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Hi guys, welcome to VENTS! How have you been?

Thanks, it’s been going really well since the release of the first single! The response has been exclusively positive, which is really encouraging.

What can you tell us about the title and meaning behind your most recent release?

The single is called ‘Nornir’, and the aim of the track is to take the listener on a journey inspired by Norse mythology. The different parts represent the nornir/ norns (‘weavers of the world’) and the valkyries who choose which fallen warriors should go to Odin’s Valhalla and Freyja’s Folkvangr. Being an instrumental track I would be amazed if anyone got that from just listening to it, but that’s the meaning behind it at least!

How was the recording and writing process?

It was very fluid overall. I’ve been working on several tracks simultaneously, so if I got a bit stuck on one track I’d work on another one for a while. For ‘Nornir’ I decided to keep it quite simple in terms of structure, so that made it a bit more straight-forward than some of the other tracks. Generally, I tend to just sit down and start playing, and it’s usually the first thing I play when I pick up the guitar that will end up in a new song. It almost always starts with a simple riff, or just a few notes that sound interesting. I’ll work on that until I’m happy and I’ll then record that and improvise over it. The song tends to grow organically from there.

Where did you guys find the inspiration for the song and lyrics?

For the debut album the main source of inspiration –conceptually speaking – has been Norse mythology, and specifically the afterlife. Musically, I take inspiration from loads of different artists, but the key ones to mention would be Mono, Explosions in the Sky, The Ocean and The Cure.

Will you be hitting the road this year?

Unfortunately not, I’ve got no plans to play live at all – at least not yet.

What else is happening next in your world?

Just working on getting the album ready for release later this year, and I’m planning another single before that. Writing and recording for the album is mostly done, but there are still some things to finalise before mixing and mastering.

Hi guys, welcome to VENTS! How have you been?

Yeah, we’ve been good, busy, but good!

What can you tell us about the title and meaning behind your most recent release?

“Rock star” is the title (although it hasn’t been released, just yet!) it’s basically as it says on the tin. The meaning behind the song is about playing in a band, having fun with your mates etc but also about the times that aren’t so great. This is whether you are an established artist, or not.

How was the recording and writing process?

Recording was pretty straight forward to be honest. We pretty much nailed this song from the very start, so there wasn’t a lot of changes made, before we went into the studio. I think (Nath) I wrote this song in about ten minutes, so those songs are always easy to put music to.

Where did you guys find the inspiration for the song and lyrics?

I was listening to a lot of “The Strokes” at the time, so I think that shines through, with regards to the music. The lyrics…well I think every band has written a song about what it’s like being in a band and whether you will ever become famous or not.

Will you be hitting the road this year?

We definitely will try and get out and about in 2024. Possibly record another single or go all out and maybe even record an album.

What else is happening next in your world?

At the moment, we are about to release our new single before the end of the year, so please keep an ear out for that. We are doing lots of interviews at the moment as well and the plan is to try and book some new shows for 2024. If you see us at a gig, come and say hello!