Hunger Games Costume Auction Catalog

Page 83

costume auction

161. FOX FACE ARENA COSTUME. Worn by Jaqueline Emerson as Fox Face, the female tribute from District 5, during the Hunger Games. She manages to evade the other tributes throughout the Games, but dies when she steals and eats the nightlock berries that Peeta is gathering. Hero costume includes an eggplant purple arena jacket, a pair of olive green cargo pants, a black web belt, and a pair of custom-made brown leather boots. See appendix for additional information. Starting at $400

160. DISTRICT 5 MALE ARENA COSTUME. Worn by Chris Mark as the male tribute from District 5 who dies on the first day of the games. Hero costume includes an eggplant purple arena jacket, a pair of olive green cargo pants, and a pair of custom-made brown leather boots. Starting at $300


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