Gaza letter

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Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain The Liberation Party Dr Abdul Wahid Chairman of UK Executive Committee Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain,uk

17th Ramadhan 1435 15th July 2014

Dear Respected Brothers – Imams, Khateebs, Community Leaders and Activists Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh On July 8th 2014, the Zionist ‘state’ launched its latest massacres on the Muslims of Gaza. They have already murdered hundreds of Muslims and injured thousands – including women, children and the elderly. We pray Allah swt rewards the efforts millions of individual Muslims in making dua’, giving sadaqah for the Muslims and protesting to show solidarity with their oppressed brothers and sisters. Yet, still the Ummah remains helpless, since there has been no meaningful response from any Muslim countries to rescue our brothers and sisters - even though Allah SWT informs us: “But if they ask you for help in respect of the deen, it is your duty to help them” [Al-Anfaal: 72] We are not naïve to expect the so-called rulers of the Muslim World to act in the interest of the Muslims when everyone is aware that they are proxies of Western countries. But it is worth reminding people that the rulers of Pakistan, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia have the military capability to liberate Palestine in a number of days, though they have decided to remain silent. This was not the situation in the past. When Bait-al-Maqdis was occupied under the hands of the European Crusaders, the response of Salahuddin Ayubi Raheemullah was to say: “Man's lifetime is short, death gives no appointment and leaving the occupiers in the Muslim lands for more than a single day despite the ability to drive them out is an abominable act that I could not bear.” After unifying the Muslims, he led a proper army in the month of Ramadhan in the Battle of Hattin and liberated Al-Quds soon after. Unlike the Crusaders before him who massacred the population including fellow Christians – Salahuddin ensured that non-Muslims were unharmed so long as they put down their weapons. This was the justice of Islam that provided fair treatment for all, whether Muslim or non-Muslim. At this time of crisis we would like to remind our brothers and sisters of the following points: 1. It is only proper armies who can defend against an army of occupation. The Arab countries surrounding Palestine have sufficient force to liberate the usurped land and end the oppression of the people – with over two million soldiers, spending over $100 billion on arms annually. Egypt alone has over 200 F-16 fighter planes and 450,000 soldiers. 2. Hence, it is the treacherous regimes in the Muslim world that are the real ‘Israeli Defence Force’. They block the Muslim armies from fulfilling their duty, so protecting the Zionist occupiers. Their words of condemnation and calls for ‘emergency summits’ are meaningless gestures while they maintain diplomatic, trade and military cooperation with the Zionist entity, as they have done before and after every criminal act of the past few decades.

Suite 301  28 Old Brompton Road  London  SW7 3SS  UK Telephone: +44(0)7074-192400  E-mail:

3. These regimes must be replaced with the Islamic Khilafah Rashida state – a sincere leadership that would mobilise the armies, liberate the land and rule over Muslim lands with justice, stability and harmony. Indeed, it is only under Islamic governance that this region enjoyed any peace and stability for any significant period for all citizens, whether Muslim or non-Muslim dhimma. 4. The calls for a two-state solution should be exposed as a dangerous lie. After every crisis and massacre London and Washington – who created and have nurtured the Zionist entity for their own interests - try their best to resume the ‘Road Map’ to a ‘two-state solution’. This would only institutionalize their imprisonment and subjugation For Muslims in Palestine and give legitimacy to a regime that predicates its presence on the killing and oppression of others – for the Zionist entity has never shown regard for human life or suffering and have never cared when people across the world condemn their mass murder. What can you do? Dear respected Brothers! The Ummah has suffered a perpetual cycle of oppression ever since the Uthmani Khilafah was destroyed in 1924 at the hands of the British and French imperialists. We must recognize that the solution to our problems lies not in the hands of the same imperialists who destroyed our Khilafah, but rather in the unification of the Muslims under one Imam. "Only the Imam is a shield, from behind whom one would fight, and by whom one would protect oneself.” [Muslim, Sahih] Imam Nawawi explained the shield as being a cover for those behind him, since the Imam is the cover that prevents the enemy from harming the Muslims. This is by leading the army, protecting the borders and organizing the Jihad.  This Hadith implies an obligation for there to be an Imam (Khalifah) who can protect the Ummah. We must support the call for the Khilafah Rashida in the Muslim World and remind people of this vital issue. If our Ummah knew the solution that Islam gives to these problems is the re-establishment of the Khilafah Rashida – which would defend the Muslims - then we can begin to reorient our objectives towards this call. Today, there are many misconceptions of the Khilafah due to the media propaganda that presents it as a backward, totalitarian system - by showcasing the claims of militias as we recently saw in Iraq. We must respond by presenting the correct perception of the Islamic system of governance, Khilafah, and teach people the true understanding of our deen as exemplified by our Prophet PBUH and the Khulafa Rashideen. We would like to support you in this endeavor to address some of the most vital issues concerning the Ummah today. We would also request you to support and announce the national demonstration planned on Sunday 20th July at 2pm outside the Egyptian embassy titled, ‘Gaza on fire: Call for the Liberation of Palestine’, where we hope to raise awareness of these matters, while showing support for our Muslim brothers and sisters in Gaza.

Wasalamu alaikum Your brother Abdul Wahid

Suite 301  28 Old Brompton Road  London  SW7 3SS  UK Telephone: +44(0)7074-192400  E-mail:

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