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WHAT YOU CAN DO! Street harassment has got to end. Not just for me or you, but for everyone! We want to expand the conversation about street harassment. This guide is designed to spark a much larger conversation with yourself, your friends and colleagues, your family, and your community. Let’s work together to expand our definitions of street harassment and let each other know that we’ve got your back! Together we can change the conversation around street harassment. Together we can stand up against all forms of oppression and fight for our right to feel safe in public space. So let’s continue this conversation because the movement depends on it. Tell us what #harassmentis to you. Blog, vlog, tweet, post, or email your story of what #harassmentis because we all need to better understand your experience of street harassment in order to collectively end it. And it all begins with you sharing your story.


Go for it! It might not be easy and you might need to muster up some courage and strength to recount your experience, but we’re listening. Share your story at ihollaback.org, on twitter @ihollaback, on our 'Harassment Is' Tumblr page, or on our Facebook page with #harassmentis and let your voice be heard. The future of this conversation and impending solutions to street harassment depends on everyone’s voice and experience. The better we collectively understand experiences and impacts, the better solutions we will all come up with.


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