Ht annual report 2013

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HOMETRUTHS Annual Report 2013

HOMETRUTHS’ Third Year Annual Report Providing Community Services to Survivors of Domestic Violence and Abuse in Swindon & Wiltshire.

Company Registration Number: 7064049 HOMETRUTHS Co-operative Ltd, Box 63, 116 Commercial Road, SWINDON, SN1 5BD Tel: 01793 617589


CONTENTS         

Co-Founders Report One Billion Rising 2013 & Champagne Tea with Simon Cowell WISPA Project Stalking & Harassment, The S.O.S Project TEARS The Freedom Programme NewBeginnings Group Funding Looking to the Future

The vision of HOMETRUTHS is to reduce the risk of serious harm and homicide, save lives and increase the safety for survivors of domestic abuse and their children so that individuals have the confidence and independence to develop their personal identities within stronger, safer communities. The mission of HOMETRUTHS is to provide survivors with support to enable recovery from abuse; information to be able to make meaningful and informed choices, innovative group work to give survivors a voice and effective advocacy within a multi-agency context so that risk is reduced and safety increased. Through HOMETRUTHS we will provide a sustainable service based on honesty, equality and an adherence to social responsibility. The aim of HOMETRUTHS is to raise awareness of the impact of domestic abuse to organisations, employers and individuals to bring about real change for the benefit of all communities with energy and creativity. We will achieve this through the provision of training, intervention work, consultancy, research and effective partnership working with statutory and non-statutory organisations within Swindon, Wiltshire and the South West.

Co-Founder’s Report 2013

It has been an eventful year for HOMETRUTHS from being invited to a Health Lottery event in March to meet Simon Cowell at Claridge’s, to organising a Christmas Panto Party with local firm Zurich for the children of the survivors we have supported this year, as well as continuing to provide as many services as we can to as many people as possible in a climate of change and uncertainty. Research by the national Organisation Women’s Aid has shown that across the UK, 112 specialist domestic abuse posts were lost in 2012/13 from the 150 different organisations involved in their research, and the majority of those lost were due to cuts in funding. A study by the University of Worcester of 37 organisations found 40% of the organisations had lost staff and 28% had lost funding since the austerity measures began.

However, domestic abuse continues to take the lives of 2 women a week in the UK and impact on the lives of at least 750,000 children a year. The need is as great as ever to address and resource a fundamental issue of danger, disadvantage and criminality within the very fabric of our society. It is a highly complex issue that requires access to, and co-operation and communication between multiple services to ensure the immediate and long-term safety and support for survivors of domestic abuse and their children. These include: housing, health, criminal justice and family courts, all of which are facing cuts due to the austerity measures. Proposed cuts of 20% to Police budgets by 2015; changes to housing benefits and the commonly referred to “bedroom tax” which research shows is impacting largely on single women with children, as 50% of housing benefit is needed by this group of women, many of whom may be in this situation due to domestic abuse; the Welfare Reform Act 2012 making significant changes to benefits which for many survivors is the only source of income available when they flee domestic abuse; closures of specialist domestic violence courts (Swindon SDVC has closed this year); and cuts in the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) which include a loss of 23% of barristers, 22% of solicitors and 43% of witness care officers with an expectation that the CPS budget is cut by 27% by 2014/15; together with changes and cuts to Legal Aid (which is often needed by victims of domestic abuse to gain injunctions and orders to protect themselves and their children from abusive partners) according to CAFCASS, the family court service, 42% of cases are coming to court with neither party having legal representation by a solicitor or barrister which was only 18% before the cuts, this of course exposes victims of domestic abuse to direct confrontation with their abuser whilst attempting to protect themselves and their children. As an independent organisation, without local council or Government funding, we face the continual challenge of raising enough money to resource our services in Wiltshire and Swindon. We cannot thank enough those who have donated, supported, awarded funds, volunteered for us and the invaluable guidance of our Advisory Management Committee. It is essential that survivors of domestic abuse have access to the risk assessment, support, information and advocacy we provide. The feedback about our IDVA services and groups continues to consistently thank HOMETRUTHS for “being the light at the end of the tunnel” for providing “safety, hope and a life-saving service for myself and my children”. We are confident that we make an essential difference to the lives of the survivors we work with, we are determined to continue to provide as much help and support as we can to as many people as possible, especially at a time when cuts and changes are biting into the fabric of society and impacting hardest on those most vulnerable and in need.

