get a quote car insurance uk

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get a quote car insurance uk get a quote car insurance uk Related

No proof of insurance ticket LOS ANGELES CA ? I got pulled over for speeding. Got a ticket for no proof of insurance. but now i have insurance .. i am 17 and i just wanna know whats gonna happen tomorrow in court ? and on the ticket it says (((People of the state or California Vs. me))) whats going to happened in the court?, are there going to be people watching me ? and ima take my grandma ? also if i cant pay the fine can do community service ? how many hrs ?" Car insurance for a peugeot GTI? Ok, so I'm 18 and a girl!! i have been driving for a year. i want a peugeot 106 GTI 1.6 16v. i have seen one for about 2000 in good condition, BUT because of my age, I'm struggling to get insurance. does any one no of a good site where i can get a reasonable quote. thank u!!!" "Cheap insurance cars, help me choose.? I'm looking for a 2002 car and I'm thinking of: Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall corsa 1.2 Toyota yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra 1.0 I would welcome other options and choices And your opinion will count! I want to get a cheap insurance and I can afford up to 2.300 Where to buy affordable health insurance? I was forced to retire at the age of 64. I am not eligible for medicare until Sep of 2011. Looking for health insurane I can buy now What is the least expensive auto insurance company? Currently have geico... Free Health insurance for College Students? Is there any reputable programs that offer free health insurance to college students, or any reputable programs period where I could get health insurance? I was under my father's plan until this past year when our insurance was dropped because we were unable to continue paying for it. I work on a farm, which is not only dangerous, but does not pay well enough for me to maintain and fuel my vehicle, buy groceries, and pay for health insurance on top of college expenses. My university offers an insurance plan, but it is very expensive and I definitely cannot afford it..." Can I get medi-cal if I already have health insurance?

I am insured with blue shield in California, and just found out I'm pregnant. My insurance doesn't cover prenatal care. I know my income qualifies me for California's medi-cal coverage for pregnant women, but will having insurance make it so that I won't qualify for medi-cal? Also, my live in boyfriend makes more than the income cap. Will that affect things? I just want to make sure I get some sort of medical care." What is the average car insurance for young males with a black box installed? I'm in the UK and my friend who is 17 who recently passed his test said his car insurance was just over 500 per year, as he had black box installed. (Also, not on his parents insurance either) I've read average figures for car insurance for young males is in the 3000-5000 range. So can the box really bring insurance down that much? I know figures vary for type of car and all that. But we're talking average here. I imagine most young people are not going to be able to afford brand new cars, and will be cost-concious, so will go for older models anyway. So the 3000+ figures still seem incredibly high for an average figure." What would my insurance cost? If i am a not yet insurednew driver and already got in a accident under someone else's insurance what would it cost for insurance roughly if i was to apply for some How can I get my car insurance cheaper? Hi am 31 and got 8 years no clams I drive a corsa vxr and am finding it hard to get it cheap I need a thesis senctence on citizens not being able to afford health insurance? I need a thesis senctence on citizens not being able to afford health insurance? How can I get car insurance for a classic car? And how much would it cost (roughly)? I grew up loving classic mustangs, corvettes and camaros (had all the hotwheels!) and I'm interested in purchasing an older car. The few cars I'm interested in were typically more" How much would i pay for car Insurance? How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 28 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 8 years ago" Car Insurance for Teen? I'm 16 years old and before my dad buys me a car, I have to have enough money in the bank for car insurance. (I've gotta pay for it.) I think I qualify for a discount since I'm, like, an A- student. Let's say... I get a 1999 Honda. Any quotes?"

