Hollywood Weekly's May/June edition

Page 34





Inas Anis, N.P.


henever summer rolled around as a teenager and well into my 20s, I was a staple at the beach. There I’d lounge in my beach chair with my oversized multi-colored beach towel; surrounded by the ‘essentials.” These included a few beauty magazines, dark tanning oil or simply baby oil, radio, cigarettes and an enormous Big Gulp. Life on Pacific Beach in San Diego was mellow, invigorating and rarely too hot to have to hassle with banging an umbrella into the sand. My mother always warned me to “never burn my face, to always wear sunscreen, and to never, absolutely never use baby oil as a ‘tanning lotion.’” Did I listen? No. Do the majority of SoCal girls raised near the beach listen to the advice of their cautious mothers? If they did, we wouldn’t all be running around searching in earnest for the fountain of youth. Fast-forward 15-years and I’m now the average woman in her mid-30s who looks in the mirror and wonders exactly which second degree burn on her face created the newest wrinkle, uneven skin tone, redness around the nose and (gasp!) much noticeably larger pores! This was simply unacceptable. Age gracefully? Not when there’s laser technology around zapping skin back to that of a baby’s behind. Anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock in the last decade is to some degree aware that laser skin resurfacing such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion are available. And those folks who have checked into them have most probably found that they’ve been applauded for their ability to restore a more youthful appearance to sun-damaged and wrinkled skin. And while these methods do often yield excellent results, they also require significant downtime. Long periods of staying indoors with absolutely no sun exposure is simply not a feasible option for many working and active patients. And the grueling work of keeping clean bandages applied to your face? No thanks. But most importantly, the results aren’t nearly as impressive as what the Pixel Skin Resurfacing affords. As society fights harder for that elusive fountain of youth, procedures such as the Pixel are delivering 34 - Hollywood Weekly


some drops from that fountain. Living in Los Angeles made it easy to choose from the overwhelming number of laser specialists. Right off trendy Montana Avenue in Santa Monica is the Laser Skin Medical Cosmetics practice owned and ran by Inas Anis, N.P. She’s a guru in anti-aging and women’s health whose been performing a wide variety of medical cosmetic procedures since 2003. She diagnoses and treats any kind of cosmetic procedure. She’s also licensed to do all laser procedure injections and can assist with minor surgeries as well. “I’ve been consistent with keeping up with the latest lasers and procedures and have integrated my own procedures to accomplish optimum results through lasers and injections,” Anis explains. But what makes her a more comfortable specialist from other practitioners in larger corporate offices is her attention to personal care and service to not only beauty and health but also to the patient as a whole. Her office offers a warm setting and environment complete with a soothing fountain and cozy atmosphere. “I customize each procedure to the patient’s needs and desires. I look at the patient as a comprehensive whole. I do all the procedure so the patient receives consistent personal care and feels comfortable. (They) never feel as though they are being put through an assembly line.” It seems she thought of everything to make her patients feel as relaxed as possible. So, it’s really no wonder Anis and many of her patients establish very personal and lasting relationships. Within minutes, we were chatting away like two old friends. Always a good thing when you’re about to experience something you’ve never been through before. Like many patients I had a list of questions (you should always have a list of your concerns before agreeing to any procedure). I’m happy to share my experience with you, along with my questions and her answers with all the thousands of other people out there who are seeking the most effective and safe way to restore some of our youthful vitality. Following the Q & A you’ll find my own experience with the pixel!

Q & A with Inas Anis, N.P. Laser Skin Medical Cosmetics offers many personal skin care options for men and women. 1610 Montana Ave. #A, Santa Monica 310-806-0959 www.skinlaser.la laserbyinas@yahoo.com Q: What’s the difference between a pixel and a photofacial? A: A photofacial is not as aggressive as a pixel. It’s mainly used as a refresher for some rejuvenation and to bring spots closer to the surface. I like to use a pixel and a photofacial in combination to achieve optimal results. This helps with spots, the tightening of wrinkles, and collagen stimulation all in the same treatment. I also do a chemical peel along with the pixel and photofacial if needed. That is more superficial, but works on fine lines and the topical layer of the skin. Q: What can a patient expect after the treatment? A: With each pixel treatment a patient can expect results that continue to work and get better. Pixel is a resurfacing of the skin that works like a pixel in a camera, it targets every other cell while leaving the good skin cells intact. The resurfacing of the skin allows for collagen stimulation which increases elasticity, skin tightening and diminished wrinkles. Resurfacing leaves your skin refreshed by removing top layers of skin and deeper layers as well. Depending on your level of scars and wrinkles, it can go to even deeper layers to achieve an even more aggressive treatment. Q: How will your skin feel after the procedure? A: With each treatment patients feel refreshed, new ‘baby like’ skin, along with skin tightening and diminished wrinkles. Each treatment is fighting and meeting the aging clock. It is refreshing as well as antiaging. And, in time patients also need to use less Botox and fillers. And when used in combination, fillers make the effects of Botox last longer. Patients will also see sun damage and years of other damage diminishing to reveal younger looking skin that continues to keep working. Q: How many treatments does the average patient need? A: How may treatments one needs depends on their age. However, each

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