Spring 2012 Recap Newsletter

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INGLESIDE UPDATE Nomination event and a biography of Louis Tharpe PLANNED GIVING Rich Bates describes the importance of planned gifts to Historic Macon 2012 PRESERVATION AWARD WINNERS Historic Macon recognizes those who have taken on their own successful rehabilitation projects

A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT I love that I have reached the point in my life where I begin to see things coming full circle, and I really treasure those times that I call “ah ha moments” when suddenly everything life prepared you for makes sense. The last year has been filled with such moments, and to say that it is an honor and a privilege to serve as President of Historic Macon would be an understatement. My passion for historic preservation was awakened two decades ago here in Macon’s historic district, by many of the volunteer leaders who remain at the forefront of the preservation movement today. Their enthusiasm, knowledge, story-telling and passion is contagious! As we look at more than 6,000 National Register-listed buildings that surround us every day, it is impossible not to find something to love, something to get excited about and something worth saving. In the coming year, there is much to get excited about where Historic Macon is concerned. We will complete an updated strategic plan and make adequate plans for our successful future. We remain devoted to our ongoing rehabilitation work in Beall’s Hill where we are rapidly revitalizing entire blocks of historic homes and breathing new life into this neighborhood. We have only begun to uncover the exciting history of the Ingleside neighborhood as we complete its much-anticipated National Register nomination. Hopefully along the way there will be a few big preservation success stories, some of which are already being written! One of my major goals for the next year is to share my own passion for historic preservation and to engage young people in Historic Macon, just as the generation ahead of me did so successfully. The Young Patron membership level will soon be launched so that preservationists ages 21-39 can become Patron members at a discounted rate. Our expectation is that these new young members will discover all the reasons to love Historic Macon and will continue to be members for the rest of their lives. I have discovered over the last three years that Historic Macon is an easy organization to love. We have a wonderful staff that is committed to the preservation of our beautiful city as well as a Board and supporters whose love for one another and for our mission reaches beyond meetings and into our lives. I don’t think that this has ever been more evident than in recent weeks when some fellow Trustees suffered a fire in one of our city’s finest historic homes. As firefighters worked to save the home, word quickly spread, and the afternoon found neighbors, Historic Macon Trustees, former officers and staff there to help move furniture or to provide a shoulder to lean on. It was an “ah ha” moment. Oftentimes it takes a tragedy for us to realize our greatest strength. For Historic Macon, that is the love that we share for one another and for our city. Historic Macon is not just about saving homes, but it’s also about common interest, friendship and all the wonderful things that build a community. Over the course of the next year, I look forward to getting to know more about all of you as we continue to grow this wonderful organization. I hope that you will extend to me and our current Board the same generous spirit of donation, service, advice and support that you have always shown. It is because of Pam Thomasson and you that we have so much opportunity in the coming year to preserve, restore and revitalize Historic Macon. – Aubrey Newby, Historic Macon Board President


Board of Trustees Executive Committee President Aubrey Newby President Elect Joy Dyer Secretary Vickie Hertwig Treasurer Max Crook Counsel Blake Lisenby Events Committee Chair Priscilla Esser Education/PR Committee Chair Alice Bailey Cottage Committee Chair Lois McLain Preservation Committee Chair Arthur Howard Membership Committee Chair Joy Dyer Young Patrons Chair Heather Moore Rose Hill Committee Chair Chris Howard Strategic Plan Chair Nancy Brown Cornett Past President Pam Thomasson

Trustees Amy Abel-Kiker Joe Adams Barbara Boyer Jim Burt Monique Davis-Smith Jeane Easom Alexis Fox Ryan Griffin Betsy Schnell Griffith Kristi Harpst Sally Heard Muriel Jackson Betty Sweet Ladson Amber Lawson Ron Lemon Jennifer Taylor Long Sally McKay Willie May Alex Morrison Carole Seegert Lenore Sell Heather Turnbull

Our Mission is to advocate for Macon’s historic and architectural heritage, to facilitate preservation efforts in our community, and to educate and inspire appreciation for our unique city.