One Billion Rising 2013 - 1 in 3 Women on the Planet will be Raped & Beaten in Her Lifetime………. HOMETRUTHS organised a One Billion Rising Event in Swindon Town Centre on February 14th. One Billion Rising is an annual global campaign calling for an end to violence against women, for justice and gender equality. We danced in the street for an hour, led by the energy and enthusiasm of a local Zumba teacher who volunteered her time to learn the official dance “Break The Chain” as well as leading us in other moves and dance sequences! So many women, men and children joined in thanks to local poet Tony Hillier who took up the microphone and free-styled around the need to support the global campaign. We had arranged to use the big screen TV in Wharf Green to play the music and official video but it wasn’t working and we were very kindly rescued by Steve Hill’s Funfair who were setting up for the day in the same area and allowed us to play the music and use the microphone on their PA system!!

March 28th 2013 Tea with Simon Cowell @ Claridge’s!!!! The Health Lottery funded our Life In Harmony Project and we were invited to attend a champagne tea at Claridge’s in London to meet with Simon Cowell and a host of other celebrities in celebration of the £32 million of funding made available through The Health Lottery. Kerry, a service user of the Life In Harmony Project, travelled up to London with us and was over the moon when X-Factor runner up Jahmene Douglas came and sat next to her! Gloria Hunniford, Health Lottery Ambassador, hosted the event and other celebrities including: actress Claire Sweeney, former boxer Chris Eubank, singer Kimberley Walsh, actress Natalie Cassidy and columnist Vanessa Feltz attended the event. We had a fantastic afternoon and had some really good coverage about the work of HOMETRUTHS in the local press afterwards.

The WISPA Project We are very pleased to be able to offer a new 18 month project in Swindon from March 2013, thanks to funding from The Health Lottery’s Active Communities Programme. The aim of this programme is to reach the poorest neighbourhoods in the UK to improve health outcomes. The WISPA project is funded to improve the health outcomes of women aged 16+ experiencing domestic violence and abuse in the Penhill, Pinehurst and the Parks areas of Swindon. We have made some fantastic links throughout the year, met with lots of organisations and professionals working in these areas, attended events and also hosted our own community events. This has ensured we have raised awareness of the issue of domestic abuse; its impact on women experiencing it and also received increasing numbers of referrals from women living with domestic abuse or dealing with the long-term impacts of the abuse after separating from abusive partners. Here are some of things we have been doing………. Had a WISPA table at the Pinehurst Family Fun Day on Saturday 13th July 2013. The weather was incredibly hot and sunny and it was such a busy day!!!!

Spent an afternoon with the staff team of Raindrops Nursery in Pinehurst on 28th June 2013, facilitating a workshop about domestic abuse, it’s impact on survivors and their children, what to look out for and how to help any of the parents who disclose domestic abuse to the team.

Met with local Swindon Borough Councillor Rochelle Russell and Locality Lead Andy Reeves, on separate occasions, to discuss the issues of domestic abuse in the WISPA area communities.

March 8th 2013 was International Women’s Day. We were invited to have a stall at the John Moulton Hall in Penhill, Swindon and join their International Women’s Day event. We had a great afternoon and met lots of local women, many were keen to discuss the issues of domestic abuse in their community.

Had a stall at the Goddard Park Children’s Centre Breast Feeding Event in Park North Swindon, on 18th September 2013.

We hosted a WISPA Women’s Wellbeing Event in St. John’s Church, Park South, Swindon, to raise women’s awareness of domestic abuse and the WISPA Project in a safe environment. Over 100 women and children came along from the local community. We had lots of activities happening including: henna hand painting, hair styling, hand and neck massage, arts and crafts and we really appreciated the support of Swindon’s LUSH cosmetics shop team, who brought along fantastic handmade products and did some make-overs!

Hand & neck massage

Cake made by the daughter of a WISPA Project client

The WISPA Project Volunteers

Hand massage and make overs by the LUSH Cosmetics team

Arts and crafts for mums and kids

Women just kept coming in!