Need Insurance for my Daughter? Hello, So I'm moving to the New York area and I'm currently going to court for child custody of our daughter (the case is processed in California), I have been interviewed for a couple of jobs but unfortunately they do not offer any kind of medical insurance, for now I don't get the right to have her in my household but I'm looking for advice and check what kind of tools I can use to get (free if possible) medical insurance to cover the needs that the court is demanding from me,any help or advice is gonna be hugely appreciate it" "Buying new car, Insurance buying question?" I want some insurance details about buying a new car from a dealership. Am I required to buy insurance before taking it off the lot after buying it (except in test drives, which the car is insured by the dealership??), or is there a grace period that you can drive without insurance? For instance, when I go in to buy a car, should I have already contacted an insurance agency and gotten quotes to be able to call them and get insured before I drive it off the lot?" Renters insurance in California? What does renters insurance cover? I'm renting a room from a friend but want my own insurance to cover personal injury without using the homeowner's coverage as well as if something gets accidently damaged by me for it to be covered. Is this included in renters insurance? What is a good dental insurance provider for a 22 yr old male in S. Illinois? I live in Carbondale, Illinois. I live on my own. Work and go to school. I pay my own bills and tuition. Basically what I'm saying is that I don't have alot of extra money. All 4 of my wisdom teeth need to come out. And im looking for a simple, effective, and affordable insurance plan." Insurance for scion tc 2008? i wanted to get the scion tc 2008 but my dad said the insurance is too high for 2 doors car or something like that.. does anyone kno any good and cheap insurance place they can recommend? thankyou What is the cheapest type of car insurance? What is the cheapest type of car insurance? Which is the best car insurance? Are there secrets your car insurer won't tell you? Automobile insurance coverage options can be confusing and their prices vary from company to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive and many more)" Named non owner insurance- Florida?

It is possible to get a named non owner car insurance in Florida with damage and collision? We usually rent cars in Florida, and we pay a lot of money for CDW and liability, we are looking this kind of solution." The minimum amount your auto insurance must cover per accident is:? In California is? A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 Thanks!" Can I legally drive my fiances mothers car; will her insurance cover me? I'm 20, I will be 21 in a month. I got my Provisional Drivers License today. I have a toddler, and am pregnant. We live in Calvert County, Maryland. My fiance and I live with his parents, we rent 2 rooms. His mother is 69, and has All State car insurance, not sure what plan. Can I legally drive her car infrequently, like to the grocery store, or to OB appointments here and there without having insurance myself? Does it depend on her plan? She's going to call them tomorrow to see, but I'd just like to see what answers I get on here tonight. Any help would be appreciated, thank you." What is considered full coverage on auto insurance? i have progressive and i just wanted to know what is really considered full coverage. please no rude answers! get a quote car insurance uk get a quote car insurance uk AXA Equitable Life Insurance? anyone have Equitable as their insurance company? Comments? Also, can anyone tell me about the Flexible Premium Universal Life Insurance Plan? THANKS!" Is unemployment insurance really an insurance? 1. What other insurance allows people who are guaranteed to be unemployed to be on it (such as actors, waiters, other short term employed workers)? 2. What other insurance is mandatory? Or, specifically, unlike car insurance, who is actually affected by being uninsured if one is unemployed?" What would happen if we lowered the cost of health insurance? I have to write a paper on health care insurance. Can i cancel my car insurance after my claim? hi all, i have a car insurance policy with churchill and have recently written of my car.. the claim is being processed and i need to know some stuff. i am 19 and pay 1200 a year for my car insurance from sept2009-sept2010. I made the claim this week. i am planning to go to america in may for summer camp america and also due to there being a 900 excess ( god tell me about it) i wont be buying a new car and wont need a