HISTORIC MACON FOUNDATION AT THE SIDNEY LANIER COTTAGE 935 High St. Macon, GA 31201 MAILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 13358 Macon, GA 31208 WEB • www.historicmacon.org PHONE • (478) 742-5084 FAX • (478) 742-2008

TABLE OF CONTENTS Calendar of Events


Historic Macon Happenings


Ingleside Update


Planned Giving


Photo Reel


Generous Members


Preservation Award Winners 12


Cover photo: The four beautiful homes on Osborne Place that were open for tours at the Ingleside nomination event.

www.facebook.com/historicmacon www.twitter.com/historicmacon www.flickr.com/photos/historicmacon www.blogspot.historicmacon.com

STAFF Josh Rogers, Executive Director jrogers@historicmacon.org Janis Haley, Director of Development jhaley@historicmacon.org Jennifer Mayer, Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator jmayer@historicmacon.org Carrie Cameron Robinson, Preservation Designer crobinson@historicmacon.org Cantey Ayres, Bookkeeper and Administration cayres@historicmacon.org VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES If you are interested in helping at flea market workdays or volunteering at the sale, call Jennifer Mayer at 742-5084 or email jmayer@historicmacon.org. Workdays normally take place weekly on Wednesday mornings leading up to the sale; volunteers sort donations, price items and organize sections. Sale volunteers are needed as cashiers, listers and helpers in the holding area. We are looking for volunteers to be docents at the Sidney Lanier Cottage on Tuesdays. Contact Janis Haley at 742-5084 or email jhaley@historicmacon.org for details.


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Passport to the Past: Discovering Macon’s History Monday–Friday, June 11–15 Also offered at Stratford Academy’s Camp Eagle, June 18–22 Historic Macon’s day camp will transport campers back in time by traveling to Macon’s most important historic sites. Sidney’s Salon Series: Southern Food & Gardening Tuesday, August 14: Gena Knox, author of Southern My Way Tuesday, September 11: James Farmer, author of A Time to Plant: Southern-Style Garden Living Tuesday, October 9: TBA Salon admission is free for members, $5 for nonmembers and $3 for students. Refreshments will be served at 5:30 p.m. before the programs at 6:00 p.m. For updates and more information, visit www.historicmacon.org or call (478) 743-3851. 35th Annual Flea Market Members-Only Preview Party: October 19 | Sale: Oct. 20 Historic Macon Warehouse, 668 Shurling Drive Get ready for another flea market! Historic Macon has been receiving a lot of fantastic items throughout the year. Be on the lookout for more information.



do your

Finishing up your spring cleaning? Donate your items to Historic Macon’s Flea Market! Donations are taxdeductible. You can: • Drop off your items at the back porch of the Sidney Lanier Cottage, 935 High St.


• Call Jennifer Mayer at (478) 742-5084 or email jmayer@historicmacon.org to arrange a pickup. Pickups will be on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please call at least three business days in advance to ensure an available time slot. Other days and times are available with advance notice.

Have a lot to get rid of after spring cleaning? Donate your items to Historic Macon’sYOUNG Flea Market! PATRONS Donations are tax-deductible. You can: The new Young Patron membership level was announced at the • Drop off your items at the back porch of the Sidney Lanier Cottage (935 High St.) Annual Meeting in May. This level is open to ages 21–39 and includes special Young Patron events. This is an exciting time • Call 478.742.5084 to arrange a pickup. ~ Pickups will be on Wednesdays from 10 a.m.to toget 2 p.m. involved! ~ Please call at least 3 business days in advance to ensure an available time slot. Visit www.historicmacon.org to learn more or to join. ~ Other days & times are possible with advance notice. Call Carrie or Jennifer at (478) 742-5084. Questions?

www.historicmacon.org 478.742.5084


Above: An advertisement from the Feb. 7, 1926 issue of The Telegraph for Ingleside Estates, which was described as having a beautiful boulevard with Spanish mission entrances.



ouis A. Tharpe is the individual most closely associated with the development of Ingleside. Tharpe was a native of Bibb County and a resident his entire life. While best known as a realtor, he was also widely known as a builder and developer.

