Honours Magazine Think Big 2016#2

Page 15

Last summer during my vacation in the

the highest disability worldwide.² But why do

French Alps I was making coffee, the old

people still feel pain, far beyond the healing

fashioned way. I sat in an uncomfortable

period of the initial injury?

campstool while stabilizing a thermos with my feet and poured boiling water into the

To understand the ambivalent role of pain, it

filter. Everything went well, until a horsefly

is important to explore the pain mechanism

decided to prey on my left foot. I was start-

itself. Below, I will briefly outline various

led by the sudden sting, accidently dropped

important components of this network and

the thermos and jumped up to prevent the

highlight psychological factors that are invol-

stream of outflowing coffee to touch my

ved in pain experience.

feet. For one moment I was satisfied by my quick response to this threat, but a burning

René Descartes’ pain

pain reminded me I was still pouring boiling

The example above relates to many painful

water from the cattle, only this time over my

experiences that we all have experienced:

hand and leg.

cuts, burns, strains, fractures, and other forms of injury and illness are part of our

This situation illustrates the vital importance

lives. In most of these occasions, our pain

of pain as an indicator of danger and thereby

system functions in accordance with our lay

as a system that contributes to survival. In

conception. That is, sensors in our skin (i.e.

response to this threat, I probably broke my

nociceptors) detect tissue damage and trans-

personal sprint record to reach the sanitary

port a ‘pain signal’ through our spinal cord to

building in desperate need for cooling.

our brain leading to pain. Subsequently, this

Furthermore, the rest of my vacation only the

signal will immediately direct our attention

slightest touch reminded me of my burned

towards the endangered area and motivates

skin, which facilitated protection and - more

us to protect the painful tissue. This simple

importantly - I outsourced coffee making to

model of pain is nicely illustrated by René

my more motorically gifted girlfriend.

Descartes (figure 1). In this situation: Harm causes hurt.

Despite the irrefutable benefits, pain is not always a useful indicator of danger as in the

Hurt does not equal harm

example above. In contrast, approximately

Although the ‘Descartes’ model’ can account

20% of the human population suffers from

for the immediate pain that I felt when the

long lasting (i.e. chronic) pain that often has

boiling water touched my skin, it fails to

a severe impact on daily life functioning. For

explain why even the slightest touch of the

example, many patients with chronic pain

burned skin in the days after the accident

report difficulties with attending social activi-

- which is not a damaging stimulus - still

ties (48%), sleep (65%), walking (47%), and

caused pain. An alternative way to explain

maintaining relationships with friends and

this ‘hurt without harm’ phenomenon, is to

family (27%). ¹ It is therefore not surprising

assume that the sensitivity of our nervous sys-

that back pain alone is ranked by the World

tem that transports signals from skin to brain

Health Organization as the illness that causes

can be modified. Indeed, many experiments


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