Spring 2017 | HomeBuilder Magazine Canada

Page 18

photo: kelvin chan


Innovations for Brick Performance By Jon Eakes

There is a lot more to brick veneer than the brick Brick veneer on a residential building serves a lot of functions, but individual trades often unknowingly sabotage some of those functions or the durability of the brick. This happens in new construction, as well as during renovations or maintenance.

Hard Shell Protection



Brick and stone are the most durable of wall

A brick veneer is built with an air space between

There is a poorly understood reality that this

coverings, withstanding both nature and kids.

it and the wall, and most professionals know

same air space helps to dry out any moisture

Everybody gets that part right except that

this is a drainage plane. But some trades fail to

in the cavity either through air movement or

painters using non-permeable coatings over

provide flashing and drainage capacity at the

simply by keeping water in the non-organic

brick can set the stage for freeze/thaw to

bottom or over windows and doors to make

brick and off the sheathing until it migrates

destroy the brick itself. Efforts to block insects

this work, while too large a quantity of mortar

back outward.

or rodents from passing through weep holes

droppings can block the best of planned drain-

can be poorly executed and sabotage things

age routes.

such as drainage and pressure equalization.

18 Home BUILDER Spring 2017

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