Louis Tharpe formed the Louis A. Tharpe Company shortly before the start of World War I and continued running that company until the time of his death in 1928. He took part in real estate development projects other than the Ingleside project, including the development of Virginia and Montpelier Avenues with Price Hertz, and Beverly Place with C.C. Porter. The Ingleside project, however, is the one for which Tharpe is most known, it being described in his obituary as “the main work of his career.” With his brother R.A. Tharpe, General Walter E. Harris, John B. Harris, M.J. Whitman, E.C. Latimer and C.R. Aultman, Tharpe created the Ingleside Development Corporation. In 1917, the Ingleside Development Corporation purchased a 100-acre tract of land northeast of Forsyth Road, naming it Ingleside Place in honor of T.C. Parker, an earlier owner. The name “Ingleside” was the result of a 1909 naming party (see invitation below right) Parker held to decide what name his home should have. Extensive improvements to the property were made, including the installation of gas mains, electric street lights and sewers. Ingleside Place was designed with large, wooded lots, intended, according to a 1917 Macon Daily Telegraph article describing the project, “to eliminate crowding, as is the case in most suburban districts.” The first homes in Ingleside Place were built by Tharpe. Tharpe acquired and developed two additional tracts to the north of the original 100-acre parcel. These tracts were known as the Ingleside Addition and Ingleside Estates (advertisement above), later known as the Prado. Ingleside Estates was his last project. Tharpe passed away in 1928 at the age of 45. At the time of his death, he lived at 116 Vista Circle (now 3380 Vista Circle) in a home he designed and built.

INGLESIDE NOMINATION EVENT & UPDATES Thanks to those of you who have sponsored the nomination and to all of you who helped with event planning. We also appreciate those who opened their beautiful homes for the event (pictured on the cover). It was a great success, and we are pleased to announce that we have exceeded our fundraising goal for the National Register nomination. We will be sure to keep you informed of any updates concerning the nomination. If you have not yet sponsored the Ingleside nomination and would like to be involved, we are still taking sponsorships. Sponsors will be listed according to level on a freestanding bronze plaque to be erected in the neighborhood. The plaque will serve as a reminder of your generosity to enable this important project. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, you may register online at www.historicmacon.org or call (478) 742-5084. See page 8 for photos from the Osborne Place event.


Above: The invitation from the 1909 naming party at which the name “Ingleside” was born.



“Macon has many incredible properties. To ensure their protection for future generations to enjoy, I have made a planned gift of real estate and personal property to Historic Macon. Please join me by creating an endowment enabling Historic Macon to have the necessary funding available to purchase and restore historically significant properties that are in danger of being lost. ” – Rich Bates Benefits of donating real estate: • Income tax deduction equal to the appraised fair market value of the property with no capital gains tax due • Removal of a large taxable asset from your estate • Variety of gift formats available for a donation of real estate For more information on planned giving, please call Janis Haley at 742-5084. Photos: Above right - Rich Bates in front of his home in North Highlands. Below right - Rich’s beautiful garden.

view more at www.historicmacon.org/properties


1227 Calhoun St.

1116 Ash St.

1078 Ash St.


historic macon photo reel

lanier prize reception | 4.14.2012

Above: Author Ernest Gaines, recipient of the inaugural Sidney Lanier Prize for Southern Literature from Mercer University Above: Reception guests enjoy a sunny spring afternoon on the front porch of the Sidney Lanier Cottage.

Above: Ernest Gaines signs books at the reception.


party at the peacock | 4.20.2012

Above: The recently renovated Peacock Building at 2476 Vineville Ave., which houses the Law Office of R. Lars Anderson. Above (from left): Phyllis Farmer, Christina O’Connell and Alice Bailey enjoy themselves in the beautifully restored foyer.

