Self Defense Tips | Pepper Spray | Women Safety

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Ensure Self Safety By Following These Tips

Women Safety is the biggest thing to be concerned about in India. Female in India are not safe at all. How can we forget the Nirabhya Case. There is not a single day when we don’t listen these kind of news from TV news channels. India who is seen as Women are always respected in the Society and girls are also worshipped. Even then there are some people who dis-respect them. I don’t know what kind of souls they are, but yes now women have to take action against them and for self defense. Only then this can be controlled. Here are some basics for self safety : 1. Be Aware : Always be aware what’s going on around you so that you can react quickly if the conditions are unfavorable. 2. Add Numbers on Speed dial or SOS / Use smart Apps : If you have a smart phone then always use smart apps for that tracks your place. Otherwise add numbers on speed dial or SOS services for emergencies.

3. Use Self Defense Products: In markets or on online stores a wide range of self defense products are available like pepper spray, Ninja Kubaton self defense key chain & more. You should keep at least one of these products in your bag while going outside. So that you can protect yourself. 4. Body Language : Never show others like you are nervous. Body language is the most important thing. Walk confidently so that one will think twice before attacking. 5. Fight – Fighting is the better option in some situations. Use whatever you can to defend yourself. In this case you can use your self defense products. Fight with them, learn some points where you can hit to make them almost unconscious.

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