly by Horse Trading Publications. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any material, in part or whole, is expressly forbidden without written permission of the publisher. WEBSITE /




ANIMAL FEED, FODDER & BEDDING SPECIALISTS NOVEMBER Cash & Collect Specials Milmac 12% Cubes – R186


Milmac 12% Meal – R192

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Equus Train and Leisure 40kg – R208.50 Epol 40kg 12% Rider Cubes (V3670) – R196 Epol 40kg 12% Super Rider Meal (V18409) – R196 Epol 40kg Cool Cubes (V17734) – R196

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WHY SUPLEMENTS? It is not news to anyone that due to overpopulation, pollution, acid rain etc. that our ground no longer contains the nutrients it once did. Scientific tests proof that 20 years ago 1 “portion� of cabbage for the iron value, would require 2 full cabbages today. That is why us humans use supplements, so shy should animals be any different? Animals will most certainly survive on over the counter feeds, but in order for them to thrive, supplementation is an absolute must.


We expect allot from our animals in competition and longevity. The first and most vital step in nutrition is Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids with daily Probiotics. A close second, then depending on predisposed genetics, age and what level of work you require from your animal, specific supplements may be required.

supplement for your animals and read ingredients contents. Prime nutrition does not need to cost a fortune!! Written by: L.D Delaney Promix Animal Supplements

In todays advanced and easy access of obtaining knowledge, the onus is on you the owner to source the best

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Derby 2015 - another year of SA’s finest show jumping prowess clear round to challenge Esslinger. The water jump was the stumbling block for many of the horses. This milestone event and a firm favourite on the equine calendar celebrated not only the top show jumpers from around the country but also half a decade of the Derby. Aptly themed “The Midas Touch” the derby thrilled enthusiastic spectators. The weekend kicked off with The Derby Ball and Rider auction held at the Kyalami Equestrian Park where guests were able to bid on their favourite to win the event. The clear favourite raising over R35 000 was young rider Shannon Smith, however she and her horse Royal Feeds Vanya W placed fifth. The stands were graced with riding legends such as Gonda Betrix, Peter Gotz, Mickey Louw, Oliver Lazarus and the first ever Derby winner Ernie Hayward.

South Africans top show jumpers came together to compete on the gruelling Galencia Property South African Derby 2015 track and after four days of qualifying rounds, only 24 jumpers competed for the coveted title. Twenty seven years after her last SA Derby win, Esslinger earned title of Derby Winner 2015 riding with the only clear round. Esslinger and her horse Alzu Oregon finished with a time of 143.74, followed by Gail Foxcroft on Equifox JFK on four penalties (just a foot in the water) and a time of 147.87, and Sonia Kroon on HSB Romulus on six penalties (one pole down and two time faults) and a time of 155.32. Although there was stiff competition spectators sat with bated breath through the Derby class waiting for another




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Help Woodrock Animal Rescue to help those in need by donating much needed funds. Donations can be made via the SMS line or direct deposit.


You can make a difference! Woodrock Animal Rescue is a non-profit, pro-life, rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing facility that provides assistance to unfortunate, homeless, abused, neglected, stray, injured, ill, geriatric and unwanted animals that would otherwise have miserable lives and premature deaths. The rescue centre provides food, necessary medical care such as inoculations, vaccinations, sterilizations etc. and preventative medicine including deworming, flea and tick dips etc. Woodrock promotes rehabilitation and healing so that successful re-homing can take place.

SMS ‘DOG’ TO 40733 (SMS costs R20.00) OR MAKE A DONATION Banking details: Woodrock Dog Rescue - Savings Account, Standard Bank Rivonia, Branch code: 001255, Account number: 425 369 161 | Swift code: SBZAZAJJ (international)

Woodrock Animal Rescue | NPO Number: NPO 103-156 | Address: Plot 51 R511 Hennops River Valley Tel: 076 155 4439 or 082 579 5749 | |


Gut Feeling Intestinal ulcers are an unfortunate fact of life for many performance horses but it’s actually quite a common problem for all horses. Risk factors include diet, exercise, stable confinement, stress and excessive use of NSAIDs.