Fun with the arts and crafts! Henna hand painting

S.O.S Survivors of Stalking Project, Wiltshire and Swindon We were very pleased to receive funding from the Wiltshire Police Authority (replaced by the Office of The Police and Crime Commissioner 22.11.2012) to pilot a specialist project for survivors of stalking and harassment by partners or ex-partners to coincide with the change of law in November 2012 making stalking a criminal offence for the first time in England and Wales.

Patricia lives in Melksham. She was stalked for 3 years by her ex-partner following the end of their relationship. He was a taxi driver and she felt his presence everywhere she went. She has contributed her experience, knowledge and thoughts to the development of the S.O.S Project, together with receiving support from HOMETRUTHS. This is her definition of stalking:

“Stalking increases your anxiety – it’s the fear of the worst thing that could happen and the loss of privacy and freedom. It increases your anxiety and fear so much it gets everywhere into your skin and into your bones. Little incidents that would seem insignificant to most people seem massive when you are being stalked. Just one bad look from him as he drives past me in the street can knock me out and keep me pinned indoors for days. It creates such a huge fear of going out. He plays on my fears and because we were together for 7 years he knows me so well and knows exactly the impact of every little thing he does to me.” 1 in 5 women will be stalked at some point in her life from the age of 16. The most common stalkers are male partners or ex-partners.

54 victims of stalking were referred to the S.O.S Project for help and support between November 2012 and November 2013.

I saw the judge with Kim from S.O.S who was allowed to come in with me. That made a huge difference. I was granted the order and went home feeling relieved and protected. I know I could not have done this without Kim. I have been lucky enough to have had help from the S.O.S Project from the beginning when I was being stalked and they are the only ones who I feel really understand and know how it feels…. more than the police or my solicitor or anyone else.

HOMETRUTHS facilitated a training and awareness workshop for National Stalking Awareness Day 2013 30 professionals attended the event in Chippenham on 18th April 2013 from a range of agencies including Wiltshire Police, local solicitors firms, Children’s Centres and local colleges. Four survivors of stalking from the S.O.S Project came along and bravely shared their experiences of stalking by their ex-partners.

The TEARS Survivors’ Forum met four times this year. In January the TEARS group met with Wiltshire Police to look at the local police response to reports of domestic abuse. In February the Wiltshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Angus McPherson came to discuss the experiences of victims of domestic abuse going through the criminal justice process and asked for the views of the TEARS attendees about the local proposal to hold all criminal trials from across the county in Chippenham Magistrates’ Court. In August, TEARS held a meeting about the cuts to funding for domestic and sexual abuse support services, and then took up the mantle of stalking within domestic abuse when they met with local MP Robert Buckland in September.

We welcomed the change of the cross-government’s definition of domestic abuse in March 2013 to include the term “coercive control” and to expand the age category to include 16 and 17 year olds. This was already an age group HOMETRUTHS has always worked with through our Trinity Project. We have always recognised that domestic abuse is prevalent in young people’s relationships, but often there is the additional challenge of young people be willing to speak out or seek help, or actually recognising or understanding that they are experiencing domestic abuse.

As associate trainers with David Niven Associates, we continue to enjoy the sessions of training we provide across the South West to professionals, exploring domestic abuse and the impact of domestic abuse on children and young people.

Freedom Programme 2013 The Freedom Programme has continued to offer a weekly group to women from the age of 16+ who are or have experienced domestic violence & abuse from partners or ex-partners. Throughout 2013 the group has run 3 times in Swindon. An average of 12 women a week have attended each week and the feedback is consistently high. The youngest attendee was 19 and the eldest 58 and it is fantastic to see women from across the age spectrum coming together to support one another around a universally uniting issue for so many women. We can’t thank Zurich Cares enough for their on-going contribution of funding to the group, providing a life-line for so many women. Zurich awarded £3,000 towards the Freedom again this year, and a big thank you also to Swindon Borough’s Community Safety Partnership for continuing to fund the crèche in 2013, so that women with children under school age can access the programme.

“Since coming to the group it has helped build my confidence again and made me stronger to re-build my life.”

“The crèche has been a god-send as it’s helped both me and my son to improve our separation anxiety and nice to know I have some me time, knowing he is safe”

“I can’t believe how far I have come in such a short time! Before Freedom I thought it would NEVER end and now I am have clear plans of where I am going…. all positive!“

“Before this programme I was suicidal. I now have hope.”

