Discerning Alien Disinformation

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sider to be uncomfortable truths, but can see these clearly in their higher context and are very matter-of-fact about it all. They possess love, empathy, and compassion but not at the expense of reason, wisdom, and understanding. Rather these two sides (higher emotional and higher intellectual) are fused into harmony and balance. Love without understanding leads to sentimentalism and gullibility, while understanding without love can lead to cold intellectualism and cruelty. Higher positive aliens, in having reached a certain level of spiritual development, suffer from neither defect. Balanced esoteric development systems bring human individuals to the same level of warmth and understanding. Impostors can induce a counterfeit sense of warmth in their targets that restricts awareness by making them think the impostor must be a positive being radiating good vibes. However, these seemingly positive emotions are merely induced chemical or hormonal responses that cloud judgment instead of sharpening it. The genuine ones have a warmth that can be sensed without oneself necessarily being flooded with feelings, just as one can sense the heat of a fire without oneself being on fire; the impostors, however, figuratively “set one on fire” with induced emotions so that despite their cold hearts one might mistakenly project that warmth upon them. Impostors produce an effect that is suppressive of awareness rather than supportive. Real positive beings have the ultimate effect of making you more of who you truly are, elevating your perspective and clarity, whereas the impostors prune your awareness down to manageable size. There is always a sense of being entranced, numbed, hypnotized, or submerged when dealing with the impostor positives. Positive beings, particularly the middle ambiterrestrials and above, never appeal to your baser instincts or use ego hooks to coerce cooperation. Instead they speak more to your higher reasoning and intuition. They don’t dangle gifts or privileges to get you to act against your better judgment, but may send unexpected compensation for having followed your better judgment

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