Bernard Lietaer - The future of money

Page 344

If Toffler is right, and if a monetary system compatible with this view is allowed to manifest, then Sustainable Abundance is our future. Conclusion We are not dealing with a traditional economic, financial or monetary crisis. We are living through a major mutation of the socioeconomic fabric of our global civilisation. This mutation can lead to several outcomes, and it is not preordained which one we will finally experience. The quicker we realise that the traditional solutions will not be appropriate for our current situation, the faster we can create the emotional, political and intellectual framework where appropriate solutions may emerge. A post-industrial mutation is upon us in any case, and I believe that the best way for us deal with it is by consciously uncentralizing and empowering human creativity at all levels. The three waves to Sustainable Abundance would enable this to happen. As Sir Eric Tilgner put it: 'Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter ofchoice.' Just remember that we are doing: the choosing for your children, for your children's children, and for a significant part of the biosphere as well.

Epilogue 'The great challenge of the Modem Age is not to remake our world. but to remake ourselves. Be the change you wish to see for the world' - Mahatma Gandhi

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