Carroll Quigley - Tragedy and Hope

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about any revelations to make the publicity worthwhile. An interesting report showing the Left-wing associations of interlocking nexus of tax-exempt foundations was issued in 1954 rather quietly.. Four years later, the Reece Committee's general counsel, Rene A Wormser, wrote a shocked, but not shocking, book on the subject called "Foundations: Their Power and Influence." Page 956 Jerome Green is a symbol of much more than the Wall Street influence in the IPR. He is also a symbol of the relationship between the financial circles of London and those of the eastern U.S. which reflects one of the most powerful influences in 20th century American and world history. The two ends of this English-speaking axis have sometimes been called, perhaps facetiously, the English and American Establishments. There is, however, a considerable degree of truth behind the joke, a truth which reflects a very real power structure. It is this power structure which the Radical Right in the U.S. has been attacking for years in the belief they are attacking the Communists. These misdirected attacks did much to confuse the American people in 1948-1955. By 1953 most of these attacks had run their course. The American people, thoroughly bewildered at the widespread charges of twenty years of treason and subversion, had rejected the Democrats and put into the White House a war hero, Eisenhower. At the time,two events, one public and one secret, were still in process. The public one was the Korean War; the secret one was the race for the thermonuclear bomb. CHAPTER XVIII: NUCLEAR RIVALRY AND COLD WAR, RACE FOR THE H-BOMB 1950-1957 Page 965 On March 1, 1954, we exploded our first real thermonuclear bomb at Bikini atoll. It was a horrifying device which spread death-dealing radioactive contamination over more than 8,000 square miles and injurious radiation over much of the world. Page 968 To prepare public opinion to accept use of the H-bomb, if it became necessary, Strauss sponsored a study of radioactive fallout whose conclusion was prejudged by calling it "Project Sunshine." By selective release of some evidence and strict secrecy of other information, they tried to establish in public opinion that there was no real danger to anyone from nuclear fallout even in all-out nuclear war. This gave rise to controversy between the scientists and the Administration on the danger of fallout. The Eisenhower through the Dulles doctrine of "massive retaliation" was so deeply committed to nuclear war that it could not permit the growth of public opinion which would refuse to accept the use of nuclear weapons because of objections to the danger of fallout to neutrals and non-combatants. By 1953, this struggle became so intense that supporters of massive retaliation decided they must destroy the public image and public career of Oppenheimer. THE KOREAN WAR AND ITS AFTERMATH, 1950-1954 Page 970 The emphasis on nuclear retaliation to Communist aggression anywhere in the world made it necessary to draw a defence perimeter over which such aggression would trigger retaliation. At the insistence of MacArthur, that perimeter was drawn to exclude Korea, Formosa and Mainland China; accordingly, all American forces had been evacuated from South Korea in June 1949. Page 971 The Soviet Union interpreted this to mean that the U.S. would

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