new car.. my car is only worth 1000 but i am claiming to recover the costs of recovery as i tipped it upside down. so therefore i need to know if i can cancel my insurance policy and if i can do that now or if i have to wait unil the claim has been processed. some people have said tat i might not beable to cancel???" Anybody know anything about NYS car insurance? My car insurance lapsed and I didin't know about it, because I misunderstood my policy. My car is registered in my name, but my boyfriend still has current insurance for both of us through his (Geico.) Am I still covered? I'm scared I've been driving around uninsured, but I'm also scared to call the DMV, because I don't have an alternate means of transportation to work and school events. Please answer only if you're sure of your answer, this is a nerve racking situation. Thanks for the help!!" Does your person or the actual car need insurance so you can drive? I live in California. i dont have insurance but my friend does. Am i allowed to drive his car or do i need my own insurance? Insurance for driving my bf car? I am getting my driving license, how much roughly will cost the insurance to drive my boyfriend's car? It is an old petrol skoda... Thank you!" How much would insurance cost? I am a 16 year old female who just got my license in January. I get good grades, but just a few days ago rear-ended the car in front of me. I totaled my car, and caused minimal damage to the one in front of me. How much should my insurance be on a monthly basis?" Why do i need insurance? Why do i need insurance? 2nd job: Car porter+car insurance? I want to get into a second job and the idea of being a car porter has popped into my mind! I was wondering if the company provides the insurance though, or if i have to provide my own. I know that it varies on location and the company if they provide it or not, but i still want to ask the general community for help! thanks for the help!!! :)" Insurance declared car total loss? Insurance declared car total loss does that mean i have no more car insurance??? I want a car but my parents wont pay for insurance?

I asked this question before, but people were being extremely rude so I deleted it. If I get a car, I will be paying for everything myself. The car, the gas, the maintenance, etc. The only thing that I will not be able to afford is the insurance. I don't really care about having my own car, but I can't drive my parents' cars: my mom's is for her work, and my dad's is really expensive and he doesn't want me driving it. Either way, just to drive someone else's car I have to have insurance to cover myself and any damages I could cause in case of anything. So, anyways, the only thing I need my parents to pay for is the insurance. They absoulutley refuse. They think that I don't need to drive. I don't want to depend on my friends to drive me everywhere. They can definitely afford insurance, they just don't want to pay for it. I might sound spoiled or whatever but I'm not. Ever since I could remember, I've had to pay for most of everything I own. All of my clothes, toys (when I played with them), iPods, the computer that I'm on right now. I'm paying for my text messaging, too. so, I understand the value of money. I just want them to pay for this one thing. so, my plan was to buy a car, and then threaten to drive uninsured until they get insurance. Kind of mean, I know, but I'md esperate. What do you think?" Who has the best & affordable dental and medical insurance? I need a lot of work on my teeth and I will know it will be expensive. I'm trying to find a good and affordable insurance for dental and medical. I would like my copay to be no more than 20% and my deductible to be no more than $3,000 & doctor visits no more than $30. Can anyone help me out? I'm also looking for not only me but my child as well." HELP! What's the cheapest car insurance for a young pizza delivery driver?!? I have allstate, and it's $300 a month for me! I can NOT do this anymore! I need a new insurance plan that is actually AFFORDABLE! Thank you so much for your help I really do appreciate it!" Does anyone know where i could get a car for my driving test? I need insurance as well. I am 16 years old? I am going to go get my licence. I am 16 years old in California. The problem is, i don't have a car. Please don't ask me what i'm going to do with my licence if i dont have a car (it's a long story). I need a car i can take with me to do my road test. The DMV also needs proof of insurance. Please tell me where i could get a car and get the proof of insurance. Thanks!!!!!!!!" Motor trade insurance for 46 year old and a named driver at 18? Currently have an motor trade insurance policy with motrade. However they are closing down so need to find another insurance company. The problem is that the name driver is only 18. Motrade allowed named drivers from 17! Does anyone know of an motor trade insurance company that will insure an 19 year old on a policy. The policy holder is 46. Thanks! :) What would the insurance on a 2000 corvette be? What would the average state farm insurance for a 2000 corvette be for a 15 year old. No comments about not getting a 15 year old the car, just answers to the insurance

