September-October 1986

Page 7

Master of possibilities: John Huston. M M H n n

Substance separates film from movies!'


I'm not knocking 'movies.' We all need entertainment. But to really reach people, make a statement of lasting substance, you have to have a theme of substance. 'The Treasure of the Sierra Madre' has not abided all these years simply because it was an adventure movie. It focused on a bigger issue—the possibilities of life. I always look for substance in everxjthing. I choose the Gold MasterCard* because it widens my possibilities with universal acceptance and recognizes my needs and success with a substantial credit line. The Cold MasterCard gives me definite advantages in directing my biggest film of all... my life. Which at times, quite frankly, can run like a movie.

Master The Possibilities • 9

C 1986 MasterCard International Inc.

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