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We’re excited to be speaking today with acclaimed Dream-Pop chanteuse and auteur Catbells; greetings and salutations, Catbells! Before we dive into the Q&A mosh-pit, how has the freshly-minted autumn of 2023 been treating you?

Hi, thank you for having me! Growing up on the East Coast Autumn had a really special feel to it ... here in LA it means that the heat has turned up, which is not my favorite. I would much prefer a cold autumn with leaves changing colors rather than the very hot and dry weather we get each year here. But I know the cooler weather is coming!

Major congratulations on your gorgeous new LP Partly Cloudy which is set to drop this October 27! What served as your inspiration for this incredible new full-length debut album?

Thank you so much. There were a lot of different types of inspiration that made their way into the songs from the LP, one way or another. Everyday life events, as well as memories and nostalgia, feelings of regret and remorse, sadness and heartbreak but hopefully some silver lining in there too.

Partly Cloudy was produced by Billy Mohler. What was your collaboration process like in the studio with Billy while working on the LP?

It’s a really great process working with him as a producer. Billy is immensely talented and also has a very positive attitude, which is a good counter to my sometimes gloomy and sullen disposition. I am able to bring in demos, consisting of just voice and acoustic guitar, and talk about the songs before getting into the production and recording process which has been really helpful. He has great ideas and a knack for bringing things to life.

In your humble opinion, what differentiates Partly Cloudy from the Distinguished Competition on the 2023 music landscape?

I try to not compare myself, even on social media, to other artists because it is a slippery slope, the amount of great music coming out is astounding, and I am just happy to be in my own world creating and putting out music, because I love to make music and for no other reason.

Partly Cloudy is being released via SQFT Records. What makes SQFT Records the perfect home for you and your music?

SQFT is an imprint that Billy Mohler started, and artists that want to put out their music independently with that imprint can do so. For me it’s the perfect home because there is complete artistic and creative freedom, no rules or boundaries.

Who inspires you musically?

That is an ever changing answer depending on my mood and day ....I am often haunted by themes, lyrics and melodies of songs I heard as a child, that had strong imagery that has stuck with me. Childhood memories are so closely intertwined with songs, those songs definitely inspire me!

As a singer and songwriter, which generally comes first for you - The lyrics or the music?

When writing songs I seem to be always writing the lyrics and melody first, and then fitting and finding the best chords under that.

We’re big admirers here of your first single, Fade! While we have you here, can you talk about the amazing music video for this haunting melody and what went into making it? The music video for the tune is one of the most unforgettable that we’ve ever had the good fortune of viewing!

Thank you, I appreciate that so much. The video was something I made cutting and pasting images I liked together, and playing around with iMovie for the first time…. it was always meant to be something temporary like a placeholder. I had another video professionally made by someone that I shared on YouTube too…but for some reason the first video ended up just feeling more like the song I guess, and I am grateful for everyone who has watched and connected with it and with the song Fade (Rainy Day Demo).

On the heels of the release of Partly Cloudy, can fans look forward to catching you on the touring/performing circuit?

I have a lot of anxiety about performing live, it’s something I do enjoy once I am there, and would like to do more of it, but getting myself to do it is the hard part. I did two shows this past Spring, one at The Smell DTLA, and one at The Paramount in DTLA. Maybe I will book more, but right now I am not sure…

At the end of the day, what do you hope listeners walk away with after giving many–a-spin to your brilliant debut LP Partly Cloudy?

I am happy if someone feels something while listening to it. It is a big personal step for myself releasing this, and if someone connects to it at all, then that is all I can really ever hope for.