question." What are some affordable health insurance plans? I am 20 years old and do not have health insurance and I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled! So i'm looking for an affordable health insurance.I've already applied for Medicaid and was denied.I need help please! What home insurance company insures homes with knob and tube wiring? I am looking to purchase homeowners insurance on my home. It has knob and tube wiring and a circuit breaker. I was told that the knob and tube is a more recent version or wiring and not as bad as the older kind. I am having difficulty finding an insurance company with reasonable rates, under $600.00.The home is valued at $90,000." What's the Cheapest Car insurance for First Time Driver? I just wanna have the cheapest car insurance. I dont need the insurance cover anything. just the cheapest! which company would be the best except geico, progressive or Liberty Matual? Something else?" Are there any states that don't require auto insurance? I don't like paying for insurance so I was wondering if I could avoid it by moving. How much would it cost to insure a Volkswagen Golf 1.4L? I'm 17 in a couple of months, I'm thinking of getting a car now and refurbishing it, make it look nice, you know? I've came across this one car, a VW Golf 1.4L 5 door, obviously it will be my first car. How much ROUGHLY would this cost to insure per year and is it a good car to get? It's done 139,000 Miles and is the 2001 model, its a petrol engine and will cost me just short of 600. How would I go about the insurance and how would I buy this car? How can i check its not stolen and stuff? and is it a good buy for my first car? Any help shall be much appreciated!" Liability insurance price for honda civic 2006? how much is the average liability insurance cost for honda civic 2006 4 door and 32 year married driver with 100% clean driver's history? Car insurance in California? Is it true that if you are financing a car you HAVE to have car insurance?? Insurance quote questions? I'm doing a math assignment and I need a few questions answered: 1) What happens to the insurance quote if you increase the Liability Limit to $2,000,000 from 1,000,000? 2) If there are two or more minor offences, by how much does the quote

increase? 3) Does the number of kilometers change the quote? 4) If you have completed a drivers training course, does it lower your quote compared to a quote where no course was taken? 5) Does theft protection lower your quote? By how much?" get a quote car insurance uk get a quote car insurance uk Cheap insurance for '99 mustang? I'm buying a used mustang next month and need to get cheap insurance since I will be making payments. What is the best (and cheapest) insurance for an 18 year old young woman? Whats a good cheap sports car? Hello i need some help. This is my situation I'm 20 years old i live in Connecticut and I'm looking to purchase a car (used). I have about $2k cash to put down on it. I would say my limit for price would be about 6-8k due to financing fees taxes etc (credit score of 731). Now what I'm looking for is a pretty fast sports car to use as my DD.(I currently have a 89 mustang lx 5.0 which gets about 10 mpg city) Not very economical as a DD when gas is over $4 a gallon. Anyways back on topic, I found a 2002 wrx for 8k but got quoted for an insurance rate of 2k-3k. So this is out of the question! I make about 200 a week at the moment and pay $100 cell phone bill and $100 a month for rent. So my funds are limited for insurance + car payments. Basically i need to know a reliable cheap fast sports car i can get a good insurance rate on. But it also has to get good fuel economy! Sorry for the long rant and me being so picky but please help!" Do they take your plates from car if you dont pay insurance? Do they take your plates from car if you dont pay insurance? Car insurance? im 16 years old own a 2007 lexus gs and never got a ticket how much will my car insurance be? (im not expecting a definate answer, just a guess)" Does drivers ed effect ur insurance ? in Texas? Does drivers ed effect ur insurance ? in Texas? Car bump and getting insurance.? I had a bump around a year and a half ago and there was very minimal damage and no injuries, the woman gave a different name to me than to the insurance and I think maybe she wasn't insured? If the case was closed and went nowhere but the insurance company knew would this be recorded on their system." I need a way to better word this topic sentence for my essay.?