EGUS (Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome) is the term used to describe the formation of ulcers throughout the end of the oesophagus, the glandular and non-glandular parts of the stomach and the earlier section of the small intestine known as the duodenum.

It’s thought that ‘gastric splashing’ may be a contributing factor to this.

While research has shown that horse that are in training, in particular racing horses appear to suffer more from ulcers as well as horses with a poor feeding regime are susceptible to this painful problem.

Gastric splashing occurs when the stomach contracts during exercise allowing the acid from the glandular mucosa to splash up onto the unprotected non-glandular mucosa.

Most often horses don’t show obvious symptoms and suffer in silence, however you may notice changes for the worse in behaviour, a diminishing appetite, poor performance, abdominal discomfort (which can result in riding, girthing and grooming problems) and possibly excessive salivation, recurrent colic and a lacklustre coat.

The risk of developing ulcers can be apparent in horses in training this could be partly due to the fact that the pH of the stomach becomes more acidic during work, although this can be reduced if the horse is fed before exercising.

The stomach is split up into two main sections, the glandular mucosa and the non-glandular mucosa.

There are a variety of factors that can contribute to the incidence of ulcers. The workload of a horse is one of the highest contributors to ulcers in horses. 14

We have heard this mantra before: Prevention is better than cure and by incorporating a well-balanced feeding and management regime the incidence of ulcers can be minimised.

• Consider supplementing with a pure Aloe Vera well known to help digestion and aids in repairing the stomach lining and soothing the stomach and digestive tract.

• Horses graze, and they can graze for up to 16 hours per day therefore the horse’s stomach constantly secretes gastric juices, the liver constantly secretes bile and the pancreas glandular mucosa. These three juices are all very acidic. When horses don’t eat for long periods the pH balance of the gastric juice drops to 2.0 or less and this is a perfect condition for an ulcer to form. Therefore it’s important even for horses in training to graze with other horses because as they chew pasture which in turn produces saliva which has a high bicarbonate level, buffering the strong acid environment in the stomach.

• When transporting horses reduce stress levels as much as possible and keep them grazing and well hydrated whilst on the move.

• Horses fed high starch diets have an increased number of microorganisms in the stomach, causing fermentation of starches, producing a more acidic environment. Ideally all horses should receive a minimum of 1% of their bodyweight in roughage (dry matter) per day. A horse should produce approximately 12 litres of saliva per day to help neutralise those gut acids.

Many ulcers in foals heal without treatment. In adults, the clinical signs may improve within one to two days of starting treatment, but it takes far longer for the ulcer to actually heal. Be sure to follow your veterinarian’s treatment recommendations. By providing optimal feeding and management practices the digestive environment can be improved to minimise the occurrence of ulcers helping to improve the wellbeing of horses and their performance.

• Roughage is fibre, which consists of digestible and non-digestible components. Given horses are herbivores, and designed to graze and eat massive amounts of plant material, the bacteria in their hind gut are able to break down many components of fibre, with the product of this being volatile fatty acids of VFAs. Up to 70% of the average horses daily energy requirement is gained from VFAs. • Chewing stimulates the production of saliva and the amount of chewing required depends on the type of feed the horse is eating. Providing long stem hay available ad libitum will maximize the amount of chewing and production of saliva to reduce an acidic environment in the stomach.



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Promix uses only the maximum amounts of all the active ingredients and contains zero chemicals nor drugs Promix uses only prime natural ingredients, thereby keeping prices affordable.

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Fencing: •Gumpoles • Post & Rail •PVC & Electric Paddock Fencing Stable Doors Frames & Windows Paddock Shelters CRAIG BEIJL C 083 300 8432 | F 086 687 7348 | |

Amino Acids – R365 for 1 horse for 1 month Multi Vitamin & Mineral – R370 for 1 horse for 1 month Joint Q – R400 for 1 horse for 1 month Present this adv at stand No: 4 at World of Dogs & Cats @ Gallager Cnt, 17th to 19th July for a 20% discount. for information on all Promix proven products or Contact Lesley: 083 726 7152/

w w w . p r o m i x s u p p l e m e n t s . c o m

EVENTS CALENDAR Month November November November


Event 31/1 7/8

Fourways Lower Grades Kyalami Park Horse & Hound FEI Cat A Jumping Challenge Kyalami Park Centre

