Artists Still Live Here — Hillsong Creative Magazine

Page 82

What is your current go-to song? Go to song would be Uncomplicated by Hillsong Young & Free. It’s the first worship song I’ve genuinely cried to for a longtime and I think it’s because of how simple and declarative it is. What brings you joy? Every time I FaceTime my misses (who is currently overseas). I’m an introvert so every time I feel drained socially from big groups and need some alone time, she refills me way better than me just trying to refill on my own. Do you write the lyrics or the melody first? It depends, if I were to sit at a piano and start writing with no inspiration to start with I would always start with melody first. I’d just start singing random things about life and God intentionally, so it kind of gives God room to maybe place a cool lyric in the random melodies I’m singing. Where do you like to write? I hope I don’t get in trouble for this but when my house is crowded and loud (which is all the time) I’d go down to church and sit on the grand piano in the chapel and write for hours. Biggest supporter? My family and girlfriend is a given, but I’d have to say Tyler Douglass hands down. I’ll always give him a say in my life because he honestly cares about me and my future, he always sees things that I don’t see and he has proven to be right with a lot of the things he tells me. What about music impacts you? The thing that fascinates me about music is how it connects to emotion, you can tell a story and actually translate the emotion

into the musicality and lyrics of the song. It’s even better with worship music, I believe that God inputs Himself into worship. What’s your earliest childhood memory of music? I remember when I was eight and I had just started doing piano grading and I absolutely hated it. My teacher at the time who was incredible, always said that I have a huge problem with looking down at my fingers instead of at the sheet music, I would never play by reading sheet music, but by hearing and memory. Which is a pro ,but a con at the same time. So every time we had piano grading I would get so stressed that it would clog my memory to the point of me forgetting what I was even there to do,. That affected me so much. What made you want to become a musician / singer / songwriter? A little thing about me is that I was homeschooled my entire life, so what made me want to become a musician / singer / songwriter is that it was the only thing I wanted to do in my free time and for ‘school time’. JP Starra and Paul Cox were my drum teachers, Eli Escoto was my guitar teachers. I had a piano teacher (but I wish it was David Andrew) and bass was easy. What’s your favourite lyric that you’ve written? “In the silence / My heart grows fonder / To seek and to find That what I’m looking for is You / Like water Tastes more restoring / When my thirst is dry I know that nothing else will do” These lyrics came from a song about the silence of God, it was a hard song to write but it’s so common for people not hear the voice of God. 1 Kings 19:11-13 is when the Lord talks to Elijah and tells him to stand on the mountain and then a powerful wind

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