Hochstein Youth Symphony Orchestra - 2024 Seniors

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Hochstein Youth Symphony Orchestra 2024 Seniors

Hochstein Youth Symphony Orchestra Seniors - 2024

Congratulations to the 26 graduating seniors in the 2024 Hochstein Youth Symphony Orchestra!

We wish them all the best!

William Acevedo

Isabel Ament

Ella Belculfine

Lindsey Chan

Julian Chumacero

Shuwen Ding

Joanna Frank

Eliza Gardner

Isabel Goldstein

Claire Kazmierczak

Ryan Kunze

Sam LoCigno

Hannah Loughner

Keegan Matzky

Ellery McClenathan

Sophie Novak

Vance Osness

Marin Penner

Elizabeth Runion

Benjamin Saunders

Analie VanManen

Katherine Wojcik

Aurora Wolf

Dominic Wolff

Prophecy Wood

Lina Yang

Casey Springstead Director, Hochstein Youth Symphony Orchestra

HYSO Class of 2024:

Another HYSO season comes to a close, and with it another graduating class. Whether you’ve been with us for one year or for six, it has been a genuine pleasure to watch you grow and develop as musicians and as young people.

You are bright, talented, and poised, and though you may not realize it, you have shared those skills and many more with our younger players. Youth orchestras can’t function without student mentorship, and by being kind, collaborative, and nurturing, you have helped to establish a robust sense of community that can be carried on after you’ve left us.

No matter what career you pursue, keep music in your heart and share it freely with others. Be an advocate for music and the other arts, and pass along your gifts to future generations. I, like your families and teachers, am so proud of all of you, and I can’t wait to see what life brings to you. I wish you much success and happiness. Congratulations, HYSO Class of 2024!

Most fondly,

William Acevedo

HYSO - 2 years

Instrument - Percussion

Future plans - I’l be taking a gap year then I plan to attend Eastman School of music for music.

My favorite memory by far has to be the Italy trip. I’ve made so many friends and got to experience so many things.

Isabel Ament

HYSO - 4 years

Instrument - Bassoon - HYSO Principal

Future plans - I will be attending McGill University and double majoring in bassoon performance and international developmental relations.

My favorite memory was playing pool before our concerts on the Germany and Czech Republic tour. None of us were any good at it and nobody won, but it was a great time.

Ella Belculfine

HYSO - 3 years

Instrument - Horn - HYSO Co-Principal

Future plans - I plan on attending Nazareth University to study Music Education and will be part of their Bonner Leader Program.

My favorite memories of HYSO were meeting new people, and travelling on the Italy and Germany/Czech Republic tours.

Lindsey Chan

HYSO - 3 years

Instrument - Violin

Future plans - I will be attending the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. My major will be in Fine Arts with a focus on Graphic Design and Interior Design.

Riding the Ferris Wheel in Halle and being able to see the whole town (and take a million photos).

Julian Chumacero

HYSO - 4 years

Instrument - Violin - HYSO Concertmaster

Future plans - I plan to double major in mathematics and music at Pomona College.

My favorite memory is when I forgot my dress socks for the concert in Prague so my white socks had to be wrapped in black duct tape.

Shuwen Ding

HYSO - 4 years

Instrument - Cello - HYSO Assistant Principal Future plans - I will be attending Wellesley College this upcoming fall.

My favorite memories have been enjoying weekly rehearsals, playing amazing music, and going on tour!

Joanna Frank

HYSO - 5 years

Instrument - Cello - HYSO Principal

Future plans -

Next year, I’m studying cello performance at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music! My dream job is to be in a world traveling chamber ensemble.

