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WHAT THE QUR’AN SAYS ABOUT UNITY OF THE MUSLIM UMMAH “And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not dispute and [thus] become disheartened and [then] your strength would depart; and be patient. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.” Anfal: 46

• The ayah emphasises that the victory and support of Allah will only remain with the Muslims while they maintain their commitment to in obedience to his commands • We now live in a situation where the Shariah of Allah (SWT) has become absent from the world as a whole. • The dispute and differences among the Muslims is not confined merely to argumentation; far worse than that, the Islamic lands which Allah has mandated must be ruled as one Khilafah State, are now divided into over 50 weak and petty states, • The rulers of the Muslim world compete in their disobedience to Allah (SWT) and obedience to their western masters. • Despite the entire Muslim world fasting and reciting the Quran through out this month we still find ourselves divided by these artificial borders of nation states • Nation states and borders are not from Islam rather a artificial division to divide and weaken our ummah. Our Aqeeda is one, our Quran is one and our Messenger is one so it is natural that our state should be one.

• Rasoul Allah (SAW) emphasised that the unity of the Muslims under one leader is a matter of life and death, which cannot be disregarded by sincere Muslims. Abu Sa’eed al‐ Khudri (RA) narrated that he heard the Messenger of Allah (SAW) say: “If the bay’ah is given to two Khaleefahs, then kill the latter of the two” • The Noble Qur’an, and the Sunnah of Rasoul Allah (SAW) prohibit the existence of more than one Khaleefah implementing the Sharee’ah and leading the Muslims, • Today we have 50 leaders implementing systems based on their own desires. Not only does this lead to the voice of Islam being absent from the world’s affairs, but it means that Islam is not a source of guidance for the many crises affecting the world today. • Reciting the verses regarding unity throughout the month is insufficient; rather we must work to remove the false ideas that divide the Ummah • We must build the idea of unity and build the idea of the Islamic Khilafah State as the practical way this Ummah can be united and the interests of Islam and Muslims can be looked after.

Ramadhan Kareem! Hizb ut‐Tahrir Britain

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