4-8 Burlington Cup Sankt Georg Blue Hill

14 / 15 94.7 14 Maple Ridge - 14 - Canterbrooke






Burlington Maple Ridge

KPC- Gauteng SJ Championships

KPC- Gauteng

Training Showjumping

The Tall Horse Equestrian Centre



Sunlands - All Ages, All Grades




Penny Place All Ages, All Grades

Penny Place



Fourways Christmas Show




Blue Hills AD/YR, All Grades

Blue Hills



Penny Place Christmas Classic PR/CH, All Grades

Penny Place

A COMPLETE RANGE OF NATURAL EQUINE CARE PRODUCTS At Equi’7, we provide a line of pharmacy quality products, which contain blends of natural ingredients that are effectively suited to the health care of horses, and a range of products in horse care and comfort. We specialise in:

• • • • •

Insect repellants (full product line) Grooming – mane and coat care Ligament, tendon and hoof care Injury and wound care Leather equipment care

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RUSSIAN GRASS Save money on Horse food this winter, by planting our

Repels most flies, midges and some otheR insects.

EVERGREEN FAST GROWING RUSSIAN GRASS for more information contact Merwe 0726045219 or visit our website

The Equi7 insect collar contains a blend of natural ingredients that are effective in protecting the animal against flies, midgets, mosquitoes, It is effective when the horse is wet or with perspiration. Gives protection for your horse 24 hours up to 5 weeks depending on the climatic conditions during use. Nil swab for performance horses. For more info tel 0832581907 email Web

South Africa victorious at the BMW International Polo Series The 2015 BMW International Polo Series against a 23 goal team from New Zealand was a resounding success with the South Africans managing to win the Test Series after two fantastic encounters in Durban and Johannesburg. The first Test of the two-match BMW International Polo Series took place at the Durban Shongweni Club on 13th September 2015. The events kicked off with the BMW Development Trophy Curtain Raiser, which showcased South Africa’s finest emerging talent. The highly anticipated first Test match started strongly for South Africa who scored four goals without reply during the first two chukkas and held a commanding 6-3 lead at half time. However the strength, flair and skilled horsemanship of the New Zealand team, in particular John Paul Clarkin, emerged during the second half as the South Africans struggled to score during the last 3 chukkas. New Zealand fought back strongly scoring 6 goals during this period of play to run out winners by 9 goals to 8. The MVP title was awarded to JP Clarkin from New Zealand with Brad & Amy Gace’s “Greased Lightening” being awarded the “Best Playing Pony” prize.

lead at the break. South Africa piled on the pressure during the second half scoring a further 6 goals to New Zealand’s four. Gareth Evans showed all his professional skills in blocking the dangerous JP Clarkin allowing Dirk van Reenen and Tom de Bruin free passage scoring 6 goals between them. Selby Williamson, South Africa’s number one and the oldest player on the field with 86 Test caps weighed in with three superb goals giving South Africa an 11-6 victory. Dirk van Reenen was adjudged the Most Valuable Player with Lee-Ann Spark’s pony “Star Queen”, played by JP Clarkin, being awarded the “Best Playing Pony” prize. Despite inclement weather conditions over both weekends, the outstanding field conditions allowed for fast, flowing polo keeping the sell-out crowds on the edge of their seats and show casing some brilliant stick work from both sides. The win in Johannesburg resulted in the South African team winning the overall 2015 BMW International Series on goal aggregate over the two match series.

The Johannesburg Test, which took place a week later at the Waterfall Polo Estate, promised an epic battle between the youth of the South African team and the experience of New Zealand. The South Africans, determined to avenge their Shongweni defeat, pulled out all the stops against the competitive and well-regarded Kiwis to post a 5-2


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Contact Shez at Equestrian Diva Couture | 082 373 6149 or 011 468 3717 | |




Randjiesfontein Contact | 074 144 3730 | 011 238 7976/8 Email | WWW.EQUIFEEDS.CO.ZA


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Brave enough to say goodbye If your horse is doing fewer activities, is merely existing and a fraction of what he once was, trapped in a shell of a broken body it’s probably time to put the steps in place for a peaceful passing.