I just cannot think of one favorite memory. First of all, tours are wild. Absolute chaos and a blast. I always learn so much. Highly recommend. Secondly, I <3 my section (when they play). Thirdly, Julian ATE THAT CONCERTO UP last spring concert, and the William Tell slapped, and who knew I loved Bernstein so much? Fav concert by far. But my favorite memories of HYSO always happen during the first rehearsal of every concert cycle. I’ll especially never forget the first rehearsal of our winter concert last year. We were sight-reading Tychk 4 and the 3rd movement is all pizz and it immediately goes into the 4th movement, which is really fast arco, and Mr. Springstead told us it would be a fast turn around but I didn’t think it would be THAT fast and overall we were all just really confused and it was so much fun. That’s what I love about HYSO. It’s a community of young passionate musicians, making mistakes, having fun, and learning together. I’ll miss HYSO so much, there’s truly nothing like it, and I am so grateful for all the opportunities it has offered me and for all the lessons I have learned. Thank you.

Eliza Gardner

HYSO - 3 years

Instrument - Violin - HYSO Assistant Concertmaster

Future plans - I will be attending Nazareth University to study music and plan to study abroad.

My favorite memory of HYSO was traveling on tour and being able to perform at amazing venues.

Isabel Goldstein

HYSO - 5 years

Instrument - Double Bass - HYSO Principal

Future plans - University of Rochester and Eastman dual degree for Archaeology, Technology & Historical Structures and Double Bass Performance

I have loved all my years in HYSO and I have so many amazing memories! Some of my favorite shenanigans have to be: getting stuck on a ferris wheel on my first tour right before the bus was about to leave in the Czech Republic, doing game night in Italy with my friends was super fun, spontaneously playing Mars in my strings class at school because those of us in HYSO memorized some of our parts, and becoming really close with the bass section this year. Oh, I can’t possibly forget running the Duckstegram with one of my best friends! These are just a taste of all the wonderful experiences I’ve had with the group, and while I’m sad to leave, I am so thankful for all the people I’ve met, and getting to make music together has been one of the highlights of my weeks.

Claire Kazmierczak

HYSO - 4 years

Instrument - Violin

Future plans - College and eventually med school

I really enjoyed walking around Europe, chatting with my friends and seeing amazing architecture and historical sites.

Ryan Kunze

HYSO - 1 year

Instrument - Percussion

Future plans - Biomedical Engineering at Bucknell University

On our recent tour to Italy I made some incredible memories I will never forget. I met so many people from all around the orchestra and grew closer to the friends I had already made. My short stay in HYSO has been an amazing experience for me and I will never forget my time here.

Sam LoCigno

HYSO - 2 years

Instrument - Tuba - HYSO Principal

Future plans - Fordham University Major: Political Science Pre-law track

My favorite memory of HYSO was playing Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 4. I am thankful for all the experiences, knowledge, and people at HYSO. I have never felt so welcomed by such a talented group. Being part of this orchestra makes you not only appreciate the music but also understand the importance of continuing the tradition of playing classical music. Overall, I will never forget these memories and again so appreciative, especially towards our conductor Mr Springstead and manager Mrs. Gates.

Hannah Loughner

HYSO - 4 years

Instrument - Clarinet

Future plans - Study biology at SUNY Geneseo

Performing amazing music with some amazing fellow musicians.

Keegan Matzky

HYSO - 3 years

Instrument - Violin

Future plans - As of writing this I haven’t decided on where I’m going but I will be attending either U of R, Oberlin, or Ithaca college and plan on studying music as well as business or economics in college.

My favorite memory was going on the 2022 Germany tour, getting to play in all those wonderful concert halls and getting to wander around cities with my friends. It was truly a great bonding experience as well as an amazing opportunity to travel and play abroad.

Ellery McClenathan

HYSO - 4 years

Instrument - Double Bass - HYSO Assistant Principal Future plans - I will be attending Binghamton University with a major in Integrative Neuroscience on a Pre-Health track and minoring in Music.

My favorite memories are traveling to Europe twice! Both tours were wonderful experiences that I am so lucky to have had! Playing in amazing concert halls, visiting historical monuments, and learning about music history were all highlights of my time in HYSO, (Getting gelato and pasta every day in Italy is a close second).

