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Gone Stereo

We’re very happy to be speaking today with acclaimed Punk Rock 5-piece band Gone Stereo; greetings and salutations, gang! Before we dive down the proverbial Q&A musical rabbit hole, could you each say ‘hi’ and introduce yourselves to our ever-inquisitive readers?

Well hello, my name is Matty and I provide the vocals. Mike here, and I play the bass

Chris, six stringer flinger and almost harmony singer Josh, lead licks

Jason, I just keep everyone in time.

Major congratulations on your freshly-minted new single I’m So Sick which is paired with its backing side Cool Kids! Matty, what served as the inspiration for this rousing new anthem?

When I was writing the lyrics for I’m So Sick, I had a lot on my mind. I was dealing with a falling out with some very close friends, I was frustrated, disappointed and felt stuck in this perpetual circle. I was so sick of my thoughts and would sit there and wonder, when was all of this just going to go away? I recall showing everyone a rough demo and once the guys added their magic to it, it became one hell of a catchy tune. I’m truly delighted that through these lyrics, I get to share my feelings with everyone.

Mike, no less of a respected powerhouse than John Naclerio did the producing honors on the I’m So Sick single while Chris Badami did the mixing. What was the collaboration process like between the band with John and Chris while in the studio working on the single?

John is a wonderful person and he is very patient as an engineer. He makes certain that you’re giving him only the best performance and that it is on point. Nowadays, it is more convenient and cost effective just laying down your own guitar tracks at home, but having that extra set of ears and knowledge is what makes the recording process much, much better.

Chris has also been around just as long as John and he has worked on several similar projects. We didn’t get to sit with Chris as we did with John, but Chris understood the changes we wanted to make in the mix and always was able to give us several versions to listen to. The recording and mixing process is definitely an undertaking, but with John and Chris’s credentials we were confident that they would supply us with a great record, which they did!

Chris, I’m So Sick is released via Negative Progression Records. What makes Negative Progression the perfect home for Gone Stereo and their music?

So Negative Progression has been super supportive of our releases. Seth has really been instrumental in getting our music into ears so-to-speak. He’s also full of ideas. I know he has had his hands in the DIY punk rock scene for decades, with the label active on and off throughout that time. He’s got a good ear for melody, loves a syrupy chorus. I’m glad we got the chance to put these songs out on a label with such a talented and diverse roster and rich history.

Jay, how is I’m So Sick and Cool Kids similar to past music from Gone Stereo? How are they different?

I wouldn’t say either of those songs are that different from any other song we wrote. I’m So Sick has a cymbal pattern in the choruses that definitely makes it stick out from all the rest and Cool Kids is a great Pop Punk song. Both are great songs which do make them similar to what we have written in the past, but both songs have parts that make them stick out from all the rest.

Josh, with the release of the new single, can fans look forward to catching Gone Stereo on the touring/ performing circuit in the coming weeks and months?

Well it’s not “new news’ ‘, but Jay has stepped away from the drums. We will miss him for sure and can’t thank him enough for his contribution to our group and of course his friendship. We just onboarded Nick Ivanoff, our new drummer. Currently we are writing new material while laying down the foundation with Nick. As of now, we have a show booked on Long Island on 12/1/23 at the Amityville Music Hall with Lil Lotus, Makeout and Sace6 so if anyone is reading this and you’re from Long Island, see you at the show! In the meantime, be sure to follow us on instagram.com/gonestereo or on any of our social platforms for updates!

A question for all of you: Who inspires you musically?

Chris: I’m a huge REM fan, the Ramones were super influential to me, and those mid 90s punk records on Lookout, Fat, and Epitaph, bands like Operation Ivy, Green Day, Jawbreaker, NOFX…

Matty: I’m inspired and influenced by so many different musicians, groups and styles of music. Some of my all time favorite punk bands are Screeching Weasel, Face To Face, MXPX, and Goldfinger. I am also a huge oldies (50’s & 60’s) and country music fan. I have a very diverse playlist of music on rotation

Mike: I’ve got a pretty varied list of musical influences… those that have influenced my bass playing most include Operation Ivy, Bouncing Souls, Bad Religion, NOFX. But also other genres…Curtis Mayfield, Primus (Les Claypool), Violent Femmes and Led Zeppelin to name a few. Huge fan of old school rap!!

Matty, Gone Stereo hails from Long Island, New York. How do those roots inform the sound of the band?

Today and throughout the years, Long Island has brought us some amazing music. For example and genre specific, LI brought us bands such as The Movielife, TBS, Bayside, IATA, Silent Majority and more recently Koyo, Lunacy Commission, Bitters and Distractions, Half Dizzy the list is just so large. Then of course you’ve got Billy Joel, The Stray Cats, etc. I just like that we’ve added Gone Stereo to the list of bands from Long Island!

Mike, with the release of the new single, what do plans look like for a full-length Gone Stereo album in 2024?

Nothing is confirmed for a full length yet, but it has been discussed... keep an eye on this space.

Chris, I’m So Sick features original artwork painted by punk rock legend Mark DeSalvo of NOFX and Lagwagon fame. What’s the story behind how Mark came to be involved with the new single?

I think it was one of those things where we were like do you think he’d do it? Can’t hurt to ask right? Here we are. Working with Mark to get our vision and ideas across was super easy. Dude is an absolute gentleman, and was super accommodating of our tiny little band’s requests. So cool. I mean he was responsible for so many of my favorite record’s covers. It’s surreal to me that we got to work with him. And to have the original painting hanging up at his exhibit this month in the Punk Rock Museum in Vegas? How fucking cool is that?

Jay, at the end of the day what do you hope listeners walk away with after giving many-a-spin to the new Gone Stereo single I’m So Sick and Cool Kids?

I would like listeners to come away with the joy of listening to 2 kick-ass songs As simple as that.