PLEASE DON’T FORGET YOU….. Don’t forget who you are Please Don’t Forget You, is a poem w r i t te n b y a s e r vi c e u s e r o f HOMETRUTHS. She has written under a pen name to protect her identity. She contacted us when she was still in her relationship and uncertain if she was actually experiencing domestic abuse from her husband……... She has been supported by HOMETRUTHS ever since. We supported her in making a video statement to the Wiltshire Police and her ex-partner is now on bail and will be going on trial in early 2014 for multiple counts of assault and harassment. She has regularly attended the Freedom Programme in 2013 and having listened to other women and having shared her own experiences she felt compelled to write this poem in support of others in her situation who are still living in the trap of domestic abuse.

Don’t lose what you know You’re not a possession, a plaything, a tool You’re a fabulous specimen of humankind There’s a voice in your head So keep speaking your mind Remember your views, they are yours for the keeping Don’t put up, don’t shut up There’s no place for submission Build deeper foundations Where your name is waiting Be careful of sorrys They’re not always true But above all else Please don’t forget you Jane Hellyer 2013

On 24th April 2013 we travelled to London to attend the People Power Conference 2013. We were very pleased to be awarded a bursary for travelling to the event. The day was filled with inspiring speakers and workshops and we came away enthusiastic to put our energies into creating social change.

In October Jack FM ran a radio campaign for HOMETRUTHS, appealing for old mobile phones for victims of stalking and harassment. Over 30 phones were donated and are available to women escaping stalking from a partner or ex-partner.

NewBeginnings—Personal Programme



Development Survivors


Domestic Abuse We were very pleased to be able to run the NewBeginnings Programme this year after piloting it in 2012. Again the feedback was excellent and the women attending felt it made a massive difference to their feelings of confidence , self-esteem and sense of identity, free from domestic abuse.

We ended the year with the outstanding help of Jo & Claire from Zurich who took up our challenge for Zurich Cares Christmas 2013, and raised the money to; take the women and children we have supported to the Christmas Panto in the Wyvern Theatre; to a party buffet afternoon tea and also to give a fabulous gift for each child!! Thank you also to Jacqui and John who volunteered running activities and brought Father Christmas with them! An amazing end to 2013.

Gemma Clarkson contacted us after she had decided to walk the Thames Path Challenge 2013, as she wanted to raise funds for a local cause knowing the funds would go directly to help local people. She was totally amazing and completed the 100km (62 mile) walk and raised a fantastic £475!!! Thank you so much!!!

Thank you to the Midcounties Co-operative for awarding us £1,000

We were very pleased to receive £678 from Swindon’s John Lewis community matters scheme

Thank you to UIA Insurance for awarding us £1,000

We really appreciated Lower Shaw Farm in Swindon making a donation of £50 on International Women’s Day to support our work with women in the town

Thank you very much to ASDA in Didcot who donated £50 towards the work of HOMETRUTHS

Looking to the Future…. HOMETRUTHS in 2014 We are busy planning our second domestic abuse conference for the middle of 2014. We are keen to help bring understanding about the impact of domestic abuse on women as mothers, and how the changes in law will impact on the safety of women and children. Also to reflect on the impact of fear and violence on the development of babies in the womb and after birth. We have been inspired to focus on this topic because so many of our service users tell us their abusive partners say they are bad mothers and then many find professionals and agencies compound this feeling when women feel the pressure on them rather than on the perpetrator of the domestic abuse. As Mandy put it “He treated me so badly and I did all I could through it all to protect my children…..when I finally got brave enough to ask for help I feel he’s got away with it and I am the one being punished, I have to go to meetings and agree to plans and go on courses but I wasn't the one who did anything wrong.”

We are hoping to connect with more people through social media and grow our Twitter followers and have more likes on Facebook through 2014. Our on-going focus for 2014 is to reach the 80% of people living in Swindon and Wiltshire who don’t report domestic abuse, to continue to provide an IDVA Service to victims at highest risk of serious harm, and to facilitate The Freedom Programme, TEARS and NewBeginnings. We would like to encourage our supporters to help raise funds for HOMETRUTHS by registering with where on-line shopping sites make a donation to HOMETRUTHS without any cost to the shopper! Also anyone wanting to donate or arrange a sponsored event please use our Localgiving account: Thank you very much.

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