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Momma Bunny stopped and in that moment realized that she did not have an answer. She realized that she did not even know what she was thinking or feeling. Momma Bunny did not know if she was mad, or hurt, or sad, or scared. She was happy to see her little bunny laughing and smiling. She felt relieved because Paxton was home with her and her whole family was safe. Then she started to chuckle because of how silly he looked with the pillows, the bubble wrap and the socks. Her little boy bunny was so creative. She sat on the edge of the bed. After a long pause, she sighed as she tried to come up with an answer. Momma Bunny said with her voice quivering just a little. “I just want to keep you safe.” Paxton Peace Bunny had tried so hard to obey Momma Bunny, but all he really wanted to do was play and do what Kinderbunnies do best – hop and jump and yell “whee!”

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