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Others point out the blatant racial and gender discrimination, noticing how they are treated differently from others around them:

“So here I am, a 17 year old girl, black (it matters) in her school uniform, just going to the mall to get some stuff, and I hear it. 'Hey-o, pretty girl, lemme holla! Why the long face? I got some stuff to make you smile!'... I watched this guy ask other women 'Hey, miss, would you like to buy some lotions?' But as soon as a black girl walks by you switch up your game? And you don’t even care that she’s obviously underage?” http://bit.ly/1aoKiCo Or how they are targeted with cultural stereotypes or racial slurs:

“passed white dude on the street who said 'ne hao' ('how are you' in chinese) in a very mocking tone as I passed. I’m Asian. I was feeling very lighthearted & happy before it happened, so walked on for a bit before it hit me how bad it was. http://bit.ly/1bccZHg “Then he walked near to me & said loudly so I could hear, 'At least a dog will bark, a black bitch will ignore you'.....We need to put a spotlight on such negative treatment. No one in their right mind would consider the comments in the attached video complementary.” http://bit.ly/170Ir7a 17


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