Higher education reports November 2012

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What’s Inside November 2012: • • •

UK Government reports: Department for Education: Education and training statistics for the United Kingdom 2012 http://www.education.gov.uk/rsgate way/DB/VOL/v001096/index.shtml These are statistics relating to education in the UK and include chapters relating to schools, postcompulsory education and qualifications, and an annex containing figures on education

University Economics University access Access to education

JOURNAL ARTICLES: ECONOMICS The average cost of a room in university owned accommodation in the UK doubled in just ten years, new figures from NUS show. http://www.nus.org.uk/en/news/new s/student-accommodation-costsdouble-in-ten-years-nus-surveyshows/ Financial health of the higher education sector 2011-12 to 2014-15 forecasts HEFCE report http://www.hefce.ac.uk/pubs/year/2 012/201230/#d.en.75927

expenditure JOURN AL


Fletcher, M. (2012). Effective Transitions from School to Work: the Key Role of FE Colleges. London: 157 Group http://www.157group.co.uk/files/effe ctive_transitions_from_school_to_w ork.pdf

IFS research provides new evidence on the consequences of recent changes to university funding in England http://www.ifs.org.uk/publications/6 427 The impact on demand of the Government's reforms of higher education HEPI report.


http://www.hepi.ac.uk/4552105/The-impact-on-demand-ofthe--Government's-reforms-ofhigher-education.html Public Service Or Portfolio Investment: How Private Equity Funds Are Taking Over Postsecondary Education http://www.ucu.org.uk/index.cfm?art icleid=6364 from the UCU surveys the impact of private equity takeovers in other public services in the UK, such as care homes, as well as the private equity-fuelled expansion of for-profit higher education, and the resulting scandals, in America JOURN AL ARTICLES: STAND ARDS

scale survey of survey of teachers, conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Internet &American Life Project in collaboration with the College Board and the National Writing Project. What tools do teachers think students use? How do they rate their skills? Part 3 the changing definition of research not surprisingly finds Research = Googling” .Part 4 discusses the type of research skills teachers teach. The vast majority of teachers surveyed feel that “courses or content focusing on digital literacy must be incorporated into every school’s curriculum,” indicating just how critical they feel the ability to locate and assess information in the digital world is.

Proportion of academics with PhDs is 'low' http://www.blogger.com/Interesting %20news%20story%20from%20TH ES.%20http://www.timeshighereduc ation.co.uk/story.asp?sectioncode= 26&storycode=421657&c=1 The source is Higher Education Statistics Agency’s Staff in Higher Education Institutions 2010/11. Percentages calculated by Times Higher Education. http://www.hesa.ac.uk/index.php?o ption=com_content&task=view&id= 2368&Itemid=161 – JOURNAL


How do teens do research in the online world? http://pewinternet.org/Reports/2012 /Student-Research/Summary-ofFindings.aspx 110 page report. Based on a large

JOURNAL ARTICLES: ACCESS TO EDUCATION The educational backgrounds of the nation's leading people Sutton trust report


http://www.suttontrust.com/researc h/the-educational-backgrounds-ofthe-nations-leading-people/

Tracking the Decision-making of High Achieving Higher Education Applicants - Sutton Trust and department for Business, Innovation and skills. http://www.bis.gov.uk/assets/biscor e/higher-education/docs/t/12-1240tracking-decision-making-highachieving-he-applicants.pdf New research, jointly commissioned by the Sutton Trust and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills from UCAS, and published today, surveyed over 13,000 students to look at the reasons for the university choices made by young people who gained at least three Bs at A level. Compiled by Heather Dawson h.dawson@lse.ac.uk

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