Traveler magazine 2012-13 winter issue

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the snow flakes fall and melt in the hot water, we imagined slipping back in time 300 years.

Tazawa-ko Cats Consulting weather reports in our lodge at night, we realized this stubborn storm had no plans of leaving the area. Although sunshine was not in the cards, we decided to explore further into the backcountry with a cat tour to the 8th Station of Mt. Komagatake. Tazawa-ko offers a simple alternative to lift-serviced slopes with a one-way cat ride taking you up a long, winding road higher on the mountain. The cat tour departs from a now defunct ski hill about five kms. up the road. In summer, the area is teaming with life, a high alpine wonderland of flower and fauna, but when the cat drove away and left us next to the simple

mountain hut, there were no other signs of life as far as we could see. Not that we could see very far; the visibility was down to 20 to 30 meters, and the wind was blowing hard. Tazawa-ko's cat service does not come with any guiding and, although the terrain is not overly extreme, the conditions can be. I would recommend a high level of mountain navigation experience for those interested. In spring, we’d take a short hike to the peak followed by a long run all the way back to the base of the ski area. This wasn’t an option on this day, so we stuck close to the cat road, looking for short lines and sections to make some turns. The snow was deep and we had a blast the whole way down. It’s a cheap, fun and little-known option for exploring the backcountry.

After five days of skiing, soaking and….surveying it was time for us to grudgingly move on. Such is the life for the vagabond winter bum. Rumors of deep powder in other places beckoned and new horizons to look upon — but not before one more run. We snapped a few group shots at the top of the resort where we spotted three snowboarders who looked to be at least in their 60s. We chatted for a moment with the friendly couple and their friend — die-hard locals who started snowboarding about 10 years ago. They invited us to come back again soon and then, with a slash and a spray, they disappeared into the trees — and why not — there were no ropes stopping them. We enjoyed a nice 3K cruiser on the way back to base ourselves. Thank you, Tazawa-ko; we will be back. ✤

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