5.21 Senior Issue

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seniOr LETTERs | 15





hank you. Thank you for being relentlessly yourself. For understanding the bigger picture of this life you have been blessed with. While there are so many things one may look back on and regret or wish they did differently, you were able to understand what to take from them. I know I have many imperfections. I know that maybe I shouldn’t have let others’ opinions affect me, shouldn’t have been so intimidated by that pretty girl across the room, shouldn’t have said that one thing that could have hurt someone’s feelings. But you have gotten me to the point where I can ask myself, “Why not? Why should I be ashamed that those things ate me up inside if they made me who I am today?” For a large portion of middle school and even high school I wondered, “Why isn’t my house as big as theirs, why should I have to pay car insurance or why do my grades matter so much?” But here today you have found all the answers that you longed for. You wanted that big house and were intimated by the girl across the class because you hadn’t yet realized you were normal. You didn’t know that maybe the girl across the room felt the same way about you or that materialistic ideals aren’t what determines a good friend. While you had these thoughts, you still went out of your way to be involved, cared about your grades because it was YOUR future, and worked 25 hours a week to learn what it means to work for what you have. I am proud of you for having insecurities, but not letting them stop you from striving for the best you. I am proud of you for learning how to love someone with your entire heart and for still caring about those who you have drifted from. While along the way you will question so many moments and decisions, I want you to know that no effort or ambition was unimportant. So I sit here today thanking you for not wasting the last four, seven, or 18 years of our life because I am proud of who we have become and who we will be. Sincerely,



MARISSA RYAN Marissa Ryan will attend IU in the fall.



HANNAH GRETZ Hannah Gretz will attend Purdue University in the fall.


ou have come so far. You have knocked down barriers, overcome obstacles and defeated challenges that were deemed impossible to defeat. Through the tough times, you held your head up high and continued to persevere, despite the tiring battles. When times got hard, when you failed to succeed, you never gave up. As you continue down the road of life, it will be easy to give in, to fall apart and to break down as nothing worth having comes easy. There will be temptations, hardships and fear. There will be sadness, misery and brokenness. But, remember, you have come so far. As your journey continues, don’t lose sight of why you set out on your journey to begin with. You will continue to grow, blossom and thrive, but you have to keep your head held high and keep a positive mindset at the same time. With a positive mindset, well-established goals and mental strength, nothing will overtake you and your willingness to be the best you can be. There are several life lessons that should be adopted, but there are 10 things to always remember as you continue on your journey. Always show kindness to everyone you encounter, never stop trying, learn from your mistakes, take care of yourself mentally and physically, keep friends and family close, always strive to be better, never take yourself too seriously, everyone’s journey is different, it’s okay to move on and happiness is found within. Remind yourself of these ten things. Understand what these ten things mean to you and how you can implement them in not only your life, but the lives of those you surround yourself with. We can all become better, and rise by lifting others. Remember to never lose sight of who you are, be you and be true. Sincerely,

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