Putting your horse to sleep is perhaps the single greatest difficulty we may face as horse owners. It can really be an emotional rollercoaster fraught with mixed emotions. We go to great lengths, expense, and effort to preserve our horses (vet care, blanketing, supplements, etc.), so of course it feels distressing having to be the one to decide when to end to their lives. However, it may be one of the most responsible and compassionate things you can do for your horse. So how and when do we decide to euthanize? There are no clear answers that can be applied to every situation and each case must be determined on an individual basis but these thoughts may help: • • • • • • 22

Severe traumatic injury Inoperable colic Debilitation in old age Incurable, progressive disease Incurable, transmissible disease Chronic severe lameness

• Foals born with serious defects • Dangerous behavioral traits • Undue financial burden of caring for a sick or incapacitated horse • Undue suffering for any reason Every case is unique. Even in similar situations, the decision to euthanize an animal is highly individual. For example, in the case of a severe traumatic injury, such as a broken leg, the animal’s psychological makeup can influence the outcome. Some horses may respond better to treatment than others whilst some are more co-operative than others, and some have a higher pain tolerance than others. It’s important to address the situation from a practical standpoint. Whether you are dealing with an emergency or a long-term illness, discuss the following questions with your veterinarian to help you decide what is right for your horse: • What is the likelihood of recovery or at least a return to pasture

• • •

• • •

soundness or some level of usefulness? Is the horse suffering? How long will the horse experience the current level of pain or debility? Does the horse continue to show an interest and desire to live, or has it become depressed or despondent? What kind of special care will the horse require, and can you meet its needs? Can you continue to provide for the horse financially? What are your alternatives?

The decision to euthanize, or induce a painless death, should never be made without careful consideration. The right choice is clearly the one that is in the best interest of the horse. As much as you’ve relied on your veterinarian’s guidance through your horse’s life, this choice ultimately will be yours.


Sharif Shareek 14.1HH, 3 yr old Grey Arabian Stallion for sale. Beautiful temperament and learns fast. Will be suitable for endurance as well. Comes out of very good bloodlines. Very type especially when he trot. R 20,000.00 Lee: 078 822 7984 or 082 403 0822

Sharif Makhnificent 14.0HH, 2 yr old Light Bay Arabian Colt for sale. This colt is nearly two years of age. Very high on the legs, wil be big horse(15HH). Is handled every day and halter tamed. Disciplines: Showing, Ground Work, Lunge R 35,000.00 Lee: 078 822 7984 or 082 403 0822

Korannaberg Legend 15.3HH Light Bay Anglo-Arab Gelding for sale. Lovely temperament. Half way through novice (has completed two 40). No vices and easy to handle. DOB / Age: 03/11/2008 R20,000.00 Lee: 078 822 7984 or 082 403 0822

Sharif Ibn Shai, 4 yr old Grey Arabian Stallion 14.2HH for sale. Beautiful temperament and movement. Lots of potential. Still developing and growing. Price: R20,000.00 Lee: 078 822 7984 or 082 403 0822

Far Hills Pintado Zatira is 1 yr old Tobiano Dutch Warmblood Filly. She is out of our 14.1H Friesian x mare Taku and by our 16.1H Imported Homozygous Tobiano Warmblood Stallion , Zerro. Price: R25,000.00 Audrey Moolman - 084 941 1330

Waterford Why is a Grey Percheron Mare 16.2HH and is 5 yrs old. Waterford Why is a beautifully put together part-bred Percheron mare. Why is a fast learner and always willing to take the next step in her training. Price: R25,000.00 Peter Dommett: 084 622 1227

El Encanto Encantada 15.1HH Bay Andalusian Mare for sale. Anglo Hispanic (3/4 Andalusian 1/4 Thoroughbred). Competing very successfully in Adult EM, always in the tickets. Ready to upgrade. DOB / Age: 16/09/2004 Price: R160,000.00 Claudia Privato: 082 883 7407


Nimble Wrangler 14.2HH is a Dun Quarter Horse Colt and is 3 yrs old. Wrangler is a beautiful purebred Quarter Horse. Wrangler is currently in the process of being registered. Wrangler has a lovely, relaxed temperament. He has good conformation and free, easy movement. Wrangler can be gelded at no extra coat to buyer. Price: R20,000.00 Peter Dommett: 084 622 1227