Sophie Novak

HYSO - 1 year

Instrument - Flute + piccolo

Future plans - I am planning on attending the University of Rochester next year and will major in brain and cognitive sciences on the premed track. I am also planning on minoring in French/ASL and hope to study abroad sometime. I hope to continue music in college through ensembles or lessons.

My favorite HYSO memory is playing in the Teatro Ponchielli concert hall while on tour in Cremona, Italy. I’ll never forget playing for such a large audience in a beautiful and historic setting.

Vance Osness

HYSO - 1 year

Instrument - Violin

Future plans - I plan to major in Computer Science at RIT with a music minor. I also want to start learning piano.

My favorite memory of HYSO was playing E.T. during the final concert of our tour in Italy.

HYSO - 1 year

Instrument - Flute + piccolo

Future plans - I will attend Binghamton University with a major in chemistry. I also plan to audition for the campus wind symphony and/or symphony orchestra.

As soon as we started playing Mars during the first rehearsal of mini-camp, I knew this would be an amazing experience. My time in HYSO, although it may not have been long, has been incredible. I’ve improved so much as a musician being surrounded by such talented players. They’ve inspired me more than they’ll ever know. I will forever cherish the memories we made on this year’s Italy Tour and am so glad I got to be a part of it. Thank you HYSO and all the adults who help this group exist! I can’t imagine spending Saturday mornings anywhere else.

Elizabeth Runion

HYSO - 3 years

Instrument - Flute - HYSO Principal Future plans - Majoring in Flute

Performance at the University of South Carolina

Some of my favorite memories from HYSO would be from walking around Leipzig, Halle, and Prague with my sister on the 2022 tour. We had so much fun and made such good memories.

Benjamin Saunders

HYSO - 1 year

Instrument - Double Bass

Future plans - Eastman School of Music, Double Bass Performance, Jazz and Contemporary Media. Even going into Jazz I’m hoping to keep orchestral playing in my life as much as I can.

My favorite part is getting to play with this fantastic bass section in this wonderful orchestra every Saturday! And I got to make a bunch of friends along the way!

Analie VanManen

HYSO - 1 year

Instrument - Violin

Future plans - Next year I plan on attending college for English and minoring in musical theater. I hope to travel and continue music through my later life.

My favorite memory from HYSO was the 2024 Italy tour. I made so many amazing friends and memories that I cherish dearly.

Katherine Wojcik

HYSO - 4 years

Instrument - Violin

Future plans - Attending St. John Fisher University to study nursing.

My best memories: Going on the tours to Italy and Germany and the Czech Republic.


Aurora Wolf

HYSO - 4 years

Instrument - Horn - HYSO Co-Principal

Future plans - Majoring in video game design and development at RIT.

My favorite memory is playing Bernstein’s On the Waterfront.

Dominic Wolff

HYSO - 2 years

Instrument - Horn

Future plans - Music education at Nazareth University.

My favorite memory is the tour to Italy and getting to see all of the landmarks. I really loved visiting the city of Florence.

Prophecy Wood

HYSO - 3 years

Instrument - Trombone - HYSO Assistant Principal Future plans - I plan to attend Hampton University to become a pilot. I am also going to minor in music. I will participate in the marching band and other ensembles there. I hope to eventually play in a symphony orchestra again.

HYSO has by far been my favorite group to play in. My favorite memory is going on the Italy tour. Because I got to meet new people, make new friends, and have lasting memories. I love coming here every Saturday to play with so many talented individuals. I would like to thank Mrs. Gates and Mr. Springstead for being the heart of HYSO and making every rehearsal fun.

Lina Yang

HYSO - 3 years

Instrument - Flute + piccolo - HYSO Assistant Principal Future plans - Studying finance and management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

I loved going on tour to Germany and the Czech Republic! Playing in the beautiful venues and having late-night talks in the hotel were so fun! Thank you to all my friends for making me laugh every rehearsal during breaks. I’ll miss you!

2023/24 Random photos!



HYSO Seniors

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