A Narrative Analysis of Hollaback! Posts : Political processes and rape culture

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to a common feature of the negative narratives; the possible consequences of Holla’ing back., for speaking out, N12 is deemed frigid, N1 is mocked and N15’s reaction is minimised by her male band-mates, the most worrying example is when N2’s response to a request for sex causes her harasser to become aggressive and chase after her demanding she give him what he wants (appendix 11). Again, this analysis takes us back to the idea of a gendered power struggle and a fear of rape. The narratives aim to convey the silencing techniques men use against women when they try to challenge their harasser, including mockery, minimisation and attempted rape. This aspect of the analysis addresses a gap in previous research, as although the benefits of successfully challenging harassers have been discussed by Livingston et. al. [n.d.], the possible consequences of doing so have not. The limitations of this research include the small sample and population sizes, a larger study would be beneficial in confirming or challenging the findings. The fact that the age, race, sexual orientation or level of physical/mental abilities of the posters are not provided limit the ability to reproduce this study with the same social stratification, it also prevents the researcher from examining the idea of multi-layered harassment. Further studies could include contacting the narrators and interviewing them; this would allow incorporating multi-layered harassment into the analysis and would also create an opportunity to validate the findings with the original sources.


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