Above: Guests admire the building’s interior renovations.

Above: Lars Anderson discusses the building’s renovations.

BEFORE & AFTER Lars Anderson’s project won the preservation award for Commercial Restoration & Adaptive Reuse at the annual meeting (all award winners are listed on page 12).To view before and after photos of the renovations, visit our Flickr page online at www.flickr.com/photos/historicmacon.


ingleside nomination event | 4.22.12

Above: Dick & Pam Thomasson

Above (from left): Gene & Claudia Strouss and Susan & Paul Cable

Above: Musician Clifton Warren entertains the crowd on Osborne Place.

Above: Lee Reeves & Stella Cartwright



ron tanner salon | 5.15.12

Above: Ron Tanner, author of “From Animal House to Our House: A Love Story,� recounts his hilarious tales from restoring an old home.

Above: Ron Tanner discusses his book with an interested guest.

discovery days | 5.18.12

Above: Rod Hardy appraises a vase brought in by Pat Donnelly. Below: Rod examines a miniature chest.

Special Thanks to our Most Generous Members! All memberships and donations are as of June 1, 2012. Historic Macon Club Mr. & Mrs. Joe Adams Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm S. Burgess, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Durkee Mr. & Mrs. Mike Dyer Ms. Phyllis Farmer Dr. & Mrs. Ken Harper Ms. Sally Murphey Heard Ms. Sara Beth Hertwig Ms. Victoria Hertwig Col. & Mrs. Arthur Howard Mr. Blake Lisenby & Mr. Shane Rogers Mr. Edmund Olson & Councilwoman Beverly Olson Mr. Carey O. Pickard, III & Mr. Chris Howard Mr. Tom B. Wight Drs. Michael & Bridget Wright Supporting Ms. Cantey Ayres Mr. & Mrs. Mark Ballard Ms. Beverly Blake Mr. & Mrs. Don Cornett Ms. Jeane Easom Mr. & Mrs. C. Michael Ford The Hon. Jim Marshall & Mrs. Camille Hope Mrs. Muriel & Mr. Samuel Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Tim Regan-Porter Dr. & Mrs. Joe Sam Robinson, Jr. Ms. Carole Seegert Mr. & Mrs. Ed S. Sell, III Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Sumner Mr. & Mrs. John Willingham Benefactor Mrs. Stella Auchmutey Dr. & Mrs. Walter Austin Mr. Richard Bates Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Beeland Dr. & Mrs. Ron Bloodworth Mr. Jim Bodell & Mrs. Susan Long Mr. & Mrs. Wes Boyer Ms. Mary Jane Brock Dr. & Mrs. Peter Brown Mr. Craig Burkhalter & Ms. Helen Meadors Mr. James Caldwell Ms. Carley M. Carden Dr. & Mrs. James Chapman Mr. & Mrs. John D. Comer Mr. & Mrs. Mike Cook Mr. and Mrs. David Davis Mr. & Mrs. Robert Deason Mr. Spyros Dermatas Mr. Larry Fennelly & Ms. Wanda Eanes Ms. Shannon Fickling Mr. & Mrs. John Fox Mr. & Mrs. Wes Griffith Mr. & Mrs. Richard Guerreiro

Ms. Lucy Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Hatcher Ms. Dana Heard Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Hearn, Jr. Ms. Judy Hodgens Bryant Mr. C. Terry Holland & Mr. Jeff Logan Dr. & Mrs. Lindsay Holliday Ms. Frozine B. Huff Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jones Mrs. William F. Ladson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Russell W. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Hubert C. Lovein, Jr. Ms. Kelly Lucas Mr. & Mrs. William M. Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Maxwell, III Mr. and Mrs. William R. McDuffie Mr. & Mrs. Albert W. McKay Mr. & Mrs. Harold D. McSwain, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rusty Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Andy Moore Dr. & Mrs. B.D. Morton Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey Newby Mr. & Mrs. James Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Terry Parker Mr. & Mrs. Thom Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Powers Mr. Stephen A. Reichert Mr. David Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Chris R. Sheridan Dr. & Mrs. Marcus Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Cubbedge Snow, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. “Bo” Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Gene B. Strouss Mr. & Mrs. Johnny C. Walker, III Ms. Jean E. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Rick Whitten Dr. Howard J. Williams, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Williams Mr. & Mrs. Joe W. Yearty Mr. & Mrs. George Youmans