Mafura Victory is a 7yr old Black Shire Stallion (17.2HH). Disciplines: Breeding, Carriage, Draught, Harness, Backed Price: R65,000.00 Lietha van Wyk: 082 370 1730

C L A S S I F I E D S HORSE FOR SALE Leopard Rock Moons¹ Revolution is a very big, purebred bay dun Appaloosa Sport Horse 19 month old gelding with 4 socks and prominent dorsal stripe and other characteristics. Beautiful, expansive paces. Responsive, intelligent, confident youngster. Should easily make 16.3hh+­ dam 17.2hh, sire 16.11/2hh. Photo albums to view at Rock.Appaloosa.Stud For sale by Private Treaty. Serious enquiries call 0827145811


S TA B L I N G Private Stabling available in Glenferness

JUMPS FOR JOY R60 ea. Uprights - 1.8m R 240 ea. Wings - 1.8m R 680 per set. Poles - 3m. Painted R 200 ea. Email -

3 x Lovely Stables Secure Tackroom Horses in paddocks during the day Large jumping and lunge arena Live in Groom to assist with grooming and feeding. Own Instructor welcome. Contact : 083 2876 806 (Avril) E-mail :

Call - Les 083 726 7152




Lovely solid 16HH TB gelding. Showgoing and training 110cm at home. Already has tickets from jump-offs and speed classes. Good schooling and ready to go up the grades. R70k including a full 5-stage vetting. 0780679927

Palomino pony mare, about 9yo, approx. 14hh. Not a first pony. Price negotiable R10000.

2 bed cottage with full security ( electric fence and armed response) and a garden on Central Rd for rent, available immediately. R5000 pm plus electricity. Contact Martinah Mpyatona at (NUMBER)




Breivilo L Ben 14.2HH is a 5 yr old Bay Nooitgedacht Gelding. This horse will make any rider older than 10 years very happy. Price: R10,000.00 Braam Olivier: 083 640 3226

Jocel Spirit 15.0HH, 4 yr old Tobiano Arabian Colt for sale. Spirit has been used as a breeding colt the past two years. Price: R20,000.00 Antia Kotzé: 082 851 1108

Selby of Millford Vb R 15.2HH is a 2 yr old Black Friesian Gelding. He is out of a Studbook stallion and an imported mare making him a Foalbook Stallion. R80,000.00 Kate Baynes: 082 774 1394

Celia: 0838253006



Small, private, immaculately run yard with facilities for both dressage and jumping, a lunge arena and wash down bay. We have large brick stables and our horses are out all day in lovely big paddocks. We have a secure tack room, professional staff and the manager lives on the property, providing 24/7 loving care. All our horses are in excellent condition with access to good quality teff or erogrostis ad-lib. 3 meals are fed daily suited to each individual horse’s need with a few top quality brands to choose from. Contact: Tracy Silberman 072 677 4003

Heavy-Duty Horse Feed-Bins in Small, Medium and Large

SMALL FEEDBIN R110-00 ex VAT MEDIUM FEEDBIN R155-00 ex VAT LARGE FEEDBIN R260-00 ex VAT 25L ROUND horse water bucket R149-00 ex VAT Collect from us in Randburg.

H A RT S F I E L D E E Q U E ST R I A N Everything you and your horse could possibly want, including central position (10 mins from Kyalami Park & 5 mins from ICB). Out riding on the property. This is an up market boutique yard that everyone dreams of!

We also supply a wide range of water troughs, from 4 litre up to 190 litre, and a BIG range of Steel Stable Racks ! Please visit our website to see our full range of Horsecare products. Tel: 011 792 1916 | Fax: 086 693 1589 | Cell: 082 414 7864 Email: Address: Shawson Plastics, corner of tungsten and wakis avenue, strijdom park , Randburg.

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At EQUUS we combine the established and proven principles of natural feeding techniques with the latest research. Our product range includes, Train ‘n Leisure 13, Cool ‘n Perform 12, Cool ‘n Perform 15, Race ‘n Replace, Nice ‘n Easy, Safe ‘n Lite, All Time Balancer, and Lucerne Cubes. EQUUS- always covering your needs. RACE ‘N REPLACE








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