im trying to give reasons on what insurance companies can do to make birth control affordable. here's the topic sentence i have: A way birth control can be affordable is if insurance companies help cover a portion or the entire bill. How can I get health insurance? Me and my family are moving to Arizona in August, we are now living in Illinois and are receiving medicaid, but we are forced to move out of state for some personal reasons we make about $2,100 per month but that is because my Dad is on Social Security Disability cause of a back injury when he was working, our rent will be around $1,000 and that take about 1/2 of our money and there is no way we could afford health insurance as well as getting everything else" What can I do if I was dropped from my car insurance? I got a letter today, saying that my car insurance policy will be terminated near the end of October, less than a month from now. This is because of a minor accident last December and a recent speeding ticket that I just finished traffic school for. What are my options? Are my rates going to be sky high with another company because of this?" Need insurance to cover pregnancy? Does anyone know of insurance companies with coverage in Georgia that will cover a pregnancy without having to wait a year? I make too much money to get Medicaid so I really need some help. I can't exactly afford to pay out of pocket for every expense. Thank you. Whats up with renter's insurance? is there home insurance for apartment dwellers? Are all sportsbikes expensive on insurance? im wanting to get either a 2007 kawasaki zx6r or honda cbr250r. im 18 but i plan on getting one at 19 or 20 and it will only be on insurance during the summers. so do you know if those are expensive on insurance? would it be less than a car like a honda or toyota? Does the colour of your car affect how much your insurance will cost? cos someone said that apparently darker coloured cars like black or darker shade blue green etc are more expensive on insurance than lighter ones like white, yellow etc Is this true or am i just being told myths?" Will conservatives send back the refund on their health insurance to protest the Affordable Care Act? Americans all across the country are receiving refunds from their health insurance providers (mine was $166). Included with the checks are letters explaining that the

refund is the result of the Affordable Care Act. The Act requires health insurance companies to spend at least 80% of every dollar received on actual health care (I.e. not on administrative costs or CEO salary). Companies who fall below that cutoff must refund the difference to their policy holders. Will conservatives who receive such a refund send it back to protest the Act? "Getting my own car, insurance and registration.?" I'm getting my own car, but I don't have a license yet. So I was just wondering should I put it under my dad's name first? And also the registration and insurance. Should it be under my dad's name first or can I put it under my name? They were thinking about getting the insurance for me because it would be cheaper but would it be possible for them to get the insurance if the car is under my name?" How much car will insurance cost for me?? please help? becoming a new driver and driving a 1982 corvette with a v-8 how much would the car insurance cost, will it be higher because the car is costly but also cheaper because its not a big vehicle and cannot do as much damage ?" Around how much will car insurance cost? I'm turning 16 in January and want to get my license. My parents are adding me onto their State Farm account, but I have to save up enough to pay my insurance for at least a year first. I know I qualify for the good student discount because my GPA is 4.0 and I'm going to be in the National Honors Society. I live in the suburbs of Pennsylvania so I hear it should cost less than if I lived in Philadelphia. So, around how much will this cost?" How can I get insurance if I am not working? they say its going to a law you have to have insurance well what if your not working did they come up for something for that Why is KTM insurance so expensive? I just recently purchased a 2008 KTM 250 xc-f, and as part of my loan I had to get it fully covered. I'm just curious why a 250cc dirtbike costs more to insure than my 2004 600rr was; same coverage. Is it because it's new?" Car Insurance rip off? Just a warning anyone thinking of taking out car insurance or renewing their car insurance with the AA check with many other companies first, the quote they have just given me is DOUBLE that of any other like (Direct line,LV,Barclays ect ect) the AA are brokers and the insurance they offered is supposed to be the cheapest they could fined from LV and when I went on the LV web site to get a quote it was half that the AA had quoted." How much you pay for car insurance if your in early 20's?

I'm a 21 year old college student. Im going on to my junior year and have just gotten a car. I have always gotten a ride with my friends. I got a quote from Farmers Insurance for $2600 for 6 months full coverage is that normal? Where can i get cheap car insurance? Where can i get cheap car insurance? What about of 200% my current rates is supposed to be affordable? The only way the Affordable Health Care Act can be affordable is if Bernanke works those printers even harder then they are now. Teen auto insurance 600$ a month WTF?? i just got my license today i'm 18 male NY completed drivers ed, i did a couple of quotes online for a cheap old beat up car like a 95 chevy caviler and most of them gave me three thousand dollar 6 month premiums, which is 500$ to 600$ dollars a month for a a piece of junk car! what kind of bull is that?? thats like a month of rent!!!!!!!!! someone should sue those corrupt bastards!" Oh okay. If you can't afford insurance then the government will pay for it. I thought I already was? You told me that we were paying for the uninsured. Now you tell me that my tax dollars are paying for the uninsured. I am the taxpayer. But since the average family income is between 49 to 51 G depending on who you listen to then how will that husband and wife pay the $15G to 45G a year for insurance depending on if they are ill or healthy? Now I had to pay government administrators too and the IRS collectors? get a quote car insurance uk get a quote car insurance uk How much would car insurance cost for me? 1) I will be 18 by the time I get my car 2) I'm a male (my friend said that counts) 3) I will have a weekend job, and go to college 4) I have never gotten a ticket, or into an accident 5) I will own the car, not rent it How do I sound to insurance companies?" How much would insurance cost for a 1990 pontiac firebird? I am 17 and a new driver but I was going to buy a 1990 firebird and I was wondering what the average price I would have to pay for this car Why is insurance so high on the scion tc? what is the best/cheapest insurance out their for the scion tc and why is it so high? thanks

