5 minute read

L.A. Wade

We’re very excited to be speaking today with acclaimed author and filmmaker L.A. Wade! Before we dive in, how has Fall 2023 been treating you?

I’ve been having an amazing year. 2023 is especially significant for me because I turned 50 on October 11 which made it truly special. I’m thrilled to announce that I’m releasing my second book and my first short film this year. In addition to that, I’ve had the opportunity to do some traveling and have been brainstorming innovative ways to inspire and address important issues often overlooked, like the proverbial elephants in the room.

Congratulations on the double release of your very anticipated second book The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict Vol. 2: Friends with Benefits but Mostly Liabilities as well as the short film Thirsty AF: The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict! What inspired you to follow-up on 2022’s The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict?

When I penned the first volume, “Married Men and F**K Boys” it was always my intention to continue the series. I’m an adventurer at heart, and my life is brimming with a wealth of untold stories. I’ve coined the genre of my book series as “Self-Help Erotica” because it reflects the transformative journey of individuals in recovery. This is a time of deep introspection and taking responsibility for one's actions. Having lived a long and eventful life with numerous unexpected plot twists and turns, these books serve as a dynamic interplay between the personal and the relational aspects of my experiences. My own journey of recovery has allowed me to process the tragedies and comedies of my life, offering readers and audience members a chance to view themselves with unfiltered honesty and to nurture compassion and empathy, not just for themselves but for the world around them.

Tonally, how is The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict Vol. 2 similar to the first book? How is it different?

That’s an excellent question. My first book primarily revolves around the dating adventures that follow my divorce. On the other hand, “Friends with Benefits, but Mostly Liabilities” delves deeper into how trauma can profoundly affect various types of relationships, be they platonic or intimate. It shines a light on what some individuals are willing to endure in their quest for connection and a sense of belonging. Similar to my first book, the story in “Friends with Benefits, but Mostly Liabilities” continues to feature the wild and adventurous sexual escapades of Cali Church, the main character. These escapades become an integral part of her journey towards recovery, where she often finds herself bartering sex for love.

The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict Vol. 1-2 are based on your own real life struggles. Has mining the emotional highs and lows served as a bit of catharsis for you?

Yes, expressing my life story in this way through writing and filmmaking has served as a cathartic process on multiple fronts. It has facilitated an emotional release for my unexpressed emotions like pain, anger, and sadness. It has promoted a lot of self-reflection, allowing me to gain deeper insights into how my experiences have shaped my life. It has also helped me reframe perspectives around my trauma. Sharing my stories empowers me and others, giving us a feeling of control over our narratives and creating validation and connection with others who’ve had similar experiences, this helps in feeling less isolated.

Throughout your writings, you’ve exhibited such grace and humor while speaking on subjects which many people are hesitant to engage in a dialogue about. Where does this warmth and humor come from?

Throughout most of my life, I’ve frequently been told that I possess a sense of humor. However, whereas I used to assume that people were laughing at me, my writings now suggest that perhaps they can laugh with me. I hold a genuine affection for people and warmly embrace our diversities. I maintain a belief that at our core, we are inherently good, and I endeavor to treat individuals with a commitment to fairness. This disposition may be partly influenced by my astrological sign, Libra, but is undoubtedly grounded in my relationship with God. Additionally, I’ve often received feedback about my caring nature, and I’m genuinely pleased that my intentions are increasingly aligning with my actions. In the past, my view was clouded by trauma, making it difficult to perceive clearly, but I am incredibly grateful that the weight of those burdens is gradually diminishing.

Is it too early to ask if The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict might ultimately turn into a trilogy?

Nope, I’ve already initiated the process for Volume 3. My overarching objective revolves around garnering the interest of a network or production company, recognizing the inherent worth of these narratives and transforming them into a continuous television series. The intricacy and depth of my books offer an abundance of creative opportunities for a writing team to explore the multifaceted nature of the characters who weave in and out of my life. I’m genuinely enthusiastic about the possibilities that lie ahead.

On the same day as the release of The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict Vol. 2, you have a short film set to premiere entitled Thirsty AF: The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict - Congrats again! Can you give our readers a hint as to what they can expect with the short film?

Both the book and the movie promise to take you on an emotional journey, guiding you to reflect on facets of your own life where you may have tolerated unwelcome circumstances, while also learning how to move forward despite the circumstances. In the book, you'll find yourself both cheering for and fearing alongside the main character. The movie serves as an initial introduction to the characters we aspire to evolve over time. You’re in for an enjoyable experience, leaving you begging for more!

You directed Thirsty AF: The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict. Was this something which you enjoyed and would you like to direct more in the future?

Directing was an incredibly enjoyable experience, and it has sparked my enthusiasm to further develop and enhance my skills in this area. I currently have a documentary and a reality TV show concept that I'm eager to explore in terms of directing and producing. Additionally, I’m actively working on another book titled “Finding the North Star” which explores themes unrelated to those of my previous work, and I aspire to adapt it into a feature film.

The prospect of collaborating with a seasoned director like Ava DuVernay is a dream that genuinely excites me. I recognize that I have much to learn, and with a more substantial budget and a team of individuals specializing in their respective roles, it will undoubtedly streamline the filmmaking process. Independent filmmaking can be quite challenging, and assembling the right team is crucial. I was fortunate to have individuals like Carlos Anthony, my co-producer and grant writer, as integral parts of the team. Our Director of Photography, @MovieMakingMitch, and the editor, Wale Sholubi, along with the main character, Sheronna Osbourne, who is also a director, played a significant role in bolstering my confidence and enriching my experience as a director.

Literary-wise, who inspires you?

I have a strong affinity for self-help literature, and I tend to focus a significant portion of my reading on personal development and spiritually enlightening authors. I’ve found inspiration and guidance from authors such as Iyanla Vanzant, Brene Brown, Sarah Jakes Roberts, and Steven Furtick.

Recently, I became a member of a book club known as “The Black Girl Magic Makers” which comprises women actively engaged in various aspects of the entertainment industry. I was graciously invited to this group by one of my closest friends, the talented actress Oluniké Adeliyi, who also serves as an Executive Producer on our current project. I feel truly blessed to be part of a community of individuals who are making remarkable strides in their respective careers. Our inaugural book selection is Isabelle Wilkerson’s “Caste” chosen following the release of Ava’s new project, “Origin.”

At the end of the day what do you hope readers and viewers walk away with after reading The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict Vol. 2: Friends with Benefits but Mostly Liabilities as well as watching Thirsty AF: The Adventures of a Recovering Sex Addict?

I hope that people can broaden their perspectives and foster greater compassion and empathy by gaining a deeper understanding of the intricacies that shape our interactions within diverse communities.