Vacuuming Tips for a Clean & Healthy Home

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Modern engineering has introduced us to this convenient method of cleaning, which cleans dirt from every corner and surface of the house! Vacuum cleaners have redefined our cleaning experience by making it effective, comprehensive and effortless! There is A wide variety of vacuum cleaners available for home , but we would like you to know how you make your cleaning experience more effective, with these easy peasy vacuuming tips!


 Cleaning an area multiple times helps pull up the dirt more effectively. It is good to

vacuum your floors and other areas as frequently as possible to keep dirt at bay, in the first place. If you have pets at home, pet hair can be a little problematic, especially to get them off carpets and sofas. Although for pet hair, you may want to use portable vacuum cleaners since the traditional vacuum cleaners are ideal for cleaning hardwood floors and can get difficult to clean excess pet hair. A portable vacuum cleaner can reach into corners very easily. But even if you don’t own any pets, it’s still advisable to use it on the carpets with your regular vacuum cleaners for home.

2. CHANGE THE DIRTBAG MORE OFTEN  It’s very important to change the bag or

empty the canister consistently. Vacuum cleaners can give you a hard time vacuuming your floors if the bag or canister is full. If you have a vacuum cleaner with a storage bag at home, then you should be able to see how full the container is. An empty canister only makes your cleaning more effective. For bagged vacuum cleaners, you should regularly change or empty the bag when it is approximately three quarters full. Waiting for too long hampers your vacuum suction and leads to ineffective cleaning.


 Stains don’t disappear magically. If you happen to spill something on your rug, you

must treat it immediately to minimize the effect of a stubborn stain. We strongly recommend using a steam cleaner for such stains and If you have carpet stairs, or any spot which is difficult for a regular vacuum cleaner to reach, a portable vacuum cleaner is great for a spot treatment.

4. REMOVING TINY OBJECTS FROM THE FLOOREN  Another obvious, but important tip is to

always check the surface for small objects, especially jewelry, stationery, etc. Before you begin cleaning your floors, always make sure to pick up all the clutter and tiny objects from the floor. When small objects come in the way of vacuuming, they do get stuck, and eventually ruin your vacuum, you could even damage its internal parts. Apart from that, it may even clog while preventing you from removing all the dust. This tip goes for both, traditional, and portable vacuum cleaners.

4. CHOOSING THE RIGHT SETTING  This tip is extremely important and crucial for most people reading this. We

mostly forget to switch to the appropriate settings while cleaning different stains and surfaces in the house. Many vacuum cleaners for home have different settings which allows you to adjust on the surface you are cleaning. For any bushy carpets, you may want to use a different setting rather than the one for cleaning a hardwood floor, or carpeted stairs, even curtains. For an efficient cleaning based on your height, you can even adjust the height of your vacuum cleaners.


In the end, if it’s your regular vacuum cleaner or a portable vacuum cleaner, the above tips will come in handy. You can always choose vacuum cleaners for home according to your household requirements. I personally use Panasonic portable vacuum cleaners, there are many other options available for Vacuum Cleaners online.

Image source: familyhandyman. Com, kaercher-media .Com, bestvacuumresource. Com

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