How does car insurance work? I'm a 17 year old girl and I recently got my license. Yesterday my dad bought car insurance for me, but I don't have a car. So i'm assuming that this insurance is for his car, but can that same insurance be transferred if I get my own car? Or did my dad just put my name on his insurance? I don't really understand." "18yr old car insurance, on my own.?" im looking for cheap car insurance for a 2000 vauxhall corsa envoy 1.0, i have to have my own policy cause my dad has passed and my mom don't drive, my uncle has offered help me but we have been told its illegal for him to be the policy holder if i own the car, does anyone know a cheap insurance company??" How much will a speedping ticket raise my car insurance in California? Hi, Last night I got my first speeding ticket ever. I am a 18 year old male. The officer claims I was going 84 but I dont believe him because he said he lasered me at 1am and usually I am under 80mph. Anyways, If I go to court and do drivers school and remove this ticket, what will happen to my insurance rate? I have all state." "Am I paying too much for auto insurance, or is it average for my age range?" Insurer: GEICO Premium: $240/month (6-month policy, includes collision and comprehensive w/ $1,000 deductible) Gender: Male Age: 20 (almost 21) State: FL Driving for: 5 years Accidents/tickets: None Vehicle Type: SUV Vehicle Year: 1995 Supposedly, my premium is supposed to go down when I turn 25, at least that's what GEICO said. The other companies are just as expensive. What are your thoughts?" Anyone know where to get affordable international health insurance? I am wondering where I can get some decent health coverage to cover me during my international adventures . Does anyone know where to look for this stuff? Please give websites and phone #'s if you have them. Thank you. What kind of insurance to get? I come from a low income family and my health insurance is called Healthy Families. Its really basic and only covers check ups, physicals, and other things in community health clinics. I have several moles I that I would like to get checked out at a dermatologist and some help with my acne as well but I hear that dermatologist visits can get expensive. What kind of insurance can I get that won't break the bank?" How much time do I have to get another's insurance to pay for my medical bills? If I was a pedestrian hit by a car and was injured, taken to the hospital, how long do I have before I can claim my medical bills on someone else's insurance since it was their fault?"

Wat is a website that helps to find the cheapest auto insurance possible? Wat is a website that helps to find the cheapest auto insurance possible? I need car insurance!!!!? Is there any cheap car insurance providers that are really cheap for a teenager??? Car insurance recommendations? hi im 16 and trying very hard to get emancipated i havent told my mom yet though because it seems like a great idea not to get kicked out first, but anyways i have locked in a steady job at a clothing store but i am only working part time for now. What would your recommendation be for cheap car insurance i have no idea where to even start but if i can get cheap insurance than i will be able to spend more on an appartment or trailer. plz give me your recommendations and any advice on how to accomplish my goal. and please no bad comments i just want advice." Will my car insurance premium go up? I just recently hit a deer and the only car damaged was mine. I am covered under my policy b/cause I had comprehensive. Here's my question: Will my insurance premuims go up if I use the dealership's auto body shop and not the insurance company's auto body shop? This is the first claim I have had with this company and I have been with them for over 7 years. Need affordable dog insurance? Hi I am a college student and getting a puppy soon, i need an affordable , and good dog insurance, please if you have one...give me the details and which insurance you have, i would really appreciate it. Thanks!" How to get insurance coverage when between jobs? My wife had her own health insurance with her previous employer, and I have my own with my employer. We do not have kids. She started a new job, but probation period for benefits is 3 months. She worked for a dental office of 5 employees, so I don't think COBRA is an option for her plus it's really expensive. Is it possible to add her to my work insurance plan for only 3 months mid calendar year?" Anyone ever heard of business car insurance to do a homecare job? Hi I have applied for a job and been told i got it now they saying i need business car insurance because its a homecare job and its to stop being towed away or clamped anyone ever heard of this and what is it Can I sue someone with auto insurance? I live in Las Vegas and I was involved in a car accident in November. There were 6 cars involved and this process is being UNUSUALLY long. It is impossible to get in

