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Honey Island Swamp Band

We’re super-excited to be speaking today with acclaimed New Orleans-based blues/roots/rock quintet extraordinaire, Honey Island Swamp Band; greetings and salutations, gang! Before we dive into the proverbial Q&A mosh-pit, could you each say ‘hi’ and introduce yourselves to our ever-inquisitive readers?

Hey, I’m Aaron Wilkinson. I suppose I’m the fearless leader of this crew!

Major congratulations on your upcoming sixth studio album, Custom Deluxe, which is set to premiere this coming October 27 wherever fine records and CDs are sold! Aaron, what served as the inspiration for Custom Deluxe?

We recorded the album over the space of several years, so there were a lot of different inspirations. Covid happened right smack in the middle of it, so that was obviously a big influence. We did this record in bits and pieces here and there as we were touring around the country. So more than anything, I think it was inspired by the people and places we were interacting with over those years.

How is Custom Deluxe similar to past music from Honey Island Swamp Band such as Demolition Days?

How is it different?

I was discussing this with our bassist, Sam Price. As he points out, the music on this new record really reflects the changes in the band lineup since Demolition Day. The addition of Lee Yankie on guitar and Chris Spies on keyboards has evolved our sound, bringing some different elements into the mix, and you can certainly hear that on Custom Deluxe. But it’s still a Honey Island record, through and through.

In your humble opinion what differentiates Custom Deluxe from the distinguished competition on the 2023 music scene?

I can’t speak to what anyone else is doing, but I think we just try to be honest with our music and ourselves. We’ve been doing this a long time, and we’re not trying to craft any particular image or come across as anything other than who we are. I think people find that refreshing.

On the heels of the release of Custom Deluxe, can fans look forward to catching Honey Island Swamp Band on the touring and performing circuit?

Yes! We will kick things off with the Big Easy Cruise this November. It’s going to be a blast with a bunch of our funky friends from NOLA. Then, the plan is to hit the US hard in the early part of 2024, before heading back to Europe next summer.

We’re tremendous admirers of the “Gone” tune off of the freshly-minted Custom Deluxe LP! Is there a VH1-Behind the Music secret origin story on this amazing gem of a tune?

I wrote this song pretty much entirely while driving our old tour bus home - from New York, I believe it was. Often when we finish a tour a long way from home, someone has to drive through the night, while everyone else sleeps in back, and I actually enjoy that. I do a lot of writing behind the wheel; I guess it makes the hours go by. Anyway, I got the idea for this one somewhere around the Tennessee/Georgia line, and by the time we got back to New Orleans it was pretty much done.

You produced Custom Deluxe alongside acclaimed producer Jack Miele. What was that collaboration process like?

Jack is an old friend and trusted collaborator. He co-produced two of our early records (Wishing Well, 2009, Good To You, 2012). When you’ve worked together as much as we have, there’s a level of trust and honesty that just makes it really easy and fun to take chances and be creative.

Custom Deluxe is making its debut on the record label Color Red! What makes Color Red the perfect home for Honey Island Swamp Band and their music?

Eddie Roberts from the new Mastersounds and Chris Spies, our keyboardist, have been friends forever. So when Eddie started Color Red, Chris and I flew out to Denver and recorded some demos out there. One of those songs, “Second Son,” ultimately ended up being on Custom Deluxe. Some of the other sessions we did for the record also took place in Denver, and Eddie joined us as a guest on those. So, it was just a natural fit to go with Color Red, and we couldn’t be happier to be part of the label.

Who inspires you musically?

I like anything throwback. From Little Feat to Curtis Mayfiled to Steely Dan. I went through a big Gram Parsons phase when we first started Honey Island. If I’m relaxing, I’m probably listening to reggae or rock steady, The Ethiopians or Burning Spear. So I think all that filters through to what we write. I’m into plenty of current artists as well. Love Jason Isbell, My Morning Jacket, everything that Iron and Wine has ever put out.

Honey Island Swamp Band is based out of the Big Easy, New Orleans! How do those roots inform the sound of the band?

Our music is influenced by everything from rock to blues to jazz to reggae to bluegrass. You can find all of that on the streets of New Orleans at any given time. So I think we are just a reflection of the many influences that make New Orleans music so special.

At the end of the day what do you hope music lovers walk away with after giving many-a spin to the new Honey Island Swamp Band LP Custom Deluxe?

I genuinely hope they’ll find some inspiration in the songs. Hopefully, they’ll share it with friends and come out to see us play next time we’re nearby. It’s a crowded space out there these days for independent artists, so we really appreciate the support from all our fans!