Memorials In memory of James Holt Sheehan by Gloria McAfee Wynn In memory of J. Barry Sellers, Jr. by Sally Murphey Heard In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Albert Phillips Reichert by Gloria McAfee Wynn In memory of Albert Phillips Reichert and Elizabeth Walton Bowen Reichert by Sally Murphey Heard In memory of Elliott Dunwody by C. Terry Holland Honorariums In honor of Hannah Napier Warren by Del Ward Leslie Corporate and Foundation Gifts The 1772 Foundation Peyton Anderson Foundation Kohl’s

Salon Sponsorship Capital City Bank Gifts and In-Kind Donations Nancy Brown Cornett Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Gwinner Tom & Charlotte Hope Paula Knight Tom Wight Michael & Bridget Wright Ingleside Sponsors Special thanks to those who sponsored the Ingleside listing nomination and helped us to move the project forward. Please be patient! Thanks to a grant from the Charles E. Roberts, Jr. Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, we were able to purchase a new membership database system! Please be patient if we experience conversion problems, and feel free to notify us if any issues arise.

Business Members Medical Center of Central Georgia The Telegraph Eye Center of Central Georgia Capital City Bank College Hill Alliance Georgia Power, A Southern Company Marshall Lumber Open MRI of Macon Pi-Tech Conditioned Air, Inc. Lowe Electric Co. McCarty Property Group, Inc. Tony Butler Home Design and Construction Warner Robins Supply Co., Inc. J. Cameron Garvin, DMD Saturna and Company, PC


Maryel Battin Award - Kay Gerhardt (photo 1)


Residential Restoration 155 Oak Haven Ave. - Shannon Fickling (2) 3369 Ridge Ave. - Bruce Chase (3) 324 Buford Pl. - Blake Lisenby & Shane Rogers (4) 377 Buford Pl. - Geraldine Moody (5) 1052 Magnolia St. - Chris Howard & Carey Pickard (6) 763 Boulevard - Richard & Dawn Paul Commercial Restoration & Adaptive Reuse Award The Peacock Building, 2476 Vineville Ave. - Lars Anderson Restoration Entrepreneur Award - Tony Butler (7) Neighborhood Revitalization Award Felton Homes - Macon Housing Authority, Owner, and Bob Brown, Architect (8) Bartlett Crossing - City of Macon and the Macon Housing Authority Ecclesiastical Restoration Award Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church - Father John Stefero (9)






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P.O. BOX 13358 MACON, GA 31208

HISTORIC MACON MEMBERSHIP FORM New ___ Renewal ___ Name(s): ___________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Email(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (home) _________________________ (work) ___________________________ (cell) ___________________________ MEMBERSHIP LEVELS (Check one) ___ $25 Student ___ $60 Individual ___ $85 Family/Dual ___ $85 Young Patron* ___ $175 Patron ___ $300 Benefactor ___ $600 Sustaining ___ $1000 Historic Macon Club *New membership level for ages 21–39. If under age 39, please provide birth date(s) of member(s): Name: ___________________________ Birth Date: __________________________ Name: ___________________________ Birth Date: __________________________

You can join online! www.historicmacon.org Click on “Support”

METHOD OF PAYMENT ___ Check enclosed Credit card: ___ Visa ___ Mastercard Credit card # ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Expiration ____ / ____ Join online or send this form with payment to: Historic Macon Foundation | P.O. Box 13358 | Macon, GA 31208 Go online to learn about monthly contributions, gift memberships or donations in honor of a loved one.


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