contact with one of the claimants so we can not settle for our car damages. Can I sue the individuals that were held respoinsible for the auto accident? What insurance is available for those who are between ages 18-24 and can't qualify for Medicaid? Any low cost health insurances out there? Will my car insurance skyrocket if I switch from a '97 to a '09? I live in NYC so my car insurance is already astronomical. I drive a 97 Saturn right now and Im thinking of getting a Prius because of gas prices. Do you think my insurance will increase by a lot because of the difference in model and year? I know I could just get a quote but that's a process with my insurance company. Is it normal for a teen to pay insurance before owning a car? My boyfriend (since he got his license at 16 before he had his own car) has been paying $200 a month on insurance because his parents said he had to. My question is, did he have to pay insurance even when he didnt own a car?" How much will it cost to fix this bumper dent? hit a parked car when pulling out of a spot :( the other car was fine lol, but this is mine. trying to not involve insurance cause i dont want my rates going up. how much do you think this will cost to fix?" Car insurance for Chevy avalanche? ? When I turn 17 I really want to get a used Chevy Avalanche but wanted to know if the insurance will be expensive. Please help! Thanks :) I got rear ended and the guy who hit me is pressuring me - should i get insurance involved? The person in front of me was tail gating the person ahead of him so I was trying to keep distance and my brakes were on/off. The guy behind me crashed into me from behind. There was minor damage to my car - deep scratches that need a paint job and the left bumper that almost came off. He had a dent in his hood. He was very apologetic claiming it was his fault. He was willing to pay for all the damages and felt very bad about the situation. He said that if insurance gets involved, the higher our rates would go up but said it was all up to me in what I wanted to do. We exchanged information and was willing to fix my car as soon as possible. He called me and did his research in which we would get my car fixed. My back is hurting badly now and I'm going to get it checked now. He just called me up asking if he can meet up again to take pictures of my car. Thing is why would he want to take better pictures of my car? Don't you have to go show the people? I just got off the phone w. him and he said that I have minor damages compared to his dent in the hood. He believes that because I suddenly braked, he braked as well causing his hood to slide under my back.... He pretty much made it seem like what he did was very minor. I didn't meet up w. him b/c my parents drove another car to take me to the Dr. and got upset and was suspicious

and accused me of illegal fraud? I killed him back w. kindness and he was being nice saying he wanted to fix my car ASAP. He really scared me last night and I'm feeling pressure b/c he wants to fix it NOW. IS HE POSSIBLY TRYING TO TURN THIS THING AROUND NOW??" Car insurance question? My car got hit... the bumper is almost falling off. It is not my fault and the other person's insurance is covering it and they are sending me a check to cover the cost of it being fixed. Here's the thing... my car is a POS. I doubt it's even worth $1000. Do I have to get my car fixed with the money? Or can I use it how I want (such to help get a new car with)? I know the ethical thing to do would be to get it fixed, but it may actually be totaled (still drivable but the cost of getting it fixed may be more than it's worth). I was thinking about telling the insurance company, but I don't want to risk losing the $ to get it fixed... I've heard of other people getting in accidents, then getting the check and just not getting the car fixed. Anyone know?" get a quote car insurance uk get a quote car insurance uk

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